


  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I'm Russell, 35, Chicago Suburbs. I'm currenlty training for my first multisport events next summer (2 sprints and a super sprint). I loving riding the bike, and long distance cycling is no issue at all. Neither is swimming, but I couldn't run for nothing! Started a couch to 5K program and am nearly there. Once I can get that running stuff taken care of, putting it together over the winter is next. My wife thinks I'm nuts already, running in the cold weather. Wonder what she'll think when it's 10 degrees out and I say, see ya in an hour!
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Crystal and I have decided to venture into the world of racing! My husband is an amazing runner and while I wish I shared his love for it, I don't. Distance running bores me to death! SO - I'm going to go for a tri in July!! I can't wait, and I'm very nervous! This is all new to me. I have no idea what to all! The race that I'm going to be training for is a .6 mile swim, 18 mile bike ride and 4.5 mile run - should be fun...right?!?!

    I participate in spin classes at least 3 times/week and so I feel like the biking is my strongest area. I think I could complete the swim right now too, althought it would be VERY slow.

    I'm excited to start this new adventure!!! I'd appreciate any help you can give me!

    Thanks everyone!
  • gator595
    Hello, My name is Darrin I am a former Marine who was intorduced to Tri's by an ex-girlfriend who ran cross-country for Navy. I have been on and off again in the sport and this year I am taking the hit on a Tri bike and go all in. Oh yea I swam in High School.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'm Sarah, and I am a brand new baby newbie. I'm a runner. I just started swimming (last night actually :laugh: ) and I can't remember the last time I was on a bike. I have my eyes open for a decent second hand cycle. I loved riding as a teenager so I'm hoping it comes back. I've done spinning a handful of times... I'd just rather be outside. Just joined my local womens' tri club and I'm looking forward to at least doing the club's official (mini?) sprint tri this summer. If I get the swimming and cycling down, I'll shoot for something longer.
  • Mandalin88
    Mandalin88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! My name's Amanda - and while I haven't done any tri's or bike/swims yet - I'm thinking about it. Perhaps this summer. I'm a swimmer that loves long-distance open water events, and I would love to meet some like-minded people to share workouts with. I don't have the money to join a masters team right now, but I try and get to the pool 3 times a week.
  • _ting_
    _ting_ Posts: 45
    Hi all, I'm a 42 yr old Canadian hoping to fulfil a long-time goal of doing an olympic distance triathlon. I've completed several sprints over the last few years, but am never happy with my results. Although I enjoy the training for tris, i choked at the race, start out too strong and end up walking most of the run. So I haven't move up to the olympic distance.

    This year my goal is to improve strength through lifting and do a couple of sprints. Work up to an Olympic for 2014!

    Best wishes to all of you for the 2013 racing season.
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    Howdy everyone. I'm Matt, 35 yr old Virginian, and registered for my first sprint distance tri in April of this year. I have been doing some biking, jogging, and swimming over the past month or two, and this week started in on beginnertriathlete's couch to sprint program. Since I'm already ahead of the game on some of their times/distances I'm modifying it slightly.

    I'm hoping to have a decent showing in my first one and will work to be more competitive as the year goes on. I'm hoping by the end of the season I'll be doing olympic distance instead of sprint.
  • czardastx
    czardastx Posts: 127 Member
    Hello. My name is Paul. I'm 46, married and from central Texas. I started doing sprint tri last year. I did 4 total. In addition to tri's I also run 5K and will start doing 10K races. I'm wanting to train up to do Olympic distance competition, but need to really improve my swimming first. In addition to training, training and more training, I also like to camp, hike and do some photography. I get paid to be a CSI with a Sheriff's Office.

    I'm hoping to get some more friends here on MFP, especially in the tri/dua group.
  • joshualowenthal
    Hey Everyone,

    My name is Josh and I'm guessing I'm on the younger end of the spectrum here at 21. I've been doing tTri's for a year now. Looking to do 70.3 steelhead and the Chicago Marathon this year and then some local stuff. Please feel free to add me as your friend on myfitnesspal! I'm looking for some motivation and here to help anyone else out!
  • garrett2071
    garrett2071 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello fellow triathletes,

    Over the past several years I have focused on long course, 140.6, tri's since I am not very fast. Figured I would go slow and steady over the long haul vs. short and fast. Have been working on losing weight and getting faster so I can compete in half and short course races. Would love to qualify for IM 70.3 Vegas someday. To get there I have to get down to an ideal race weight, which is a challenge for me.

    I have been a spinning instructor for 9 years. My favorite of swim,bike, run is definitely bike.

    happy training!
  • mynewbug
    mynewbug Posts: 52 Member
    Greetings all,

    My name is Christina and I'm 34. I am looking forward to participating in two triathlons this year. The first is the Black Hills Triathlon (Olympia, WA) on June 30th, 2013 and the second one is the Iron Girl Triathlon (Seattle WA) on August 18th. Last year I ran my first 4K and my first 5K.

    I am using this training to jumpstart a healthier lifestyle and I have always wanted to complete a triathon.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Hey all! My name is Val and I am a mother of three small ones. my husband introduced me to triathlons. I was a swimmer in high school and after my second was born, I gained quite a bit of weight. I started running since we didn't have a gym membership at that time to get me access to a pool. I have subsequently completed three half marathons. Once we got a membership to a gym, my hubby (who had completed a HIM) talked me into training for a sprint Tri. I have now done three sprints and am registered for several more...including two Olympics this year. I live in AZ, so there are races year round and training is fairly simple here (except for the coming months when it starts to get HOT! I read through "The Triathlete's Training Bible" and that has been helpful in helping me get a good foundation to train with for now. That's about all.
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    I have always wanted to complete a triathlon - and this just might be the year. Last year I ran an off-road half marathon. The training was tough for me mentally. I don't like running - dumb to sign up for a running event you say? Probably, but I wanted to challenge myself and was tired of telling myself that I couldn't run. So I did!

    I learned a lot, and grew, and the experience motivated me to get fit - lift weights - breaking down that mental wall was a huge step for me. Now that I'm in great shape this might be the year that I tackle a triathlon. I'm starting Olympic tri training. After a month if I don't loathe the schedule then I'm signing up for an Olympic in September and will complete one or two sprints, and maybe another Olympic for practice leading up to the event.

    Would love to have people on MFP who are motivated to follow! If you want to add me, please send me a note that you are training for a triathlon too. Good luck in your adventures!
    SWFLGUY Posts: 40
    Hi - I recently started using MFP and was pleased to find the social side of the app. You can read my profile if you're interested but bottom line is this year I turn 65 and I haven't run a triathalon yet. I swim daily, lift weights 3 times a week and either run or bike on the other days. There are a couple of short - sprint - triathalons in the area this summer so I'm thinking I'll do them. I've lost close to 30 pounds since I started watching my diet and exercising. I want to be in the best shape possible when I retire - it's not for sissies.

    That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
  • Joyride81
    Joyride81 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Just started on MFP because my weight loss stalled. I signed up for 2 super short Tri's(8/6 and 30/6) just to see how it goes. My first openwater training will be tomorrow.
    I'm pretty strong but my endurance... Let's say it will be a challenge.
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    Just signed up for my first tri (Niantic Bay Triathlon-August 4th) last week... Swimming is going to be my weakest point, and possibly cycling but have already started training... I will be training Open Water all summer, as that is my only access, and will *somehow* manage to map out my distance to improve on.... I'm expecting a ton of challenges, but my priority is to just finish the race(and have a training season without injury, hopefully!)
    I used to do Cross Country and Track back in high school, but am working on losing the weight and do something with myself!!!
  • EnduranceGirl2
    EnduranceGirl2 Posts: 144 Member
    Good luck and have fun. Having plenty of of open water swimming experience will be a big help. The nearest open water to me is an hour away and making it to group swims is really tough. Your goal sounds perfect too - finish and find out what it's like. Chat with other competitors too - most are very friendly and willing to share experiences and tips.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hi guys, just joined this group. Decided recently that I'm going to be an Ironman LOL. I'm a runner, but want to venture into tri territory--have a sprint coming up in September. My ultimate goal is IMLP 2015.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hi guys, just joined this group. Decided recently that I'm going to be an Ironman LOL. I'm a runner, but want to venture into tri territory--have a sprint coming up in September. My ultimate goal is IMLP 2015.

    Nice. I'm headed up to LP in a couple of weeks to help run a camp.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hi guys, just joined this group. Decided recently that I'm going to be an Ironman LOL. I'm a runner, but want to venture into tri territory--have a sprint coming up in September. My ultimate goal is IMLP 2015.

    Nice. LP is a great course! And a nice little town.