What did you conquer today!



  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    ^^ and that's difficult because it all looks so lovely when you're outside and having fun. Well done on your resolve - only eating 4 M&Ms should qualify for some kind of medal I feel.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    onto THIS day! I conquered my fear-lol I am going to workout shortly at a crazy place....art of strength. it's kinda like a boot camp-very intense. after anhour I am dripping in sweat, but feel great. looking forward to it!
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Wow, that sounds fierce, go you!

    I'm looking at grey skies and still have back ache, endless bleeding (TMI sorry all) and the anaemia but need to get that dog out there - ideally before the radio programme changes to Vanessa Feltz as I cannot walk to talk-radio. Shoes on - find the poo bags - kind of need someone to force me to go - oh, that would be me. Off I go - yay!
  • SlimTerri57
    SlimTerri57 Posts: 33 Member
    Good evening! Today, after not such a good night's sleep, I still got up and did my exercise. Since I am a multi- media artist, and it's summer, I then went out to my concrete studio and poured concrete blanks so that when cured, I can sculpt them. That in and of itself is a workout since concrete is weighty. But, I feel really good now. I'm tired, but it's an accomplished tired and I go to bed with no regrets over today... Except maybe one. I really wanted to weigh in the morning of June 1st at 169 or less. I'm off by a couple of pounds and don't think that I will make it. But, I have lost 8 lbs so far this month and at least the arrow is going in the right direction. My hubby, who has lost 70 lbs in the last 2 years brought some not so healthy things today, but I refrained and it wasn't all that hard this time. I hope it's not a trend though as I'm so proud of his accomplishments and his health depends on it. So, I guess I conquered temptation.
    Tomorrow, we go to a graduation celebration for a niece. I am looking forward to it, especially since I actually have something to wear being over 20 lbs lighter than last outing like that. But, it's at a great casual restaurant and that is a challenge since there will be great food choices there and a buffet will be laid out. I will look up the restaurant, and it's menu if it's online and decide what my choices will be BEFORE we go. That helps me out. Exercise tomorrow morning is a must I'll also drink a glass of my homemade "green" mix before I go. All the foods are dehydrated so, when it hits my stomach and expands, then I'm more than full. That should help. All and all, I didn't get this way over night and it's going to take awhile to take it off. My knees aren't hurting anymore and I can do more now, so I'm on the right path.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    It is very encouraging and inspiring to read your posts---thank you. Keep up the great progress!

    Today my son brought home a box of donuts that were leftover at his workplace. He brings them hom so he can take them to Bible study this evening. He offered some to me. I smelled them, but did not eat any of them.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Havent done it yet today, but the plan is too conquer a mountai . I have a friend coming over in an hour and werecgoing to climb the Grouse Grind. Its a local hiking hill - its all steps and rocks, straight up the mountain. Should take about 1.5 hrs, Ill check bac in after its over....
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    WTG GALS! doughnuts and mountains...so different in size, but when you think about it - both are huge accomplishments!

    Me....what I conquered yesterday..... "the evening", and making it through it. I sooooo wanted to smash my face into something yummy....anything! nut it was 6pm and I told myself "just need to make it through the next 4 hours". (I like to go to bed early :) ) I DID IT! NO BAD SNACKS. ate my planned dinner! yippee. (pat self on back here)
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    1) I made some Chess Cake yesterday. It is a cake with cream cheese on the top layer. I had 1 small piece. I was tempted to eat a whole lot more, but then I thought, "It is good, but not that good. It has cake mix in it and I have never cared for the preservative taste in cake mixes. I don't need to eat any more." I continued to cut it up and didn't have any more.

    2) I have been very sad lately, missing my son who passed away two years ago. For a while I was comforting myself with food (which caused a 10 pound weight gain last year, which is why I am trying to lose weight). Even though I was really sad last night, I did not eat to try to comfort myself to deal with my grief. This is in spite of having all sorts of my usual binge foods around, such as the Chess Cake described above, 2 big bags of MnMs, 4 bags of Choc chips, 2 bags of chips, 3 dozen cookies, a Lidnt candy bar, a carton of ice cream, and a large bag of trail mix. I know that it works best for some of you to keep all junk food out of the house. For me, it works better to learn to deal with having it around because I have lots of social eating occasions where there is tempting food....see next item....

