Happy Monday Check-In/Accountability & Goal Setting!



  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Glad to report this weekend was hangover-free. However, I did drink quite a bit of wine, so I'm certain I went way over the 2,000 calorie mark.
    Goals for this week: cut beer consumption by 1/4, No wine until Friday. Calories, 2,000.
  • PSlosing29
    PSlosing29 Posts: 47 Member
    Well I joined this group on the first, and that night my neighbors came over and the drinking began. I had a bit of a hang over the next morning. Saturday I had one large mikes hard and Sunday just one Coors light.
    My goal for this week; no sort of alcohol/wine/beer monday-thursday and maybe allow myself some special drinks this weekend (anniversary weekend) :D
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Hear that? That's the sound of my weekly goal already going up in smoke. All because of 1 happy hour. SIGH. Time to get my *kitten* to the gym again. Blech. Oh well. Can't let one bad day derail the rest. Anyone else ever had this experience? Maybe I'll start a whole new thread for happy hour tips we can all share....
  • Hear THIS?! This is the sound of my fiance being let go from his job at 10am this morning and showing up at home with 8 Guinness and a broken heart/ego at 10:30am.

    Sigh.....this year has been a beast and it's just not letting up on us. I'm not thrilled about the beer. I had a couple, he drank the rest. He's sleeping now. We ate junk at lunch in a mad scramble to get some food in him. I have the worst belly cramps now. Skipped my workout. It's ick and rainy out. My fella doesn't want me to tell any friends/family about the job thing yet. Feel like I only have this forum right now. So, thanks. Oh, and my therapist tomorrow.....again, sigh.....
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Since I cannot have just one drink, I am abstaining completely.

    I am right there with you. I can drink one drink, and then the next day convince myself well I didn't turn into a monster so I'll have another, and it s l o w l y escalates until I have damaged my health and my relationships with wife, children, and work.

    And drinking is not worth it. I can enjoy myself and have a good time surrounded by drinkers and stick to my club soda and lime BECAUSE I HAVE TO. I have a choice, but the options other than abstaining are no bueno. I have to abstain because alcohol interferes with lithium and I need lithium to do its thing if I am to manage my bipolar issues..

    And I am OK with each of you working our your own path. Reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse; whatever. It is all good because we will all work out our own alcohol management strategy.

    I feel for all of you posters on this topic and I feel better about my odds knowing you are out there struggling with me.
  • Thank you.
  • Oh this is a tricky week!
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    I know right? This week is a wash for me, but I will consider it a win, in that I'm paying much more attention to what I'm drinking (and when) that I ever would have even a month ago.
  • Happy Tuesday.

    I missed two days worth and just logged Sun/Mon this morning. Last week was just as I suspected it may be. Too tempting. Anyway, onward!

    Booze calories: 3,649. Yikes!
    Sober days: 2
    Calories over for week: 574....I'm ok with that.

    This week: 2200 cal goal (there's an out-of-town wedding this week)
    Sober days: 3
    Calories over: 700 max.

    How's everyone doing? What's one awesome thing that happened in your world last week?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    You seem to be on tract. GOOD FOR YOU!

    I am doing ok. Robin Williams was a role model to us bipolars as a bipolar person being successful, so the news is a tough one to take. I figure I don't follow his lead, I continue to carry his torch of making people smile as much as I can and be here and healthy for my wife and family..
  • He was a fantastic comedian and actor; sad to lose him. His passing is really opening up a lot of conversation via social media and otherwise. It's good that people are talking. Carry the torch!
  • So, I know I'm the only one really doing this, but that's cool! Still making myself accountable. This Monday's another hard one. This past week was tricky. I was unmotivated with exercise. I'm also having a trying time (at times) with my fella being between jobs and home everyday. Lack of motivation, I'd rather just hang out with him instead of running for 60 minutes. And when he has some chips in the afternoon, I'm like "sure, why not!" when I'd never reach for afternoon chips if I were here alone. Oh well.

    So my goals for the past week:
    Alcohol: 2200 cal goal
    Sober days: 3
    Calories over: 700 max.

    What actually happened:
    Alcohol: 2806 cal -- 606 calories over, so like 3-4 drinks. Not too bad, really. Considering the out of town wedding.
    Sober days: 3 (almost 4)
    Calories over: 4,718 OUCH! I know I ate a lot at the wedding and while on the road. Wanted to make sure I had food in me before having drinks. So it's that, along with going out for food, along with only working out 3 days this week, instead of 5. I may have over-logged in some spots, who knows.

    This week's goals:
    Alcohol: 2200 cal goal (let's try that one again)
    Sober days: 4
    Calories over: 600 (gotta try and make up for last week! Which will involve more exercise!)

