Introduce yourself...



  • jlgregory13
    jlgregory13 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey my name is jessica. I'm 27 and married w/ no children yet. I live about 45 minutes south of Overland Park in a super teeny tiny town called Amsterdam. I've been struggling w/ my weight since the 3rd grade. I blame the discovery of boys lol. Since then the weight has just kept creeping up. My heaviest was about 195, but I usually hover around 185. Not so good since i'm only 5' :( Lost about 25 lbs. last winter/spring, but got pregnant, lost the baby, and gained all but a couple lbs back. So i'm starting the process all over. Been at it about 6 weeks and i'm down 7lbs so far. I know i can do way better, but the weekends and working split shifts usually throw me off. HOping to do better through the holiday season.
  • trill0042
    trill0042 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, my name is Tracy. I grew up in KCK and went to high school in Olathe. I moved to Lawrence in fall 2000 and have been here ever since. I started struggling with my weight in my early 20s. I'm 5'6", and I hit my highest weight about 3 months ago at 237. The use of this site has helped me start to get things under control. So far I've lost 16 pounds in about 2 months.

    As a side note, I am a HUGE ( no pun intended) Royals fan. The only reason I'm not a season ticker holder is that I have a funky work schedule and live an hour away from the stadium.
  • jlgregory13
    jlgregory13 Posts: 83 Member
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Rachel I moved to the area 4 years ago it has been a huge adjustment and I hated it at first (sorry) I am from a very small town in Oklahoma and moving to a big city was a huge change. I also experienced some horrible things when coming here people have been rude and down right mean to me, when shopping I have been stared at laughed at and when eating in a resturant one couple talked about me while I was sitting there how they would never leave the house if they were this big. So needless to say KC was not kind to me at first. I now realize I have to live my life and I am not defined what others think of me I answer to one person and He loves me no matter what because He created me!

    My journey is a long one and I am just starting out I have been doing what I want for far too long, I weigh so much (360), my husband and I are wanting to start our family and have been told we can't while I weigh this much so I am desperately wanting to lose this weight. I will be 30 in march and I want to be healthy for the first time in my life!! I am so excited to have found this site and this group I did not know there were others from the KC area on here!! I hope to get to know you all and maybe even make some lasting friendships!!

    thanks for starting this group!
  • rainavsfood
    rainavsfood Posts: 79 Member
    I'm in OP, KS :heart: Stay at home mom of 2!
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Hi Everyone! How cool to have found you all! I'm in Parkville (the Northland, or God's Country, as we like to call it :smile: ). I''m a wife, mother of 2 teens and step-mother to a MO Western football player, a marketing executive and a Beachbody coach.

    My fitness journey has been life-long. I was a dancer all they way into college: I was a KC Chiefs cheerleader and a fitness instructor for 15 years. I have never been obese, but I had always "felt fat". Struggled with an eating disorder throught my late teens and early adulthood. To recover from that, I had to learn to not fear food - so I had to let myself eat whatever I wanted. I did gain weight, but to my surprise, didn't balloon up as big as I had feared. I decided that that weight must be my body's "natural" weight. Fast forward to a few years ago - I was turning 40, I was not working out, I felt tired and old and frail and weak. I was watching the Biggest Loser and decided if those people could workout like that, so could I.

    Today, I feel strong, powerful - both mentally and physically! I have dropped 15 lbs from what I thought was my body's "natural weight" - I now have a new natural weight. :smile: and I really like it! And, for the first time EVER - I have muscles.

    I do the Beachbody workout programs at home - TurboFire, P90X, Insanity, etc. After having been a gym rat for so long, I had to get over my "workout DVD snobbery". But, I have never been in better shape so I'm completely sold.

    I recently took up running - did the Turkey Trot over Thanksgiving in 24:27, which I'm completely stoked about. I would like to do a 10K next, and maybe consider doing a half and then a full - frightening thought!

    I'd like to get a fit club together here in the Northland where we could come together once a week, do a workout and trade tips and stories. Any ideas?

    Super nice to meet everyone!!!
  • angieread
    angieread Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all. I'm Angie. 41. Mother of three and stepmom of two. Overland Park. Just joined MFP last week and I'm loving it so far. I feel like I've struggled with my weight since childhood. I'm 5' 4" and near my heaviest at 175 (used to always hover around 130 - before kids, anyway). I don't need to be skinny. In fact, I like having curves. I'd just like more 'compact' ones. ha ha.

