July Fitness Challenge



  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Check in! The house is mostly moved in to. I wanted to take a quick walk around the neighborhood yesterday to make sure I got my 10,000 steps in, but since it was 92 degrees, we didn't. I ended up getting around 11,400 anyway just from all the unpacking we did. Besides all of that, I started this past Friday with trying to do some weights in the morning. I got up again at 5:45 this morning and worked on it for 30 minutes. Will try for it again on Wednesday!
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Check in--

    (1) Biking: Continued building my cycling base--didn't break any personal records for length, but my average length is up so far, and adding in the spinning will help me work on speed, since it's too easy for me to just relax into the long and slow ride, especially where I'm riding. Goal for next week: either try out a group ride or increase my length.

    (2) Running: Huge victory here, since I started running again and was able to do 5 miles. This means that I should be able to do that 10K on the 26th after all. Goal for next week--make an effort to improve my speed a bit and keep doing exercises to work on my hips, hamstrings, and glutes.

    (3) Swimming: Went a couple of times, but still haven't managed to swim for more than 45 minutes--I think 40 mins was my high this week. Goal for next week: try to swim for an hour at least once.

    (4) Do a new thing: Tried (and liked) two classes at my gym and met with a trainer for a fitness assessment this morning. Goal for next week: haven't decided yet.

    (5) Push-ups: On track with program.

    Also, I decided to try out a new calorie goal. I set my activity level at active and let MFP calculate it. That got me my 2 lb/week back again, but only at 1200, blah. So I increased it to 1400 (allegedly 1.6 lb/week) and am keeping the Fitbit negative adjustment if I don't make "active" in its estimation. (I started this part of it a couple of weeks ago and have been good about making "active" almost every day.) I set my macros to 40-30-30, which is consistent with my protein goal of 105 g. To the extent I exceed "active," I'll be eating back some of my exercise calories, based on hunger/energy level.
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Long weekend...and needless to say I have not reached any of my goals for this week. A bit frustrated, but getting back on the straight and narrow today.

    I made a huge batch of veggie/chicken soup for the week...it calorie counts in at 50 calories a cup!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!! I can eat huge servings of this most yummy dish. It did not taste great yesterday when I tried it, but I am not eating it for lunch and it is much much better after sitting over night. The pepper flakes are opening up the flavor and it is just awesome. If there were noodles in it, it would almost be like a oriental dish..the flavoring of it. Yummy. And...the 50 calories per serving....again...HELLO!!!!!!!!! I will make it again. It is time consuming to enter everything in to the recipe page, but it is nice when you know exactly what you are putting in to a dish as well.

    Jovan and baby come home tomorrow and I am not sure I am ready for it. She is already stressing me out with stuff and I just do not need her stress right now. HOWEVER>.....I am going to use this and turn it around...I will be going to the gym almost every night for sure...or to the bike trail...something so that I can do something for me, not get caught up in her drama and get out of the house. I will just say prayers that she finds housing quicky and can move out. It wasn't the best before the baby, now it will just get worse....she is such a drama queen and I just don't do well with it.

    I have missed you all over the weekend....I did not have time to read up on stuff....I hope you are all doing well...Sue..how is the move..are you done? Steph..how's that knee doing with all of your working out? Veronica, good job getting up at 5:45....I am having issues just getting up. LOL
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Stay strong, Jodi, and get your workouts in. You deserve it. Good luck with all the stress.

    My knee is holding up fine--I'm wearing the sleeve to protect it when running other than at PT, and that seems to help. I do have my old issue with my hip that I think contributed to the knee, so I'm definitely continuing my exercises.

