SilentDrapeRunners Log



  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    And this is exactly why I choose not to hire a coach or trainer. If I do I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be via the internet. No offense, but many claim to be professionals but many don't look at the whole picture with the client in mind. Unless this man is providing nutritional breakdown with macros and training specific to your goals and body, your personal interest and health is not of the upmost importance to him. Sorry, harsh reality.

    Of course you can be more lean if you choose, but at what sacrifice are you willing to make in order for appearance? Is being lean more important than being at a healthy mindset and bodyweight? Does being lean hold more value over working to be strong and build muscle?

    It comes down to are you doing this for health and life or does looking good for the summer hold more importance?

    Well I guess in his defense, he does provide very good, evidence-based information in his books and his online articles. And his supplement line is good too (a little expensive, but high quality). So I've trusted and agreed with a lot of what he's said until now.

    But I understand what you're saying completely, and I agree. I know he's far from my 'personal trainer', but he's the closest thing I've had to someone giving me advice on what to do. Before I met this wonderful group, he was the only person I could ask for advice. But I highly value what everyone on here says since you're all women and have personally made the changes I would like to make.

    I'm in this for the long haul, so it's not my ultimate goal to look magnificent this summer. I want to do what is necessary to reach my long-term goals without sidestepping to achieve short-term goals that will delay my progress and hurt my physical and mental well-being. I know I have a negative body image possibly extending into a body dysmorphia, so that's why I need to rely on others to tell me where I'm at and where I need to go in order to reach my goals. Because some of my relatives have osteoporosis (although it's likely due to extraneous factors (medications) possibly outside of genetics) and because I already have a skeletal disorder (scoliosis), I recognize the importance of getting stronger and building more muscle.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Question for all you lifting ladies: when you started lifting, how much were you bench pressing? (I just arbitrarily picked the bench press probably because it's my favorite but I could have picked squats, deadlifts, etc.). The reason I ask is because I'm bench pressing 40 lbs. right now and that seems really heavy to me! But then I see what all of you are lifting and I have to slink back into my weakling hole. Am I doomed to be a weakling forever? Should I just focus on making slow increases/progressions every week (which I am doing) or should I be pushing myself harder? Although I do think that if I were to push myself much harder I would be crossing over into injury territory. :frown:

    Also, another question I posted on my feed that I'll add here just so I can track my progress. For the next month or so I'm going to try and stay at maintenance since I've been gaining quite nicely (106 pounds now). Not exactly sure what my maintenance is, but I'm guessing it's around 2000 (currently at 2100, 230 g carbs, 70 g fat, 130 g protein). I added in some more cardio to see if I could keep my cals at 2100, but I've just continued to gain (but I suspect the gaining is due to water retention). So it's difficult to discern exactly how much of the weight gain is muscle, fat, and water.

    I will say that once I get to 110 lbs. I think I may have to cut. Due to practical, financial, and psychological issues, I can't see myself buying a whole new clothes wardrobe, and I think that's what would have to happen once I cross into the 110 lbs.+ realm. Argh, I wish I would have found this group earlier before I crossed over into size 0-2 territory.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Lifts are all going to be relative based on LBM and time spent lifting.
    But…to answer your question; my working weight for the following lifts are:
    Bench : 95 lbs
    Squat : 180 lbs
    Deadlift : 205 lbs
    OH : 72.5 lbs

    What program are you following? Is there a progressive load system already built in? Meaning…does it tell you when to add more weight? If not…you need a new program.
    For mine…I work in 3 sets of 5 reps. Once I can hit all sets/reps at a weight, I move up the next week. For certain lifts….like squats, I try to work in 4 sets of 5 before I progress.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Also…why cut at 110 lbs?? That seems like an awfully low body weight to cut at. Why not just maintain when you get to 110. Chances are…if you are putting on new muscle, your size 2's should still fit. I could fit into some size 2 pants back before I bulked when I was 125lbs.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    I'm doing Mike Matthews's ( Thinner, Leaner, Stronger program. For example, for chest I'll do 3 warm-up sets, then do 4 sets in the 4-6 rep range, then 7 sets in the 8-10 rep range. Every week for each exercise I move up in reps. Then once I hit the top of the rep range I'll move up in weight. I am progressing, but it seems really slow (maybe too slow).