    3) Last week I had lots of social eating occasions: 1 BBQ, 1 party, 1 lunch out, 2 potlucks. I overate at the BBQ (but not as much as I usually have in the past). I did not overeat at the other events.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    lily and ari.... sometimes I have to throw stuff away cause I am "about to eat it ALL" (and that's bad cause my family probably wants it - lol) I applaud you first resisting!

    Would love to but there are 5 other people in the house not eating like me: husband (has an atrocious diet!), step dsughter, her husband and two kids so I can't persuade all of this crew to give up on snacks LOL

    My conquer today is going to zumba even tho I am tired and don't want to.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    It is very encouraging and inspiring to read your posts---thank you. Keep up the great progress!

    Today my son brought home a box of donuts that were leftover at his workplace. He brings them hom so he can take them to Bible study this evening. He offered some to me. I smelled them, but did not eat any of them.

    Just read an interesting study on scents, satiety, and obesity in the latest American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Somewhat scary...
    The abstract is a very short read, but if you are interested in the real science the full text is available for a fee.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Great job to everyone with their resistance of the lovely "treats" we like. Also to those like me that overcame the call of the couch after a hard days work and did their workout!. Helped a friend move today and even though I burned off at least a few calories I climbed on the elliptical anyway and did 20 minutes. After doing the weigh in write up I'm more committed to getting nearer to my goal.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    went to DD soccer banquet last night and controlled my eating. I had 3 alfredo pasta pieces - I had too - I am not even sure if I have ever let myself TASTE alfredo - lol. now...been there, done that. :laugh:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Since I'm just returning I'm working on the first steps > being mindful of everything I eat, drinking enough water and getting some exercise each day no matter how small. So far I have conquer these both Monday and Tuesday. Right now I will only focus on TODAY.

    Great job staying in control at the banquet Jill.
    Jrenee - your motivation is convincing me that I should still take a walk at noon even though it's drizzling out there. I do have an umbrella in my trunk and the solitude will do me good. Thanks for that!!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Conquered today: Green Smoothie, actually it was pretty good. If you want to try:

    Apple Kale Smoothie
    3/4 cup chopped kale, ribs and thick stems removed
    1 small stalk celery, chopped
    1/2 banana
    1/2 cup apple juice
    1/2 cup ice
    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

    Thanks ReneaJae for reminding me how important my walk is, if it is too hot at lunch I'll just have to do early evening.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    These past few days of eating clean have really cleared some of the cobwebs from my brain. I guess I'll stick around:flowerforyou:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Conquered today: Green Smoothie, actually it was pretty good. If you want to try:

    Apple Kale Smoothie
    3/4 cup chopped kale, ribs and thick stems removed
    1 small stalk celery, chopped
    1/2 banana
    1/2 cup apple juice
    1/2 cup ice
    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

    Thanks ReneaJae for reminding me how important my walk is, if it is too hot at lunch I'll just have to do early evening.

    I love smoothies! thanks for sharing!

    My fav....
    Whole Banana ( I break bunches of bananas into 2 inch pieces and freeze them in a baggie - it's great for smoothies!)
    handful of spinach
    approz a cup of water
    2T PB2 Peanut butter powder
    wala! green and yum!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    These past few days of eating clean have really cleared some of the cobwebs from my brain. I guess I'll stick around:flowerforyou:

    yeah! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    We had lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and I did not eat the entire basket of chips! Yes! I kept it to 9, yes, 9 chips! And thoroughly chewed all my food. Who knew that taking more time to chew makes you eat slower, therefore becoming full faster? lol.
    Well I knew it, I just didn't do it.

    I also made a decision to cut out my nightly cocktail/ glass of wine. I am allowing myself Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. At least until I get my food consumption under better control. Sometimes that one glass leads to some indiscriminate snacking late in the evening.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Great job everyone!
    Today's challenge: Did the right thing when my treat (mini candy bar) called I hopped on the elliptical and worked out for 20 minutes. Also drank plenty of water!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    We had lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant, and I did not eat the entire basket of chips! Yes! I kept it to 9, yes, 9 chips! And thoroughly chewed all my food. Who knew that taking more time to chew makes you eat slower, therefore becoming full faster? lol.
    Well I knew it, I just didn't do it.

    I also made a decision to cut out my nightly cocktail/ glass of wine. I am allowing myself Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. At least until I get my food consumption under better control. Sometimes that one glass leads to some indiscriminate snacking late in the evening.
    WTG on the control! I am like you (use to be) - I would've eaten the whole basket :laugh: