Team NAVY!!!



  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Been sick all weekend. So trying to get back in the swing of things. Hope all is well with everyone else.
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    Had a bad day Sunday but that's ok , I learned that is my day, I have been walking everyday on my treadmill and I am seeing a change in my body,:blushing: I have been eating really good all week( not Sundays:sad: ) but I think that is helping me eat good for the rest of the week.:bigsmile:
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    I too have had a rough couple of days (almost a week). :smile: I didn't log my food Sat, Sun or Mon. I'm up about a pound which isn't bad considering. I need a motivation attitude adjustment. I seem to be tired - tired of everything. It has nothing to do with weight loss. It's me and it happens from time to time. I know I need to dump the excuses, but sometimes I look under every and all rocks for excuses.
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    Okay group. sorry for the long absences, I have had a whole bunch of stuff going on in my life and a accidentally let my food intake and logging and this group drop. Well I don't intend to any more, hopefully no matter how ruff or busy this month gets it wont happen again, cause this moth is the h**l month for me, due to work court doctors and everything else on my plate include doing research to try and figure out what collage I want to go to, if I go traditional I have to study for a AST which I am leaning towards because people are less like to toss out an application with a traditional collage on there, but I have to give up full time work and I can't afford that. So I am looking into online collage, but it seems as though the common complaint is that even if it is just as good and in a very few cases better then a traditional collage the degree get ignored cause you earned it online, but I could still get financial aid and student loans and I wouldn't have to give up full time work. I am undecided as of yet, mostly because in today's growing number of online students and advances in tech to were people are doing more and more online these online degrees and collages cant be ignored forever!!!

    I am back!! hopefully for good!

    I work for a Fortune 500 company. An online degree is just fine here. I know quite a few people who have online degrees - especially masters degrees.
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    I had a pretty good day. I ran a mile in 10:05. Fastest I have ever ran one.

    You are doing really well!! Keep it up!
    Thank you. :-). I have had a pretty rough week. Grandma and mom both in hospital. Mom had surgery. So been super busy and snacking on things I shouldnt. Also j am puppy sitting a 6 week old husky. He is a handful.

    How is your running going? I made it a mile last night and had to walk a bit. It was really windy and cold (my ears were screaming). My pace was 10.48. That's good for me.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Sounds like everyone is having a pretty ruff week of it. Well that happens from time to time, but we can't let get us down or stop our progress. 38laura40 congrats on all your progress and hard work, its fun and amazing to see and feel the progress of all your hard work. And for those of you like me struggling to log your food struggling to remember to work out just remember this, even if you fall flat on your face, your still moving forward said by victor kiam.

    Any way its that time of the week again, time for weight in, i have ended up losing another pound of water weight, and hopefully like all the other pounds it stays gone. How is everyone else doing?
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    I'm up .2 from last week. When I logged in this morning I realized I didn't log in at all yesterday. Sounds impossible to not realize I didn't log in yesterday but it's true. I typically have the same breakfast every morning and usually enter it when I get to work. I guess I forgot yesterday. I had a busy day at work and didn't get home until after 7. I was so tired I fell asleep outside on our patio (couch). Our team at work went out to a Chinese buffet for lunch yesterday. I was trying to figure out how to log it and then I forgot. So today, I have a 1 day streak going!!
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    That's okay stephnerR its okay to have a break day every now and then, and your doing better then me so far, I have been forgetting to log a lot lately, I think it might have something to do with the fact that all my meals or the same except for my dinners, I am gonna try adding a little more variety in and see if that helps.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Ughh gain two pounds instead of losing weight this week : ( Oh well it has been a crazy week, hopefully I will do better this week.

