


  • ckujawa
    ckujawa Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone! A quick word of introduction before i head out to work...

    I'm Chris, and I live in Rochester, NH. I started doing triathlon in 2001 after a challenge involving a 5-k race. I was very out of shape at the time and sabotaged that particular race, but couldn't stand the thought of backing out, so I did a 5-k a week later with no training. And loved it, but me being who I am decided that I had to tri instead. That was the start of a journey that found me doing 2 Ironmans (Lake Placid 2004, 2007) before taking a break from the sport to spend time focusing on family and school. Here it is 5 years later and despite the best intentions, I find myself in the same shape I was prior to starting into the sport--and after my oldest daughter voiced some concerns about my physical condition, I decided to get back into triathlon. So she and I are going to train and race together at a sprint in September.

    I must say that I am surprised after a week at how well my body is handling getting back into the swing of things, and can't wait to be able to ramp up the training for real (i.e. add speed work, which I will only do after I lose roughly 30 pounds). Anyway, feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like...I may not be in the best shape now, but definitely know a thing or two about the sport:).
  • pollard775
    pollard775 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi All :smile:

    Last year was a really great year for me. I was able to lose about 40 pounds, participated in my very first triathlon, WITH my daughter. THAT was an AWESOME day! However, shortly after that my job changed, stress increased and so did my eatting and consequently my weight went back up.

    I keep starting, but by end of day have given up, or it seems I cannot get more than 3 days into new regime. :( I WANT BACK TO MY TRIATHLON SELF OF LAST YEAR!! but am having an awful time starting over after this weight gain. I don't know how much I have gained..haven't had the courage to get on the scale... I am resolved to take my bitter pill today and get on scale. I am not sure if that is going to help or put me in more of a landslide. So my truth for today is: I haven't been to gym in months, my eatting is high carb, high sugary binge type foods, I had to buy my first XL pants since phenomenal weight loss a year ago, and I am so sad over all this.

    I did take a huge step and rejoin my triathlon training group, it was hard to go back after the weight gain. My goal is to enter the Lake Worth Tropical Triathlon in September.
    I am glad to find this group on MFP.
    Kim :smile:
  • michaelfurey
    Hey all,
    I have a grand plan of toeing the line at the Hawaiian Ironman in 2014 (the year of my 50th birthday). I was heavily into the sport in my 20s and lost the faith, so I am trying to rekindle the fire.
  • Canuck_TriFit
    Canuck_TriFit Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Dave from Canada, I started tri's in September 2009 in a Try-a-Tri, 2010 I entered and did well in 6 Try-a-Tri's, 2011 I moved up to doing 4 Sprint Tri's, I'm doing ok in them but haven't quite hit my stride yet. I've already completed one Sprint this year and have 2 more signed up for. I love the all around fitness that is needed to do triathlons.
  • libbyradford19
    Hi all,

    My name is Libby. I did my first tri in May 2009. I have stuck to sprint and olympic distance (afraid of that leap, I suppose.) I've also done 3 half marathons. I do tri for the fun of it. I'm not super competitive, I am super slow. I just do it for the joy of finishing something. That feeling has gone away. I always said I would do it as long as it's fun. It stopped being fun training for a half marathon in March followed directly by training for an olympic distance in May. I am taking a break until next season, but still love the sport, the people, and the community. I'll be back in it next year, I'm sure. Until then, I am going to try to shed some weight I've put on while training. Yes, I said PUT ON. Hoping to get my racing weight significantly down.
  • EnduranceGirl2
    EnduranceGirl2 Posts: 144 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    This is my third summer of doing tri's. I have three sprints and two Olympic distance races under my belt with the Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon being my next event. It's a hot race, so losing a little of my internal insulation before then will be helpful. I've been trying to get down to a lean racing weight on my own and have actually gained a pound or two :-( Doing Augusta 70.3 in 2013 is also becoming a possibility.
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member

    New to MFP , started losing weight as my new years resolution, lost 27 lbs so far about half of what I would like to lose. I did Ironman FL in 2001, 2002 I entered but missed the swim cutoff by 2 minutes. The water was rough and swimming was my weakness.... over the years I became inactive, so starting over and getting back into working out, bought a stationary bike and rode that a lot this winter. Running used to be my strongest but now running a mile is tough... I am taking a swim class but it has mostly beginners but good for pool time. Hope to improve my endurance and join a master group in the fall.

    Hoping to do a HIM next year and full in 2014 in Cozumel

  • legitlee
    legitlee Posts: 25
    Hello all intro

    I played at Triathlon when I was younger but not having a clue they killed me. However within the last couple of years I have had some pain in my knees. So what do you do buy a bike and cycle.

    Recently a few people at work have put their names down to do a local half marathon and one of them (who knew I used to run) ask if I would go jogging for company. I said yes but thought maybe I should go for a jog to see my standard, so I did and although slower I felt really good.

    Anyway I loved running again, so I do both. The astonishing thing is I was looking at MFP for groups on cycling and came on Triathletes/duathletes ........What on earth is a Duathlete? so I did some research and what I found I really fancy (run ride run) I didn't know such a sport existed (where have I been)?

    I have completed in sportives the're great and Audax too. So at 51 is it to old to start Duathlon I'm hoping not, I'm not going to win any races but I'll be doing it for achievement and because I can. I normally finish work on Friday's at 12 so this Friday i'm going to have a go at a 10: 40: 5.........Anyway nice to meet you all. Lee
  • TRHuston
    TRHuston Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all! My name's Tiffany and I am an avid cyclist. I joined a racing team this year and have achieved a few milestones I'm proud of: first century ride (unsupported), first 5k, first swim across a Cedar Lake. I figured that I could take a little more time to develop my running and swimming (and getting over my fear of seaweed), I have all the makings of a tri-girl. I hope to find a sprint distance tri this year that is not a total zoo. Anyone in a similar boat and in the Minneapolis area and would like a training buddy, let me know. I am free most days from 8am-12pm. Thanks!
  • storytimemama
    Hi all!

