Check in for week of May 28-June 3

ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
How can it be this close to June already???

Hope everyone had a wonderful week... time to tell us all about it :glasses:


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Hi wonderful week was spent eating, drinking....and walking and Italy! The weather was beautiful....home now and it is tippling down and chilly....hard to get used to! :ohwell:

    I have just got on the scales and was very pleased........ I have gone up just a couple of pounds...... 126 is the new number ...... would love to be around the 120 mark but realistically am happy to be below 9 stone ( for the uk friends! lol 126 is the same as 9 stone!) So just hoping to lose the odd pound or two this week ...... we have a wedding blessing at the weekend so that will involve an uncontrolled meal but apart from that should be in control of what I swallow this :flowerforyou:

    Good luck to everyone...good to be back :happy:

  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Today I'm officially 60. According to the scales it has been a good week - down 2.2. Today will be a challenge, my hubby told me at breakfast this morning that he had invited friends over for supper and he was bringing home Chinese (he knows better than to surprise me). It's only one day and it is a special birthday also he had just given me a lovely dainty necklace - small heart with a cherub in the middle, in white gold - smart man, I couldn't be upset. Will have a great supper with wonderful friends and a wonderful man.

    Before I sign off I want to thank MFP who helped me through the past week:flowerforyou:

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Happy Birthday, Holly! You are now officially of an age with the rest of us! Not so bad! Sounds like you dh has a great celebration for you. Chinese food doesn't have to hurt! Nor will a piece of cake. It is one day! A special day!

    Jean: Way to go while on vacation. It was all that walking that really kept the scale down, I'm sure. Besides, Italy is such a food paradise, I don't know how you kept the gain so low!

    Me, I got down to 187(1 1/2 pounds lost last week), but don't think I'll make the 185 by the 31st. Still can't seem to get this digestion issue solved. I want to get to 185 because 1. I set my milestones and rewards at 15 pounds, so that will be the next 15, and 2. because I want to get my BMI lower than 35 so I no longer will qualify for bariatric surgery. That is how all of this started. Was thinking about the surgery and wanted to see if I could live the life-style required after I had it. Instead, I started losing on my own! My cardiologist will be very, very pleased!

    Did great with walking last week. Walked 56 miles of which 27.6 of those were cardio miles. I think it is going to be hotter this week so I might not get in as many cardio walks as I would like.

    Will be spending more time with grandkids over the next several weeks while kids get ready to list their house and move. Keeping them out of their hair so they can get work done.

    I loved the movie "Chef." Was rated R for language, so if that offends you, probably not for you! The food was beautiful and the music was great. Wonderful story.

    Have a great week!
  • redzz16
    redzz16 Posts: 31 Member
    Not a great week, but I'm here and will try to do better this week. :)
  • SushiKite
    SushiKite Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning! Did good and bad this week as usual. More good though. Nice and warm yesterday on Vancouver island. Had a sunbath :-) Started my prep for a juice fast. I always do this when my DH goes up north fishing. He will be gone for two months. Haven't weighed myself. Havent been loosing. Need more exercise but have a haywire back. Suzanne
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Good Morning All: Happy Wednesday and happy Birthday Holly, :flowerforyou: welcome to the fabulous 60's! Wasn't able to check in last Wednesday as I was experiencing bad pain in my right side, never experienced this before, earliest appt I could get with my Dr. is middle of June! Got worse and couldn't lift my right leg to get up the stairs w/o real pain. Friend suggested cold packs and Advil, so I tried this for 3 days and it got better, thankfully. I would have gone to a walk in clinic or emergency if it didn't get any better. It still isn't right but I can live with the dull ache for now. Enough of this, that is history on to this week!

    I have to take my 94yo Mum to hospital tmrw for day surgery for her lower eye lid and it is at a hospital I have been to before. It is supposed to be day surgery. The lower lid turns into her eye so the eye lashes rub into her eye and is quite annoying and she even got an infection earlier! I feel so sorry for her as she is legally blind so her sight is very low at the best of times. This will be the second try as the operation in June was only effective for a couple do months and then the lid started rolling inward again. Her regular specialist doesn't do this procedure and really wanted us to go to this particular specialist but he operates at a hospital rather far away, so I am not looking forward to dragging her over there and also trying to find my way around at the same time. Sorry, but you can see I am starting to get anxious. I am waiting for a callback from the dr office to see if I can arrange for a volunteer to meet us at the hospital main entrance to help Mum while I try to park the car!

