How are the cuts going?



  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    only just found this thread - thank you ladies for letting me leach off of your experiences (and expertise)!

    about a month into my cut and feeling a bit ambivalent about it.... i think there is some definition coming thru, but i'm paranoid about losing the muscle i worked to put on. scale isn't moving much, which i'm happy about because i'm trying to go it slow. similarly, it just seems like i'm losing water/glycogen - benchmark BF tests don't show me what I'm hoping to see.
    i'm also doing HIIT and cardio, after having not done it for so long, and i'm afraid i won't be able to keep pushing heavy.

    so, i plan to stalk, learn, and hopefully be proud and happy with the mirror at the end of the summer.
    *and also, you know.... Human Flag.

  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    So I've been cutting for almost two weeks and am down another pound, so around 3 lbs total. I know a lot of this is water weight. Just wondering how much. Just going to keep eating the same for now and doing my thang!
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Just looked over my journal today - I'm almost 7 weeks into my cut & I've barely lost anything. Started at around 120-121, now fluctuating between 116-119. I don't even eat up to 1600 calories (my maintenance was a bit over 1800) most days, so I'm really wondering what's up. Any advice?
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I feel your pain, jade. I'm 3.5 months in and only 4 lb down - cutting sucks. Oh, and I'm so F'ing weak now :(
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    I feel your pain, jade. I'm 3.5 months in and only 4 lb down - cutting sucks. Oh, and I'm so F'ing weak now :(

    boo!! i can't imagine cutting that long!!! i'm stopping at 12 weeks, no matter what. if i'm not near my goal then, i'll just go to maintenance for a while instead of doing another bulk. :\
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Glad to see this thread updated! I've had a pretty rough month since I last posted, I'm not gonna lie. We had a tragedy and family death and now my kids are sick again, so I haven't been sleeping, eating or working out very well. There were a couple days where I couldn't care less about counting calories. I didn't eat like crazy but I didn't worry about it either. But on the days I have logged I've been able to hit goal. I took a week off from working out and lagged on a couple of sessions - but I'm trying.

    And hey! Now that I'm actually looking at my numbers, I've managed to lose 2 pounds in 4 weeks! Holy crap! That's right on pace for losing 1/2 pound per week. So I've lost 5 pounds since starting my cut. That's like the best news I've gotten in awhile and I didn't even realize it until now. *pats self on back*
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Just looked over my journal today - I'm almost 7 weeks into my cut & I've barely lost anything. Started at around 120-121, now fluctuating between 116-119. I don't even eat up to 1600 calories (my maintenance was a bit over 1800) most days, so I'm really wondering what's up. Any advice?

    Sounds like you've lost 4-5 pounds in 7 weeks. That's perfect! So I don't see the problem? Did you want to do a more aggressive cut?
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I feel your pain, jade. I'm 3.5 months in and only 4 lb down - cutting sucks. Oh, and I'm so F'ing weak now :(

    OMG I'm super weak too. The week off and missing a workout here and there is NOT helping.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Glad to see this thread updated! I've had a pretty rough month since I last posted, I'm not gonna lie. We had a tragedy and family death and now my kids are sick again, so I haven't been sleeping, eating or working out very well. There were a couple days where I couldn't care less about counting calories. I didn't eat like crazy but I didn't worry about it either. But on the days I have logged I've been able to hit goal. I took a week off from working out and lagged on a couple of sessions - but I'm trying.

    And hey! Now that I'm actually looking at my numbers, I've managed to lose 2 pounds in 4 weeks! Holy crap! That's right on pace for losing 1/2 pound per week. So I've lost 5 pounds since starting my cut. That's like the best news I've gotten in awhile and I didn't even realize it until now. *pats self on back*

    Hey, good for you!!! Sorry to hear about the bad stuff, though. :( Awesome that you managed to make headway despite all of those obstacles.
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    Just looked over my journal today - I'm almost 7 weeks into my cut & I've barely lost anything. Started at around 120-121, now fluctuating between 116-119. I don't even eat up to 1600 calories (my maintenance was a bit over 1800) most days, so I'm really wondering what's up. Any advice?

    Sounds like you've lost 4-5 pounds in 7 weeks. That's perfect! So I don't see the problem? Did you want to do a more aggressive cut?

    Well, it's just that I keep losing the same 4 pounds, gaining them back & having to lose them again! It's frustrating - I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I'm wondering if I need to cut calories even more to get consistent loss. :\

    I also missed a week of workouts because I was out of state on vacation, hiking in goblin valley & arches national parks, so I was a little shaky getting back into the squat rack yesterday, haha.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Just looked over my journal today - I'm almost 7 weeks into my cut & I've barely lost anything. Started at around 120-121, now fluctuating between 116-119. I don't even eat up to 1600 calories (my maintenance was a bit over 1800) most days, so I'm really wondering what's up. Any advice?

    Sounds like you've lost 4-5 pounds in 7 weeks. That's perfect! So I don't see the problem? Did you want to do a more aggressive cut?

    Well, it's just that I keep losing the same 4 pounds, gaining them back & having to lose them again! It's frustrating - I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I'm wondering if I need to cut calories even more to get consistent loss. :\

    I also missed a week of workouts because I was out of state on vacation, hiking in goblin valley & arches national parks, so I was a little shaky getting back into the squat rack yesterday, haha.

    If you're losing and regaining 4 pounds in the span of 7 weeks, it's all water weight. If I were you, I'd keep my numbers the same as you're still having a new low weight and downward trend, right?
  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member
    If you're losing and regaining 4 pounds in the span of 7 weeks, it's all water weight. If I were you, I'd keep my numbers the same as you're still having a new low weight and downward trend, right?

    sigh… that's what I was afraid of! I think you're right, & yeah, the numbers are generally lower than where I started, but not by more than 2-3 lbs.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa. I can't wait for bulking season to begin again. Teehee. It's awwwwwfully quiet around here!

    But anyways, my cut is continuing to progess well. I'm down to 138.6 so that's 6.2 lbs since beginning my cut.

    I'm really pleased with the results so far. Since I focused on bulking my lower half, the only way I can really tell that something worked is that I still have my *kitten*. YAY!

    Also, I'm 1.7 lbs away from my lowest weight before I started bulking, and no one has said anything about my weight loss. That is a good thing because that last time I lost weight and was skinny fat, I got comments about looking sickly and blah blah blah all the time. So something worked.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    woot woot- good job you!!!
    Also, I'm 1.7 lbs away from my lowest weight before I started bulking, and no one has said anything about my weight loss. That is a good thing because that last time I lost weight and was skinny fat, I got comments about looking sickly and blah blah blah all the time. So something worked.

    that's good- the not looking sickly and skinny fat (although shame on them for that). Progress!!! WOOHOO

    I can't wait for bulking season too- although I'm going to have to wait longer to get to mine- trying to get lower so I don't have so much work to do at the a** end.

    I'm officially back to my starting weight actually- I didn't realize it till you posted and I was thinking about it- I need to take some pictures!!!

    Started cutting in April- so April- May June- July
    4 months of non-committal work (purposeful)- I'd say that isn't to shabby- no significant strength loss-
    185 bench
    225 squat (probably could have hit 235- but meh to late so sad- I did a bad job adding plates- was supposed to be 2 five pounders- not 2 ten pounders) oh well. Failed 245 twice- fairly spectacularly. sigh oh well.

    Didn't dead lift- hoping to do that on Wednesday- I ran out of time (Monday is lift then dance)

    so ultimately no gains- and no loss over the last two months. Call it a frustrating draw.

    But- August my goal is to get under 160- so we are talking 4-6 pounds- I think it's reasonable.
    I realized this week- after I have acquired a new dance costume- that costs north of 3hundredmumblemumble dollars- that I really am not interested in dropping down a size to where I can't fit into my costumes. I would love to be 145 (I think I'd look sick at that weight with my build)
    but... I also think at 145 I do not think I could pull of my costumes- I think 150/155 might be as low as i can go- I'm going to try to focus this year on getting down to the low 150s- which- puts me at 0.5 pounds a week smack into holiday season. Sucks. Oh well. we'll see how it goes-I have nothing to prove- and technically there is no rush- just trying to be better than I was yesterday.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Tipped at 160.5 this morning!!!

    I suspect I won't maintain that because of the fact I haven't lifted since Wednesday and I'm back at it tonight- but we'll see how it goes!!! So pumped I'll get under 160 this month!!!

  • jadebuilding
    jadebuilding Posts: 90 Member

    haha! congrats! :D awesome work.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Nice one, Jo!

    Feeling great too - I got a 150.8 this morning, followed by a small victory dance =D

    2 lb to go before I compare pre and post bulk measurements - then cut on down to 140 or sub 24% bf, whichever comes first, then do it all again :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Nice one, Jo!

    Feeling great too - I got a 150.8 this morning, followed by a small victory dance =D

    2 lb to go before I compare pre and post bulk measurements - then cut on down to 140 or sub 24% bf, whichever comes first, then do it all again :smile:

    Good reminder to do pre and post bulk!!! I forgot- I'm totally PMSing today- and probably tomorrow- and Thursday- not sure that's a good time to take pictures. :(

    Congrats-on getting down there!! It's been a good feeling to go all the way up- and then come all the way back down. I'm still not quiet as small as I was last year- but I think it's ACTUALLY because I'm bigger- but another 5 pounds or so will give me a better idea of if I am as small- I picked up a pair of pants I haven't worn since last summer and they fit- not well- but they fit- so good step- all my bulk sized clothes are too big. Figure another 5 pounds puts me back where I want size wise.

    anyway- sounds like you and I are in the same boat- just kind of plugging along to keep going down- werd- call us the grinder sisters or something LOL- steady as she goes.