About Me: Let's Introduce Ourselves!

Hi, I'm Cindy aka summerluno2.

I am 44 yrs old and live in MA. Have always struggled with my weight and have just started a journey to get to where I want to be. My goal is to drop 35 lbs by the holidays.

My culprits: carbs and MA weather (I like to walk/jog for exercise so lose about 6 months of the year of committed exercise).


  • arya67
    arya67 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there! My name is actually Beth, I'm 46 and I'm from PA. I am currently reading the third book of Game of Thrones so that's were the profile name came from.

    I've always struggled with my weight - at one point lost 50 pounds and then got pregnant with my third child. My kiddos are 18, 15 and 10 so I can't claim the baby weight anymore, lol.

    I haven't really set any goals yet - other than losing. I'll have to give that some thought. I would love to be able to run someday but right now my knees would NOT handle it. I just need to get back in the habit of walking regularly - this winter was awful for not being able to get outside to do anything other than shovel.

    Looking forward to sharing the journey!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Hi, my name is Emy and I live in Louisiana. I'm 44 years old and mom to three children, ages 22, 18, and 13. I did pretty well losing weight after my first two children, but I had a really hard time after my third. I was able to lose almost down to my goal weight about 8 years ago following the South Beach diet, and kept the weight off pretty well until about 2 years ago. Since then, I seem to steadily gain despite using all of my old tried and true tricks. I changed jobs in January and left a very stressful job situation that I had been in for 15 years. New job is so much better and I'm finally starting to feel that I have my life back. So decided it was time to try something different to lose the weight and get healthier.

    I recently read Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto, and I've started the muscle primer workout from that book. I've also started the C25K program. The book suggests setting both short term and long term goals. My 3 month goals are to lose 15 lbs, finish the C25K program, do the muscle primer workout 3 times per week for 12 weeks, and eat healthier in a calorie deficit.

    Thanks Cindy for starting this group! Would love to be a part of an over 40 group of women to share this journey with.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    My name is Jo and well I am hitting the big 4 0 this year in October. My goal was to look fabulous at 40! I have two children 8 and 6. I so agree wit the group comment that was posted. That you gain 4 lbs in a day and takes for ever to lose. I have been trying to lose 10 to 20 lbs for the past 5 years. This year I have had a bit of success through MFP and now have bought a fit bit which keeps me motivated. But I thinking I am picking up some bad habits again. Hoping this group will keep me motivated since we are around the same age and everything but life seems to be slowing down.

    Right now I try for over 10000 steps a day but am wanting to actually achieve 80000 this week and then increase every week. I run about 3 days a week and have joined a group on MFP that is currently doing the 30 day shred. Sometimes if I have an extra time throw a little bit of yoga in but that hasn't been recent has my weekends have been busy and well the weekdays all my time is eaten up especially when I can up at 5:30 just to do my workout.

    Thanks for creating this group it will be nice to go through this journey with others around the same age as what may work for one of us may work for someone else.
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Jetta and I live in MD. I'm 44 and have 4 adult children.

    It was so much easier to lose weight before I hit my mid 30s, been a struggle ever since. Started MFP in Jan 2013 and slowly lost 38 pounds, with my weight going up and down. I've tried Akins, Weight Watchers, Center for Medical Weight Loss, Medifast and now I'm doing Nutrisystem. Trying to find a lifestyle I can live with that doesn't eliminate entire food groups.

    I've recently started exercising again and having my daughter train me at the gym, but trying not to aggravate my back injuries in the process. I would like to lose about 30 more pounds and of course do what I never have, maintain. Like Jo, I recently bought a fitbit to keep me motivated, but having a small group of people to be accountable to, and share successes and failures with, is just what I need. Thanks Cindy!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    HI Beth, Emy, Jo & Jetta! Nice to meet you :smile: Just peeking in to see our new friends … so excited we are able to group and share.

    Beth, I agree our winter has been horrific and is so nice to be able to start getting outside!!

    Emy, would love to hear more about the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Book and the workouts - how much equipment do you need etc? I started the 17 Day Diet 3 weeks ago (anyone try that?) and I have lost 8 lbs since and while that is great, it's definitely water and I probably haven't done my muscles any good (well, what i have of muscles??). I've decided to stick with hit for the entire 4 cycles, but know that at the end there has to be a better option out there. C25K … I've gotten through day 3 about 30 times. Ha Ha. Maybe you ladies can all help me get through all of it!

    Jo, 40 isn't so bad (less the part losing weight is impossible!) Congrats on the big one coming up! We can get you feeling fabulous by October!

    Jetta, congrats on the 38 lb lose - way to go!

    All, I just changed my profile to start this group as my old profile was a bit of a mess. I'll be adding my good and sharing my diary with you all; I'll get that done this weekend. Feel free to do the same.

