August Fitness Challenge

lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
Any goals to share for August? I have some--the usual biking and running miles (the main running one is to comply with the schedule in the Runkeeper training program I'm doing), but also a few others:

(1) I keep saying this, but this time I'll make it a real goal--make some progress with a strength training program of some sort.

(2) When I first started this weight loss plan I was journaling regularly and working on behavioral things as well as just food and exercise, and I've gotten away from that. Starting now, I'm going to go back to this through August.

(3) My favorite goal last month was trying something new each week. I'm keeping that.

(4) I usually don't have a problem complying with this (although I may adjust how I interpret it), but related to something we were talking about elsewhere, have a real day off every week.


  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Ahhh! It's August! Ok, new month, time for me to get back on track. The whole moving thing really threw off my exercise routine. At first, I was getting of plenty of moving related exercise, but now I'm just being lazy. My August fitness goals:

    1) Do yoga daily.

    2) Walk at least 7500 steps/day, 6 days/week.

    3) Do circuit training class twice/week.

    4) Lift weights twice/week.

    5) Have as many spontaneous dance parties as possible;)
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    I said I was in maintenance but I hope you guys don't mind me hanging around !! :)

    Sue, # 5 is the BEST goal I've seen so far. HAHAH. Lemur, I really like your #3. I may think about doing that. My goal is to run! My husband asked me if I wanted to pick a 5k to do with him ion the next few months. I said sure. Yikes! Haven't run in a while. Did 1 mile Saturday and 1 yesterday. Plan for at least one today.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Just saw your question in the other thread. What's your background with running--just starting or used to do it and starting up again? Sounds like you are doing well with a mile already. What are you finding the biggest challenge?

    The C25K seems like a really good program, but it sounds like you don't need to start with the walk/run intervals. I didn't once I started running outside this time just because I felt like I was able to pace myself from running in the past. You might like something like the Hal Higdon program ( I've used his programs in the past, although now I'm trying a Runkeeper one.

    You definitely should do a 5K with your husband. 5Ks are really fun--I bet you'll be hooked!

    With one mile right now you should be fine, but one thing I've learned from experience is cross train and don't ramp up the weekly mileage too fast, or it's easy to just feel sore and exhausted or get prone to injury.

    Also, the MOST important thing is make sure you have decent shoes. If you are wearing old shoes, you should probably get new ones. A fitting/assessment at a running store is great if you are in the market for shoes.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Well, I've done my share of 5Ks. (I told a friend that I like doing them because you get a t-shirt and free food..ha!) The last one was in March. I outdid my last time that day by 9 minutes. Say what??!? Yes, 9 minutes. hahaha. I think I just about killed myself in the process. I have new running shoes that I was fitted for at a running store. And in-soles and all of that. I was starting to run more with my husband but then when I started working over 3 months ago, I stopped. Just totally. So now I need to start again if I am doing another 5K soon. My biggest problem is..I hate running. HAHA! I want to NOT hate it,though. I was doing ok before the job. It wasn't such a chore. I will look at the link you gave me. Thanks for the advice!! :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Heh, I don't deny that the shirts are a motivation. They are what I have traditionally worn to work out in, and because I lost a bunch of weight in the early '00s and was quite a bit smaller when I was mostly doing races before than when I started this, the only shirts I had that fit were some huge ones I got when I got dragged into doing some races in the late '90s (when I wasn't as heavy as I was back in January, but was heavy enough to go for the biggest shirts when asked my size).

    So I wasn't only running while super out of shape, but in a shirt that proclaimed my age and made it seem I hadn't been running for 15 years! While I actually found this kind of amusing, I was excited to get some new shirts.

    As for how to make it fun, I start thinking of the runs as relaxing or at least a stress killer--listen to good music or a podcast, and pick a fun route. But mostly it gets fun for me when I have a goal to concentrate on, so training might help with that. Also, mixing up the runs, so some are more focused on speed or intervals and some on distance. I've only just started doing that again and it makes it interesting.

    9 minutes off is amazing! I haven't run any race for speed yet--I'm thinking about signing up for one now that I'm actually pushing myself to get a little faster and then being able to compete against myself more formally. I'm still irrationally unhappy that my speed is so far from what it used to be (when I was carting around a lot less weight and better trained) that I haven't even checked the official listing of my times, which I used to do obsessively. For some reason the Runkeeper times don't bug me, since it's no big deal to have slower training runs.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    :) Well, i am glad you got to get some newer shirts! ha! I have a pile of them. Don't wear them a whole lot, but I have a hard time giving them up for some reason!

    I will try to think of them that way. Right now that stress me out and definetely don't relax me!! I am always thinking-man is this OVER yet?! But yes, I agree that having the goal of the 5k is something to strive for. Otherwise, I probably wouldnt be trying to start back up right now. When i run on the treadmill at home, i watch Big Bang Theory episodes!! I know that they are only 20 minutes long and I know that I can finish my mile before one is over. Which makes it seem like I'm on there a little less time.

    I got that 9 minutes, I think bc I was sort of trying to beat someone. I'm still not sure how I managed it. But it was so bad for me. My heart rate got up to almost 200 at one point going up a hill. BAD BAD!!
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    August goals: Let's see...

    1) Stop using extra free time due to summer vacation to EAT more. Need to use that time for exercising more. If I'm not making any money (paid hourly during actual school days- no vacations, snow days, etc) , I shouldn't add to the stress by eating more. ugh. I basically wasted what could have been a very productive month of July.

    2) Go to Zumba three days a week.

    3) Workout at home with Hip Hop Abs/Walking with Leslie Sansone/ Zumba DVD's.

