Week 1



  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    Congrats on a great week!! This was my first week as well. I, too, am running or walking on my treadmill each day--5 K. I'm also using a life track to insure I get to 10,000 steps daily. Hard work but I am determined to do it. I have chosen to weigh in every 2 wks. so as not to get discouraged. Keep up the good work and thanks for the motivation. Good luck all!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i found out i have plantar fascitis this week and got a little derailed. imma have to research it to see how I should approach my 5k goals
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    OK, so I know we are past week 1 and I haven't been keeping up with logging. But, I just ran the Leatherneck 5K this morning!!! It's only the 2nd one I've ever done....and I shaved almost a minute off!!! And I ran past the turn around (1/2 way point) without stopping!!! Hey for anyone who knows me this is an accomplishment, I haven't run this much sine I left the NAVY over 10 years ago!!! LOL!!! I am finding I actually enjoy the running..... Who'd have thought?!?!?

    Ok, I'm done now, thanks for letting me get that out. :blushing:
  • Whatfriendsr4
    Whatfriendsr4 Posts: 4 Member
    I enjoy running cross country and so I have started running about 4-6 miles in the morning and using an elliptical for around a hour to go another 6 miles in the evening. I will probably take Sundays off to rest and recover. I hope to be ready for the cross country season in the fall.