    A cool thing is that since my knee seems to have gotten better somewhat faster than expected by the PT, I am working with them this week on improving my running form, as well as the strengthening/curing imbalance exercises. One of the therapists videoed me running and is using it and some other tools to help me fix my stride and some other common issues. Only a short time ago the pain of seeing myself running on video would have overwhelmed the benefits of this experience, but it wasn't bad at all. It's true I've lost a good bit of weight at this point, but a huge part of this is just that being active and eating right always seems to help me feel more in tune with my body and confident in general, such that I get much less critical of how I look and am much more able to feel good about the physical parts of me and what I can do. I experienced this when I was exercising lots back in the day, well before I was anywhere near an ideal weight (in my mind), and noticed it again even some pounds ago, although I think my acceptance of being videoed probably developed more recently.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Stephanie...wow! I wish I had your determination for running! maybe one day.

    So I have decided to share my diary...just with you guys. It is locked but you can access it with a key, which is 9291.
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Great job Steph. I have asked my doctor (2 weeks ago) to refer me to a sports medicine doctor and I am still waiting for a call back from them. I am getting a bit angry to say the least. I am so glad that you are getting some awesome help with your running...I went for jog/walk today and I honestly think I can walk faster than I can jog. In my mind, while I am doing it....I picture that I am Rocky and I am just kickin it...but then I look at MMF and it tells me my pace and stuff and I am like .... grrrrrr. But, baby steps. I love the fact that I can jog/run at all and I am just overwhelmed with how far I have come in the last almost 60 days since I started back up with MFP and this group and meeting you.....We ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Oh, forgot to post my activity so far....I did nothing M and T....today did a 1.44 mile run/walk. Kind of more like a jog/walk...but I think I can walk faster than my run/jog pace. LOL But, I feel like a champion when I am attempting to run, and I am going longer distances each time I run...so that is a good thing. I can't wait to get out of the 18.something mph pace. I can't wait to see and average pace of 17.98 pace. LOL That will be exciting to me. I work out tonight with the trainer....I am totally excited, although I am still feeling a bit drained from weekend and the baby stuff.

    From what I understand, Jovan and baby are home, which I am sure means that the boyfriend is there....do not care for him at all. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is her boyfriend either. He is truely just .... rather .... useless. He is lazy and is in his 30's and still wears his pants falling off his butt, has not ambition to do anything with his life, and personally...I think my daughter can do better than that. But, she thinks she loves him, so I put up with him, but I am not sure I can allow him to stay at the house. UGH....AND THEN....I forgot my mom was coming...OH BOY. Anyway....on the up side...I will be working out a lot more the next few weeks until mom is gone and Jovan moves out. LOL The less time I am home, the better mentally I will be and the less chance of me stress eating. That is important to me.

    I have wedding coming up August 2nd. I was reading one of Sue's posts about dressing up a few weeks ago and I think I might go out and look for a dress. I would need to go tanning a bit, because my chubby legs are really really white, but I am thinking about. We have limited shopping up here in the northwoods, but I was thinking either a cute summer knee length dress with a little jacket or sweater or if I could find a pair of the baggy capris...Ummmm....skorts? I don't know....I just always wear the same thing, dressy jeans and a tank with a jacket and I am tired of always being that person. Just thought it would be cool to snazzy it up a bit. So, wish me luck in my shopping endeavors. LOL I will need it. It is not easy to have confidence to shop for something at 268....as some of you well know. But, there are many heavy women that dress cute...I just don't know where they find the cloths. LOL
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member

    I ended up getting around 11,400 anyway just from all the unpacking we did.

    Interesting article for those of us with a tracker...

    I think this is the way to do it. Get the steps throughout your normal day instead of having to go for a separate walk. Challenges you to figure out how to add more activity during the day.

    Why do you think people gain weight when they start using monitors and trackers? I think it's because many people aim for their minimum goals instead of pushing themselves all day, then counting up the results at the end.

    Check in--

    (1) Biking: Continued building my cycling base--didn't break any personal records for length, but my average length is up so far, and adding in the spinning will help me work on speed, since it's too easy for me to just relax into the long and slow ride, especially where I'm riding. Goal for next week: either try out a group ride or increase my length.

