JULY exercise challenge

Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
TODAY is a NEW DAY: It's never too late to start over. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself & grow. What matters is who YOU are in this moment!

Welcome everyone to July. I am doing 3 different 30 day challenges for this month. I am doing a Burpee's, which are modified Instead of JUMPING from the squat position to the push up position, WALK YOUR LEGS back separately. crunches, and the 30 day shred. I also joined a group a friend made for clean eating that starts July 7th and everyone wants to join. I am 13lbs away from being 300 so I'm really pushing my self to get there. I was 370 when I joined in Jan. my new goal is to be 295 for my mom's wedding Sept 20th. So lets make July a great month for us all.


  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    My challenge is to do SOMETHING every single day, if I can't get to the gym, to at least go for a walk, ride on my stationary bike or a YouTube work out. I should finally be out of the 300's by the end of the month, and that is great motivation for me, I am 6-7 pounds away from 300, and I know I can push out of it this month!

    I'm a bit worried about the end of the month, I'll be out of state for work for a week, which means a lot of eating out. I'm going to make sure that I get a hotel with a gym, or at least a couple of machines to do something with
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok, frustrated again, lol, typed three paragraphs, and GONE with a single keystroke! I wish I knew what I was hitting when that happens! And because I type so fast, I can almost never save it with 'undo' because there is usually one or two letters on the screen right away. UGH

    Anyway as I was saying, lol....July is certainly a new month and I am excited for the summer!! I wanted to go swimming today, but we are expecting severe thunderstorms with torrential downpours and winds to over 100km/hr!! So, no swimming for me! I am dying to get my first swim of the season in there!! I usually only get to swim a few times a summer, but now with my kids older, I have more freedom and plan to go as often as possible this summer!!

    Also, no gym today, because it is a holiday (Canada Day), so buses are on holiday schedule, which means a 15 minute layover outside between buses, and with that storm, I am not taking that chance. Bummer too cuz I wanted to go to Wal-Mart today and get a speaker for my laptop....guess it will have to wait.

    For today, I am going to try and do some yoga....hopefully that will help my back too, I seemed to have pulled something on Thursday and have been suffering all week with it....I started taking meds and heating it yesterday, so hopefully between that and some yoga it should be feeling better soon.

    Tomorrow is Wednesday and I work, so I normally do not go to the gym, but both my kids got jobs this year and are both working as soon as I get home....literally I get off at 4 and they start at 4:30 and 5:30, so I am thinking I might just got for it and get an extra work-out in. Does it matter if I work out Wednesday night and then again Thursday morning? Is that too close together?

    I have been during pretty good as far as eating for about four or five days now....it is not much, but it is a start...I even started logging yesterday again....I am really going to try and put forth the effort to log most days, maybe six days a week. Now I have this laptop and the app on my iPhone, it should make it easier, and I am going to try and make it count!

    Looking forward to check in here, I found before that motivated me because I wanted something to report, lol, but then the thread kinda died and I seemed to go with it.....here is to giving it another shot :drinker:

    Skittles - you can so do that, I have no doubt at all, you are doing wonderful!!

    To everyone: how often do you weigh in??
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    amcook4 you can do this. your so close to it. and it's going to be a great feeling :)

    Unknown first I work out some evening and then again the next morning so this is fine, but listen to your body, if it hurts in any way then back off. just keep it light. I know when I first started to work out I was in pain, but I wasn't hurting I was sore which still stinks. but over time it passed and I got stronger.

    I also love swimming, I haven't done it enough because all it's been doing here in PA is raining, so I hope one day when I am free I can swim, but thats great for you. look up a few youtube videos that will help you do some work outs in the water, they are great.

    also making goals like you logging in 6 days a week, if great. the small changes like this are a great start.

    I also saw this was dieting off. I really want to try and bring it back to life. so I'll be posting a lot more.:smile:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Good morning everyone, How are all you amazing people doing today?

    Today I have my challenges and i'm going to do my C25K if it doesn't rain and later tonight zumba
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I'm still working on rehabbing my ankle. I think I'm going to go for a walk tonight and see how it feels, if all is good I will probably jump back into my C25k Friday (just in time to burn some calories for the 4th of July BBQ :-)

    One thing I've noticed with having to stay off my foot is that it is bothering me a lot more to be laid up. Before I would be like "great a legitimate excuse not to work out!" and now I'm like "when can I get back out there!"
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    I'm still working on rehabbing my ankle. I think I'm going to go for a walk tonight and see how it feels, if all is good I will probably jump back into my C25k Friday (just in time to burn some calories for the 4th of July BBQ :-)

    One thing I've noticed with having to stay off my foot is that it is bothering me a lot more to be laid up. Before I would be like "great a legitimate excuse not to work out!" and now I'm like "when can I get back out there!"

    I hope it works out for you to walk. and I understand 100% about wanting to be on the move, I know back in Feb I was really sick and I was off for 2 weeks and I felt so horrible not being able to work out. I am so use to working out now. and when I'm not doing any kind of exercise I feel i'm being lazy, when I really am not lol.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I hope it works out for you to walk. and I understand 100% about wanting to be on the move, I know back in Feb I was really sick and I was off for 2 weeks and I felt so horrible not being able to work out. I am so use to working out now. and when I'm not doing any kind of exercise I feel i'm being lazy, when I really am not lol.

