Check in for week of May 28-June 3



  • ginnylee75
    ginnylee75 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi All,
    I was surprised to see I'm starting to see that square flat thing that measures what you weigh go down 2 pounds. Since started over as of last Monday, I'm sure it is water weight. However I will take it. Hopefully it will continue to go down next week too.
    Previously I lost 1/2 pound a week to get where I am now so I'm hoping that it will continue.
    I love all the happenings this week. Very encouraging. Keep up all the good work

    Oh, Happy Birthday Holly, Hope it was a fun one.

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    When I turned 60 my son asked if it bothered me. I told him, "No, but 65 would." He asked me, "why?" I told him because when I turn 65, he will turn 40, and that is old! :bigsmile:

    :laugh: LOVE IT!!!

    Hello to our new posters, WTG on all the great news and successes to everyone! WE ROCK! :drinker:

    The hospital picnic has been postponed due to rain. Hasn't rained for 2 days (even though it was supposed to) but our property has lots of standing water, which would make it difficult to park all the cars & set up the food & entertainment. Now set to June 21, which happens to be our anniversary. Told Rick that it would probably be the biggest anniversary party we ever will have since they're anticipating over 100 people :glasses:

    The pear highway is open for business:bigsmile: We have a pear tree out front that has put loads of fruit on, and the squirrels have made a path from the pear tree to the woods that border our place. I just watched 3 squirrels making their way across, each with a pear carried in their mouth half the size of their bodies. The rabbits just sit below the tree to get the pears the squirrels knock off. I just hope that the bobcats don't return to get the squirrels and the rabbits :angry: The armadillos have returned again - watched a family of four messing around behind the shop. Hurricane Ike did a job on their habitat, so it's nice to see them showing up again.

    Have a great day everyone - time for me to get out of my chair and burn some calories!

    -ker, reporting in from the not-quite-Wild Kingdom
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Wow -- I'm sitting here with my mouth hanging open reading about pears! Armadillos! I'm up in Canada, and we are just mowing the grass for the first time this year, and the apple blossoms are finally open. There are leaves now -- it is soooo green! But the lettuces are about 1/4 inch high, and the rest of the garden has yet to be planted since the earth is still quite cool. Crazy how we can be in such different places.

    It's a gorgeous sunny day, so out I go...

    Have a good one.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi all,

    I am hoping by saying what I am about to say does not step on toes or upset any of you. Well here goes. When I first brought up the subject of a weekly check in to see who would be interested, you all were, which was awesome. idea was for it to be once a week on Wednesday. Come in give a quick update on if you lost, gained, what worked and did not work etc. We already had a monthly chat group where we could go each day and chat chat chat. Also a "what I did right today" group and other groups for chit chat. I was thinking by checking in just once a week here on Wed we would keep the posting short and to the point. Does that make sense to any of you? It would be like a WW or T.O.P.S meeting or any group meeting that meets weekly for an hour or so.

    If I am upsetting any of you, I am sorry and if you all want to continue on with the way this "meeting" group is, please feel free to do so.

    I am also sorry I have not been checking in and posting. I have read all of your comments the past 2 weeks though. We were out of town from the 16th to the 20th and while away I was under the weather. When we got back I saw my primary care Doc and she said I had celluliitis where my incision was from my hip replacement. Gave me a shot and some antibiotics and told me to see my Orthopedic Surgeon. I saw him the next day only to have him tell me that it was not infected. He took xrays, looked fine. sent me for blood work. Next morning the nurse calls and says he wanted me to have my hip aspirated because the blood work showed high markers for inflammation. So a week ago Friday I had that done. It was the long weekend so I knew I would not hear back until Tues late afternoon. Yes I did. I was told by his nurse that he wanted me to do more blood work and to see another surgeon for a 2nd opinion that same week. Well of course I could not get in to see him last week and got an appointment for this coming Wed. Then I see my reg ortho the next week! GRRRRR I get so upset with doctors sometimes.

    Ok my ranting is done. Please let me all know what you all want to do with this group. Thanks so much.
  • alexandriabenson
    alexandriabenson Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Californiagirl, I understand the point you are making. Perhaps if the topic was changed to "Weigh-In for week of _________" everyone would understand that this topic is just to report on your progress (or not). Just a suggestion :smile: Sorry to hear of your problems with your hip replacement. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hu fellow California,

    Good luck in getting answers for your hip issues. These replacements can be tricky sometimes. And the doctors seem not to be communicating

    Being new to this group -thanks for the clarification. I like Alexandrisben's suggestion.

    Have a great week. :flowerforyou:
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi steppingstone and alexandriaben,

    That was my idea from the get. Just a Wed (date) check in. ker was kind enough to get the weeks going and I think without realizing it, by putting in Weekly check in and then the date for the whole week, everyone thought it was a daily thing. I will message her and ask that if she does the week to please just put in that date for the day. Thanks again fellow pals.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Sounds good to me.......I had thought it was just a Wednesday thing too...and the monthly Chat page for the general news ... and the Challenges for specific weight and exercise stuff....... there will always be crossover as we ramble on....and we are rebels after all ........ :laugh:

    I think we can cope........:bigsmile:

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    LOL Jean. thanks, I needed a good laugh today. And yes we do ramble and yes we are rebels. LOL
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Darn IT did not lose this week! Guess I best cut out the Wine !!