    (3) Swimming: Went a couple of times, but still haven't managed to swim for more than 45 minutes--I think 40 mins was my high this week. Goal for next week: try to swim for an hour at least once.

    I think getting out there with your legs & heart pumping is a good thing. Why not enjoy the accomplishments you've reached instead of being dissatisfied with something that didn't happen? Giving yourself a chance to "win" occasionally will help you stay motivated and focused. Rather than getting down on yourself.

    My trainer told me that the first 40-45 minutes of swimming was basically warming up. That the body doesn't get to the fat burning stage at that point. So the longer you can go after 45 minutes the better for burning fat. Actually, this applies to all workouts.

    I looked it up: glycogen or blood sugar is burned as the primary fuel source for the first 30-40 minutes. Then fat is the primary fuel source after that point.

    You may be getting tired because your swimming stroke and form are inefficient. One of my goals with taking lessons is to learn how swim more efficiently, with less energy to I can go longer. I can already tell the difference between when my strokes, kicks and form are all over the place and when I do the motions correctly. So much to learn.

    I have asked my doctor (2 weeks ago) to refer me to a sports medicine doctor and I am still waiting for a call back from them. I am getting a bit angry to say the least. I am so glad that you are getting some awesome help with your running.

    I have wedding coming up August 2nd. I was reading one of Sue's posts about dressing up a few weeks ago and I think I might go out and look for a dress. I would need to go tanning a bit, because my chubby legs are really really white, but I am thinking about. We have limited shopping up here in the northwoods, but I was thinking either a cute summer knee length dress with a little jacket or sweater or if I could find a pair of the baggy capris...Ummmm....skorts? I don't know....I just always wear the same thing, dressy jeans and a tank with a jacket and I am tired of always being that person. Just thought it would be cool to snazzy it up a bit. So, wish me luck in my shopping endeavors. LOL I will need it. It is not easy to have confidence to shop for something at 268....as some of you well know. But, there are many heavy women that dress cute...I just don't know where they find the cloths. LOL

    If you can afford to work with someone one on one, I definitely recommend it. All your personal quirks and mistakes can be corrected right away, instead of waiting several sessions for the trainer to notice you. Plus you can have the focus on your wants and needs, the whole time.

    It's probably too late for the August wedding to order online. If you're open to buying clothes off the Internet, I can recommend some places. Tell me the maximum your willing to spend on a dress or dressy outfit and I'll tell you a few websites for larger ladies.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hey, Warrior Sisters! The hardest part of move week is over. I'm mostly packed and done with trainings and work stuff. I was going to finish up packing tonight, but just couldn't keep standing. My son and his friends aren't arriving until noon to move us, so I'm just going to finish in the morning. I've been retaining water like crazy, since I've been eating out a lot and haven't figured out how to avoid sodium when doing that. But, it's almost over, and I have a big, brand new kitchen to try out!

    Veronica, great job moving into your new house and getting plenty of exercise! Thanks for opening your diary, too:) I love seeing what other people eat. I've stolen some good ideas and some people just have amazing taste in food, so I get pleasure from reading their diaries;)

    Stephanie, you are such a warrior! You went from not running for a while to 5 miles?! I just recently became capable of walking 5 miles and I don't usually do that all at once. You're really kicking butt on all of your goals!