    As many of you recall my MIL successfully sold her house within 4 days. Now she is stressing about getting the correct suite at the retirement residence as her timeline has accelerated due to the quick sale and 60 day closing. It will all work out and of course she wants to know when we can now go up and open her summer cottage! Breath, 2, 4 ,

    Friends of my SIL are visiting from BC this weekend and my MIL and SIL want my DH and I to join them for dinner, but we declined. Rather we said we would run up for lunch sometime over their 4 day visit! If all goes ok with my Mum surgery, DH and I would like to go to dinner, just the 2 go us! Sorry, I,m being honest, I need some us time!

    Good news is I am not letting any of this mess up my journey and many thanks to all of you for your continued positive support, I lost 2 pounds this past week and yes, your resident sloth went walking and is really close to meeting my May challenge of 15 walks for the month ! Weather has been warm and sunny for 4 days so that brings a smile to our faces! Take care and welcome all our new members, join in and let us get to know you better! Cheers Marian
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY!!! 60s are the new 20s, right? (ok, maybe the new 30s) :flowerforyou: Hope you have wonderful day!

    A howdy and welcome to our new members - hope you just jump right in to the group posts.

    Probably due a lot to the busy long weekend at the lake with guests (running around prepping, lots of activity while we were there, running around coming home), managed to lose 3 pounds this past week. Made up for the 1 pound the week before, so I'm back on track. We spent at least 3 hours in the water 3 of the days we were there; it was so much fun. Bonus: fresh white bass fillets (baked) for dinner last night, yummmmmy. I had precooked a lot of chicken breasts on my George Foreman and took up a container of my simple chicken salad, so ended up eating alternative meals much of the weekend, but the friends and hubby are supportive so it was no big deal. I didn't drink a lot, but did try out some of the bottle of Skinny Gal Mojito - 35 calories for a shot. Mixed it with diet 7 up & it wasn't bad. 35 calories for a cocktail - yeah, I can deal with that :bigsmile:

    Only got about a mile in walking yesterday morning when the skies opened up and dumped lots of wet stuff. Suppose to rain all week - so much for doing my outside walking & possibly the Hospital picnic will be postponed from Saturday. Will be standing water everywhere, impossible to mow, bugs will be horrible and there's a 60% chance of rain on picnic day :frown: I guess I'll have to dust off the treadmill again, and maybe try out this set of resistance bands I bought.

    I've had to retire my 'ridiculously obese' swimsuit & move into my 'just obese' swimsuit. The shorts I JUST bought (and tried on at the store) to wear for the weekend are too loose (I put them on and off without zipping). Mixed reaction to that - happy that i'm changing sizes, but irritated because I just bought them :grumble:

    Ok, I've bored you enough. Made my mini-goal for weight that' I'd made for the picnic, but will have to adjust that if they move the picnic date. So happy to read about all your successes, and even if it wasn't as great a week as you'd hoped......... that you're still here!!!:heart:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Loving all the news and the success! We are so GOOD! :bigsmile:

    Well done Marian.....great walking there really paid off on the scales! :smile:

    56 MILES IN A WEEK ..that is amazing.......and so good to hear that you are going to succeed without drastic surgery!:bigsmile:

    Happy Birthday Holly....... welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of the 60's....... just like being in the 30's but better! lol:flowerforyou:

  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    I only lost 1 lb. this week. I had hoped to loose more but life got in the way. After a lovely dinner out with my daughter & SIL I was still doing OK and my weight was down a bit but then yesterday I went out for lunch with my exercise group (we did do our 30 minutes of exercise in the morning). Lunch was a set menu at a golf & country club and it was delicious so I ate it all. :laugh: I'm not very happy with my progress so far; I have only lost 2 lbs. since I started MFP but I'm determined to keep at it and I hope I'll have better results to report next week. Alex
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    Happy Wednesday all:drinker:

    I have had a challenging week but seem to be doing better now. Thank you to all of your who expressed condolences on the death of my foster kitty. I cannot explain how something so tiny that I only had for 6 days could worm it's way into my heart. (DH was upset too). I am not sure if that was the cause but I have not felt like making the daily effort required to lose weight. But I do know it is worth that effort and I did lose weight this week so that is to the good. I also got into another pair of pants but they will be more comfortable in about 3 more pounds.

