Favorite Primal or Paleo Meal



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Everyone needs to know about ACORN SQUASH. They are in season right now, and unlike butternut or spaghetti squash, you can bake them in the oven with a drizzle of oil and spices, and EAT THE SKIN! It's soooooo delish. Try it please. The texture is amazing.
    Mmmm... yes. Also butterCUP squash is like this. My roommate introduced me to buttercup squash baked with a pool of butter and sage in the middle. OMG.
  • iluv2travel
    Everyone needs to know about ACORN SQUASH. They are in season right now, and unlike butternut or spaghetti squash, you can bake them in the oven with a drizzle of oil and spices, and EAT THE SKIN! It's soooooo delish. Try it please. The texture is amazing.
    Mmmm... yes. Also butterCUP squash is like this. My roommate introduced me to buttercup squash baked with a pool of butter and sage in the middle. OMG.

    Yummmy!! Sounds good, Im grocery shopping tonight after work and will grab some squash! With the abundance of squash, I do not miss regular potatoes at all :smile:
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Eggs any way you can think of any time of day. For dinner I love Brussels sprouts, I cook some bacon, add garlic then add the sprouts (after a quick boil if fresh) and a little chicken broth and simmer until the sauce cooks down a bit.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    It's not a meal, but I am digging raw sauerkraut lately. So much so that I figured I ought to make my own (or go broke buying $6 jars of the good stuff every week). My first batch is pretty good! I started it on Oct. 31, it sat out in my kitchen until yesterday, when I moved it to the fridge. I'm having my first big helping today with lunch. I did end up "inoculating" it with juice from my Bubbie's sauerkraut because I am impatient. Maybe next time I'll try one batch inoculated and one not and compare.
  • kcalla
    kcalla Posts: 49 Member
    Favorite breakfast - eggs bacon and some hot sauce with avocado and tomatoes.
    Favorite lunch - a sardine salad with avocado instead of mayo (altho homemade mayo is the bomb) and cut up veggies or lunch meat roll ups with 1/2 slice of cheese and avocado.
    Favorite dinner - good flat iron steak and oven roasted broccoli or Brussels sprouts with garlic and onions.

    I want to come live at your house! Well, except for that sardine salad. ;)

    My favorite breakfasts: 2 HB eggs OR Organic Prairie Italian chicken sausage (chopped), mushroom, and spinach omelet
    Lunch: shredded chicken on lettuce covered with pico de gallo or "used" veggies and a protein heated in a bowl. I eat lots of "bowl" lunches with leftovers.
    Dinner: roasted and seasoned with chocolate curry broccoli or cauliflower, side of chicken, turkey, or steak.
    Snacks: almonds, apple sliced thin sprinkled heavily with cinnamon, and bedtime snack is most often a square of dark chocolate with Good Earth Original sweet and cinnamony hot tea.
  • kcalla
    kcalla Posts: 49 Member
    Yep, my daughter and I love the squashes sliced, seasoned, and roasted. Kabocha squash is great too! Going to miss them when they go out of season. We call these our Squash Fries.

    And for brussel sprouts. I buy the frozen, partially thaw, put them through my food processor to shred, then roast or pan saute with seasonings. Even my DH likes them that way!