

  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    Server: Winterhoof & Bleeding Hallow
    Faction: Horde & Alliance

    Classes: 85 Priest, Mage, Paladin, and Druid.
    Retired Serious Raider, almost no time pvper.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Server: Duskwood
    Faction: Horde
    -85 Tank/boomkin Drood
    -85 Afflic lock (the only toon I pvp much with)
    -85 spriest
    -85 prot war
    -85 blood dk
    -85 arcane mage
    -83 ele/enh sham
    -80 BM Huntard
    -47 retadin
    -22 sub rogue

    Do I raid? Only in the most casual sense. My main, the drood, is at like 379 ilvl just from 'roics and valor gear, but I've done DS in the LFR. My guild is all RL buddies, and we have never had any sort of regular schedule that allowed for serious raiding of any kind, but I pug raided pretty successfully thru wrath (didn't start until about 4 months before BC). I'd like to check out the rest of the Cata raid content just to see it, but it's not something I'm going to guild hop for. I play probably 8 hours a week currently, spread out throughout the week.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Class: I have one of each (and that's just on my "main server"). But my favorite is my assassin rogue. I also have lvl 85 warrior, pally, and hunter

    I play on Vek'nilash, For the Alliance!!

    I raid when my guild does, but we aren't heavy into it. I enjoy pvp and am an achievement junkie

    It seems like whenever I tell someone that I play WoW, I get the typical response: "My (brother, friend, or other relation) used to play be he had to stop because of (insert 1+ way in which it was ruining said persons life)". The implication is that the game is an addiction & I better watch out (one person even said as much, more or less). Does this ever frustrate anyone else?
    I am a full time student maintaining a 3.8 gpa in a challenging major & minor, a member of the community orchestra, active in my church, and mother of 4 kids (who have food to eat, clean clothes to wear, homework usually done, and active lives themselves). And playing a game is a "problem"?
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I've been online gaming for 10 years now and it really doesn't bother me one bit what people say. My response is that it's time better spent than going to a bar or other establishment I don't care for. My house is clean, my kids are happy, I know where my husband is and we never miss social events with our family and friends for online stuff. Then I call them noobs and I lol.
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    Server; Lothar
    85 shadow/disc priest Arwenevnstar
    85 holy/ret pally Rivendel
    83 DK Rohane
    80 lock Gondorr

    Yep that LotR names