July Fitness Challenge



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Exhaustion makes it really hard to exercise willpower. That's one of the big reasons why getting too little sleep is really bad for weight loss, although I'm sure it applies to just generally physically exhausting days, especially since moving is emotionally stressful as well as physically exhausting. Once this is over I'm sure you will find it much easier.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's way closer to Trader Joe's

    Heh, is that even possible? (j/k)

    Yeah, I really like the IIFYM calculators, although don't follow their macro recommendations or anything. They are just really convenient and you can see the differences so easily.

    I'm pretty tired today, so am not going to do any hard cardio (trying out the two new classes wore me out!), although I had PT in the morning and rode my bike there and to work. I get to try running tomorrow at PT, so that's exciting. I hope my knee cooperates (and expect it will).
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Okay Warrior sisters…..#1 Thank you all so much yesterday with your help. I was becoming a bit manic with the calorie thing and you all helped me sooo much. After talking with my trainer last night, he wants me to go up to 2100 calories a day for the next week and see where that gets me…YIKES!!!!!!! Freaking out a bit, but I will do it and see. He has also asked me to change my weigh in date to Wednesdays instead of Mondays, since Mondays can be so hard with the weekend eating etc. I will do my best to eat the 2100 calories a day, but my mind does not like this at all. I have most of my day logged already and dinner planned for the evening, since I over slept this AM, I am going to have to go and work out again tonight….so I will eat dinner first and then wait about an hour and then go for my walk/run.

    The trainer was awesome, he and I are right on track to what I want and expect from him…it was the greatest training session I have ever done in my life!!! He did a fitness test and then with the tiny bit that we had left we lifted weights. I think he just wanted to see where I was and what he could push. The fitness test kind of wore me out, so I did not lift as heavy as I could have normally, but that’s okay…I have a life time right? Well, kind of….I am just so stinking excited!!!! And, while he originally today me no to weekends, he asked if I wanted to work out Saturday morning, so I jumped at the chance. I will see him at least once a week and some weeks twice.

    I was looking in the mirror last night and I think I am actually starting to see a difference in my body. It is so hard to tell when you are as large as I am to see a difference. But I think my arms are a bit smaller (I need to find my original measurements) and I think it looks like the big ole belly is going down a tad. So, while I may not be losing a ton of weight, I think there is some muscle activity going on.

    I ran/walked last night again….even after my work out. I was aiming to get my 10,ooo steps in and I ended up with 15,000+. I shaved 33 seconds off of my mile. I love the Map my fitness app….that way I know just what I am doing. Since I have this 5k coming up…I really want to do it in 45 minutes…so I have to get to a 13.64 minute mile. YIKES….I was at 18.19 minute mile last night. So, if I don’t make the 45 minute 5K this time around… I will do one more this year. LOL I am just not sure I can get to 13.64 by the 23rd of August. We will see, I am cutting myself some slack…but pushing myself “just” beyond my comfort zone almost every time I go out. I really want to take the bike out tonight though instead of walk/run….Yup…did you hear that? I am going to see if I can get over to the trail system though instead of in town. Crossing my fingers.

    Ok….blab blab blab…..thanks again so much every one…..Sue, congrats on the upcoming move…Veronica, things will calm down soon when you get the house all unpacked and organized…until then….maybe grapes instead of chocolate?....everyone else. . . keep up the great work, wow…we are all really going up and beyond our norms!!!!!!!!!!!

  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Oh...can I just post that I really don't EVER WANT TO SEE THE NUMBER 270 EVER EVER AGAIN? Ugh....I needed that loss so badly today on the scale....What a mood enhancer....only 69 pounds to onderland....LOL sigh....gosh, when you say it that way...seems like a really long ways away!!! :noway:
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    lemurcat...what did your new classes consist of? Also, I've had my eating CRAP at nighttime problem for a while now. I can't even blame it on the moving! ha!
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Jodi...can the grapes be COVERED in chocolate?!? ;) Just kidding. Congrats on the loss this week!!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Jodi...can the grapes be COVERED in chocolate?!? ;) Just kidding. Congrats on the loss this week!!

    I should have said strawberries....oh my....chocolate covered strawberries are just the best. A friend of mine sent me some from that Berrie company that advertises during valentines day and the were soooo good. Not something I would want frequently, but very good. Hmmm....chocolate covered grapes....doesn't sound bad? I wonder....LOL
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Well, I don't think chocolate covered grapes sound very appetizing. But if that was my only way to get chocolate in there, I'd probably eat it! HAHA!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat...what did your new classes consist of?

    On Tuesday I did a circuit training thing with dumbbells and lots of squats and step ups and other moves that also have a cardio function. It was really fun and I liked the instructor a lot. On Wednesday I took a spinning class. Even though I bike, I've been afraid I'd hate it and be miserable, since I tend to bike slow and long rather than high intensity, and years ago when I used to do spinning there was only one class at my old gym I liked, because the instructor played '80s pop (was pretty sure that wouldn't be the case for this one). Anyway, I was inspired by Peacockbutterfly to try it anyway, and it took about half the class for me to get into it, but then I loved it. I'm definitely working both into my schedule and trying some of the other options.

    And I think EVERYTHING can be blamed on moving. ;-)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Jodi, I love how enthusiastic you are! It sounds like you and the new trainer are a great fit. I have a couple of free training sessions at my new gym, so was just finally motivated enough to email to set it up and the fitness evaluation.

    Don't worry too much about your speed for the 5K. For a first one I think the goal should just be to finish it. Among other things, if there are lots of people doing it you might not be able to control how fast you go at the beginning (you end up getting stuck behind people or dodging them) and what you really want to avoid--it can be hard!--is getting carried away by the crowd and running too fast rather than pacing yourself. But there's plenty of time to prepare for all that and you will know what a comfortable pace for you is when you do it. Doing another in the fall is not a bad thing to anticipate, as the weather is better then anyway (unless it will be snowing already in WI, heh).
    I really want to take the bike out tonight though instead of walk/run….Yup…did you hear that? I am going to see if I can get over to the trail system though instead of in town.

    Go you! I think if you can use a trail it will likely help you feel a lot more comfortable. I much prefer trail biking to even the quieter streets in my neighborhoods, and it's nice not to have to stop and start as much as you do on the roads with lights and stop signs and all that.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Warrior Sisters, I am so exhausted! I'm glad I got some exercise running errands, because I have no energy left. I'm sitting here hungry and trying to get the energy up to cook something. I think that I was really anxious about finding a new place and now that I have, I'm tired from my whole body vibrating with so much anxiety for the past week. I'm so grateful that the search was short and sweet. Last year I looked for 2 months and ended up in this overpriced, old place! I had big plans tonight, but I'm just staying home, eating, and binge watching something. I'm realizing I may need to modify my plans for the coming week. Not only do I need to pack up and move, but I have to do 4 trainings (which is way more than I usually do in a week). I guess it's my own fault that they take so much energy. I really like to make them fun & active, so people aren't sitting there bored for 3 hours. I've been to way to many horrible trainings, so resolved to do things differently when I started doing them.

    Veronica, I wish I could fast forward to where you are--surrounded by boxes and tired from the move! I just want to skip over the packing up all of our stuff, making a bunch of phone calls to change this and change that, doing what it takes to make the dog and the kid comfortable in the new place... I swear, I'm not moving again until I can afford to buy a place. Have you tried planning out your nighttime snacks? I've always liked eating at night, when I'm home and chilling out. I just plan for it and have at least 2 really yummy things. Chocolate is often involved;)

    Stephanie, that's so great that you're taking it easy tonight! You certainly earned it after trying 2 new classes and taking that killer ride, this morning. I hope the running goes well in PT:)

    Jodi, I love your long, excited posts! You are so inspiring. I'm really happy that you're starting to see the difference in your body! You've worked so hard. I get tired doing a fraction of what you do.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Stephanie-That first class sounds fun! And I have always wanted to try spinning. Of course, the problem with that is, I don't belong to a gym. I have a treadmill at home, so I have never been able to bring myself to pay a monthly fee. I would LOVE to be able to do some classes, though.

    Sue-I TRY to plan it but it often fails. I did ok last night, though! I had my no sugar added crunch Klondike bar. Some 98% fat free popcorn and one piece of dark chocolate. For one day, at least, that was a big improvement! We still have a ton of stuff sitting around in the apartment floor. It's a MESS. We have a little less than three weeks to be totally out of there, though. I dread going over there every time we do!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Sue---good luck with the move. Ugh...that is all I have to say about that. LOL I hate moving and will burn the darn house down before I have to pack again. (I say jokingly)

    Steph---spinning class....yuck yuck and more yuck...I say now. Perhaps this winter..when I am in a bit better shape. I will try one out if there is one that will fit my schedule. Step ups and squats....FUN STUFF....(blugh) But I do them too....

    So, I went home last night and did not go for another walk or jog or ride or anything. My legs and body are sore and tired and it was all I could do to get my 10,000 steps in. It was a night off.

    Today I got up and went for 4+ mile ride...that doubled my last ride. I still hate my bike, but it is now becoming the "enemy of the state" and I must defeat it. There will hills today that I was almost standing up on the bike and pedaling because I refused to shift gears again....I pushed hard today. Then my w/o friend Terri who I ride with....boot camped me quick. We did some pinion 1 (karate) and then we did walking squats up and down my sidewalk, and then we ran to the stop sign and walked back...it was the furthest I have ever run in one stint. Yay me....it was a good morning!!!

    So, here is my estimated work out schedule for the next 7 days...are you ready?

    Saturday: Work out with trainer at 10AM plus some walking or run/walking for at least 3 miles
    Sunday.....not sure yet...
    Sunday: Karate at 1:00
    Monday: Meet Terri at the YMCA at 5AM for weight training and run/walking around the track+
    Monday: Karate at 4:30
    Tuesday: Meet Terri at my house at 6AM for a 30-45 minute walk
    Tuesday: PM possible walk depending on where I am with steps for the day and practice karate
    Wednesday: Meet Terri at my house at 6AM for a 30-45 minute run/walk
    Wendnesday: Meet with trainer at 4:30- practice karate moves
    Thursday: Ride my bike to Terri's work by 6AM, we will ride back to my house and then do walking lunges and karate moves
    Thursday PM possible walk depednign on where I am with steps for the day and practice karate
    Friday: Ride my bike to Terri's work by 6AM, we will ride back to my house and the do walking lunges, karate moves and run to the supid corner and back. (it is up hill and it is hard)

    So, those are my goals for next week. I am going to be sore and tired and possibly cranky...HOWEVER...

    Okay...so remembering that I started at 285 way back when....I was looking at my arms in the mirror last night and my right arem is sagging less than it used to. It is shapped different than the left arm now. It was so awesome...this hangy down part is not hanging down as far as it used to and I am excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally pumped about the less hang. One tiny bit closer to the short sleeve shirts and tanks. LOL
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm exhausted just looking at that schedule, Jodi! I probably should seek out some place to ride with a few more hills (there are some places in the suburbs), as my rides are almost embarrassingly flat. Battling the wind increases the difficulty plenty of times, though.

    Other than my PT this morning, where I was cleared to run (as I posted elsewhere), I've been pretty committed to my off-day today. I am planning to do a walk in a few minutes (was supposed to walk to a restaurant, but we moved that to tomorrow night), and may do my push-ups, but am otherwise recovering.

    I have scheduled my fitness assessment/session and follow-up free session for Monday and Wednesday, so will report back on that. I also was reminded (Northwestern's automated system did it) that I have a doctor's appointment next week, ugh, although that will allow me to finally reassure myself about those stupid headaches I was getting. And get a mammogram, oh joy.

    Veronica, I have a treadmill at home too, but sadly it's a broken one! I've been dithering about getting it removed, since I will certainly have to pay to do it--right now it serves as an extra place to put DVDs and for my two cats to sleep on, heh.

    Sue, rest up as best you can, as it sounds like a really exhausting upcoming week. I haven't moved for over 10 years, but I still remember how tiring it can be (that's one reason I haven't moved!).
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks to all of you Warrior Sisters for empathizing with my moving process. I actually enjoyed the packing, today. I was dreading it and then realized that I have very little stuff. When we moved back here from NY in 12/09, I got rid of most of our stuff, because I couldn't afford to store it all and didn't want to have to pay a ton of money for shipping it across the country. Since then, I've just been surviving financially, so I haven't accumulated much. I will probably be done packing most of our stuff, by tomorrow night!

    Jodi, you are so ambitious! I have to remind myself that you're near my age, because you have the energy of a 20-something! Remember to fuel your body well for all of that activity. It will thank you:)

    Stephanie, how did the run in PT go? I hope you were able to run without pain. I know you really enjoy it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Running in PT went well, but I got lectured on the state of my shoes (which I deserved, I'm an idiot). I walked to the running store after work and bought some new ones, and hope to try them out/get in a short run today. I am cleared to go back to normal running, but expect I'm somewhat out of shape for that given the layoff. Of course it's absolutely pouring now, but I'm hoping to find a time to do a short run today.

