One Million Step Challenge in 100 days



  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Okay running a few days behind but I got them all written down

    Day 8 - 5570 steps
    Day 9 - 13,202 steps
    Day 10 - 1318 Steps had a thumping headache that day
    Day 11 - 15,739 steps
    Day 12 - 18,474 steps

    Total to date - 165, 382 steps
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Running total @ 02/07/2014: 102,350

    I am not going to make 1 million steps in 100 days. I work a desk job and if I don't do any extra walking I only get about 2-4000 steps a day in. I am making an effort to take more steps, but am on getting it up to about 7000 steps a day. In order to get my steps up higher than that I have to stay up late, which is affecting my sleep.

    I know the above sounds like excuses, but the facts are the facts and I can only do what is achievable for my lifestyle at the moment.

    I will endeavour to get as close as I can to the goal, but I am actually happy with even increasing my steps by as much as I have each day. I will continue to check in here, as long as no one minds me not actually making the 1 million steps.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Peejay I think it's great that you are making the effort to do extra steps, and if you can't do the 10,000 because of work and lifestyle then that's the way it is. Some things we can't change, just get in there and do what you can! I get it.

    I'm the same - have a desk job and this year have been doing way less steps than last year as I have been unwell and working from home a lot, so I have been really sedentary. If I go to the office I do 10,000 steps just getting there and back. I thought this challenge would get me in the habit of just being more active, so my initial aim was to get up and out for a half hour walk in the morning before work, then at lunch time I'll go out for a 20 minute walk and try to do the same in the afternoon. I'd rather go for a LONG walk and get my steps over and done with in an hour, but it's hard to fit that in before work and still have a shower, get my DD up and ready for school, me off to work etc... And most of the day I sit on my butt. However, some days it doesn't work out that way.

    The last 2 days I have only done 6,723 and 4,297 steps. I have had 2 really busy and long days (working from home) but had meetings that I couldn't get out of and so had little time to get out. Last night I collapsed on the lounge and was watching TV and couldn't work out why I was so EXHAUSTED when I had been sitting down all day. It's the mental fatigue... Anyway, I did for a moment think that I should get up and walk around the apartment or up and down my stairs or something, but I didn't. Never mind.

    Today I have ANOTHER busy day, still working from home (I'm very lucky that my job can pretty much be done anywhere and I can do a lot of meetings over Skype or the phone). However, I got up this morning and went for a quick walk and will do another walk at lunch time as well so I should get the 10,000 in today.

    Day 13 total: 194,058
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Running total @ 03/07/2014: 107,515
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Every little helps, but walking the dogs for half an hour morning and night gets me over each day. I have to admit I would have skipped the last 4 mornings if it wasn't for my Damn fitbit lol. Easy to cold at 6:30 to be out doors
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 12 - 6,407
    Day 13 - 7,183
    Day 14 - 6,373

    Total - 176,021

    Think I've covered more kms than steps over the past few days and this weekend won't be much better as we are going kayaking tomorrow and so I'm unlikely to do many steps. Oh well, a mix of exercises is good. :ohwell:
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Day 13 - 12,043
    Day 14 - 17,905
    Day 15 - 5627
    Day 16 - 12,075

    Total to date 213,032 steps
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Running total @ 06/07/2014: 141,364
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 15 - 4,456
    Day 16 - 15, 349

    Total - 195,826
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Running total @ 07/07/2014: 146,519
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    The last 4 days I have done 10,281, 16,628, 11,232 and 11,356 bringing me to a total of 243,555 in 17 days,

    Work is really interfering with my steps! Yesterday I was aiming to get out for a walk at lunch but was just too busy, I see the same thing happening today but at least I'm getting over the 10,000 mark. This is probably going to continue all week but on Saturday and Sunday I'm going to see if I can get back up to 20,000 again.

    Hope everyone is having fun with this! I'm so glad I started, as I was averaging less than 5,000 a day due to being so busy, but really it just takes a little bit of effort to be more active and it feels good to do it.

    Tonight I'm going to fold all the washing and put things away one at a time to get some more steps up :wink:

    ETA: didn't get the folding done...
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Day 13 - 12,043
    Day 14 - 17,905
    Day 15 - 5627
    Day 16 - 12,075

    Total to date 213,032 steps

    Day 17 - 28,194 steps
    Day 18 - 14,673 steps

    Total to date 255,899 steps
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Day 17 - 10,935
    Day 18 - 7,331

    Total - 214,092

    This 10,000 per day is hard to achieve if I can't manage a walk. :blushing:
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Day 18 - 11,644
    Day 19 - 13,165
    Total - 263,364
    Average - 14,124 per day

    My average has gone down from 17000 in the first week to now just 14000 but that's ok. I'd love to be doing more but it's TIME that is my enemy. I know how you feel Helen, my job is a very much "sit on my butt" type and there isn't much I can do about it. Was at the office the last 3 days and planned to go out at lunch time for a walk, but didn't/couldn't due to work commitments.

    Today I am working from home, had to take car for a service so walked home (4800 steps) and will walk there this afternoon to pick it up. Tonight I have a MOUNTAIN of washing to fold, so I'll make an effort to walk each bit to and from it's home and try to get some steps up that way!

    I've also started - taking a photo of something that makes me happy every day and putting it on Instagram. Got the link from MMK137, what a great idea! I'm a pretty positive type of person anyway, but it's good to have a reminder of the LITTLE things that can make a difference to our days. Like walking :smile:

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    This week's total 124k. 3 week total 330k. A third of the way there. I am going to wear out my shoes pacing around the store where I work lol
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    That is Brilliant Jackie!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Day 20 - 14,511
    Day 21 - 13,113
    Total - 295988
    Daily average - 14,094

    I have done my workout today and going to go for a walk, don't think today will be a huge step count as I have a lot of things on and they don't really involve a lot of activity so I'll have to see how I go.

    Tomorrow have a walk planned for the morning and then am going to lunch with a girlfriend which is probably going to involve sitting and drinking a lot of wine!
  • vick441
    vick441 Posts: 42 Member
    Arggghhh, so far I'm under 10k/day, also counting my yoga classes in, gotta step up!

    Pretty handy web site to keep your record -

    My Steps Statistics
    Total Steps 433,020
    Average Steps / Day 9,413
    Busiest Month (2014) June (275,670 steps)
    Busiest Day (2014) 17th June (27,890 steps)
    Annual Steps 433,020
    Baseline Steps 0
    Current Goal Steps 10,000 (Set on 28th May 2014)
    Million Milestone None
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Everyone is doing so well, after all, if it was easy, it wouldn't be a challenge.

    Day 19 - 10,020
    Day 20 - 9,590
    Day 21 - 10,327

    Total - 244,029

    Tomorrow should be a boost as I have a 14km charity walk but then I'll be away for a couple of weeks. I'll log in when I get back as my fitbit will keep a record for me :-)
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    Day 19 15,820 steps
    Day 20 15,484 steps
    Day 21 15,289 steps
    Day 22 6910 steps - spent the day with hubby we went out for most of the day I think they call it quality time been so long

    Total steps to date 309,402