Garmin connected to MFP



  • fitbituser123
    This problem may be a variation of the problems being discussed about the connection between vivofit and MFP. I apologize in advance if this has been noted before.

    The connection has been good for the first few days. Now however, my exercise credit transferred over from the vivofit is being subtracted from my daily calorie goal so that my balance left is lower. My calorie goal is 1800 per day. I got a 250 caloric credit from the walk I did using my vivofit. Now my daily goal has been reduced to 1550 calories.
  • antonymarcou
    Hello people,

    i'm new to the group. I have skimmed read most of the posts and get the sense the integration with MFP is buggy. I use both Vivofit and Garmin Edge 800 for cycling. A couple of questions:

    1) Do I have to manually add the calories burned (in MFP) as shown on Garmin Connect from my Edge 800?
    2) Garmin Connect appears to be counting my steps when cycling and therefore not stepping. Any else noticed this? I don't want to be over counting my steps and therefore burned calories.

    Any help appreciated,

  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Hello people,

    i'm new to the group. I have skimmed read most of the posts and get the sense the integration with MFP is buggy. I use both Vivofit and Garmin Edge 800 for cycling. A couple of questions:

    1) Do I have to manually add the calories burned (in MFP) as shown on Garmin Connect from my Edge 800?
    2) Garmin Connect appears to be counting my steps when cycling and therefore not stepping. Any else noticed this? I don't want to be over counting my steps and therefore burned calories.

    Yes this is the problem I have been having. I emailed MFP asking them about it and this is the reply I received today. I'm not quite tracking with their thinking on this and have asked for some clarification.


    This is Justin stepping in for Derrick. My apologies for any inconvenience with Garmin integration.

    Unfortunately at this time if there are any manual exercises logged to a Garmin - connected account, you will see very inaccurate values, as you have discussed in your PDF and emails.

    This is due to the fact that currently Garmin does not pull exercise data from MyFitnessPal. Unfortunately the fix is not as easy as it seems it would be since Garmin is syncing with our API.

    We are working with them to fix this. What needs to happen, is Garmin needs to pull the exercises manually logged from MyFitnessPal and chunk out VivoFit calories burned that occurred during that timeframe. This will make it so we do not negate those calories burned, and you are not getting duplicated calories burned.

    We hope to have this fixed soon, for the time being we will need to ask you not to manually log any exercises.

    My apologies for the trouble that this causes in the meantime, but we hope that once we have these issues fixed, the integration will be very useful and stress-free for you.

    Hope this helps.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • antonymarcou
    Many thanks. Will wait for fix and manually input into mfp in the meantime.
  • mayalass
    mayalass Posts: 3
    Hello, I've been playing with the Vivofit for the past two weeks, and just added MFP when they announced the link up. Joining the two has resulted in a pile of confusion as I now seem to get four numbers...calories burned on the band, calories burned for activities in Garmin Connect, calories burned/consumed on the MFP app, and another number again (can't tell if the "Garmin adjustment" is the exercise activity I did that day, or something separate) on the MFP website! What a mess! I've been poking the setting and trying to figure out what it's doing, but with limited success. I'm considering ditching Garmin Connect AND MFP, just using the numbers on the band, and enter calorie burned numbers manually into my old LoseIt account (which has a nicer interface). Sometimes more tech isn't the answer, haha....

    If anyone here has a clue where to start looking or adjusting to get these four numbers to line up, I'm all ears. I have OKed "allow negative entries" on the settings, set the activity level to sedentary (as suggested by FromHereOnOut) but still no good.

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Mayalass, I typed a reply but it got lost. Til;dr versio is that if you're doing stepping exercise just log food and exercise as usual and anything above or below what is logged will be adjusted by garmin, whether it be normal daily activity or exercise (above or below the mfp estimate). You don't even have to log exercise if you don't want, garmin will adjust anyway, to bring mfp to what is showing in the wrist, less your desired deficit as setup in mfp.

    If you're doing non stepping exercise, you might have to do things a bit manually until the fix is made.
  • mayalass
    mayalass Posts: 3
    Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately I'm doing non-step exercise, cycling and yoga, for which I want to use the heartrate monitor. I think I'm understanding from your post that the "garmin adjustment" is related to the STEPS (or lack of steps) and if I want to add any calorie deficit from heart-rate monitor "activities" I should add it manually for now. Is that right? Except when I've done that, the exercise still doesn't show up in the daily +/- remaining cals (that number that tell you if you can have an evening snack or not, haha). Which is frustrating. Grrrr.....
  • lisab64mfp
    lisab64mfp Posts: 89 Member
    I was of the understanding that is why the Vivofit integrated the HR monitor into it -- to more accurately track no step-based activities. Most of my activity is step based so.................I have no firsthand experience w/it.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Read what veloman posted. If you do hrm exercise that can't be tracked as regular steps, I think you will have to uncheck allowing adjustments and do all the exercise logging yourself for the time being. I think that Garmin fitness doesn't sync with the hrm activities atm, therefore Garmin fitness doesn't "know" about those exercise calories when syncing with mfp and will adjust them out when you log them manually unless you turn off the adjustment.
  • serialmahogany
    serialmahogany Posts: 42 Member
    Im not too sure about that. I did what FromHereOnOut did, and I changed my food to the default settings of Breakfast Lunch Dinner, and Snack...I still didnt see the garmin adjustment. Then I finally remembered to disconnect fitbit, and then it worked. So I tried the past week with the HRM, and it seems to be working great. When I sync it updates garmin connect, and I can then later see it automatically adjust my calories in MFP. It works just like the fitbit did, where you will only see the adjustment, you wont see individual entries in MFP for the work you did, that will only be viewable in Garmin Connect. YMMV, but I have not manually entered anything, eg. items that i didnt not wear the band or hrm. That was the reason I brought them, as I didnt want to have to manually do too much.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Read what veloman posted. If you do hrm exercise that can't be tracked as regular steps, I think you will have to uncheck allowing adjustments and do all the exercise logging yourself for the time being. I think that Garmin fitness doesn't sync with the hrm activities atm, therefore Garmin fitness doesn't "know" about those exercise calories when syncing with mfp and will adjust them out when you log them manually unless you turn off the adjustment.