    Jodi, good luck with Javon, the baby, her boyfriend, and your mom! Whoa! Want me to give Javon a good young mom pep talk? That's such a shame about her boyfriend is in his 30's and is still acting like a boy. A lot of young men are really suffering from lack of real men as role models in their lives. Maybe, the baby will be good motivation for him. Some young men actually grow up, when a baby comes into the picture. I wouldn't put up with a lot of drama, if I were you. You can tell her it's bad for the baby, if you're not comfortable setting the limit for yourself. I've raised 16 kids in my home and have always insisted it stay a peaceful place. I say, "There's enough drama out there. Here is where we rest." Check this link out: http://www.zulily.com/shop-by-size/women/plus/?ref=header&ns=ns_407563304|1405569764635 I just discovered it, after I went back down to the "regular" women's sizes, but think their dresses are cute and affordable.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Sue-You may be eating a lot of sodium, but the stuff you are eating from Starbucks sure does sound good! haha. Prayers for the rest of your move! We are still going back and forth to the apartment to pick up all the randomness sitting around EVERYWHERE! It feels like it will never end. But it HAS to end by August 2nd bc that is when our lease is actually up! We have a big kitchen now, too and it is amazing! We n olonger step al over each other ALL the time.
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Culo....I am going to order today from CJ Banks....found two CUTE dresses for $20 each....what???? Yup....so.....I will order them and then I can always take them back to the local store if I really hate them. LOL The local store is 40ish miles away...otherwise I would go down there and see if they have them...but don't want to waste the gas. LOL

    Also...I am working with a trainer one on one....two day a week right now and it is awesome. I can honestly say, I have not ever worked so hard in my life as I did last night. He pushed me to the very brink of my limits....I love this trainer...he is EXACTLY what I needed.

    Sue, thanks for the words of encouragement for Jovan and baby and boyfriend. Last night was their first night home and they actually did not get home until late...I held the peanut until she fell asleep while they smoked their last cigarette...no smoking in our house or around the baby...so they have to go outside. That little baby is just such a blessing from God that she is even with us after the way she entered this world...and she snuggles already at 3 days old. She was laying on my chest and it felt like she was snuggling down in further.....just precious. I think she has stolen my heart....I don't even like babies....LOL.

    I might be going to 3 nights a week with the trainer. I am so pumped with him...he is just perfect. We are making plans to do some outdoor work outs....those will involve hill climbing etc....using play ground equipment for the excercises etc. I am totally excited for that. We never use machines in the weight room for cardio or for weights, everything is free weights or body weight and he pushes and encourages with just the right amount of force and yet kindness. I can not even describe the way this man is changing me inside and out. My husband...after only 3 sessions is noticing a physical difference as well as a change in attitude. Honestly...if I was rich...I could work out with him ever day....he is that good for my body and soul. (Sorry, you will hear a lot about Dan in the future...he is the man that will change my life forever!!!)

    I am working on my schedule for the next few months, I have some weddings and such coming up and I need to see if Dan can be flexable with scheduling with me....I don't want to miss a work out. LOL Planning and preperation is what makes for a healthy life. Planning ahead for food, excercise etc. is the only way I can do it.

    Oh...I think I am going to go take a "beats" class tonight. It is where you use drum sticks and excercise balls...have not seen one before, but looks fun....it is not going to be a huge calorie burner I don't think....but it will help to losen my muscles from last night...Will let you know how it goes.
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    OHHH.....Culo....I love the swimming lessons...I never would have thought about that. I think this fall when the weather is too bad to go outside, I want to look into taking some lessons...how many did you take or are you taking? I think that is a great idea!!!!!!!!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Why not enjoy the accomplishments you've reached instead of being dissatisfied with something that didn't happen? Giving yourself a chance to "win" occasionally will help you stay motivated and focused. Rather than getting down on yourself.

    Oh, my tone was conveyed badly if I sounded down on myself. I'm happy with what I've done so far this month, but continuing to set goals motivates me. I was just trying to be straightforward about what I've done and what I haven't done yet. My goals were for the month, so I don't expect to do everything every week.

    On the swimming, what is somewhat frustrating to me is that I could swim for probably 2 hours, strength-wise (although I don't actually want to swim for long periods of time). I'm not super fast, but I'm a very strong swimmer--always have been, probably because I spend my early childhood in Florida and learned to swim before I can remember. But I get bored or don't have time, on top of the time it takes to get there, change, and then shower and dry off and change afterwards. The boredom is the biggest issue--I very occasionally can get in a zone, but haven't lately, so it's harder to stop worrying about time, etc. Probably should start doing drills, which would help improve my speed too. I always feel great after swimming, though, even when it's a shorter swim.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Great updates everyone. I feel like I'm right there with you.