    Storytimemama here. I'm a mom, wife and librarian in Georgia - an incredibly hot place to train for anything, lol!

    I have run some 5 and 10k's, used to be on a swim team...I haven't biked much as an adult but my thought there is that picking it up will be like...riding a bike :)

    I began my training yesterday for a sprint tri in mid September. I'm a little nervous to be riding my bike on the highway, but I like facing fears so this will be a good challenge.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hi All! I am training for my first sprint triathlon on July 21st! I'm so excited!

    My name's Katie, and I am stay at home momma to two boys and my husband is in the Air force.

    I've been a runner for 3 years (nothing but a couch potato for many several years before that ;) ) I've run a marathon, a few halfs, lots of 5ks and 10ks, now I'm looking for the next thing to check of my list!

    Going to go browse the pages and get some tips for race day :)
  • greenbaymichk
    greenbaymichk Posts: 85 Member
    Have you ever had a nagging, niggling thought that you couldn't leave alone? Some goal or challenge that called your name? For me, triathlon and distance running are those siren songs.

    I need to plan to increase my activity slowly and deliberately. I am in my mid 50s, overweight, and recovering from knee arthroscopy.

    I have started swimming a couple of times a week, started biking, and working on an elliptical trainer along with walking. I plan to participate in a half-marathon in May, with a sprint distance triathlon later in the summer.

    Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement!
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Hi! I'm Christine and today was my first triathlon. I signed up yesterday (last minute) and had very little training. I'm a competitive swimmer, so the swim leg was easy; I like to jog and run, so the run wasn't too bad.... but the bike, I haven't biked for 6 years and it was TOUGH. I managed to get second in my age group, 185th/700th overall, and was only 20 minutes off of first place overall's time.

    I had so much fun, though, and I really want to compete again. Although, some training would be nice :)
  • Terra99
    Terra99 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys and gals. Just introducing myself. I'm a 35 year old guy living down in Sugarland, TX. I started changing my life by getting fit and healthy on October 31, 2011 when I weighed 294 lbs. So far, I've lost 90 lbs since then. At first I did all my exercise to the Wii Fit Plus in the comfort of my own home. Graduated from there to XBox Kinect Biggest Loser and then got confident enough that I started running. I started with a c25k program in January of this year and made a decision that I'd train for triathlons in March of this year when I bought a road bike for myself. Since that time, I've participated in a 5k road race, 5k and 10k mud run and I did my first Sprint triathlon on June 3rd. I am scheduled for an Olympic triathlon at the end of this month (9/30) and I'm barreling on to a 70.3 on 11/3 later this year.
  • miss_september

    I am 29, from Alaska, did my first sprint tri in may of 2010, the Women's Gold Nugget Triathlon. That got both me and my husband really training so I could beat my time the next year, so I did it again spring of 2011 and came in 8th in the "most improved" category, also did a local sprint triathlon, which was also supposed to be my husband's first one but he was in a motorcycle accident a couple of weeks before and couldn't participate. I did both again this past summer, and my husband was finally able to do his first one. We also do various runs throughout the summer, both 5ks and a couple of 5 mile runs for cancer they hold locally. We have a charity 5K on saturday, and aside from the tris and runs that we've been doing next summer, we are also considering a half marathon.

    Feel free to friend me if you want to =-).
  • hicksang121
    hicksang121 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! Started doing 5Ks 1996, Half Marathons 2011, first du 9/23/12! Need to find a way to train and lose 15...

    Feel free to friend me :smile:
  • michelelash
    michelelash Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Michele from New Hampshire. I need to drop some weight over the winter and hope this site helps. I've been eating the last few weeks like I did in the summer when I was in training for my 70.3 and that just won't fly anymore. Hope to lose some weight, get stronger and faster for next year.

  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm Tara and I'm a former gymnast, turned cheerleader, turned dancer, turned runner, turned triathlete. I've completed one triathlon and have my second on this coming Sunday. I was turned on to the sport by my brother-in-law, who is a 3-time Iron Man and my sister who has done many sprints and Olys. My niece just did her first last month and finished 2nd in her age division :noway: , so it looks like it's turning into a family affair.

  • vtate75
    vtate75 Posts: 221 Member
    Greetings! My name is Virginia and I'm from South Carolina, and I just started triathlons in June of this year. I did 4 sprints, one olympic, and one "sprinternational" this season. I am signed up to do my first 70.3 in May 2013 in Florida. I LOVE this sport and wish it had been a part of my life for years!
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    Hello. I'm Charles, from Chicago, age 28, and I am currently training for the Chicago triathlon, Olympic distance, in 2013.

    Three years ago I was 296lbs, and now that I'm within striking distance of my goal weight (currently 189lbs, goal 175lbs), it's time to step it up a notch. A friend got me hooked on cycling last summer, and so now that the season is over, I've started a regiment to build strength and to get my run and swim up to par.

    My goals for the next year are the Chicago Triathlon, the Chicago Marathon, and to do a century ride.

    For me, having lived a sedentary lifestyle up until three years ago, shifting to a multi-sport discipline is a polar shift, and triathlon is, for me, the consummate feat of athleticism.