    I'm not 100% certain but I think that if you wear the HRM, Vivofit will calc calls burned. It doesn't know what it is you are doing. The steps data will be meaningless but the calorie count would be more accurate. So for instance if you shake a cocktail with the arm your vf is on very vigorously, vf will count extra cals if your HR increases. However, it will also count extra steps that you are in fact not taking. Who knows how accurate this is but I think it's the way it works. The total burn will come across to MFP.

    The problem arises when you use another device to measure activity such a cycle meter. If you do this and enter the data into MFP as a manual activity then you will need to turn adjustments off or delete the adjustment each day else you will skew the results significantly.

    I have had a number of emails back and forth with MFP support and am not sure we are both on the same page. Very frustrating!!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Yes veloman, what u wrote about turning off adjustment is what I was getting at. As for steps and cals, maybe it's only my problem that I can wear the hrm and run six miles stop it to rest and restart for three miles and it will show upto twice as many calories burned for the three miles than the six in my activities. I don't trust that Activities data at all and the cals from those activities are NOT affecting my mfp at all, just calories calculated on the wrist according to taking that many steps in that amount of time. I'm glad those hrm results aren't getting used because they are flat out wrong.
  • serialmahogany
    serialmahogany Posts: 42 Member
    Does anyone know when they will allow us to manually edit activity on the wristband. As sometime I can be shaking markers and paint at work, and it seems to add them in as steps. How can we edit this information to just go back to the normal daily hrly burn and remove the erroneous steps?
  • marcellinus2121
    marcellinus2121 Posts: 17 Member
    An update of MFP is out. Bug fixes, it's said but I still don't know what bugs are ment. I now log all my meals as breakfast. That way it works great. Does anyone know what bugs are corrected?
  • marcellinus2121
    marcellinus2121 Posts: 17 Member
    Nope. I tried to add lunch and dinner. Still a mess and removing those meals doesn't remove them from GC. So I'll keep on having a lot of breakfast.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    With the meals, you might have to wait a little while for it to register. I'd give it half an hour just to be sure.
  • petey2254
    petey2254 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! First I apologize if this has been explained before. Just got my Vivofit today and was excited about the MFP connection but I can't get it to work at all. I only show a "red" calorie count. 0% of my daily goal. In settings it has an option to "disconnect from MFP" so I assume it means I'm connected??? Can't figure it out at all....any suggestions?
    Thank you!
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi petey - I am sure you will love your vivofit (eventually lol). Yes it does take a bit to figure out, but doing so keeps your mind focused on your diet and exercise.

    A couple of tips that may help you -
    - It takes 5-20 minutes for Connect to talk to mfp regarding the transfer of calories or exercise
    - connect and mfp have a basic difference on bmr so the figures never quite match (yet, I hear they are updating soon)
    - if you have a fitbit or other device connected to mfp, connect gets it nose out of joint and refuses to talk to anyone
    - put all activity setting to sedentary (mfp and connect) and the numbers will get a bit closer
    - I have had my vivofit for 3 months and still have 'what the ?' moments
    - Garmin really are working hard at improving the connect site - so there are often changes with no warning

    VERY VERY important - get a small rubber O ring (or bitbelt or something) to secure the latch on your vivofit. I have heard of many falling off never to be found again.

    Hope this helps a bit. :happy:
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    A couple of tips that may help you -
    - if you have a fitbit or other device connected to mfp, connect gets it nose out of joint and refuses to talk to anyone

    An 'AHA" moment...this COULD explain why I'm getting half a**** calorie data on Connect. I do have my Fitbit connected as I don't trust Garmin yet (plus I get some nice benefits from using Fitbit to track steps & food etc). Odd that Connect does show "something" for each day, despite the 2 devices being connected-I'm hoping Garmin can work this snafu out
  • cassjsu
    cassjsu Posts: 2
    I purchased a Vivofit on Tuesday. I have been trying to connect MFP with Garmin Connect. I was able to calculate the calories burned and post them. What I found interesting was that when I clicked on Garmin Connect, even when the app was already opened, it would take me to the App Store. I clicked on open and was taken to the app. I have deleted the app off my phone and reinstalled. What else can I do to connect Garmin and MFP.