    Has anyone tried either a foam roller and/or lacrosse balls for muscle massage? The pictures, videos and benefits look interesting and helpful. Unfortunately, I'm not flexible or mobile enough to get down on the floor to try it. My bloodclot leg doesn't bend enough right now.

    Hey, Warrior Sisters! The hardest part of move week is over. I'm mostly packed and done with trainings and work stuff. I was going to finish up packing tonight, but just couldn't keep standing. My son and his friends aren't arriving until noon to move us, so I'm just going to finish in the morning. I've been retaining water like crazy, since I've been eating out a lot and haven't figured out how to avoid sodium when doing that. But, it's almost over, and I have a big, brand new kitchen to try out!

    Check this link out: http://www.zulily.com/shop-by-size/women/plus/?ref=header&ns=ns_407563304|1405569764635 I just discovered it, after I went back down to the "regular" women's sizes, but think their dresses are cute and affordable.

    How exciting! Have you decided on the meal to break in your new kitchen? Probably something simple, I bet.

    I always see the Zulily ads, thanks online marketing and the clothes look cute. Unfortunately, the website is evil. You can't look at anything unless you give them an email address. I refuse.

    Culo....I am going to order today from CJ Banks....found two CUTE dresses for $20 each....what???? Yup....so.....I will order them and then I can always take them back to the local store if I really hate them. LOL The local store is 40ish miles away...otherwise I would go down there and see if they have them...but don't want to waste the gas. LOL

    Also...I am working with a trainer one on one....two day a week right now and it is awesome. I can honestly say, I have not ever worked so hard in my life as I did last night. He pushed me to the very brink of my limits....I love this trainer...he is EXACTLY what I needed.

    I might be going to 3 nights a week with the trainer. I am so pumped with him...he is just perfect. We are making plans to do some outdoor work outs....those will involve hill climbing etc....using play ground equipment for the excercises etc. I am totally excited for that. We never use machines in the weight room for cardio or for weights, everything is free weights or body weight and he pushes and encourages with just the right amount of force and yet kindness. I can not even describe the way this man is changing me inside and out. My husband...after only 3 sessions is noticing a physical difference as well as a change in attitude. Honestly...if I was rich...I could work out with him ever day....he is that good for my body and soul. (Sorry, you will hear a lot about Dan in the future...he is the man that will change my life forever!!!)

    I am working on my schedule for the next few months, I have some weddings and such coming up and I need to see if Dan can be flexable with scheduling with me....I don't want to miss a work out. LOL Planning and preperation is what makes for a healthy life. Planning ahead for food, excercise etc. is the only way I can do it.

    Oh...I think I am going to go take a "beats" class tonight. It is where you use drum sticks and excercise balls...have not seen one before, but looks fun....it is not going to be a huge calorie burner I don't think....but it will help to losen my muscles from last night...Will let you know how it goes.

    OHHH.....Culo....I love the swimming lessons...I never would have thought about that. I think this fall when the weather is too bad to go outside, I want to look into taking some lessons...how many did you take or are you taking? I think that is a great idea!!!!!!!!!!


    I've gotten blouses from Christopher & Banks online. We don't have that store in my part of the San Francisco Bay Area. Since you'll be shrinking out of your current size in a few months, good thing you didn't spend too much on your outfits. :)

    Was one of the dresses, Swirl Print Dress? I love that pattern, in either color, even though I'm not an arms out person.

    Your personal training sessions sounds facinating. I've only had personal trainers in the gym, never outside in public. Do people try to listen in to get free tips? That happens to me whether we are in the pool or doing weights.

    Swimming is definitely a good alternative to the treadmill or elliptical when you're stuck inside because of bad weather. So many different things you can do in the water.

    Please tell us how the drum sticks and excercise balls class went. I'm curious.

