How are the cuts going?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Ooooh love PDC! We usually go down to Akumal but are thinking of PDC next summer. Have a great time!!

    Jo...possible engagement up ahead? Pre- congrats! ;)

    Well, I finally dropped a pound...on maintenence. My body is such a troll!

    LOL yeah- bodies are weird.

    Biggest challenge we face with this is US. We aren't patient!
    relax- keep on with your maintenance plan. You had a good reason to go there- so go for it and see what happens- you can always sneak in a little deficit every 4-6 weeks and just coax it down!

    Thank you- it's very pre-pre- but it's something we are talking about- I'll honestly be thrilled/terrified. We only see each other 2 times a week so getting to see him regularly and go to bed every night with a nice warm cuddle buddy makes me happy- but yeah- living with someone- scares the begesus out of me.

    We'll see- I'll definitely be all up here doing a stupid "new bride thread" I'm sure at some point (yeah no- that's not happening LMAO)
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I gotta be honest, reading about how everyone is having a hard time cutting is a little intimidating. Add that to the fact that I don't want to stop eating tonz of food and I'm just downright scared to start cutting! Plus, this will be the first time I will be trying to lose weight while counting calories, and it just sounds hard! Pooh. I'm up for the challenge, however, because I'm a determined little bugger so I'll be joining this thread in 2 weeks when my bulk is over.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I gotta be honest, reading about how everyone is having a hard time cutting is a little intimidating. Add that to the fact that I don't want to stop eating tonz of food and I'm just downright scared to start cutting! Plus, this will be the first time I will be trying to lose weight while counting calories, and it just sounds hard! Pooh. I'm up for the challenge, however, because I'm a determined little bugger so I'll be joining this thread in 2 weeks when my bulk is over.

    like I said- it is only hard because it takes time.

    you can do it!!!!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I gotta be honest, reading about how everyone is having a hard time cutting is a little intimidating. Add that to the fact that I don't want to stop eating tonz of food and I'm just downright scared to start cutting! Plus, this will be the first time I will be trying to lose weight while counting calories, and it just sounds hard! Pooh. I'm up for the challenge, however, because I'm a determined little bugger so I'll be joining this thread in 2 weeks when my bulk is over.

    like I said- it is only hard because it takes time.

    you can do it!!!!

    Oh there's no question I'll own cutting. I will rip it apart and eat it for dinner! I'm just not looking forward to it. :bigsmile:
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I'm done with my cut. No…I'm not as lean as I was thinking/hoping I'd be, but I no longer care. Right now, I want to be more focused on my strength continuing to go up. I'm sun 20% body fat, I think I'm right around 19% and that's fine for me.
    I'll take the rest of the summer and do a reccomp at maintenance and see where I am come fall and most likely bulk again.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    In with Sarah as I decided this weekend to end my cut. I'm pretty lean, been leaner, but IDGAF about abs or sacrificing size in certain areas. I'm 135lbs which is only a 3lb loss but I know my BF based on my cuts is around 17%, so I can say my bulk was pretty controlled as far as appreciable gains. Despite PR'ing in all my lifts during my cut, I'm more tired and starting to have issues recovering. My PR's definitely give me hope as to what my body can do with more fuel and energy. Started to reverse up to maintenance slowly today and will be back up to 2300-2500 in no time. Just going to continue to lift heavy, eat heavy and just live.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Edit- so I thought I was replying to a new post- now I"m not sure... and I think I need more coffee.

    Man I feel like everyone just started cutting and are done now- LOL but I know some of you started what a month ago?
    Transitioning off a bulk is hard!!! makes cutting seem like so much extra work!!!

    Good luck ladies!!!

    Listen listen- that's the best answer for all of this- listen your body will tell you what you need!

    I'm going to cutting at 1500. :( maybe even lower. sigh.

    So glad it's not just me. Eating at maintainance this week (1960) then I'll go for 1700 till it slows, then 1500. Already feeling it - 50 cals over today (and I haven't logged my snicker ????)

    I had heard length of time in deficit can be just as bad as having a large deficit so I'm hoping I can drop faster than I normally do.
    It's a relief seeing someone who knows what they're doing going a bit on the lower side, I won't feel like as much of an amateur.

    Any tips on preserving what I might have gained, muscle wise, or is it just a case of keeping protein up, lifting and hoping for the best?

    listen listen listen.

    I did 1500- dropped to 1400 and was a little unhappy- I was fine with JUST work and lifting- but not fine with all of the dance stuff (Eating back included) I was okay at 1500- really just fine- I wasn't AMAZING- but I was perfectly functional and wasn't losing any mobility/balance or comprehension. 1400 was too much.

    Plan was to bump up closer to maintenance due to said power lifting meet- but they are doing the one end of July- so right now I"m sitting at 1700/1600- slight deficit since I Have room to breath with it AND keep lifting hard with high volume.

    I'm down to 167 (Average) so 1600-1700 is a small enough deficit for the time being and will be better long run.

    sometimes it is just better to dump the calories- going for a small cut long term can be torture- and yes- long term cutting can really depress the metabolism.

