Power Lifting competition info



  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Bumping, because I'm considering doing a comp next year. Do you have to do all of the lifts or can you pick? My squats suck some royal derriere right now, whereas I'm pretty proud of my bench and believe that I will progress well.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Bumping, because I'm considering doing a comp next year. Do you have to do all of the lifts or can you pick? My squats suck some royal derriere right now, whereas I'm pretty proud of my bench and believe that I will progress well.
    depends on the meet. most will have a bench only or a push/pull which is bench/deadlift if you don't want to squat.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Stay at 198. You'll be stronger. April 12 is pretty soon to get ready for a meet, you need to get on a program that will let you peak out your lifts and be able to take a rest week prior to the meet. Depending on your lifting routine now, it maybe really hard to get a max performance that fast, but if it's your 1st meet, don't worry about it. Go and lift and learn.

    Apr 12 is out now due to kid commitments so I am looking for another meet. My first meet I just want to learn how to show up and do clean lifts. I may try to find someone to tag on with to show me the ropes. If I like it, I'll set a schedule for one of the meets so I peak at the right time. My long term goal is to own the Ohio over 50 masters in 2 years. 365/280/495 in 2 years would be peachy.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I just entered New England Revolution (RPS) for March 30th. I'm at 191, so I'll be in the 198 lb 40-44yo Masters AM Raw Classic division. Ideally, my first meet would have come after my upcoming cut, so I'd easily(? lol) be in the 181 lb division. But, there's no way I'm going to try to cut 10 lbs in 2 weeks. I suppose I could, but no - not happening.

    I didn't know if I was going to be able to afford it, so that's why I entered so late. As such, I'm looking at modifying my lifting a little for the next week or so. I'm following a variation of the 5/3/1 BBB routine. I just got done with the 5s week, and was supposed to start back today. I'm planning on dropping the OHP for the rest of the cycle and hit the gym like so: Squat, Bench, Deadlift, rest, rest, Squat, Bench, Deadlift for the rest of the cycle. That way, I'll finish up the 3s and 1s week next Sunday, giving me a week rest. I'll probably go to the gym Tuesday or Wednesday and do a brief deload-type day, including all three lifts - just to keep things relatively fresh. Does this sound good?

    Also, what would you guys think would be a good plan for choosing my lifts? 3 that I know I can do, including the 3rd as maybe the max that I've done so far? Or maybe 2 that I know I can do, with the 3rd at my theoretical max - calculated via rep max? Or something else, entirely?

    Oh, and it's probably a good thing I've started incorporating paused bench, huh? :laugh: I'll definitely have to stick to that for the rest of my training before the meet.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ^^ Good idea not to try to cut. It's not worth it, especially for your first meet.

    Regarding your lifts, it really depends on how you feel at the time. Generally, you should be picking a weight you can easily get a triple on for your first attempt. So I would use your 3s week to pin that down. You select your next lift after you finish the prior one - so can adjust depending on how you feel - however, its good to have a weight in mind (or a range) for your other lifts. The range that you have in mind really depends on how your training has been going. You can find suggestions of formula's, but for me, it is hard to use that as my lifting can be pretty variable depending on the week so its not ideal imo. I like to use more of an 'auto-regulated' approach, especially as nerves and a different lifting environment can impact your performance.

    Sort of:

    Opener - a walk in the park weight
    Second - a struggle but I think do'able
    Third - go for it

    ^^those can be variable % of my 1RM, depending on how my warm ups go and how my training has been going. For example, at my first meet, I knew that there was no way that I was going to do my squat 1RM as I had cut into the meet and was leaner. It also felt odd to lift outside of a cage and facing a bunch of people. Deads were different in that I had not attempted a 1RM for a while and so I ended up going for a PR on that (plus with deads you do not have to worry so much re commands as you just pick it up - no depth to worry about and the only command is the down one).

    Also, check the rules and the records. Some federations allow you a 4th attempt (assuming 3 clean prior lifts) if you are going for a State record.

    From now, I would lift as you would at a meet. Learn the command and on your working sets, practice them, Wear the same gear as you would at the meet - belt, wraps etc. Do your bench paused. Video your lifts. Focus on depth for squats. Practice your walk outs (you can practice walk outs at >100% of your 1RM, you just don't actually squat).

    If you have someone you train with, get them to give you the commands. One thing that is easily forgotten - wait for the down/rack commands. People get anxious and rack the weight before they get a command and that is so frustrating as they have had a clean lift apart from that. If you miss a command, don't beat yourself up though - just move on. If you do miss a lift, you have the choice of doing the same weight or upping it - whether you stay at the same weight will depend on how you feel. I would recommend not upping if you miss your opener - getting a clean lift on the board should be your top priority imo.

    OK....I really need to do that thread I mentioned...
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Cool, thanks. I didn't realize that you chose your next lift as you go. For some reason, I thought you had to have all 3 listed. That's good to know.

    Funnily enough, RPS doesn't have a State Record section for Rhode Island. There's one for Connecticut, one for Vermont and New Hampshire combined, and one for New England. There's other states, too, but those are the only New England listings. Barring a collapse, I should get the squat record for my age/weight division. Bench and deadlift are out of the question. So I won't worry about it. I'll just have fun and put up some challenging numbers to try to shoot down next time.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    This thread is getting me motivated. Would it be cool to have an ETP meet where we all show up?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Will there be ice cream at this meet?