    That's good moving won't be so bad, or even enjoyable. One good thing about moving is that it makes you thin down your stuff some (although it sounds like you won't need to, really). Back when I moved more frequently I was much better about not building up all the stuff, but now, scary to think of. A few weekends ago I cleaned out my office (office group effort, probably motivated by the fact that we were going to have a photographer in), and it was a really good thing to do (not that I wanted to do it). I found some rather insane things in my office, like a real antique floppy disk, as in back when they were actually big and floppy! Some other stuff from the '90s too. And I haven't even worked at my current job that long (9 years), I just must have brought it over from my old job.

    My parents just sold their house and agreed to be out in a month, which is scary, since they've been in that place for over 30 years. They've done a lot already just getting it in shape to show, however.
  • gogigi333
    gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
    HI! I'm new here, so jumping into the July challenge late. My goal is to log everything I eat everyday. It's not hard, just takes a bit of discipline to keep at it. It is illuminating to see how many calories are accumulating in the "snacks" category, even when they're healthy snacks. Plus, just knowing I have to track it makes me think twice about eating it.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Happy Sunday all.

    Here with the weekly check in for July goals. After ending June at the exact same weight number I started May, I'm happy to report 5 pounds lost so far in July. I don't know how long the drops will last but I hope it won't end when my blood thinner treatment ends in September.

    Goal: go to the gym at least once a week for a total of 5 times by July 31. Week Starting
    July 1: 2 visits: 1 weights, 1 swimming
    July 6: 4 visits: all swimming
    July 13: 1 visit, so far. swimming
    July 20:
    July 27:

    I already beat my monthly goal of 5 visits. So I have to think of a new one for the rest of July. After my personal training sessions are over, I don't know if I can keep up the pace. He's the one who recommended 4 days, minimum 40 minutes each time, in the pool every week. Since my workout options are limited, I don't have a good reason not to stick with it.
    Thanks to all of you Warrior Sisters for empathizing with my moving process. I actually enjoyed the packing, today. I was dreading it and then realized that I have very little stuff. When we moved back here from NY in 12/09, I got rid of most of our stuff, because I couldn't afford to store it all and didn't want to have to pay a ton of money for shipping it across the country. Since then, I've just been surviving financially, so I haven't accumulated much. I will probably be done packing most of our stuff, by tomorrow night!
    I'm amazed you kept up any kind of workout routine while packing. Usually I fall into bed with an aching back during moving and at least a week afterwards. Getting rid of a lot of stuff was very brave but now you're getting the benefits. Less baggage to lug around from place to place. I often fantasize about downsizing but I'm still so attached to so much "things".
    HI! I'm new here, so jumping into the July challenge late. My goal is to log everything I eat everyday. It's not hard, just takes a bit of discipline to keep at it. It is illuminating to see how many calories are accumulating in the "snacks" category, even when they're healthy snacks. Plus, just knowing I have to track it makes me think twice about eating it.
    I hear ya. So many times, thinking about how dumb something will look on my MFP log has kept me from eating it. I started MyFitnessPal in December 2013 and I still get "calorie shock" from time to time. Usually after I've already eaten it and I go to add it to my log.

  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hey, Warrior Sisters! I've been having fun packing and getting ready for the move. I signed my new lease, yesterday, and am so excited about cooking in my new, full-sized kitchen! My youngest son & I were giddy about how we could be in there with the landlord, with room to spare. Our kitchens, for many years, have been these tiny places where two people could barely be at the same time.

    Stephanie, I'm so glad you can run again and in brand new running shoes!

    Gigi, welcome again! Once you get used to the logging, it won't take much time. Also, because you'll probably eat a lot of things multiple times, it'll get less time consuming as your regular entries pop up.

    Culo, congratulations on the 5lb loss!!! That's fantastic news! Freedom from attachment to stuff is a great gift. Moving a lot has really helped me to achieve that.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    7/7-7/13 fitness check-in:

    Goal: Burn at least 3500 calories/week
    Actual: I exercised 990 minutes & burned 4598 calories

    Goal: Lift 3x/week
    Actual: I lifted twice this week, not counting boxes. Lol. Good enough.

    I think I'm done for the week. Time for dinner!