    How have all of you done?
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    I've tried "smoothies" the past two days. The nutrition is great, but the taste - that needs work. Yesterday I made one with a banana, non-sweetened almond milk, peanut butter, plain Greek yogurt and spinach. Today I switched out the banana for mixed frozen fruit and I did not add the peanut butter. I have been told to add fruit juice, but I'm trying to find a healthy (good tasting) smoothie. I will take any suggestions.:smile:
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    my smoothie this morning was~ 4 strawberries, coconut water, light & fit vanilla yogurt 1/2 cup and 5 grams of chia seeds.
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    mmm, that sounds tasty!!
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    Wow - I just looked up the health benefits of chia seeds - I will have to start adding them to my diet. No flavor but lots of benefits - protein, omega 3, fights belly fat (yep, that's what the article said), strong teeth and bones, etc. I'm in!
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Sorry guys for being so absent. Been having a rough couple weeks. I was up 2.1 lbs this week. so sorry for that. I have kind of lost my motivation. SO I am trying to get it back. I have started exercising more and I am re cleaning up my diet. No more shall my day consist of 50 % sweets and junk.
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry guys for being so absent. Been having a rough couple weeks. I was up 2.1 lbs this week. so sorry for that. I have kind of lost my motivation. SO I am trying to get it back. I have started exercising more and I am re cleaning up my diet. No more shall my day consist of 50 % sweets and junk.

    I had the same issue. It started about two weeks ago. I finally got going again last Thursday. I wasn't exercising and started wanting really bad food EVERY day. It helps me to have MFP friends who have similar challenges - we are in this together. :smile:

    What kept you motivated when you lost the first 60 lbs?

    Part of my problem is I'm so heavy I can't run as long/far as I would like. Even though I started C25K i early March, I still haven't conquered a 5K. I know my age and weight aren't helping but it really gets discouraging. I need to remind myself just getting out and walking/running is more exercise than I would be getting on the couch reading a book!
  • discoveredamber
    discoveredamber Posts: 379 Member
    Sorry guys for being so absent. Been having a rough couple weeks. I was up 2.1 lbs this week. so sorry for that. I have kind of lost my motivation. SO I am trying to get it back. I have started exercising more and I am re cleaning up my diet. No more shall my day consist of 50 % sweets and junk.

    I had the same issue. It started about two weeks ago. I finally got going again last Thursday. I wasn't exercising and started wanting really bad food EVERY day. It helps me to have MFP friends who have similar challenges - we are in this together. :smile:

    What kept you motivated when you lost the first 60 lbs?

    Part of my problem is I'm so heavy I can't run as long/far as I would like. Even though I started C25K i early March, I still haven't conquered a 5K. I know my age and weight aren't helping but it really gets discouraging. I need to remind myself just getting out and walking/running is more exercise than I would be getting on the couch reading a book!
    When I first started losing the weight made me motivated. As I went along I started adding in treats here and there and I still lost. So my mindset changed back to I can eat whatever I want. I have the same problem with running. I have been doing more arc trainer workouts to compensate. And since I am highly motivated right now. I can bust them out. Thank you for being here for me
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    This morning I began adding chia to my morning berry shakes!

    For whatever reason, I think these shakes are really helping me lose weight this week (3ish lbs). They actually seem to be giving me extra energy too (at least in the morning).
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    This morning I began adding chia to my morning berry shakes!

    For whatever reason, I think these shakes are really helping me lose weight this week (3ish lbs). They actually seem to be giving me extra energy too (at least in the morning).

    Great job on the loss,:smile:
    I use chia seeds all the time, you can also add them to your salad.on top of ice cream or yogurt.:heart:
    I lost 2lbs this week.:blushing:
  • JERubin1
    JERubin1 Posts: 72 Member
    Cool, never heard of chia before, can i buy it at wall mart and dose it help with wight lose, Also I am sorry for another absence, I have been having trouble with the internet this past week, keeps going out on me. And I know the cable bill was late but we paid it! anyway I will keep ya'll updated if it goes out again. the cable bill is also the internet bill. Thanks for all of ya'lls support.
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    Cool, never heard of chia before, can i buy it at wall mart and dose it help with wight lose, Also I am sorry for another absence, I have been having trouble with the internet this past week, keeps going out on me. And I know the cable bill was late but we paid it! anyway I will keep ya'll updated if it goes out again. the cable bill is also the internet bill. Thanks for all of ya'lls support.
    I buy my chia seeds at trader joes,