    Stay focused today … and tomorrow we will start again!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    Emy, would love to hear more about the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Book and the workouts - how much equipment do you need etc? I started the 17 Day Diet 3 weeks ago (anyone try that?) and I have lost 8 lbs since and while that is great, it's definitely water and I probably haven't done my muscles any good (well, what i have of muscles??). I've decided to stick with hit for the entire 4 cycles, but know that at the end there has to be a better option out there. C25K … I've gotten through day 3 about 30 times. Ha Ha. Maybe you ladies can all help me get through all of it!


    You only need dumbbells, a mat or carpet, and a chair to do the muscle primer routine. I've started with a pair of 5 lb dumbbells that I had from years ago. I've only done the workout twice so far (I'm really just getting started!), and can only do two sets of each exercise ( except the push-ups - can only manage one set). He says in the book to start at one set of each exercise and work up to three in the first week. We'll see if I can do three sets next workout!

    I just finished W1d2 of C25k. I'm really hoping I can finish the prgoram. I've never been able to jog/run in my life. I've usually used walking in the past as my main exercise when trying to lose weight, but I find this time I can't get motivated about walking. Hoping the schedule/app will keep me focused this time and enjoying the exercise. I really need to find something I enjoy doing and try to make it a part of my life for good.

    Hello to everyone! I'm about to head to a horse show to see my daughter compete, but will check back later this afternoon.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! I'm Brenda and I live in SD. I will be 45 this summer and have one seven year old son.

    I never had weight problems until I hit 40. Somehow I gained 20 pounds in three years. Couldn't have been the ice cream I had every night for a snack, could it? Yep, that's my downfall. I love ice cream. So I quit the evening ice cream, started JM 90 Day Body Revolution and MFP. Since starting a regular exercise routine I've got more energy, so am better able to keep up with my very active son! I'm having trouble with the 1200 calorie diet. Feel like I'm hungry all the time. Also, I haven't lost any weight this last two weeks and it's frustrating!

    Thanks for starting this group! It's hard taking this journey alone so will be great to share it with others my age.
  • jojo6699tn
    jojo6699tn Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Jojo here. I'm 47 and in TN. I have loved MFP since finding it last week.. I weighed this morning and have lost 10 pounds since last week. I know that's fluid but I have to start somewhere. I am not following any specific diet. I've just cut out bread and potatoes but not cutting all carbs. I have also been walking every day. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here. :smokin:
  • Lovesummerz2
    Hi! I am Elizabeth and live in British Columbia and 44 yrs. old with 2 kids, ages 9 and 10.
    Looking so forward to this group and the support.
    No particular diet, but cutting way back on sugar, which is my biggest addiction, once I start.....there's no stopping.
    I have this all or nothing mentality when it comes to food.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Hi I'm another Cindy. I am from Ontario Canada and will be turning 43 this year . I have a 16,18,21 and 24 year old ( only the 16 and 18 year old are at home whew) . I have been looking for an active group . I am looking to lose about 70 more pounds and want to keep motivated . I am tracking daily- only walking for now , but will be rejoining the gym in the fall
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    One them I forgot to mention is that I am from Alberta, Canada.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi! I'm Brenda and I live in SD. I will be 45 this summer and have one seven year old son.

    I never had weight problems until I hit 40. Somehow I gained 20 pounds in three years. Couldn't have been the ice cream I had every night for a snack, could it? Yep, that's my downfall. I love ice cream. So I quit the evening ice cream, started JM 90 Day Body Revolution and MFP. Since starting a regular exercise routine I've got more energy, so am better able to keep up with my very active son! I'm having trouble with the 1200 calorie diet. Feel like I'm hungry all the time. Also, I haven't lost any weight this last two weeks and it's frustrating!

    Thanks for starting this group! It's hard taking this journey alone so will be great to share it with others my age.

    Brenda I to struggle with the 1200 calorie and feel I am hungry. One girl on a different group mentioned the Olivia Method, I find it is not that bad. When I really focus try no to go over 1500 if I have a good workout and if I just go for a walk etc that day than I make not go over 1350.
  • ellenkh73
    ellenkh73 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    My name is Ellen and I hate dieting. My motivation this time around (which I hope will be about changing my lifestyle for good) is to focus on my fitness rather than my fatness. I am 41 years old and have 2 girls, ages 9 and 4. Before I became a Mom, I used to enjoy running and even ran a half-marathon about 12 years ago. I was never fast, but I enjoyed being outside, feeling fit and relaxing into the meditative part of distance running. Then, I became a working mother and stopped exercising for almost 10 years! I am tired of feeling winded when I walk up a hill or a single flight of stairs. Of course, I am also tired of being overweight. But, more importantly, I feel better and even thinner when I exercise. So, I just got a Garmin Vivofit with a HR moniter and I am embarking on a version of the C25K program that uses heart rate training zones to guide the workouts over 12 weeks. I look forward to all of the perks of increasing my cardiovascular fitness: improved sleep, less anxiety, improved mood etc. I hope to begin to lose the weight as well.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    What is the Olivia Method?
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Welcome new lady friends! Looking forward to catching up on everyone tonight - doing yard work and ran in for a drink (and some posts!). Back I go...
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 74 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephanie. I've been gaining and losing weight since college. I keep telling myself "not this time" and lo-and-behold, my life gets busy and I start packing on the pounds. I know I need to exercise to keep my weight under control. I know by now I'm not going to stop eating "bad" food. When I'm under stress, moderation flies out the window.