    Oh, my tone was conveyed badly if I sounded down on myself. I'm happy with what I've done so far this month, but continuing to set goals motivates me. I was just trying to be straightforward about what I've done and what I haven't done yet. My goals were for the month, so I don't expect to do everything every week.

    On the swimming, what is somewhat frustrating to me is that I could swim for probably 2 hours, strength-wise (although I don't actually want to swim for long periods of time). I'm not super fast, but I'm a very strong swimmer--always have been, probably because I spend my early childhood in Florida and learned to swim before I can remember. But I get bored or don't have time, on top of the time it takes to get there, change, and then shower and dry off and change afterwards. The boredom is the biggest issue--I very occasionally can get in a zone, but haven't lately, so it's harder to stop worrying about time, etc. Probably should start doing drills, which would help improve my speed too. I always feel great after swimming, though, even when it's a shorter swim.

    Sorry about the misunderstanding. So many things influence how the words on the screen are interpreted. It's one of the side effects of not talking face to face. No harm meant. I just didn't want you to feel disappointed with your progress.

    Swimming for 2 hours is a worthy goal. I'm still working on making it from one end of the 25 meter pool to the other without stopping. So far, it's happened only once.

    A lot of excercising is a state of mind, a mental attitude. Everyone has their own idea of what's fun and what's doable. Even though I could probably walk 2 hours on a treadmill, I'd rather be poked with a stick than do it. If swimming doesn't excite you, pick something else. If you decide swimming health benefits are a fair tradeoff for the boredom, YouTube videos can give you some ideas of how to mix things up.

    I definitely understand what you mean about the pre & post swim activities. I've improved how long it takes me to get from the car to the pool, but after the swim still takes forever. Since I have really curly hair, I'm obsessed with making sure all the chlorine water is rinsed out. So it'll be a challenge to really cut back on the after swimming routine.

    Luckily, I don't have much of a life, so I can usually take my time.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    A lot of excercising is a state of mind, a mental attitude. Everyone has their own idea of what's fun and what's doable. Even though I could probably walk 2 hours on a treadmill, I'd rather be poked with a stick than do it. If swimming doesn't excite you, pick something else. If you decide swimming health benefits are a fair tradeoff for the boredom, YouTube videos can give you some ideas of how to mix things up.

    Yep, totally agree. I'm certain there's a way to get over my mental block about swimming longer, so that's why I'm pushing myself. (Or contemplating pushing myself.) ;-)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I might be going to 3 nights a week with the trainer. I am so pumped with him...he is just perfect. We are making plans to do some outdoor work outs....those will involve hill climbing etc....using play ground equipment for the excercises etc. I am totally excited for that. We never use machines in the weight room for cardio or for weights, everything is free weights or body weight and he pushes and encourages with just the right amount of force and yet kindness. I can not even describe the way this man is changing me inside and out. My husband...after only 3 sessions is noticing a physical difference as well as a change in attitude. Honestly...if I was rich...I could work out with him ever day....he is that good for my body and soul. (Sorry, you will hear a lot about Dan in the future...he is the man that will change my life forever!!!)

    I love this. It really seems like you've found a perfect match and that focusing on weights is going to be great for you, as well as all your other activities, of course! It's also really cool that your husband is noticing already.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    And congrats on both the moves (Veronica and Sue) being complete or almost so!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Wow....so much going on in here....

    Yes, congrats to Sue and Veronica on moving. While I would love to move so that my house did not need to be remodeled....I will still just do the remodeling. LOL Soooo much work!!! It sounds like you both had awesome helpers though and that you both got good work outs....

    Steph and Culo....I commend you both on your swimming!!!! My challenge for the summer is the bike and then this winter it will be to do swimming again. I am hoping I can finally fit back in to the suit that I had a few years back.... Thanks to Culo (i think?)..I am actually going to look into taking a few lessons as well. I swim "ok", but I would like to use proper form and really do my body some good. My main problem with swimming is the cholrine in my hair and then having to shower at the Y when you are done. It is always too hot in the shower room for me. I don't mind doing it...I am not so modest that I can't do it, but I always get so sweaty. BLUGH.... So, I don't know...those are excuses for sure and I will have to get over them some how....I am looking forward to the swimming in a weird kind of way.