    I AM going to my Father's cottage this weekend which may be food trouble, but we have my step-daughter so shouldn't be too crazy at all on the alcohol front.

    Have a great week everyone! Anything fun coming up?!
  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    So, I know I'm the only one really doing this, but that's cool! Still making myself accountable.

    Just letting you know, I just read this thread, but don't post...so you are still accountable! :smokin: :wink:
  • Haha thanks! Hard to be accountable sometimes!
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    I still read this, even though I haven't really been doing that great lately. New goal: No drinks M-Th. Question for everyone: do you find that you drink more during the weekend, or at basically the same rate all week, or does it depend?
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    I used to drink weekends only, then it got to be almost every night, and mostly when I was alone. Weekends got really heavy till I poisoned myself with gin. That's when I quit.

    After two years I started having a beer once in a while - I missed it - and sure enough the same pattern was reappearing. So that's it. Done with Alcohol.
  • Yeah, alcohol is definitely a progressive slope. Because I work in the restaurant industry my "weekend" is usually Tuesday/Wednesday or something like that. I actually drink less on my days off because I want to use them to the fullest AND I think I'm also happy on my days off, whereas I treat my job as a trigger or excuse for drinking. That being said, it's difficult when the actual weekend comes around and I'm like "well....it's Friday, who doesn't want to have a beer or two on a patio on a Friday night?" So, I don't know. Weekends are tricky too because that's when people with m-f, 9-5 jobs through bbqs, have bday parties, etc. So there are more social events/activities on weekends. I would rather have one drink a day then binge drink on weekends, for example. When I was in University, my roommate and I went to visit her grandparents in California during our spring break. It was a hilarious trip for many reasons, but one thing I do recall is her grandfather - he would have one cocktail at 5 or 6pm and that was it for the day. But he was religious about having it every day. When I picture myself as a drinker, I'd like to picture something like that. I'm a creature of habit and I like routine......it's just the stopping after one. And drinking that one at a reasonable pace. Or maybe it's a glass with dinner. I don't know.

    It's almost September. My fella and I are reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking (which I've read before, he hasn't). We're freeing ourselves from the ol Nicotine trap next week. I can't wait! I hate smoking lately. Feels so wrong, whereas it used to feel right - ish. We're also starting our dry/clean month soon, which we take every autumn. I think it should coincide with quitting smoking. But will that be too tricky? I don't think so.....we'll be able to focus our time and minds on many other things during the month. And without alcohol, we won't haven't a drunken slip on the smoking.

    Does anyone on here battle the smoking issue?

    Now I've got to log my food for the last two days and see where my drinking landed. Be back to post shortly! Happy Monday!
  • Last week's goals:
    Alcohol: 2200 cal goal
    Sober days: 4
    Calories over: 600

    Alcohol: 2722 cal, 522 calories over goal. Oh will I ever hit this goal.....?
    Sober days: 3 (I guess with 4, I would've hit the above goal)
    Calories over for the week: 0
    in fact, I was at a 247 calorie deficit for the week!

    This week's goals:

    Alcohol: 2500
    Sober days: 3
    Calories over: 700

    As I mentioned in my previous post, I am intending to quit smoking early next week and take my clean month around the same time. I am giving myself more breathing room this week, as I know I may want to indulge a bit. We'll see what happens.

    Anyone else ready for a sober September?
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    Hey! I just found this group. I love the idea of having a Monday check-in and look over how much I drank.

    Last week, I drank way too much. (Hence joining this group. :)

    Mostly, my goal for this week is to drink less than last week. I haven't really paid too much attention to how many calories I drink in the past, so I'll just stick with that for the first week. Also, four days without drinking.
  • PLT1971
    PLT1971 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. I am back to MFP after taking a couple of months off, and am going to really try to get the alcohol consumption under control. I love the idea of posting goals for the week, and then reporting back on Mondays, - plus posts throughout the week to offer encouragement to each other. I can't recall the last time I had a sober day... It has been a couple of years, at least. I usually drink the equivalent of 6 standard drinks per night (a standard drink being 1.5 ounces of vodka, 12 oz light beer or 5 oz of white wine). And more than that on the weekends. I know that's waaaayyyy too much, and need to get it under control. I'm not willing to eliminate alcohol at this point, unless I am just unable to get a grip with moderation.

    If it's okay for everyone, I'm going to post my goals and results in # of standard drinks. For this week, my goal is to have no more than 35 standard drinks (average of 5 per day). I know that's terrible, but for me it's an improvement. I usually consume around 600-700 calories in drinks per day. Gee, I wonder why I have such a hard time losing weight?!?

    Thanks for making this an encouraging place for those of us who struggle with alcohol!