    I'd personally rather do 3 months of a little more aggressive cutting than 6 months of moderate cutting.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and listen to your body. If you feel like you are suffering- up the calories. Usually you can tell- you are more careless- lifts don't feel strong- you have a harder time focusing. Definitely keep up the protein- no need to hope for the best- it works- cutting and bulking works- trust the numbers- trust yourself. You'll make it happen. You just have to dedicate yourself and commit to it. Same with a bulk. :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Jo-Sarah and I started cutting in March after a maintence period. I know for me (and Sarah) I cut higher than many, around 2000-2100, hence why it was slow but worthwhile for me. The last 2-3 wks have been the hardest but I have loads of other stressors going on in my life that converged at the same time.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Same, after maintenance break, cut started March 1st. Feeling so much better back in maintenance, lifts shooting up again. Yahooo!
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    Jo-Sarah and I started cutting in March after a maintence period. I know for me (and Sarah) I cut higher than many, around 2000-2100, hence why it was slow but worthwhile for me. The last 2-3 wks have been the hardest but I have loads of other stressors going on in my life that converged at the same time.

    Yep, Holly is right. I started a cut in March after a few weeks at maintenance. My cut cals were around 2100. And…I also didn't see any strength loss, but I did see a plateauing in my big lifts and, also like Holly mentioned, I wasn't recovering like I should. I'm going to take more measurements and I think I may be between 18-19%. I was hoping to hit 17%, but…honestly, that 1% isn't as important to me as my lifts progressing. I didn't mind cutting much…and if I didn't care about my strength increasing, I could have continued easily for a while longer.
    I'm hoping by the end of August, I'll have recomped a bit and added some new PRs to my lifts :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    no worries- I was behind on the cutting- so it just feels like we all just started LOL_ perception is everything!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Holy crap. I'm so freaking sore!! Started BBB 5/3/1 yesterday and completed day 2 this morning. I haven't been this sore in almost a year. Ouch!

    On another note, re comping is awesome. I feel fabulous and my lifts are solid! I'm riding this out until August and then coming back for bulk 2!
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I started maintenance today. We'll see how it goes. Also taking a week off from any form of exercise. My baby is really sick and I'm starting to feel a little something coming on, so I'm going to rest and hopefully fight it off. I was kind of bummed stopping my bulk a week early. But I gotta take care of my family and myself and bulking has to go by the wayside. Also looked at my calendar and realized I haven't taken a break from working out in 11 months. So I'm not feeling so bad about choosing to sit out this week now. After 2 weeks at maintenance I'll start trying to figure out what I need to eat in order to lose weight. This will be interesting. Wish me luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you'll do great. Going to kick some cutting *kitten* =D

    11 months is awesme!!!

    And taking a week or two off from training is a great thing,

    I almost took all of this week off- but my brain can't do it LOL

    You and you're family are important- take care of them both!!!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Hi ladies. Glad all the cuts are going well - mine is sucking *kitten* :(

    I've cut down to to 1500 for the past couple of weeks and still just hovering up and down between 156 and 154. On the bright side, no loss of strength - got a PR on OHP last night :). Think the plan might be to bump back up to 1700 and just accept that it'll be slooowwww recomp (or drastically cut and stay off the message boards incase I get my *kitten* handed to me) before I can bulk again. Unfortunately, everything I read about not bulking at too high a bf% appears to be true.

    Hope your wee one's okay, freckles - enjoy your week off :)
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member

    For the record I bulked from 123lb to 132lb over winter, I guess I gained 2-3lb of muscle. I've been slowly cutting since February and I'm now sitting comfortably on 128lb, my cardio fitness is pretty slow compared to 123lb but that was after a summer of training.

    Bug, too much partying and stress has hit me hard these last couple of weeks, and I'm having to push back my triathlon goals this summer as I'm just doing myself in.

    Food is really steady, I'm very happy with my 18/20 % bf results. There's little binging going on, because my cut was about 1/3lb a week and I never got to feeling deprived I guess.

    I'll come back happier when I can get my 21min 5k that I did at 123lb at now 128lb. I beat last years 10k but I think I just tried harder, I don't think I'm necessarily a stronger runner.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I've been sucking at cutting for months, but have somehow refound my motivation to see whats hiding under the rolls. I'm only just now under my post-bulk weight... :blushing:
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm back down to my end of 2013 summer weight. My bulk was tiny though. I had it in my head to drop a few more lbs, but honestly, I am struggling with fatigue, recovery, etc., even after my vacation (though I came back totally refreshed). So, I'm upping my M-Th calories to 1900 (from 1700, which is the cut amount). On Fridays and Saturdays I, ahem, tend to eat all the food after drinking all the drinks, so while I'd love to eat at maintenance during the week, unless I severely restrict my social calendar, that'll end up putting on weight.

    If my weekday recovery/fatigue doesn't pick up though, I'm going to have to change my weekend habits. This waking up feeling like I've been run over by a train in my sleep bs is for the birds. :grumble:
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I'm starting my cut today. I gained 8 pounds during my 15 week bulk, so let the cutting begin!! I'm already down like 2 pounds after eating at maintenance for 1 week. Planning on eating around 1950 and hoping I can lose at that amount. Actually the timing worked out great - both my baby and I have been sick, so I've been walking around like a zombie with no sleep and no appetite. Honestly I haven't even been hitting my maintenance numbers, so going into this cut should be an easy transition. At least, that's the theory I've come up with in my head. :tongue:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    nice!!! glad to see a transition on maintenance.

    I'm still hovering around the high 160's. I hopped on the work scale yesterday- said 163- I got really excited- but me thinks it's a liar since this AM my scale said 168. :( I think it's stuck.

    I need to check how long I've been bouncing between 166-168- might be time to cinch down the diet more. :/ which would suck- I already feel hungry a lot- so annoying.