Lose An Inch By Christmas Challenge!



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sounds like we're all hitting our lifting goals, which is a good start!!

    I too am cleaning up my eating some more. I've been tracking and hitting my goals and macros for months, but gained 5 lbs in the past 2 months :(. Sooo, I'm doing low carb again (must be my hormones because it really seems to be the only thing that works for me). I'm down a lb already which I'm sure is water, but at this point I'll take it! I'll be doing higher carb refeeds thrown in to see if that'll keep my thyroid and metabolism happier, and help my lifting.

    I felt wiped lifting yesterday :(.

    Measurements still about the same...but hopefully if I can drop 5 lbs it'll help my inches too.

    And don't feel bad pudding, I'm reducing my cardio too. It wasn't helping drop weight and I don't enjoy it! I only do it to burn fat and am questioning if that even happens for me.

    Hang in there girls! Keep trying and we will get there!! Slow and steady wins the race!

    Keep trying
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    CW: 159.2
    Waist: 30.5"
    Just to clarify, by "waist" we mean the most narrow part above our belly button area, right? Not at our belly button...

    So, I just did my "end of stage 4" pics and measurements. My waist came in at 29.5"!!! That's an inch since I started!!!! Woohoo!! I'm definitely not as lean as most of you guys, so I know I have/had more fat to lose. But I'm still really excited!!

    I'm also down 2 lbs from when we started. 157.4 this morning..which is wonderful!!! Yay! :heart_eyes:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You all are doing great!
    Elsie, 29.5" sounds much more accurate:) I don't know why, but some people think that you measure your waist where you would wear your pants or where their "pooch" is. Always go by the smallest part. It is easier to track.
    Pudding, you can do this. I am the same way- I will do so good for 5 days a week and then I get off track and blow my deficit. It's so hard to get out of the "all or nothing" mentality once I overeat.
    Julie, good luck! Trying to figure out what works can be so frustrating!
    Pmag,those are great numbers. I have no doubt you will hit them!

    So I've been very hit and miss the past few weeks on my food and lifting. Things have just been off and I need to refocus. Nothing will happen without some consistency on my part.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    After my 2 week diet break, I'm up 1 lb and gained a 1/4" inch on my waist :'( . My plan was to increase my protein this week to 30% but it hasn't worked out. Been craving carbs like a mother***. But TOM came today and now it all makes sense. So this week is a bust sorta but I'm still going to try to get even 25% protein. At the rate I'm going, I'll be lucky if I lose at all from my waist. :(
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I had some luck today. I had some beer which caused diarrhea and lack of sleep then oversleeping missing meetings. Fortunately I was not fired and work improved. And I ate low cal no etoh tonight but missed my protein
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Good work Julie!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, JL, 1/4" can be a measurement error. 1 lb is nothing. Don't get down on yourself!
    pmag, that really stinks. I hope you feel better now.

    So, I just hit my lifting goals this week. Hubs was home all week- we eat horrible when he's off work for some reason. This week will be better.
    Looking forward to starting a new program tomorrow!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I only managed to lift 2 times last week but I got cardio in 3 times. I got loads of protein in, but unfortunately also loads of calories! :angry:
    This week I think i will only get 2 lifting sessions in again.
    I took my measurements from finishing NROLFW on Saturday and because of my rubbish eating I am up 10lbs and 1/2 almost everywhere from when I started. Hopefully I will do better with supercharged.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I did not get much done this week. I lifted tues am, wed very late and Sunday afternoon but sun was only upper body. I did cardio today. The more I exercise the farther I am from my protein goal.

    I had a decent dl of 150, ands Bp of 80.
    I got some rest.

    Dou don't measure or weigh right after Halloween give yourself a break.
    Have fun with supercharged
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Lost back the weight I gained, plus some. And back to my original waist size. So basically in the 1 month since we started this challenge I've made zero progress :'(. I'm laughing right now because if I don't, I'm gonna cry. Less than 2 months left in this challenge. I really need to step up my game.

    Might only get in 2 lifting days this week because I have a meeting with the wedding coordinator. Unless I go to the gym late at night when I'm exhausted. Hmm. It's a thought. Might just scale down the weights. We'll see.

    Trying to get in 122g of protein or 28%. That's my bodyweight.

    Dou, how are you liking supercharged?

    Pmag, great numbers pmag!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I have also made no progress since the challenge started JL, we are just setting ourselves up as the underdogs so that our eventual victory will be all the more astounding! :wink:

    i did my first supercharged workout this morning and I actually found it too easy. I'll have to have a think about what I can tweak to make it more challenging.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Isn't funny how we keep telling ourselves, once summer is over things will slow down, once I get through September my schedule will clear up... once x then y... yikes... busy busy.

    I was up 10 pounds since midsummer--the weight I have on MFP... I finally dropped 3 this past week (its all about not going CRAZY on the weekends for me). Hectic work week ending with a trade show... so lots of standing and eating and wine but I'll try to be good. Already missed workouts and its just the start of the week!

