What Are Your Long Term & Short Term Weight Loss Goals?



  • smsavoy
    smsavoy Posts: 103 Member
    My long term weight loss goal is to reach 145-130lb, to be in the healthy BMI. Short term I would like to lose weight to get my sugar and cholesterol levels down, so I won’t have to take any medication.

    Short and long term, I would love to be able to walk without being out of breath and being able to cross something off my bucket list.

    I had a heart rate monitor, which allowed me to keep track of my true calories burned during a workout. I need to find it because, I found I lost more weight with counting calories with the heart rate monitor then with using the generic numbers in MFP or any other counting system.

    My only set back I see right now is myself, well actually my knee. I am scheduled to have knee surgery on June 5 to repair a torn meniscus. This is my third time getting my meniscus repaired in my left knee. Praying and hoping this is the last time. The doctors said I need to build up the muscles in my leg to take some pressure off of the knee. So I have been working on strengthening my leg. I also believe if I lose weight, I wouldn’t be having all of these issues. I am 5’2 and weight over 200 pounds, which is not good for my body.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    Long term weight loss goal is to reach 66kg (145lbs).
    Mid term weight loss goal is 73kg (161lbs)
    Short term weight loss goal is to reach 90kg (198lbs)

    I'm pre-diabetic, so keeping my carbs below 130g/day is essential for me to lose weight. Even when I stick to 1200 calories, if I consume more than 150g of carbs consistently, I gain weight.

    The good thing is that I know this to be true for me, so I easily see where I'm going wrong. I lose weight fairly steadily with 1200 calories if I keep my carbs below 130g.
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I'd love to lose at least 10lbs by mid June, we are going on vacation AND I'll be seeing my exhusband so there is ALOT of motivation to do so. Ultimately, I'd love to lose 70 pounds all together. I had lost 30 pounds last year and then over the last 7 months I gained almost all of it back. So mad at myself. I had a boyfriend and he was a huge wonderful distraction so I got sidetracked. BUT i'm back and super motivated.
  • jenmello1
    jenmello1 Posts: 2 Member
    My long term goal is to get to about 128, a weight loss of 40 pounds. I would like to run a 10k by my son's birthday in mid-August.
  • ljones01
    ljones01 Posts: 13 Member
    My long term goal is to lose 52 lbs.
    Short term - I would love to lose 22 lbs. in the next 90 days.
    My biggest challenge is working out alone.
    I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    My short term goal is to lose 25 pounds by July 10! It's gonna be some work but I know I got this! My long term goal is to lose 120 pounds. I know I got big goals but I have to do this. I know I can just need to stay focused!
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    My long term goal is to lose 70 lbs. 140-150 is a healthy weight for my age/size, and I think I could maintain that. Short term (i.e. 90 day) goal would be to lose 12 - 15 lbs. I'm hoping that all my landscaping projects help burn some calories this summer. I'm also taking walks more frequently - did a brisk, hour-long walk with my hubby last night. I always feel great after walking/exercising - I just have a hard time getting motivated! I'm hoping that by making a few friendly connections, I'll be more likely to continue using MFP. :)
  • PJB1980
    PJB1980 Posts: 4
    Long term goal: Be a healthy weight and get health issues under control and to keep using my fitness pal to keep on track. Lose 154 lbs (lots to lose)

    Short term goal: Well I would like to lose 20 to 25 pounds in these 90 days.

    The Biggest Challenge:
    I have a lot I can get done outside, I really don't like exercise and just ain't got the motivation to get started. So I am going to get my husband to start walking a mile with me at least 4 times a week then go from there.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    What are your long term and short term weight loss goals?
    Short term, lose 3 lbs. Long term, size 7.

    If so, what tools do you think will help you in making your goals?
    MFP challenges, meal planning, tea, keeping it simple and focus on making these things habits.

    What are possible setbacks?
    Late afternoon and late evening snacking. I hope to use tea to calm down the urge to snack - I'm still having something, but it has no calories.

    Not logging, or only logging 2/3 of the day. So I plan to prelog.