    My daughter is back in the hospital. She now has pockets of infection in her uterus. Poor thing...if it is not one thing it is another. Baby is staying with the other grandma because I just don't have the proper "know how" to take care of a little peanut like that. I have never raised a child from birth...I got Jovan when she was 12....so, while I feel awful that I can not help out more that way. She may get out today.

    Saturday was an awesome work out with Dan....we killed weights big time. I actually still hurt a bit today. Then....the topping on the cake...I took my bike and rode it the Y....only 2.8 miles one way...but I had to cross traffic in several spots and cross a 4 lane road in one spot....I fear the bike and the traffic, but I pulled myself up by my boot straps and did it. Once I got to the Y I walked 2 miles on the track waiting for my friend to get off work and then we rode home together. I was very happy with my work outs Saturday...I actually took yesterday off. We went for a ride on the Gold wing and did laundry and prepped healthy food for the week....it was an ubber busy weekend, fit a lot in to a short amount of time and I am almost glad it is Monday.

    No walks out side for a day or two....very hot and humid and my breathing does not do well with that. I think tonight I will actually fire up the elliptical in the basement and dust of the punching bag and weight machine and get to work in the basement. We are supposed to have Karate outside, but I may boycott and outside session. They are redoing the floor in our dojo and it is not done yet. Grrrrrrr.....

    I hope you are all doing well and staying on track-"ish"....my ice cream treat yesterday was devine!!!!!!!!!!!! I earned it and loved it and enjoyed every second of it and I won't regret it unless I do not lose anything this week. Two days until weigh in....gosh I need that stupid scale to drop. PLEASE PLEASE DROP!!!!!!!!:sad:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Great job facing your fears with the riding, Jodi. And sorry that Jovan is continuing to have health issues.

    My check in:

    Did well with biking and running. I did my longest ride of the summer so far on Sunday--took the North Shore Channel Trail (one of the trails along the Chicago River, into Skokie and then Evanston) to the Green Bay Trail. Rode that part way and then rode back, stopped for lunch, and returned home. Sadly, MapMyRide has decided that it will use up my phone batteries at a great rate, so for the second week in a row the batteries died before I got home. No big deal as my route home is about the same as that out, and they died not far from home, so I was able to reconstruct the end accurately, but a minor annoyance. Supposedly Strava is less of a battery hog, so I may experiment with it.

    Reports on the Green Bay Trail from earlier in the summer were that it was messed up due to the winter weather, but it seems fine now, at least on the portions I've ridden. One cool thing about the trail is that it meets up with others, in particular one that will take you all the way to WI. A few years ago a friend and I did it almost there--to Zion, IL--and it was kind of a pain since it's not extremely well marked in places and there are a few sketchy areas, but was also fun.

    On running, I've been working on my stride per the PT, and also trying to go a bit (but only a bit) faster. I figured my pace would naturally increase as I lost weight and ran more, but I seemed to have gotten into something of a rut when running outside (I think in part because I was lengthening my stride and not increasing the speed of my legs). So I forced myself to run a little on the treadmill and then tried to focus more on moving my legs faster with shorter steps, and did improve speed somewhat. I am also playing around with Runkeeper and downloaded a half marathon training plan (I'm signed up for one in Naperville in November and the training plan is a 16 week one, so seemed perfect). Today I did day one.

    Both of those count as new things for the week, I think, but I guess my real new thing is that I met with a personal trainer at my new gym and am going to work with her on strength training focused on aiding/counterbalance the running and avoiding hip or knee issues, if possible.

    I got a bit behind on my pushups challenge, but did get back to it yesterday.