    4) Drink more water...not Crystal Light etc.
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    August goals....
    1) to get under 250

    2) running a 5k on August 23rd

    3) work out at last 6 days a week

    4) continue to eat clean

    5) do a 5 minute wall sit

    6) Try to get a better attitude about the weight loss thing.....totally have a crappy attitude about and towards everything. Need to work on seeing the good in everything I have changed and done and accomplished.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Great goals, everyone!
    When i run on the treadmill at home, i watch Big Bang Theory episodes!! I know that they are only 20 minutes long and I know that I can finish my mile before one is over. Which makes it seem like I'm on there a little less time.

    When I first got back into exercise I was just riding the stationary bike in my office building's workout room (it's usually pretty empty). There's a TV there, with somewhat limited stations, but of course not Netflix. So I'd time it around when I could go out for an hour (I have a flexible schedule, it's payback for having a job where I stay late a lot) and some episode of Law & Order, didn't really matter which. Luckily they are on constantly!
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Haha . It really does help, I think!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hi, Warrior Women!

    Just thought I'd check in and say I've been coming up short on my goals, this week. I think that having my adopted daughter here has really thrown off my routine. I'm hoping to climb back onto the saddle tomorrow. I have managed to do yoga twice, walk an average of 7000 steps/day, and have a couple of spontaneous dance parties, but I've mostly been off of my game.

    I'm also ravenously hungry tonight and am concerned that I may take another trip to the kitchen, before the night is over. I guess I could eat back my exercise calories and just not worry. My net was pretty low, yesterday.

    On a positive note, I'm feeling more and more confident on my bike! I may take a ride tomorrow to get a larger seat, since the one I have is a bit slim for my behind. But, other than that, it's pretty cool.

    Jodi, are you seeing the good in everything you've changed and done and accomplished? I hope so!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I was going to say that I know you've been biking, Sue!

    I may have to start being stricter with my calories again, which I'm not super in the mood to do. Will try it next week.

    At the end of the first week of August the only new thing I've done is start some pilates, which I'm really enjoying and plan to try to do regularly. I'm vaguely planning on trying a new bike path tomorrow, although I haven't picked out which one yet. I've also been really pushing on trying to run longer and a bit faster, although of course the biking and swimming (especially the swimming) have suffered as a result.

    And in the garden, my tomatoes are still lagging on getting ripe, but for some reason I've been getting some strawberries all of a sudden. And tons of cucumbers and peppers of all sorts. I'm going to have to come up with some good uses for peppers.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    how do you like pilates??

    where is everyone???
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I really like it. Surprising, because I usually hate core exercises, and good since I really do need to strengthen my core.

    I've been going back and forth about whether to forget about weights other than my running-related exercises and do the convict conditioning bodyweight program or to add the Strong Curves program, which is weights and focuses precisely on the kinds of exercises and muscles that are supposed to be good for running and my particular imbalances (need to build my glutes, for example). I think I've decided to give Strong Curves a try and am going to start the program at lunch today and follow the recommended schedule after that--this can be my new thing for this week!

    Not sure why it's so quite in here. Sue might be on a bit of a break.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Cool! How long does that program last?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's a 12 week beginner program followed by a 12 week more advanced program.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Sounds intense!!!!!!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hey, Warrior Women!

    I've been enjoying my diet break! It's such a relief to just eat what I want without measuring and logging. I've still been logging exercise, but only because that's pretty easy. So far, I've lost the 3lbs I'd regained before my break:)

    Stephanie, that Strong Curves program sounds cool!

    Veronica, I'm here, just not as much until the 18th. I figured a 10 day diet break was in order, since I was only gaining weight and feeling discouraged, while I was restricting my calories and logging everything.

    I hope everyone's enjoying this last bit of Summer!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm here, kind of. LOL I have been going through some stuggles and I just have not been up to posting.

    Doing great with food and excercise. My trainer is awesome and is the neatest support person I have ever had. I am not sure I ever did anything with out him. LOL I see him 5 days a week between training and then he does some cardio classes two nights a I stalk him to those. ha ha

    Daughter is doing well and baby....Jovan had to have bone marrow biopsy, the doctors are thinking we wait for 3 weeks. Ugh...the waiting is the worst. She actually went back to work last night though. The place where she used to work, called her and asked her if she wanted her job back. AWESOME....what a blessing!!!

    Finances are freaking and stressing me out right now. I am trying to figure out how I can justify the training and the classes when we are struggling, but I can't imagine giving up any thing with the training or classes and keeping my sanity.

    So.....with having said all the blah blah poor me stuff, that is why I have not posted.

    Keep up the great work every one. Sue....I am jealous...mentally I can not wrap my head around the thought of eating what I want. I hate loggin, I hate not eating what I want and I am angry frequently over it....but what I am doing is working and I will continue doing it because it is working.

    Steph, sounds like you are starting something new. Good luck and let us know how it goes. I love lifting weights and watching my body change and grow....I am doing a ton of cardio as a matter of fact....I have asked my trainer if he will run 3 miles tonight instead of staying in the gym. He does 5ks so this will be easy for him, I am slow and it is supposed to be humid, so my breathing will suck....not sure why I asked him that....I have a 5k next weekend and I guess I thought I should run at least once before then. We will see. LOL I hate running, I am not good at it and it is painful...once this 5K is over...then I don't have to stress over it anymore.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    That's a terrifying medical situation--waiting must be so hard. Sorry about the stressful times in general, but I'm glad you are committed to prioritizing your health and fitness. It seems like the trainer has been incredibly helpful for you, and so supportive.

    The food thing will probably get easier over time, but if there's anything you want to talk about, we are here.

    And good luck with the run tonight!