

  • snkeller24

    BenchMark "FRAN"

    40# and blue band, then blue and red band


    First time ever meeting up with Fran ... there will be a 2nd date
  • Sbiscotti
    Sbiscotti Posts: 153 Member
    AM Training (6:00 am)

    Warm Up

    500 m row
    2x10 sec saigon stretch
    2x50 mountain climbers
    50 m walking lunges
    15 Goblet Squat
    500 m row


    15 Back Squat @ 65% 1 RM
    50 m OH walking lunges (45/25)
    300 m row
    12 Back Squat @ 65% 1 RM
    50 m OH walking lunges (45/25)
    300 m row
    9 Back Squat @ 65% 1 RM
    50 m OH walking lunges (45/25)
    300 m row

    Score: 14:41 (100# - not 65% of my 1RM but I’ve scaled back the weights lately while I start this Oly-lift class to really focus on my form)

    PM Training (7:00 pm)

    Oly Lift Class
    Squat Clean 3-3-3 [3-3-3-3] - 85#
    Push Press 3-3-3 [3-3-3-3] - 55#
    Front Squat 5-3-3 [3-3-3] - 100#

    Skill Work
    Pullups - 12 min amrap, 30 sec rest every time I came off the bar

    Score: 50

    Pretty happy that my pullups are definitely getting better. Stacey and I were talking about how it’s a mental struggle for me to be scaling back so much on weight. I could muscle through multiple reps at 105 for power cleans, so why only do 85# for squat clean? But he reminded me how important it was to focus on the technique - to really get solid in my form so I don’t plateau. Solid foundation, solid form, solid lift, all lead to solid improvement. I guess that’s part of why my skill work is so important to me. I can see the progress I’m making there. 50 pullups is more than the 48 I did last week. It definitely felt better too. I got at least 3 pullups on every set - but I took more than the 30 sec. rest because my hands were hurting so bad.
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    12/05/11 WOD
    Deadlifts, Handstand Walks

    225 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
    Handstand walk 21 meters
    225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
    Handstand walk 15 meters
    225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
    Handstand walk 9 meters

  • erkkipoika
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
    Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

    Time: 8:24
  • snkeller24
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    GHD Wall ball, 10 pound ball
    Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

    Time: 8:24

    I just saw a video of this and thought it was a super good work out ... and by good I mean painfully miserable. I suggested it to my coach.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member

    3 rounds
    400m run
    10 burpee with box jump
    10 sumo deadlift with high pull (30#)
    10 thrusters (30#)
    1 min rest

    did for time 17:55 (counting the rest time)
  • FindingTotalHealth
    From yesterday. I've been once in 3 weeks and boy could I tell...

    Warm-up: 10 KB Deadlifts (70/50lbs), 10 OHS (PVC), 10 Dislocates, 10 Leg Swings x3

    Press: Heavy set of 5 - 50# ( not bad since last monday during Crossfit total my 1rm was 50#)

    Push-Press: Heavy set of 3 (55# - 10# PR since September)

    MetCon – 4 Rounds for Time:
    30 Seconds on – 30 Seconds off
    KB Swings (70/50lbs)
    Follow Immediately
    100 sit-ups

    Used a 25# KB - completed 54 swings
    Finished all in 9:36 - lowest time on the board which was a little upsetting. Suppose that is what I get for not coming...
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    12/7/11 WOD:
    10 rounds for time
    3 weighted pull ups (30 lbs for women)
    5 strict pull ups
    7 kipping pull ups

    Since this is first WOD since my surgery I had to massively scale it to a 3 pt ring row - and only did 7 rounds. 9:44

    I decided to do 100 double unders while everyone else was finishing their WOD

    What I learnt: I've lost all torso flexibility. Leg swings and supermans were almost impossible. Sit ups did not hurt, but push ups did. I will likely start some hot yoga just to juice up my torso and regain some flexibility through my core.
  • FindingTotalHealth
    Warm-up: Foam Roll T-Spine, Banded Hip Flexor/ Shoulder/ Rack Stretch, [10 Little Mermaids, 10 Spiderman Lunges, 10 Ring Rows, 1 OHS with 3 Dislocates x5 (PVC) x2]