    I have three boys 18, 16, 13 and a wonderful husband. I work full time (plus). I started on MFP two years ago, lost weight, stopped logging on to MFP and this spring I was up 25lbs. Three pounds here and three pounds there really added up! I have to figure out how to keep from falling off the wagon. I'm surrounded by men at home and at work. Men just have different metabolisms and they just cannot relate to our daily challenges (or at least not the men I know).
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Hi all - my name is Becky and I'm 48 - I live in Maryland. I'm currently going through peri-menopause - NOT a lot of fun! I have one teenage daughter and a cat - okay I'm a bit of a 'cat lady' - I have a cat stroller and I take my cat for walks!

    I've had an unhealthy relationship with food for the past 25 years or so...when I get stressed I tend to revert to my old anorexic eating habits. ...then I will start to feel better and over eat and not pay attention to what I'm eating.

    Last fall I went shopping for a dress for the High Holidays - and nothing in my 'normal' size at the time fit. It was an eye opener. ...I found MFP and lost about 30 lbs. I've been in maintenance since November of 2013.

    Right now I feel great - I work out 6x a week - weights and cardio. I love working out - for me it's the best and cheapest form of therapy there is!

    So - in a nutshell - MFP keeps me in check. I can track my calories and exercise and not over or under do it. I guess if anything I overdo it a lot of the time as I have a lot of OCD tendencies - but that's me! Sorry for the book....feel free to friend me if anyone wants an OCD/crazy-cat-lady!
  • bombshellcertification
    bombshellcertification Posts: 126 Member
    add me please :) Im 44 in a career change-from NJ, pretty sure peri menopausal, suddenly have stomach overnight, love to work out, it is my anti anxiety medication...Up until now I could almost intutitively keep my weight, well being etc on track for the most part. Suddenly all the things that would work diet & especially exercise don't seem to be making a difference. I am single, not married YET :) have overcome many challenges in life & so starting a family/marriage was delayed :(--and want to finally start this next chapter at my personal best, I am blessed with lots of energy & a strong faith...but need to find out what works at this stage--clearly not the old ways. I am unemployed, looking for work decided to go to Grad School at 40, finished in 2012--have been care taking both parents until recently--January. Very stressful. That's when I noticed my stomach and body changed the most...For the last 4 months have been working out at the gym, putting myself first again and trying to regulate diet...but the stress & anxiety was great. Prayer and exercise got me through. Now that I have secured really good home health care for my parents I have peace to focus back on myself. However, I think all the stress of the months before have caught up to me....my self esteem and confidence, self care took a hit...I want to bounce back--and live this next chapter at my personal best and hopefully meet a great guy soon :) Would love the support of other 40 somethings to navigate through this change of life and bust through the easy "settling" that so many succumb too. I cant afford it, really life feels like its just opening up for me now...Thank you for starting this group :) I have been doing intense cardio, eating fairly well, trouble hitting macros without going over or under...and too much sugar. Best wishes to all for health & peace...Lisa
  • cullumshelly
    cullumshelly Posts: 4 Member
    Hi - lets see - I am Shelly...46 years old living in Richmond, Va. I'm just shy of 5'2" and petite/small boned so while my weight looks fine numbers-wise, it really isn't on me! The most discouraging thing is that after getting up to 146 about 6 years ago, I had lost it all and then some - getting down to my HS weight of 105..and I was 40 at the time! Then about 2 years ago the pounds started creeping back and i got into the 130s. I started traveling more for work and it was gradual. Ive been totally unable to take it off this time! I will admit I've not been totally committed until now, which is why I'm here! Ive been using the app to log food but never branched out. I think connecting w/ others is going to be a big help!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    I've recently started exercising again and having my daughter train me at the gym, but trying not to aggravate my back injuries in the process. I would like to lose about 30 more pounds and of course do what I never have, maintain. Like Jo, I recently bought a fitbit to keep me motivated, but having a small group of people to be accountable to, and share successes and failures with, is just what I need. Thanks Cindy!


    How long have you been dealing with back issues, if you don't mind sharing? I had micro decompression surgery (L5/S1) in 2003. It really motivated me at the time to start exercising and to lose my post baby weight. Unfortunately I have really let my weight and fitness slip the last few years. Losing weight and a consistent exercise program is what I need to do to help minimize future issues with my back but I'm also always nervous about doing something different that might cause me to reinjure myself.