    Good to know that my pants should still fit. Believe me, I don't want to cut anytime soon, but I also want my clothes to still fit. That's why I hope the bulking/maintenance cycle I'm doing now works, but I can't help but worry what will happen when I put on another 5 lbs. (I know it's dumb and probably doesn't make any sense, but I'm just being honest).
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Question for all you lifting ladies: when you started lifting, how much were you bench pressing? (I just arbitrarily picked the bench press probably because it's my favorite but I could have picked squats, deadlifts, etc.). The reason I ask is because I'm bench pressing 40 lbs. right now and that seems really heavy to me! But then I see what all of you are lifting and I have to slink back into my weakling hole. Am I doomed to be a weakling forever? Should I just focus on making slow increases/progressions every week (which I am doing) or should I be pushing myself harder? Although I do think that if I were to push myself much harder I would be crossing over into injury territory. :frown:

    Also, another question I posted on my feed that I'll add here just so I can track my progress. For the next month or so I'm going to try and stay at maintenance since I've been gaining quite nicely (106 pounds now). Not exactly sure what my maintenance is, but I'm guessing it's around 2000 (currently at 2100, 230 g carbs, 70 g fat, 130 g protein). I added in some more cardio to see if I could keep my cals at 2100, but I've just continued to gain (but I suspect the gaining is due to water retention). So it's difficult to discern exactly how much of the weight gain is muscle, fat, and water.

    I will say that once I get to 110 lbs. I think I may have to cut. Due to practical, financial, and psychological issues, I can't see myself buying a whole new clothes wardrobe, and I think that's what would have to happen once I cross into the 110 lbs.+ realm. Argh, I wish I would have found this group earlier before I crossed over into size 0-2 territory.

    When I started lifting I did just the bar. After 8 months of lifting (but before I started my new progran 3 weeks ago) I was benching 89 lbs 3x5. My new program has me doing higher reps, so I'm benching 65 3x8. I'm assuming you are using lower weights when working in the hypertrophy range of your program, right? And you are not doomed to be a weakling! Lifting heavy is all relative. What's heavy for me may be a warmup set for another girl. Keep progressing a little each week. As long as you are struggling to get that last rep in then you're doing it right. That's all that matters.

    Also wanted to add - don't be so quick to cut your calories or go into maintenance. I was cruising along gaining 0.5 lb per week, happy as a clam and then BOOM. This morning I'm DOWN 2 lbs. So in 7 weeks instead of gaining 3 pounds like I thought i've really only gained 1 lb. I'm so annoyed. But my point is you don't know how much of what you're gaining is water weight. Probably more than you think. I'm starting to realize that I need to go all out in order for this bulk to be succesful, otherwise I'm just wasting my time. Ultimately you do what works best for you, but just something to think about.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Question for all you lifting ladies: when you started lifting, how much were you bench pressing? (I just arbitrarily picked the bench press probably because it's my favorite but I could have picked squats, deadlifts, etc.). The reason I ask is because I'm bench pressing 40 lbs. right now and that seems really heavy to me! But then I see what all of you are lifting and I have to slink back into my weakling hole. Am I doomed to be a weakling forever? Should I just focus on making slow increases/progressions every week (which I am doing) or should I be pushing myself harder? Although I do think that if I were to push myself much harder I would be crossing over into injury territory. :frown:

    Also, another question I posted on my feed that I'll add here just so I can track my progress. For the next month or so I'm going to try and stay at maintenance since I've been gaining quite nicely (106 pounds now). Not exactly sure what my maintenance is, but I'm guessing it's around 2000 (currently at 2100, 230 g carbs, 70 g fat, 130 g protein). I added in some more cardio to see if I could keep my cals at 2100, but I've just continued to gain (but I suspect the gaining is due to water retention). So it's difficult to discern exactly how much of the weight gain is muscle, fat, and water.

    I will say that once I get to 110 lbs. I think I may have to cut. Due to practical, financial, and psychological issues, I can't see myself buying a whole new clothes wardrobe, and I think that's what would have to happen once I cross into the 110 lbs.+ realm. Argh, I wish I would have found this group earlier before I crossed over into size 0-2 territory.

    When I started lifting I did just the bar. After 8 months of lifting (but before I started my new progran 3 weeks ago) I was benching 89 lbs 3x5. My new program has me doing higher reps, so I'm benching 65 3x8. I'm assuming you are using lower weights when working in the hypertrophy range of your program, right? And you are not doomed to be a weakling! Lifting heavy is all relative. What's heavy for me may be a warmup set for another girl. Keep progressing a little each week. As long as you are struggling to get that last rep in then you're doing it right. That's all that matters.

    Also wanted to add - don't be so quick to cut your calories or go into maintenance. I was cruising along gaining 0.5 lb per week, happy as a clam and then BOOM. This morning I'm DOWN 2 lbs. So in 7 weeks instead of gaining 3 pounds like I thought i've really only gained 1 lb. I'm so annoyed. But my point is you don't know how much of what you're gaining is water weight. Probably more than you think. I'm starting to realize that I need to go all out in order for this bulk to be succesful, otherwise I'm just wasting my time. Ultimately you do what works best for you, but just something to think about.

    Hmmm, I've been lifting for about 8 months too (for the year prior to that I was doing strength training with dumbbells, etc.). When I started bench pressing I was doing 20 lbs. and now I'm at 40 lbs. 4x6. Yes, when I'm doing my 8-10 rep ranges, I BP 25-35 (depending if it's barbell or dumbbells). I don't count the weight of the barbell. But in any case, you're right, as long as I'm progressing each week that's what's important. And I've definitely noticed significant progress/strength since I started eating above 1900 calories.

    I decided I'm going to stay at 2100 for the time being (I was debating dropping down to 2000). Dropping my calories at this point seems like a step in the wrong direction, and I don't want to lose my gains/strength. And that's a good point about water weight, it can be a tricky thing to decipher. Personally, I tend to notice the scale goes up the day after I do cardio, so I attribute that to water. But it can be random at times, which is frustrating.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    First try not to compare to others bc it's about you vs you. Plus when you see most stats, they include the weight of the bar. Your lifting it, include it! That's why it may seem so skewed if you're comparing.

    Progress every week is key and IMO sometimes you do have to step out of your comfort zone and push fear aside.

    No other advice to add besides what's been stated. ????
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Sweet, my bar weighs 13.2 lbs (not that it really matters for my progression, but good to know). My boyfriend actually mentioned it a couple days ago when I was complaining that I was a weakling- he said 'shouldn't you include the weight of the bar?' He also did some bench presses at the weight I've been doing and said it actually seemed pretty heavy (but he doesn't workout or exercise at all). I joke that eventually I'm going to have bigger muscle than him. I think that worries him a little bit. But anyway, I'm not really comparing myself to others- I guess I'm just comparing my progression to others' progressions. But I know that can vary a lot too.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Sweet, my bar weighs 13.2 lbs (not that it really matters for my progression, but good to know). My boyfriend actually mentioned it a couple days ago when I was complaining that I was a weakling- he said 'shouldn't you include the weight of the bar?' He also did some bench presses at the weight I've been doing and said it actually seemed pretty heavy (but he doesn't workout or exercise at all). I joke that eventually I'm going to have bigger muscle than him. I think that worries him a little bit. But anyway, I'm not really comparing myself to others- I guess I'm just comparing my progression to others' progressions. But I know that can vary a lot too.

    The only time a bar weight shouldn't be included is on the smith machine bc it's pretty negligible. Well, nothing should really be done on the smith machine....

    Eh, ignore him. He will come around.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Sweet, my bar weighs 13.2 lbs (not that it really matters for my progression, but good to know). My boyfriend actually mentioned it a couple days ago when I was complaining that I was a weakling- he said 'shouldn't you include the weight of the bar?' He also did some bench presses at the weight I've been doing and said it actually seemed pretty heavy (but he doesn't workout or exercise at all). I joke that eventually I'm going to have bigger muscle than him. I think that worries him a little bit. But anyway, I'm not really comparing myself to others- I guess I'm just comparing my progression to others' progressions. But I know that can vary a lot too.

    The only time a bar weight shouldn't be included is on the smith machine bc it's pretty negligible. Well, nothing should really be done on the smith machine....

    Eh, ignore him. He will come around.

    Agreed. Always include the bar weight.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    So I started doing 3 cardio HIIT sessions last week. Prior to that, I was just doing 1 (sometimes maybe 2, but rarely). I figured that worst case scenario, I could just increase my calories or stop the cardio if I started losing. But actually I've just been gaining! And not just a little, a lot- in just this week I've gained 2 pounds. I'm not complaining, because ultimately gaining is good, but I wanted to just maintain for a little while. And I'm a control freak, so I'm really confused about what's happening. I've kept my calories the same- 2100. Could this really just be water weight? Should I continue doing 3 cardio sessions, more, less? Keep calories the same?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    So I started doing 3 cardio HIIT sessions last week. Prior to that, I was just doing 1 (sometimes maybe 2, but rarely). I figured that worst case scenario, I could just increase my calories or stop the cardio if I started losing. But actually I've just been gaining! And not just a little, a lot- in just this week I've gained 2 pounds. I'm not complaining, because ultimately gaining is good, but I wanted to just maintain for a little while. And I'm a control freak, so I'm really confused about what's happening. I've kept my calories the same- 2100. Could this really just be water weight? Should I continue doing 3 cardio sessions, more, less? Keep calories the same?