    Front Squat: 3×5 50#

    MetCon – For Time:
    Deadlifts (50% 1RM) 75#
    Box Jumps (24”/18”) 12" box
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    10 min AMRAP
    9 jumping jacks
    8 lunges
    7 mountain climbers
    6 flutter kicks
    5 shoulder dislocates
    4 squats
    3 hand release pushups
    2 laps (80m each)
    1 burpee
    (I did almost 4 rounds, one lap and one burpee short)

    100 pushups for time (4:33)

    4 rounds :45/:15, rotating after each activity
    plank (I did my first 45s plank ever!)
    low box jumps (started as side jumps, but those were killing my shins, so I switched to regular)
    toes to dumbbell
    wall sits (so close to 45s on the first 3, and then managed to hold it for all 45s on the last for the first time ever!)
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    CrossFit Total

    Back Squat
    1: 145
    2: 155
    3: 165 (failed attempt)

    Shoulder Press
    1: 70
    2: 75
    3: 80

    1: 170
    2: 185
    3: 195 (failed attempt)

    Total Score: 420

    (My previous score was 85/60/115=260)

    I am so proud of myself.
  • fitTP32
    fitTP32 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys i joined crossfit last week and love it so far. Two concerns everything sounds like a foreign language. I am also worried about bulking up. I know women have to lift weights to reduce body fat but im very muscular. I have manish peeks and shoulders. Will i get lean?
  • mmcperez
    mmcperez Posts: 72 Member
    Last nights WOD

    500m row
    50 x Box Jump 20"
    50 x PushUps
    50 x Situps
    50 x Jumping Pullups
    50 x GHD Back Extension
    50 x Ring Dips (blue band)
    20 x Turkish Getups 20#

  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    7 rounds of
    3cleans (i did 45#)
    i did the HSPU against wall and actually did them for the first time! ok...they were mostly partial but my head did touch the pad a few times and the last time i did them i just held the handstand against the wall because i couldn't do push ups!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    tonights WOD

    15 minutes as many rounds as possible

    12 x hang power cleans
    9 x front squat
    6 x push press

    I got in 8 full rounds. was using a 10kg bar with 5kgs weight added
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    double post.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    We did WOD games , which is a competition across Australia that our Box has entered. Although Im new and are not part of this i still did the WOD.

    WOD 5
    The "Chuck n Roll"

    Three minutes to complete 6 x 10m shuttle runs (up and back = 2). In the remainder of the time, complete as many burpee/deck squats as possible.

    Once the three minutes is up, your next three minutes begins immediately. You have these three minutes to complete 12 x 10m shuttle runs. In the remainder of the time, complete as many burpee/deck squats as possible.

    This process is repeated (adding six shuttles in every three minute block) until you are not able to complete one rep of the burpee/deck squat following the shuttle runs.

    You must complete at least 1 rep of Burpee Deck Squat within each 3 minute block to continue...

    I completed 5 with 19 Burpees , I actually completed 6 sets of shuttles but failed at completing one burpee to continue.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member

    5 empty bar
    5 50%
    5 75%
    5 85-90%
    We were grouped due to large post New Year class size. Our group got through 4 of the 5 rounds. I started at 155 and upped it to 160. I probably could have gone higher, but I'm still recovering from bronchitis, so I'm not pushing as hard as I could.

    KB swings
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! Im new to crossfit (3rd week) so Im not familiar with all the names yet, but last nights WOD was:

    80 Turkish Get ups

    then we had 12 mins to do:
    2000meter row ( 9mins)
    max out pull ups (I did 22 assisted in 2:30mins.)

    Since I am so new I have been doing lighter weights and modifying. I cant wait to see my strength and endurance improve! And to be able to do real pull ups, without the band or kicking.
    Before switching over to crossfit I was bored out of my mind- lifting weights at my overpriced gym.
    Crossfit is the best workout I have ever had, and I love that my body is pushed in a new challenging way every night.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Since I am so new I have been doing lighter weights and modifying. I cant wait to see my strength and endurance improve! And to be able to do real pull ups, without the band or kicking.

    It all comes with time and work. I've been doing CrossFit about a year now. I may still be modifying a lot of things, but there are so many ways that I am amazingly stronger, faster, more flexible. Yesterday, for example, I was in the "strong girls" group for doing deadlifts. It felt so good to realize that.