May Chat



  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good luck with listing your mom's house, Marian!
    My 93 year old mom took the plunge last year; she knew she wouldn't be able to face another Wisconsin winter alone..

    As for being a sloth..there's at least one other here and that would be ME.
    It's a beautiful day though, so I got myself outside and worked in the yard until it got too hot.

    Side note: I was just looking at some other threads on this site, and I've decided that being over 60 is a good thing..
    we don't seem the to feel the need to be snarky or snippy to people like those "younger folks" do.

    Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I've got a question:

    Has anyone looked at the "Fast Metabolism Diet" plan??

    I downloaded the book on my ipad because I was curious about it (goodness knows, my metabolism is dead in the water; has always been so). :laugh:

    To be honest I haven't done a deep, line-by-line study of the book.

    But after skimming it and agreeing, disagreeing with some of her theories ("stress" lowers your metabolism? in which case I should be running like a racehorse, because I'm retired!).... and the outline of her diet plan, as well as reading some posts on the Facebook group... I reject the whole thing.

    Basically, it's a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. I agree with avoiding foods with artificial sweeteners...but.. I think that a healthy diet
    includes a variety of real food..

    Here's a link providing a quick over-view of the plan. (wish I'd found this before I paid for the darn e-book!)

    Has anyone tried this? Investigated?? Please tell me what you think (and it won't bother me if you disagree with my own opinion that it's just another fad plan for quick weight loss that would be difficult to live with permanently)

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome to Monday! I'm quite happy with myself this morning to be honest :blushing: I've been awake for about 3 hours (i'm not a morning person), and have already walked more than two miles and potted a couple of plants. Feels a bit odd to be sweaty and dirty this early ....

    Cris, I peeked at the link, and ummm... it looks like one of those diets that wouldn't be sustainable for me personally. No dairy, no caffeine, no sugar or artificial sweetener (to name a few). My treats are yogurt, one diet pepsi a day (used to be 4) and skinny cow ice cream - and don't even THINK about denying me my coffee in the morning :explode:

    For the short term it might work, I guess, but I prefer the MFP philosophy of no evil food, and portions with a calorie deficit concept :flowerforyou:

    My 95 y/o mom went from home to assisted living the last day of April, into the hospital after 4 days, then into the nursing home section of the facility :brokenheart: I've booked a flight to go visit for a week in early June
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    No more fad diets or gimmicks for me either. Slow and steady wins the race (I hope so!) I'm all for staying away from processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, etc. but at my age I am NOT going to give up caffeine. Tried it and the withdrawal headaches are not worth it. Don't need more than 2 cups every morning but that is my incentive to start the day.
    Cris, take note of the successful members weight loss in this group. It's so impressive.
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Ker, What a busy morning, kudos to you. Hope your Mom is doing well. Enjoy your visit with her, you're a very upbeat person, that will cheer her up.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    No more fad diets or gimmicks for me either. Slow and steady wins the race (I hope so!) I'm all for staying away from processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, etc. but at my age I am NOT going to give up caffeine. Tried it and the withdrawal headaches are not worth it. Don't need more than 2 cups every morning but that is my incentive to start the day.
    Cris, take note of the successful members weight loss in this group. It's so impressive.
    it looks like one of those diets that wouldn't be sustainable for me personally.

    Thanks, I totally agree. It didn't take me more then 30 seconds to realize (after reading the NO NO food list) that this is just another fad. For one thing, the first week's "menu" seems to be based on fruit smoothies. Hello. I have type2 diabetes, Duh.

    Ker: I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she will gain strength and be able to move back into the "lower maintenance" side of the facility. Stay strong! :heart:

    I am down another pound which brings me to within half a pound of the lowest weight I posted on my chart (which was awhile ago). I'm not sure what was up with that low number that day, as I haven't been back there for awhile. But I've left it there as something to shoot for. Maybe I was not awake that day when I weighed myself.. oh well. Onward and downward. woohoo.

    Enjoy the day, everyone!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Hi Everyone: I am back to report outstanding success. We just sold my MIL's house! :drinker: Over asking price and with no conditions. I still cannot believe it! Listed it Monday, agents' open house on Tuesday and 2 offers presented tonight at 6pm. She did the deal herself and we were at home on the phone. The lawyers just have to review the deal (which is standard).

    Ker ... Sorry to hear about your Mum and hopefully she is more stable now and looking forward to your upcoming visit. Congrats on your recent 'shopping' trip for smaller clothes, how wonderful!

    53 welshL ... Sorry to hear your OH has some health issues but very wise to take care of yourself as being the primary care giver can be very draining, I know this from first hand experience. You both need and deserve your 'me' time

    Jen.. Welcome, looking forward to getting to know you better!

    Cris. .. Congrats on getting your wt back down, is your Mum now settled happily in her new residence, did she adjust well?

    Sorry, no boat stories from me tonight, but my DH sails small 1 & 2 person sail boats and our best friends ( who unfortunately live a 3.5 hour drive away) have a 28 ft sailboat that they practically live on all summer. They love it!

    Kind of tired now as though it has been a successful evening, it has been a somewhat of a stressful one. Yippee, no open house this Saturday now! Cheers to you all, Marian
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    CONGRATS MARIAN!!! that is excellent news - just one more area where your hard work and dedication paid off :flowerforyou:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    What great news for you, one thing less to worry about. That was a quick sale. Where is this house located, sounds like prime real estate. I think a bottle of wine is in order for celebration.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Congrats Marion and very well done....

    Sorry to report I have been unable to concentrate on eating sensibly the past few days........ so I have not got on the scales...I fly off tomorrow early morning to Pasta, Gelato and wine.......... Art and Culture and beautiful scenery....hoping for good weather so I can walk walk walk ......... so looking forward to it.....:drinker:

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hey Marian; congratulations on the house sale!!! That's one more hurdle behind you!!!

    Re: my mom (thanks for asking).. yes. She is happy with her little apartment. She has a tiny kitchenette with a microwave and a coffeemaker, and a tiny fridge. So she can have snacks and often has breakfast on her own. The place is brand new so everything is lovely, the furniture she brought fits well and she's quite content. She has settled into a routine (regularly goes to the gym for exercises) and is making new friends.

    So. We're all relieved.

    Yesterday was my birthday and we went out for dinner... I was "kind of" careful but I did split a piece of cheesecake with my hubby. I'm back on track, I hope and maybe by this time next week I'll be down another pound. PLEASE! I'm SO ready to be below that certain line on the scale...

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Birthday Crisbtrue!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Happy Birthday, Crisbtrue! If we had know, we would have baked you a no-calorie cake. Hmmm, wouldn't that be wonderful?
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Delayed happy Birthday Cris, nope, I'm not much of a baker (Charlie will bring the cake) I will bring the wine! Many,many more :love:
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Delayed happy Birthday Cris, nope, I'm not much of a baker (Charlie will bring the cake) I will bring the wine! Many,many more :love:

    Thanks, everybody!!! =D I appreciate it. :heart:

    Funny how when you get to a certain age, you don't stress about it anymore; you're just glad to have another
    day above ground.

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    It is me back to try again. Being in Florida for 6 months was very difficult due to the social activities....always busy and much revolves around food. I did not gain weight mainly I think because I exercise so much Walk and do Leslie Samson's power walk 5 times a week and 2 times on top of that do water aerobics for 1 hour and another day do linedancing for 1 hour so that kept me ok re: weight but now I need to start tracking and still do some exercising. We are back in Canada and busy of course with Dr. Dentist Eye etc. appointments and organizing our time to go to the cottage and cooking for my old daughter and granddaughter waiting for a visit from my young daughter and twin 4 year still busy BUT MUST GET ON TRACK.

    Nice to see familiar people posting and lots of new people welcome.......wish me luck. Thanks and have a great day.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Nice to meet you, ireallyneedit!

    I am excited today, but not about weight loss. My son, and his family, found a new house and it will be about 1/2 the distance of the 20 miles they are from me now. They wanted to get where they would want to stay before my oldest granddaughter starts school in a year. Here, as everywhere, is the time to sell, so they won't have a problem selling their current home. They lucked out because houses are going so fast here that most are sold before you can even get to see them. It is funny, when we transferred to Ohio, we chose our house because it was next door to the school and 4 doors from the pool, and right backing up to a park and playgrounds. My son and dil chose their new house for exactly the same reasons - very close to school and pool. Plus they have a bike and walking trail, too, and are only a few miles from the zoo (which is a huge thing for us). Isn't it funny as we get older, our excitement comes from the good things that happen for our kids more than if they happened to us!
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everyone and Hello!!! I am Jo and the proud new Grandmother of daughter had a son 6 months ago, and my daughter-in-law had twins (a boy and a girl) this past Friday. It's been a rush (my son, daughter-in-law and the twins are staying with me) I've gained and lost the same 50 pounds a dozen times and want to be rid of it once and for all!!! It's really hard sometimes because my husband is a chef (a very good one) and we have been celebrating a lot! :) I re-started here again yesterday and found this group. I hope you all have a great day!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Good morning everyone and Hello!!! I am Jo and the proud new Grandmother of daughter had a son 6 months ago, and my daughter-in-law had twins (a boy and a girl) this past Friday. It's been a rush (my son, daughter-in-law and the twins are staying with me) I've gained and lost the same 50 pounds a dozen times and want to be rid of it once and for all!!! It's really hard sometimes because my husband is a chef (a very good one) and we have been celebrating a lot! :) I re-started here again yesterday and found this group. I hope you all have a great day!

    WOW - congrats on the twin grandchildren!!! So exciting! And congrats on finding your way here - happy to have you in the group, Jo :flowerforyou:
  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Hey Jo I have twin boy and girl..they just get more fun by the year they are 4 now...congratulations and enjoy.