    Chris: I hope your foot is better. Your garden needs you.

    Jean: Italy sound awesome and you did well to stay on track even with all that lovely food.

    Holly: Happy Birthday to you.:flowerforyou: welcome to the 60’s.

    granmotherch: congratulations on your journey to avoid bariatric surgery. This way is slower but without all those side effects.

    Jo: Sorry your week has not been great but nice to see you still pop in here.

    Marian: You sound so busy, I am surprised you have time to eat. I hope your Mother's surgery goes well.

    ker: It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Yippie on dumping the bathing suit.

    Have a wonderful week all. I like hearing how it is going with you.


    Ps. Gray and raining in paradise again.
  • jjjbkkkk
    jjjbkkkk Posts: 14 Member
    Horrible I am...........

    I knew I overate. But a pound a day.........dang. I gained 3.5 pounds over the last 4 days! Is that even possible! That's what I get for not logging food over the holiday and being off work............
  • sandiebro
    sandiebro Posts: 31 Member
    I seem to have gained 2lbs but not stressing about it as I haven't over-indulged! My gall bladder has been playing up a little hence my weird diary of snacks (dry cream crackers and extra strong mints) I've not exceeded my calorie allowance so hopefully the scales will realise soon.

    Just flying by to wish Holly a Happy Birthday!
  • Pixydin
    Pixydin Posts: 14
    I am excited when I see how much everyone's total losses are on the banners. I am very encouraged. This was a great week for me. 13.5 lost in the last few weeks! Thanks for all the insight you are all offering! Pixy
  • missyfit13
    missyfit13 Posts: 19 Member
    Everyone is doing so great. I'm impressed. My week was challenging also, but I managed to maintain. I think I have lost because the clothes seem a bit looser, but the scale is not showing much. I can't change my ticker yet. I had hoped to lose two pounds for the month, but it hasn't happened. Wanda, I am the same with the pants. Some fit a little better, but not good enough yet. I really understand about the kitty. The little ones just worm their way into your heart. I hope you feel better soon.

    Ker, I love the bathing suit toss, that is great. Hang in there Alex, 2 lbs is still 2 lbs. I'm struggling also.

    Jean, Italy sounds wonderful! You did well.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Belated Happy Birthday Holly.
    I dreaded reaching 60 (last year) but find that it is exactly the same as 59!! If anything it is better as I have made more of an effort with my health and fitness.
    Nothing much to report here, still sticking to plan and life goes on.

  • retiredholly54
    retiredholly54 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes - had a great supper and evening with DH and friends, my DDs also dropped over. Over my calories but not as bad as I would have been in the past. Doesn't even dawn on you the amount of "sh**" your putting in your body until you start logging. I started logging my meal before it arrived, shocked, so instead of 3 egg rolls I had 1 and then cut back on the rest of the items by 1/4 of what I used to have. Thankfully no chocolate cheese cake arrived, I would have no control lol. Sunshine forecast for the upcoming week (the sun came out yesterday for my birthday but I was too busy cleaning the house to enjoy it), so will take advantage and get to walking in the great outdoors instead of my living room.

    Have a great week,

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    When I turned 60 my son asked if it bothered me. I told him, "No, but 65 would." He asked me, "why?" I told him because when I turn 65, he will turn 40, and that is old! :bigsmile:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Wednesday check in:

    Major wins for the past week:
    -- Weight loss of 1 pound (9 pounds to go)
    -- Biked 82.1 miles (average speed of 9.3 mph)

    Challenges for the coming week:
    -- Join the "Y" as soon to be too hot to bike outside at all in Phx
    -- Have "You can't out-exercise a bad diet" tattooed on the back of my hands where I will see it all the time!!

    "The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends." ~Author Unknown ==>And these last 10 pounds must be my BFF!!

    Good job everyone and have a great week. :flowerforyou:

  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    hi Everyone:
    I'm new on this group - was looking for people about my age (I'll be 62 this year) with the same goal, loose that fat! I'm loosing at abount .50 lbs a week, which I will take because of severe osteoarthritis and two replaced knees it is hard to exercise. But I do what I can. I started at 195 and current weight is 187.5, slowly but surely I will get this off.

    I love all the comments and posts on this week's check in.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Finally lost those pounds I gained during intense caregiving of my DH's last illness. He is doing better and I lost those -not paying attention - pounds. So I begin again. :wink: Love all the comments...they are encouraging.