    Yes! Excactly! If I don't get some sort of a workout in I feel like a lazy bum. Can't wait to get back at it but at the same time I wanna be careful so I don't make it worse.
  • Carross1018
    My goal for July is ensuring 10,000 steps a day with my fitbit. I almost even hit 15,000 steps yesterday!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member

    Yes! Excactly! If I don't get some sort of a workout in I feel like a lazy bum. Can't wait to get back at it but at the same time I wanna be careful so I don't make it worse.

    ya you don't want to mess things up more and be off longer. Just take it easy. and I had to keep telling my self I'm not a bum, and I know your not, you been rocking the work outs

    Carross that is a great goal to have with the 10k in steps and 15 is amazing. I also have a fitbit, feel free to add me https://www.fitbit.com/user/2D6C87
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Well, I did not get my yoga in last night, because my daughter came home from her grandmothers after being gone for five days, so my stress level went up about 100%.

    All night long I was fighting cravings to eat sweets, which I did not have when I was not as stressed out.....really gonna have to fight that for the next eight weeks.

    Today, I went to the gym, did my 30 minutes on the treadmill, and despite only getting in one actual work out in the last month, I was still able to walk at 2.2 for most of the time. I did my weights and then those dreaded five minutes on the cross trainer, lol, but I made it....

    I came home from the gym, to find something else my daughter fkn did, so the stress from that sucked up several hours of my night and I didn't end up eating until almost 10pm....I know I am going to be fighting cravings tonight too....going be fighting this a lot the next couple months....ugh

    I am going to try and go to the gym again tomorrow, but I might fail....I only slept three hours last night and know I am getting next to no sleep tonight and then have to get up early to take my son to the DRs.....but I will try.....
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Well, went shopping at Costco last night and walked around a lot on my ankle and it was feeling pretty good. I think I'm going to try to get back into things before I miss too many days. I was back down to my low weight of 295 today and I really wanna have a new low so I need to get back on it.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Well, went shopping at Costco last night and walked around a lot on my ankle and it was feeling pretty good. I think I'm going to try to get back into things before I miss too many days. I was back down to my low weight of 295 today and I really wanna have a new low so I need to get back on it.

    WTG on being under 300, that is great:drinker:

    Unknown I'm sorry your so stressed, i hope your able to work thought it. just take it one day at a time

    today I'm leaving as soon as my hubby gets home, we are going camping till sat so I might not have service. I hope I do and I will try and log on, but I won't be able to be in the groups, the app doesn't let me:grumble: but I plan on doing my challenges still, and I have to add one extra day on to my 30ds because I will not have service to watch the video, I am also not making this holiday weekend about food so I still plan to stay in my food and not eat any junk food or sweets. everyone have a safe 4th of july if your in the US. everyone else have a great weekend
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    How is everyones weekend going of far? I can't say I ate all heathy but I did stay away from chips and cookies and cupcakes, but I had ribs and other stuff. so I enjoyed but I did fill full so I didn't over eat after I knew Iw as full
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    My sister in law was super considerate and made bbq chicken breasts and had the sandwich thins instead of buns so I was able to stay under by quite a bit. Today I'm going to go buy my new running shoes finally! It was my reward for being under 300.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    Got my new shoes! I saved up my money so I was able to get a nice pair of Brooks and it felt like I was walking on super supportive clouds. I was even faster. It was my second fastest run yet and now I'm starting the official C25k in Tuesday.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Shannonin - awesome that you made your goals and got some new shoes!! Things like that can be exciting!!

    Skittles - Good job on still doing well with food while out of routine, I have never been able to do that.....esp in a group setting....I remember before my best girlfriend died last year, every time we would have poker or even just a party, we would have a great spread and I would just eat the entire night....crazy....sadly, I know longer have the problem of frequent get togethers or poker parties (Her family still invites me but it just does not feel the same without her). On another note, I have never understood the reason people go camping!! LOL I feel like I work hard all year, the last thing I want to do on my time off it live like a homeless person. :tongue:

    I did not do bad this week....I feel I ate pretty well. I have had very limited amount of junk food. Last night was the first time in a long time that I didn't come home from a late shift at work and eat half the leftover donuts!!

    Today I went swimming instead of watching movies like a typical Saturday after a late shift!! I did a half an hour of laps and water jogging. Then I came home for an hour and decided to go to the Y for some weight lifting, but I got there at 5:45 and they changed their summer hours this week so they close at 6pm on Saturday....so I came back home.....But hey, it's been a good week!

    Monday morning will be my first weigh in since getting back on track.....hoping for a good number....watch the tracker people, LOL
  • kh4leesi
    kh4leesi Posts: 13 Member
    I've been doing a lot of snacking during the day and especially at night. I end up feeling guilty after, which isn't abnormal for anyone, really. I'm trying to motivate myself to leave the house and go walking... Its hard for me and I don't quite understand why. I used to walk every day, multiple times a day. I had dropped 15lbs at one point.

    But now I do nothing.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    well today I weighted in and I gained 1.6 lbs. I knew it was going to be a gain because I enjoyed my holiday weekend way to much, but it's ok I learn from this and I move on. I am going to drop 3 lbs this week. I just have a feeling. I also am in a group with some friends for a clean eating month. so this whole month I'm eating clean. I will be at 300. I am to close to stop

    What does everyone have planed for this week? how are you all going to stay active ?
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Started 30DShred yesterday...wow that's a workout! Teaching summer school 3 days this week so hoping to get up and exercise before I go to work and a walk with the dog every evening.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,594 Member
    Started 30DShred yesterday...wow that's a workout! Teaching summer school 3 days this week so hoping to get up and exercise before I go to work and a walk with the dog every evening.

    ya it is a work out, i started it on the first, But back in Feb I did it as well, I am thinking by Oct I'll try level 2 lol