Happy Monday Check-In/Accountability & Goal Setting!



  • Hey! Welcome, welcome PLT1971 and ajs2mf! Happy to have you here! Thanks for being open to sharing how you're feeling with the alcohol battle and it's fantastic that you're both setting goals. It's nice to have company on here!

    I indulged a little too much last night. We were bbq'ing and listening to a sort of 'podcast' about the 30 greatest classic rock albums of all time - I was in Heaven, having way too much fun.

    Then there's this morning. Supposed to run today, have an appointment at 3pm downtown and have a few jobs for which I'd like to apply. BUT ALL I WANNA DO is snuggle in bed and read and watch netflix and eat. Thankfully my fella is kicking my butt into gear, encouraging me to go about my normal, productive day. What's worse is that I drunkenly made plans last night with an old friend. Made plans to drink this afternoon/early evening. Think I'm going to flake. We haven't seen each other since April so I know it'll be a boozy and smokey visit. I do want to see her before next week, as I'm doing a dry month and quitting smoking but really, I don't want to drink today. We'll see. I dislike when I do that. Make any plans or decisions while drinking. I've become better at it - not doing it - but not last night. Bah. Ok.....little rant finished. Chin up. Happy Wednesday! Have a good day everyone!
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    Hey PLT1971, thanks for your honesty! Everyone is at different places, but I appreciate knowing there are other people who struggle with this too! Sometimes even just counting the number of drinks you have in a week can help you cut back.
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Doing well this week so far. My usual course of action used to be to have I'd say... probably a bottle of wine per night when I got home from work or wherever. This week and last week I cut that out completely M-Th. My daily trips to the pub have become more like once/week. Fewer beer calories = a good thing. I enjoy not waking up with hangovers of any kind. It's kind of nice. The BIG catch is though, I have lost NO weight. I've actually GAINED a few lbs? What gives? Oh well. Sigh. Am considering doing sober September. It would be nice if we could make it a group thing.
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Am considering doing sober September. It would be nice if we could make it a group thing.

    Count me in.
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm in!
  • PLT1971
    PLT1971 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome into the group! I'm not ready for a sober September, but will definitely be improving my numbers and cheering you Sober September folk on! You can do it!!
  • YESSSSSS! I'm so happy others are into Sober September! I'm a bit nervous about it, but glad you guys are here for me - we're here for each other. My fiance and I are in it together. He knows about this group of ours' and so he gets support too, by proxy!

    I'm more excited about quitting smoking! Oh the money saved! And health, of course.

    So, as of Tuesday, I decided I would be taking this last "summer" week off from working out and be a bit more chill about food and booze. It's sort of like a stay-cation. Though I am working and still logging what I eat, I wanted to give myself a conscious break, as I didn't really get much of a summer vacation this year. So, that being said, my goals for this week might be pointless. I'm at 2,324 calories from alcohol this week. Almost at my goal. Going to drink more than that. I am working all weekend, but will be having drinks on Sunday, I suspect.

    Ariannes225! Great work from you! That's absolutely awesome!
  • Jeep_This
    Jeep_This Posts: 819 Member
    YESSSSSS! I'm so happy others are into Sober September! I'm a bit nervous about it, but glad you guys are here for me - we're here for each other. My fiance and I are in it together. He knows about this group of ours' and so he gets support too, by proxy!

    I'm more excited about quitting smoking! Oh the money saved! And health, of course.

    Are you really not drinking in September, nadamandar? Thirty days. If you do it, I will, too. :smokin:
  • Yes, Jeep_This. Yes I am really not drinking. I am not starting until the 2nd though. And I will go one day into October. I'm working a crazy amount all weekend. Will be having drinks after my long-*kitten* work day tomorrow.

    But please! Join! It's going to be hard, but amazing!
  • Happy Monday! Happy September! Happy Labour Day!

    I work a nice long double shift today! Time and a half, I suppose....been working all weekend but there's light at the end of the tunnel.

    I have tomorrow off. A very special day off! At some point tomorrow I will be having my last cigarette. I can't express the joy. I know there will be trying moments but it won't be as trying as the **** I endure as a smoker.

    Also, tomorrow marks the start of my 30 day clean break. Sorry I cannot start today but I'm having a couple beers tonight. Holiday Monday, end of work insanity.

    So........who's on board??
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    Monday Check-In:

    Not a bad week for me. I only drank three days. I had 17 drinks, which I know is still a lot, but I feel pretty good about the improvement from the week before.

    I am going to do my own version of "Sober September" -- no more than three drinks in one day for the month. It will still probably be pretty difficult for me.

    Happy Labor Day, guys! I appreciate the support.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Hi Guys!
    Haven't been checking in as much, I'm sorry...

    For the last 2 weeks, I've had 2 drinking days which is great for me! About 1200 calories, estimated.

    In my head, I'm trying to just give up drinking altogether, but then around day 10 i seem to want to give in.
    However, 2 in 14 days is still great progress for me.

    I am still trying to figure out how/ if/ why I want to give up or try to drink moderately.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well! Happy Labor day! Glad to be anywhere but at the office !! :)
  • Hey! So I drank a lot last week. It was my stay-cation. But still - a lot. 4,426. Lots of beer. Oh well....month off starting tomorrow. I didn't log anything for Saturday and Sunday, as I've been working so much and have little time at home. Back on track today.

    Glad to hear others are doing well! You're inspiration! Thanks!
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Relapse was tempting, but sobriety was more persuasive. Have a good September, what ever your goals!
  • Day one of 30 days and had my last cigarette 3 hrs ago! Ahhhhh! And we're off.....
  • ariannes225
    ariannes225 Posts: 15 Member
    So.. Sober September isn't going to be a thing that happens for me this time, but I am on week 3 of NO wine M-Th after work, which used to be my usual thing. It gets easier the longer I do it. It isn't really even an issue anymore. I'm also keeping my beer calories under or around 600 per week, which... I used to be able to drink as many calories PER DAY, so that's pretty good. I'll be here cheering you sober folks on this month, and hopefully sticking to my own goals! You can do it!
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    Day one of 30 days and had my last cigarette 3 hrs ago! Ahhhhh! And we're off.....

    My thoughts and best wishes are with you. That is a particularly vicious monkey on your back, but others have done it and you will too.
  • So far so good! Go Ariannes225! Go!
  • Hey guys! Happy Monday! Still going to forge ahead with this!

    This week I drank on Monday, started my 30 days on Tuesday and also kicked smoking on Tuesday.

    My alcohol calories for last week (Monday): 934 calories
    I was over my calorie goal for the week by 308 calories. Not bad for first week in. Now that it's almost been a week, I think I can reign it in a bit.

    This week I intend to have 0 drinks and I intend to not be over my weekly calories. Hoping exercise, even just extra walking, will help me get there!

    Still have to fit in that wedding dress in under three months!

    How's everyone else doing??! How was the week and weekend?
  • PLT1971
    PLT1971 Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome job, nadamandar!! My goal for the week is 2 alcohol free days, and under 6,000 alcohol calories. Have a great week everyone!