What excercise did you do today?

Hi everybody, just was wondering what excercise you guys did today and how long?


  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    ive been doing the elliptical cycle for the past few days for 20 minutes average. ive added ab crunches today. and plan to add 30 minutes of walking by the weekend.
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Anybody still interested in posting exercise here for the day. I can post everyday, to keep myself accountable!
    Today after reaching home from work I intend on doing 500 skip ropes and sun salutation for 10 mins. Will post here when done!
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    I did high intensity aerobics today for 45 minutes... Fitnessblender... Will go for walk in the evening....:smile:
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    as per plan I did skip ropes but only 300. My calves gave up after that.
    Today I will Jillian Michaels 6 wk 6 pack abs level 1 and 500 skip ropes plus the sun salutations. :))
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    i only found time to do 10 sun salutations today! :( nothing more!

    how do you manage to work out in the evening? im sooo dead after work!
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    So I know how I had planned to do jillian's workout but I ended up dancing like a freak for 15-20 mins and then stretching with sun salutations. hehe. well its only 11 am yet. I might do Jillian's later today.
    chained_rose: I find it hard too to workout after work but sometimes I know i'm just being lazy. try to push through. :))
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Final update for the day. I did JM 6 wk 6 pack abs level 1. Though I did only half of it. {it was tough, okay?}
    Well, I consider the day accomplished. :))
    How was you girls' day today?
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    I did fitnessblender barre workout for 40 min.... Killed me... Never knew there were so many muscles in my legs and thighs... But finished it... Evenng went for a walk for an hour... Doing photography..
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    I'm sore in my calves from the mania-dancing yesterday. Can't decide what workout to do today. Not abs, coz I did them yesterday. And definitely not skip ropes, coz legs will become noodles then. Any suggestions?
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    I did fitnessblender barre workout for 40 min.... Killed me... Never knew there were so many muscles in my legs and thighs... But finished it... Evenng went for a walk for an hour... Doing photography..
    That is such a good workout! I can't imagine doing 40 min long workout in one go for now. You go girl!
  • xplosion80
    xplosion80 Posts: 51 Member
    40 mins Treadmill Interval 3.5 to 6 miles 3% to 6% inclination.
    5 mins if elliptical.
    3 mins of Planks.
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    Surya Namaskars, Elliptical Cycle & some basic strength exercises with light weights...

    im working towards building up my flexibility & stamina to do the 30 Day Shred program.
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    Thanks happilyrubina......:blushing: ... But today i was waddling in the house like a duck!! Everybody including me at home had a good laugh....

    Xplosion80!! Three minutes plank... Wow... With a break or continuously.....
    Chained rose when are you planning to start 30 ds.. Do let me know... Am a little afraid whether i can do it... Lack of stamina...
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    So I did no workout yesterday! But plan on dancing again plus Jillian's 30 DS level 1 today. Let's see how it goes. Have a good day girls. :)
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    8 Surya Namaskars (though i really have to work on my form!)
    20 minutes elliptical cycle
    23 minutes of fitness blender cardio (http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Bodyweight-Cardio-Workout-Interval-Cardio-Training/gn/) which just killed me! i was huffing and puffing! just couldnt pull thru the entire 30 seconds on some of the exercises! but i shall keep doing it!
    and closed with an arm workout http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Tank-Top-Arms-Workout-Arms-Chest-Back-and-Shoulders/bg/

    @Naruto4ever after my workout with the fitness blender cardio, i cant even think of the 30 DS for a month or two! really need to build up stamina! maybe we can plan for it as a monthly challenge in june or such? i am sooooooo out of shape i could feel my jelly thighs shake and tremble during the jumping jacks! i plan to stick to this routine for a month or so; except for alternating between arms, legs and abs for toning...
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    No excercise..... Blissful sunday... Enjoying the evening with a cup of coffee watching the snow out of my window....
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    Same as yesterday except i did the FB videos before the elliptical cycle and that helped!!! didnt huff & puff as much! :)
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    I had a 12 hour work shift yesterday and 18 hour long today. Can't blame myself for not working out. That'd be self victimization. :/
    But you girls are rocking it. Keep on!
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    I had a 12 hour work shift yesterday and 18 hour long today. Can't blame myself for not working out. That'd be self victimization. :/
    But you girls are rocking it. Keep on!
    18 hours!!!! Hope u get adequate rest before u get started with excercising....
  • Naruto4ever
    Naruto4ever Posts: 112
    My excercise today 5 mile walk.....