    Skipping workouts. So I prelog the workouts too. I enjoy workouts, but this one can make you sore and I can find all kinds of excuses when my muscles are sore.
  • shaziee500
    shaziee500 Posts: 1
    I want to loose 15lbs in 90 days, I ve been following sw and maintaining cause been over indulging on syns, so going to log my food daily to help with the discipline of sticking to plan
  • atjaden78
    atjaden78 Posts: 2
    My goal is to lose another 50#. I did WW last year and lost 40# but got off track since Thanksgiving and have gained back 10#. I was just thinking this morning about how long it takes to lose 40 and how fast the 10 comes back on. Booo!!! I've been trying to get to the gym each morning to get at least 30 minutes of cardio in. Some days I will go pick up a class like Zumba or Turbo Kick after work. Just did a bootcamp class on Saturday that was horrendous...I'll definitely be going back!
  • Tigerorchid03
    Tigerorchid03 Posts: 5 Member
    Long term weight loss goal is 135 final weight. That's over 50 lbs from my current weight. I am 21 weeks pregnant, so my short term goal is to maintain my current weight for the remainder of my pregnancy (already approved by my physician). I was very sedentary prior to pregnancy. I am utilizing moderate walking for an hour/ 6 days week, and hopefully better diet to maintain.
  • brminor
    brminor Posts: 46 Member
    Short term goal is to weigh 160lbs. Long term goal is to commit to a healthy lifestyle, maintain goal weight and exercise regularly even when not trying to lose.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Long Term Weight Goal: Down 47 lbs. total from today
    Short Term Goal: A) 20 lbs down in 90 days
    B) Run (well, really jog) a mile in 15 minutes
    C) Workout consistently 5 days a week
    D) Lose at least 3 inches from my waist
    E) Try a new recipe twice a month

    I plan to reach these mini goals by eating healthy meals & snacks, exercising frequently with at least 15 minutes of high intensity, running 3 days per week, and dedicating two days a month to new recipes.

    The only challenge I could face that would stop me from reaching these goals are me, and I don't plan on getting in my way. Therefore, I have no challenges. Looking forward to knocking these out the park!
  • marilync1266
    marilync1266 Posts: 67 Member
    My short term goals are: Lose the 10 lbs I've recently gained
    My long term goals are: To lose 35 lbs
    To do this I need to: Log my food/exercise everyday, stay within my calorie limits, Eat a clean diet - more whole foods, Exercise 5 days a week, plan my meals and find alternatives to eating when I'm stressed or bored
  • sdinst
    sdinst Posts: 4 Member
    My long term goal is to keep myself at a healthy weight once I lose my weight. I have lost the same 20 lbs. over and over again. Continue to eat healthy and to use the tools, such a "myfitnesspal".
    My short term goal is to lose 14 - 17 lbs. by September as our daughter is getting married. I am more motivated when I have something special to lose the weight for.
    My main obstacle will be doing more exercise as I get closer to goal. The closer I get to goal the harder it is to get the weight off.

    The weather is getting warmer here in Montana so will make exercising easier and more enjoyable.
  • k92648
    k92648 Posts: 6
    My long term goal is actually to quit smoking forever and not gain weight, but lose instead and get healthy
    My long term dietary goal is to get to about 135 (40 pound loss)
    My short term goal would be to get to 150 by the time I leave on my birthday cruise in August
    Sending best wishes and thoughts to everyone!
  • sdinst
    sdinst Posts: 4 Member
    The holiday kind of de-railed me. I kept my Diary and entered it late for one day which took my streak away and started over. Guess I am trying to get to know the sight and the program. Will have to enter them in my mobile device. Did really pretty well with eating and exercise but had a challenge when traveling and eating at Graduation Parties.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    No weight loss goals. Just staying alive with medical problems goals.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Long Term Goal: 120 (or wherever I'm happy at) for 170lbs lost total.

    Short term Goal: 258 by my 27th birthday (August 23), which is the end of this challenge...go figure.

    Short Short Term Goal: Log in to MFP every day and be honest.

    Possible setbacks: binge eating, stress, time management, it's hot in the summer and I hate heat and humidity. My boyfriend is deciding not to actively join me on this weight loss journey, so that's a concern for me. Consistency has been a problem. I'll be on target for a couple weeks, lose some weight, then fall back into old habits.