    Last week:
    My weekly goals:
    1. Three days lifting Yep
    2. Log log log it all, daily Logged... and went over but within a decent range. Did not have ONE piece of candy on Halloween... thats major for me!
    3. Cardio min 2x/goal 3x a week Yes, squeaked it in. When I am this high on weight I need cardio to help me drop some squish!!

    Great job everyone... I appreciate the accountability here. Everyone is really doing amazing... of course we slip and life happens... but showing up and trying is half the battle!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I actually typed a reply yesterday and then accidentally turned off the computer lol

    1. Lift 3x week - done. This is the easy bit lol
    2. FUN Cardio 2x week (choice of HIIT, running, kick boxing or swimming) - well, I did a walk with a friend, I cleaned my house from top to bottom and I went shopping with my Mum. Not sure if that constitutes 'fun', but I kept active LOL
    3. Meal plan, healthy snacks with plenty of water, protein & fibre. - all good apart from the slight blip that occurred while at a 6yo's birthday party on Saturday LOL I parked myself down in front of the crisps and pretty much stayed there :stuck_out_tongue:

    Due to the salt-laden food the water weight has crept up a tad, but it's going back down. Should be ok again in the next few days.

    I've been experimenting with weighing every morning and plotting it on a graph to see the overall trend - it's been a real eye-opener for me. TOM is due soon and I can see a little rise in the trend, but know it will drop again. I'm finding it fascinating lol

    With Supercharged, I deliberately started too easy lol I will finish Basic Training I on Friday, and it's definitely gotten harder as I tweaked things along the way :smile:

    Now to decide if I will have a rest week next week. Haven't had one for a while, but DH will be home (they are getting kicked out of the city office due to the G20 meeting, and have been told to work from home).

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    22% protein aagh
    Poor squats double aagh
    No more politics I will focus on lifting
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sounds like we're all trying to re-focus.
    My main goal for November is to remain consistent lifting with the new program I am doing and fit in more protein and veggies. I'll attempt to eat less than 2000 cals/day (this should get the inches moving).
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys are all fighting the good fight!! Kutgw!!

    DNA-I've been doing the same thing-tracking weight daily. It's been interesting! I see a downward trend which makes me happy! The little fluctuations aren't as stressful now for some reason.

    Pmag-you'll get it. Try the vans or converse :).

    Gat-trade shows are taxing!

    Jl and Dou-but, not losing or gaining is kind of a win! I'm sure you've both built muscle in your programs, right? So, that means you must have lost fat!

    Me? Goals?
    1. Lift 3x/week-yup. Hitting that faithfully!
    2. Cardio 2-3 times...well, I'm getting some in, but not HIIT. I rode bikes sat. And sun. And walked and ran yesterday...active at least :).
    3. Food-hitting my numbers. Sticking with LC most of the time, coming in at or under goal calories, and hitting my protein goals.

    Weight is down from a few weeks ago, but not back to where it was when I started NROLFW in July. :cry: doesn't seem fair with all the counting, logging and exercise. I know the scale isn't the best measurement...etc., but it would still be nice to be down some by the end.

    But, I'm up a bit waist size. Back up 1". :wtf: I'm wondering if I should skip some of the extra ab work I've added to nrolfw...I just hate planks-mentally boring! The side bends may be too much? Not sure, not gonna freak out, I'll do official measurements on Friday.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Julie, It could be water retention if you're working your abs a lot. That's one thing we tend to forget- just like your quads and glutes can retain water for repair, so can your abs, lower back, obliques, etc. From your pics, you're obviously losing fat. I call that a big win- recomp at it's best! If you're able to maintain your energy, not feel hungry, and gain strength while losing some fat- that's huge!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I forgot to add. I think that my eating at/above maintenance all Summer was probably good for my body. After losing 40lbs, I think my body needed a break. I seem to be able to eat more now without gaining- maybe all the face stuffing I did helped bump my TDEE up a bit.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Dou, I LOVE the way you think! Underdog it is. And Supercharged is going to get very challenging very soon, trust me.

    dna, I weigh every morning too. Not to obsess, but it kinda helps to keep me in check.

    julie, I know exactly how it feels to need that scale to move. Even though we know it's not the most important thing, but still...

    cowgirl, that's why I do regular diet breaks. I find that I lose easier after I get back to the diet.

    Meeting with wedding planner took longer than I anticipated. Didn't make it to the gym. Ended up doing a Body Beast workout at home which is better than nothing I guess.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    CW: 159.2
    Waist: 30.5"
    Just to clarify, by "waist" we mean the most narrow part above our belly button area, right? Not at our belly button...

    So, today I'm weighing in at 157.2 and my waist is 29.5".
    Down 2 lbs and back down that 1" from when we started.
    Ya gotta love fluctuations! But, I'll take it!! :blush: