

  • FindingTotalHealth
    WOD PART 1: Wendler Strength - Deadlift: Warm-Up: 5 reps @ 40%, 5 @ 50%, 3 @ 60%, Working Set: 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 85%, 3+ @90%

    WOD PART 2 FT: 21 Box Jumps (24/20); 3 Wall Climbs; 15 Box Jumps; 3 Wall Climbs; 9 Box Jumps; 3 Wall Climbs

    Love deadlifts and I REALLY love heavy deadlifts. Wall climbs, not so much. Two shoulder heavy WODs in a row... tough.

    Deadlifts are quickly becoming my favorite lift also. They make me feel strong and like I'm actually good at something!
  • carolinarollergirl
    Deadlifts are quickly becoming my favorite lift also. They make me feel strong and like I'm actually good at something!

    Ditto! You know, so many people have problems with form on those but it's by far the most natural lift for me. My coaches say that means I'm a "puller" vs. a "pusher" - you're probably the same. I don't know what that means. :)

    Todays WOD was a PITA:
    10 Thrusters (135/95)
    400m Run
    20 Thrusters (95/65)
    400m Run
    30 Thrusters (65/45)
    400m Run

    My legs were like jello by the 3rd round.
  • WarriorJayne
    I love deadlifts. and last checked, was the strongest woman with the deadlifts. I want to lift my body weight by the time the year is over.

    wod for the day:

    500m Row
    20 Kettlebell swings 18#
    10 Pull-ups (black Band)
    10 Dips
    20 Sit-ups
    10 Kettlebell press Left arm 18#
    10 Kettlebell press Right arm 18#

    Stretching and discussing class for the day

    Strength/Skill KB 18#s
    10 Left-arm Turkish Get-ups
    10 Right-arm Turkish Get-ups

    WOD (Black Bland Pull Ups; Green Band Dips)
    For time: (12:55)
    30 Sit-ups
    3 Pull-ups
    3 Ring dips
    25 Sit-ups
    6 Pull-ups
    6 Ring dips
    20 Sit-ups
    9 Pull-ups
    9 Ring dips
    15 Sit-ups
    12 Pull-ups
    12 Ring dips
    10 Sit-ups
    15 Pull-ups
    15 Ring dips

    Sit-ups are unanchored abmat sit-ups
  • mmcperez
    mmcperez Posts: 72 Member
    Tonights WOD

    2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Strict Press at every minute

    Last set I got up to 100#


    300 seconds total of L-Sits. I used 2 boxes to perform the hold. This is a hard movement to hold.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member

    20deadlift 175
    Run 400m
    20 ohs, 75
    Run 400m
    20 kbs, 1.5 pood
    Run 400m
    20 burpees
    Run 400m
    20 pull ups
    Run 400m
    20box jumps
    Run 400m
    20db squat clean
    Run 400m
  • FindingTotalHealth
    Didn't get a chance to post this. Our Veteran's Day workout was "Daniel"
    Being new... I modified. They cut me down to 30 pull ups (with green band) and 35# thrusters. Finished in 25:49

    Warm-up: Foam Roll, Lax T-Spine Expansion, Banded Shoulder Stretch (30s each), Banded Lat Stretch (30s each), Straight/Bent Leg Calf Stretch (30s each), [10 Halos Both Ways (35/20lbs), 10 Little Mermaids, 10 Spiderman Lunges x2]

    MetCon – Daniel:
    50 Pull-Ups
    Run 400m
    21 Thrusters
    Run 800m
    21 Thrusters
    Run 400m
    50 Pull-Ups
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    Yesterday: "Michael"

    3 Rounds

    800 m run
    50 back extensions
    50 situps

    Score: 23:25
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    Not sure if I have a "favorite" WOD yet! But here's what we did on Saturday, it was pretty tough:

    "Grindy" (135/95... I did 85)

    10 clean & jerks
    5 rounds of Cindy (Cindy = 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
    10 clean & jerks
    5 rounds of Cindy
    10 clean & jerks
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    75 Squats

    50 Pull-ups

    20 Ring dips

    50 Squats

    35 Pull-ups

    15 Ring dips

    25 Squats

    20 Pull-ups

    10 Ring dips

    Pull ups were all strict using a band. Ring dips also with a band. I'm really happy we're working strict pull ups lately. I used to be able to whip off 10 in a row, but since kipping I've kind of lost them.
  • MJHdG
    MJHdG Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, love it!!! thanks for sending an invite.

    Todays WOD was
    Cahs in: Max Effort pull ups. (25 assisted)

    100 Double unders
    2x15' rope pull ups
    100 Double unders
    2x15' rope pull ups (9 minutes, did single unders)

    Cahs out, yoga (5min Mobility work out)
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    11/14/11 WOD

    "Death by Power Clean"

    With a continuously running clock perform 1 power clean in the first minute, 2 in the second, 3 in the third, etc. Continue until you cannot finish your numbers before the next minute starts.

    Starts out soooo easy but I hit failure at 13 and started back at 1

    13/7 135#
  • snkeller24
    AMRAP 7 minutes

    7 squat snatch from the hang (35#)
    7 squat clean from the ground (35#)
    75m lunge with plate (10#)

    I did 2 rounds and 2 squat snatch

    This was the first workout from the Hopper over the weekend - most people today only got 1-3 rounds

    We worked on dips and pull ups (unweighted for me)
  • FindingTotalHealth
    From yesterday:

    Warm-up: 10 Leg Swings, 20 Dislocates; 2 Rounds – 10 Good Mornings, 10 Push Press, 10 Front Squats

    Power Snatch: Build to heavy set of 3, 95%x3, 90%x3 (55#, 50#, 45#)

    MetCon – AMRAP 8 min:
    10 Split Jumps
    20 Double Unders (Sub 40 single unders)
    10 Diamond Push-ups (modified)

    4 rounds, plus 10 reps.
  • WarriorJayne
    25 Ball slams (20lbs)
    20 Medball cleans (20lbs)
    15 Wallball shots (14lbs)
    10 Ball-jump burpees
    5 OHS w/medball (14lbs)

    Level Testing - white lvl
    25 KB Swings (26lbs KB)
    500 Row under 2:20 (2:10)


    For time:
    30 Clean and Jerk (Rx:135/95) - 4:36 with 65lb
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Crazy sore from yesterday's Thruster workout but wasn't about to miss this one.

    8 rounds of 9 deads(100#), 12 strict push ups, 15 box jumps(20"). Rx'd it and because there's no clock this month went ahead and did 2 more rounds for sh!ts and giggles. Tomorrow I'm just doing the mobility class, because this old body needs it something fierce.
  • FindingTotalHealth
    I'm living vicariously through you all. Hoping my arm is healed enough to get back to it Monday. Its only been 1 missed workout and I'm already feeling squirrely about getting back. Maybe I will go for a run tomorrow (can't today bc of acupuncture and MRI) after work just to get some endorphins...
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Last night was a partner workout.

    10-1 box jumps (we used the 16" box)
    10-1 KB swings (35lbs)
    10-1 RDLs (45lbs)

    I do not like RDLs at all. I am sooooo sore from them. I always am.
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member

    Row 500m
    10 ring dips
    20 K2E
    30 KB Swing
    40 Wall Ball
    50 Box jumps
    40 wall ball
    30 KB Swing
    20 K2E
    10 ring dips
    500m Row

    I was toast after the row. My forearms got to tight, my fingers looked all crippled! But a great WOD. Finished in about 20:30
  • Jill1031
    4 rounds for time
    30 double unders or tuck jumps
    20 toes to bar or knees to elbows
    20 goblet squats 35 lb for ladies
    20 bent over rows 20 lb

    The tuck jumps were hard, they just sucked the energy out of you.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    No wod today. Just went to the mobility class. Trying to see if I can fit this in on rest days.