What Are Your Long Term & Short Term Weight Loss Goals?

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
What are your long term and short term weight loss goals?
Have you made any?
If so, what tools do you think will help you in making your goals?
What are possible setbacks?


  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Long term lose 150-165 lbs. It depends on where I feel good at.
    Short term. Do as well as I can without losing my milk supply.
    Tools. MFP (of course) my stroller and probably P90X
    Possible setback. First time I started, I quit because of deaths in the family and pregnancy. Second time I quit was because an inlaw was making fun of my workouts. Once she was out of the picture, I was pregnant again. Setbacks I forsee this time would be if my milk supply drops. I'm also an emotional eater so I have to be careful to control that.
  • mrsgosch
    mrsgosch Posts: 55 Member
    My long term goal is 15-20 lbs. I'd like to lose at least 5 in the next month. I decided i need to eat better and exercise every day and thats where i need the most help and encouragement. I feel like i cant lose this weight or get my stomach back so i give up after a week of no progress.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Good luck! Just take it one day at a time. I think logging and reading the various posts on MFP is a great motivator. I feel so much more in control when I log.
  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    I would like to lose 25 lbs in the next 90 days, 60 by the end of the year. I would ultimately like to lose 75 by this time next year.

    My biggest challenge will be finding time to work out. Well, not finding the time so much as convincing myself to use extra time to work out. Summer is approaching quickly and I HATE working out in the California heat, so I think what will work best for me is dragging myself out of bed in the mornings before it gets too hot for my workouts. And doing fun things, like riding bikes, or going for hikes, so they don't seem like workouts. I used to ride my bike to work, and I would like to start doing that again.

    Another challenge will be preparing healthy foods. Working full time makes that difficult, but if I manage my time, it should be ok. Wanting to feed my son healthy meals is a great motivator as well.
  • naj609
    naj609 Posts: 18 Member
    Long term= 100 lbs

    Short term = 30 lbs for this challenge

    I think 24 is more realistic, so I'll be thrilled with that!
  • jcs1164
    jcs1164 Posts: 13 Member
    I am committed to loose 30lbs, I am serious and need all the encouragement I can get.
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    For the time being, my goals are; to stay active every day, improve my eating habits, log in to MFP every day, stay positive, and be here to support. and encourage all of you. Let's make this the best group we can !!!!
  • stechan07
    stechan07 Posts: 7 Member
    My short term goals are to feel strong and healthy and hit 40mph on my road bike.
    I am climbing Mt. St. Helen's in September and want to be strong enough to do it well.

    Longer term goal: Goal weight of 145. I could go lower, once I meet that goal, but I was strong and fit at 145.
  • jorda13456
    jorda13456 Posts: 62 Member
    Long term: 40 lbs

    Short term = 20 lbs for this challenge

    I don't have any setbacks and I'm aiming to continue working out every day I've been working out since April 23rd and that included changing my diet and eating healthier.
  • anastasia1807
    anastasia1807 Posts: 5 Member
    Short-term goal is 10-12 lbs for this challenge. I am afraid to think about the long-term goal. 20 lbs would be nice but I will set this as my goal once I reach my short-term goal.
  • HisForever1231
    My short term goal is to check in every day with MFP. My 90 day goal is to lose 30 lbs, and my long term goal is to get my booty down to 160lbs. I want to eat better, and instill a healthy lifestyle not only with myself, but with my children too. I need to realize LITTLE DEBBIE IS NOT MY FRIEND.......(even though she has never let me down) Bye Debbie, I'll miss you :( But it's for the best!
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    Long term 100 lbs loss, short term, in the next ninety days I would kill to lose fifty or more,...ultimately its about getting my life back and being healthy for my kids, husband , and myself.
  • AsiasMommy
    AsiasMommy Posts: 64 Member
    Long term to lose 75 pounds total
    Short term to lose 20 in the next 3 months
    One challenge i see is munching while i study because I'm nursing school i also get easily discouraged and like to come on here for motivation
  • sdinst
    sdinst Posts: 4 Member
    My goal is to weigh 145 for my daughter's wedding in September. I currently weigh 155.5 lbs. (5/13/14) and my starting weight was 157 lbs. (5/11/14). I am excited about Spring coming, as we had a very cold and hard winter. What better time to start a new life style than in Spring.
  • aidenandabelsmommy
    aidenandabelsmommy Posts: 3 Member
    Long term Goal: loose at least 15 to 20 pounds , get lean and stay that way
    short term goal: i want to stop drinking COKE COLA AND MORE WATER!
  • Robinmacmillan
    Robinmacmillan Posts: 11 Member
    I want to lose 30 pounds in this 90 day trek, but I think that may be a little aggressive for my age. I would be happy with 20.

    So, short term my goal is to lose 3 pounds in 1 week, 5 pounds in two weeks, and 10 pounds in one month.

    My two goals are 1) no more wine with dinner! and 2) exercise 5 x per week at 30 minutes per.

    I hope focusing on these two things will make a difference.
  • Jlmjaatvedt
    Jlmjaatvedt Posts: 14 Member
    Longterm Goal is 100-150lbs. Shortterm is 2lbs a week... I started my own lifestyle change a month ago on my own and just found this app. I am pleased to have an aid to keep track of what I am eating and know my limits.. I have lost 10 lbs before starting app then have lost 3 more pounds since signing up. :)
  • SkylerDriveMommy
    I have a cousin's wedding on June 14th and will be seeing relatives that haven't seen me in a LONG time--when I was much smaller. I would like to lose 10 pounds by then.

    Once I return from the wedding, I will set a goal for the remainder of this challenge.

    My long-term goal is to lose 73.4 pounds.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Short term: get anywhere in the whole world below 200 lbs (even if it's just barely).
    Long term: after I hit that, maintain for the rest of the year and then see where I am---if I want to lose any more weight or if I'm happy there.

    OVERALL GOAL: to break the yo-yo cycle.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Long term = 40 pounds
    Short term = 20 pounds

    I log daily on MFP and I don't think I would have got this far without it. I love the success stories and read lots of posts for ideas. Possible setbacks would be overeating high calorie foods such as raw cashew nuts and peanut butter. I've pretty much cut out sugar so chocolates, biscuits and sweets are no longer a temptation.

    I don't want to yo-yo anymore.