    Teehee, I was going to reply to your message but I'll just do it here instead. Weight can fluctuate up to like 6 pounds in a day I've heard. So if you've gained 2 pounds this week already, don't try to sweat it yet. (I need to take my own advice!) The main thing I think you need to focus on is not changing so much at once. If you're going to stick with 2100 calories then stick with it for a month and see what happens. Don't try something for a week and then change your plan because you suddently have gained 2 lbs. If after a month you're still gaining too much too fast at 2100 then think about lowering your calories, or increasing your HIIT sessions. You need to give your body time to react to any change you make and let it even out.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    So I've been at around 1950 calories for the past couple weeks now. I think it's my maintenance, but can't say for sure yet. One thing I have noticed though, is an extreme drop in strength/energy. This week especially I was really struggling to get through my workouts (although my legs day was yesterday, which is my most difficult, and it went fairly well yesterday, so I can't explain that one). But my other workouts were downright embarrassing. I was struggling to just lift what I lifted last week- so definitely did not progress in weight or reps, which I had been doing quite nicely during bulking (at 2100 calories). Is it common to see a drop in strength after decreasing calories just a bit (2100 to 1950)?? I didn't think I would see my strength drop this much after just a 150 decrease in calories. Although lack of energy could be due to other things too- stress and allergies have been somewhat worse.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Woke up on sat. with neck pain (the usual pain I sometimes get but hasn't happened in quite some time). Last time I lifted was on thurs. (legs day), and the workout went really well. But I didn't stretch afterwards (which I've recently started doing), so that may have contributed to the neck pain. I'm also achy in general. Lately (past few months) I've been recovering really well, but this past week I've just been achy. Picked up the barbell to do bench presses today, and then promptly decided to just let my neck heal completely. So I guess I'll be out of commission for the next few days :( I guess I'll just do stretching and some yoga-type stuff.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I personally did not notice any loss in strength. But…I did maintenance for 2 weeks and then slowly dropped my cals 100 per week until I was losing. I'm still eating 2200 a day and cutting, so maybe that's why.

    I did notice that my everyday energy was less. On a surplus, I'd finish a wo and then go home with bounds of energy for everyday stuff. Now, I notice that I am more tired in the afternoons (I wo in the morning). So, I'm sure my total NEAT has gown down.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Started lifting again yesterday (after a 4 day hiatus). Yesterday went ok, but lifted today and my neck hurts again. My muscles are achy in general and my strength seems to have decreased. Not sure exactly what the deal is. Wondering if I should see a chiropractor or physical therapist. I have scoliosis btw, so my typical (but usually infrequent) pains are in my upper back & sometimes my neck.

    Pretty sure I've determined my maintenance to be 1950 calories. Going to increase to 2100 on sunday to commence bulking again.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    A positive update- reached 108 lbs today, so I took pics to update my progress. I think I can see subtle, positive changes, and being that there's only about a month and a half between the pics, I'm pleased. I also lifted today and my neck is pretty much back to normal and I think my strength is returning. I think I know what was causing my decreased strength in april. My work schedule really varies (in april I was working and moving around more vs. in march I was just sitting and studying for a big certification examination I have in July). It's not like I work excruciatingly long hours (just 8-4 usually), but that compared to just sitting and reading the whole day can have a significant effect on my energy and strength levels, I suppose. Especially now that I'm really pushing myself to lift heavier and heavier. In any case, time will tell because for the next 2 months I'll just be studying exclusively (insane I know). My weightlifting sessions are very welcome study breaks. As opposed to when I'm working 8-4 and I come home exhausted, and I have to lift and usually do some studying in the evening if I didn't have time to during the workday.

  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    Ugh, so I had been gaining pretty well for the month of May, but today I weighed in at 107 lbs :( Not really sure why either, other than normal fluctuations. Last week I ate out more than usual, so if anything I was thinking my weight would keep going up. In any case, I'm increasing to 2200.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I just saw your pics, but I wanted to drop in and say that I see a huge difference between your March and April pics! Your biceps and shoulders look amazing in the April ones! :flowerforyou: