Team NAVY!!!



  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    I had a pretty good day. I ran a mile in 10:05. Fastest I have ever ran one.

    You are doing really well!! Keep it up!
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    Hello fellow teammates - don't forget weigh in today!! Remember we are all in this together!
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks stephnerR, And those are some great goals, did my weight yesterday, I am now 214 pounds : ) slow but steady wins the race. Here is my goals for the up coming week:

    Drink lots of water
    Be a supportive member of the group
    Work out more (Cause I missed work out days that I really shouldn't have this last week)
    Keep moving forward.

    If you can dream it, you can do it.
    Walt Disney
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    My goal for the week. NO night snacking!!! That's really hard for me.
    Sunday I will be having cupcakes and some Easter candy but I will walk on treadmill and do my strength training.
    Have a salad everyday for lunch or with supper.
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I had a pretty good day. I ran a mile in 10:05. Fastest I have ever ran one.

    You are doing really well!! Keep it up!
    Thank you. :-). I have had a pretty rough week. Grandma and mom both in hospital. Mom had surgery. So been super busy and snacking on things I shouldnt. Also j am puppy sitting a 6 week old husky. He is a handful.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Ouch I am sorry to hear that discoverdamb, I will prey that they get better.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Wow, vacation has already broken my stride! Its harder to remember to log on when I am having so much family fun! Cause for the first time in more the a couple of years we are all off the same week, so we are spending as much of it together as possible. So how has the week been going for all of ya'll so far?
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Mine has been a little better. Hope it gets even better. Have fun on your vacation. I wont get one until August and I can not wait.
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    Hmmm - well, I hosted Easter (I love to cook and bake). I did alright on Sunday, ditto Monday because we had lots of leftovers. Along comes Tuesday and we went to Red Robin to celebrate my 29th birthday. :laugh: I had to have a burger. I only ate half and it was still almost 500 calories. :ohwell: I did run on Monday so that helped. I haven't started doing the Blogilites yet - I'm not sure why. I watched a few videos and they look good. I just need to get motivated! As of this morning I'm up .2 lbs from last Friday. I'm drinking lots and lots of water today. :smile:
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I only have 2 workouts left of stage 3 of NROLFW. I also just got the zombies run app. So I will be starting mission 1 today. Good luck everyone on the weigh in tomorrow
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    I only have 2 workouts left of stage 3 of NROLFW. I also just got the zombies run app. So I will be starting mission 1 today. Good luck everyone on the weigh in tomorrow

    You will have to let us know how the zombies run app works for you. I just looked it up on the internet. I'm trying to finagle my sons to run with me - this may be my ace in the hole. :smile:
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    Wow, vacation has already broken my stride! Its harder to remember to log on when I am having so much family fun! Cause for the first time in more the a couple of years we are all off the same week, so we are spending as much of it together as possible. So how has the week been going for all of ya'll so far?

    I hope you are having a great week! We will help you get back in stride - no worries - you will be fine. I am not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. This has not been a good week for me. Too many meetings, not enough me time. :smile:
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    I only have 2 workouts left of stage 3 of NROLFW. I also just got the zombies run app. So I will be starting mission 1 today. Good luck everyone on the weigh in tomorrow

    You will have to let us know how the zombies run app works for you. I just looked it up on the internet. I'm trying to finagle my sons to run with me - this may be my ace in the hole. :smile:
    I definitely will. I think it will be really fun. At least from all the reviews I have read
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    sorry guys, had a bad week plus TOM just started gained 1 pound. :cry:
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks for all the support, and I hope the Zombie App works for you guys, makes me wish I had a smart phone. Any way today is Friday! I lost another 1 lbs :happy: . I am glad of that, cause honestly I thought I would surly gain wight due to my poor eating habits this week. How is the zombie app suppose to work? dose it like simulate the sounds of zombies that you have to run from or something? and dose anyone know of any good running apps that aren't zombie related? my grandmother has developed diabetes:frown: and her doc told her she needs to lose wight and a lot of it(The wight lose will help her diabetes as well as her back, she also has bulging discs), and she dose have a smart phone, so I am trying to think of some good beginner things that she can do to help her get started.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    PS: Food suggestions would be great as well, nether of us really know a good deal about the diet of a diabetic.

    how is every one else doing and coping with life?
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    I only have three apps, but the mapmyrun (or mapmyfitness) app is pretty good (and it's free). It will map the route you take - you don't have to run. :smile: You can have it tell you when you make it 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, etc. It's motivating for me. It will also tell you the amount of time it took you to go the 1/4 mile, etc. If she starts walking, she can track her distance, work up to longer distances or a faster pace.

    Anything to get motivated. I had a rough week. Luckily, I still lost a pound. I felt too tired to exercise some nights when I got home - it doesn't help our weather is still stinky here. I'm pretty good at coming up with excuses. :smile:
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Okay group. sorry for the long absences, I have had a whole bunch of stuff going on in my life and a accidentally let my food intake and logging and this group drop. Well I don't intend to any more, hopefully no matter how ruff or busy this month gets it wont happen again, cause this moth is the h**l month for me, due to work court doctors and everything else on my plate include doing research to try and figure out what collage I want to go to, if I go traditional I have to study for a AST which I am leaning towards because people are less like to toss out an application with a traditional collage on there, but I have to give up full time work and I can't afford that. So I am looking into online collage, but it seems as though the common complaint is that even if it is just as good and in a very few cases better then a traditional collage the degree get ignored cause you earned it online, but I could still get financial aid and student loans and I wouldn't have to give up full time work. I am undecided as of yet, mostly because in today's growing number of online students and advances in tech to were people are doing more and more online these online degrees and collages cant be ignored forever!!!

    I am back!! hopefully for good!
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Second day back, and so far so good. Feeling good about my food choices, gunna get back to my workouts tomorrow. How is everyone else doing?
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    How is every one doing?