    I'm a Weight Watchers alumn about 20 times over. That program works, but I'm just not into spending the money on the weekly meetings or online tools anymore. I know how to count points, but the thing is, I stopped doing it. I stopped going to meetings, and it became a waste of money. I need something NEW. I think MFP is just the thing.

    I've been a runner in the past - completing four marathons in the past decade. But I don't look like a 'runner,' and I don't run consistently (maybe that's why). After my last marathon in 2010, I had pretty bad hip problems so stopped running altogether. I joined Title Boxing Club and really enjoyed that for a while, but got out of the habit. Hoping to get back into it, but I'd like to drop 10 pounds first. I've been doing my elliptical machine at home pretty regularly and that's good for some sweat.

    Anyway, looking forward to being part of this group and making new friends locally.
  • kelliebelly21
    kelliebelly21 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey y'all. I'm Kellie, 27, married to my wonderful husband and we have 2 amazing children. We live in south KC on the MO side, but my husband and I both work in OP, KS. My kids are 19mo and 3mo and having them back to back did terrible things to my body. In between the two I did not get back down to pre-preg weight nor did I have a chance to really work out and build my muscle back up. (I was a high risk pregnancy, so exercising was off limits for me).

    I am anxious to gain my energy back, lose the weight, and feel great. I have a gym at work that I can utilize, and I also own lots of beachbody workouts that the hubby and I do at home. (Slim in 6, Power 90, Yoga Booty Ballet, P90X, Turbo Jam, 10-min trainer).

    Hubby and I are eating smarter and healthier, with the help of this website/app that can show us exactly what we are putting in our bodies. It's a definite eye opener to see how some foods can really affect your body.
  • ttwsweet
    I'm on the MO side, south of a suburb, where all the houses look the same and you HAVE to drive, if you wanna go anywhere! The problem is...I have no drive. And that's why I could stand to lose 100 pounds...but would be thrilled with 50 (my wedding weight).

    I always joke that I gain 10 pounds each time we move...and we're in our fourth city in nine years. Each time I pack on those ten pounds, it's easy to become fast friends with each pound...nurturing each one with pints of ice cream and a nice comfy spot on the couch. But I'm keenly aware...that such "friendships" are one sided and are sucking the life outta me....

    So here I am! Glad to find a group of folks who need encouragement and accountability just like me!

    If you live down this way, I'd love to find a workout, accountability partner...and together, as a group, hopefully we can find that DRIVE! We can do this!!
  • mrshmyers
    Hey guys!
    I'm Hannah, I'm 28, and I live in Kansas City, Missouri! I have been married for 3 years and I have an almost 2 year old son. Since I got married, I gained a few pounds, then had a baby, and now for over a year, I've been trying to get the baby weight off! I've lost about 40 pounds since last Christmas, and have another 30 to go. Hopefully I can meet some people on here and get the motivation I need to succeed!:smile:
  • Fwrussell
    hello all.

    first, i'll admit i don't actually LIVE in KCMO anymore (joined the USAF in Aug 2000). I was raised there, and my mom still resides in the city of fountains. Dad not too far away in Grandview. I am 30, have a loving wife, a 4 year old son and a girl on the way. i am recovering from a fractured right fibula and a torn ligament in my right ankle, and am soooooooooo grateful that elliptical machines were invented (low impact exercise CAN be awesome).

    Also trying to lose weight (6-2, 250'ish lbs) not only for obvious health reasons, but because i wanna look like those covers on the romance novels the wifey is addicted to LOL.

    And thanks for having me here, hope to be an encouragement when needed.
  • ginger_nut
    ginger_nut Posts: 24 Member
    hey everyone!

    I don't actually live in KC anymore either, I'm just outside Seattle, but I grew up there and my sister is Mrsmyers, a few posts up.... lol Anyway, I visit KC quite often and still consider it home, so thought I'd join up and introduce myself. In fact, I plan to visit next week and get a few good runs in through the heartland. :)

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • Mary5757
    Mary5757 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Mary! I live in the northland and work in JoCo. I am a mother of 2 - a 10 month old and a 3 year old. I gained a lot of weight while pregnant and am trying to get it all off!
    Nice to meet you all!!
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I'm Matt. Been on the site for awhile and it's basically force of habit to use it now. Just finished up P90X last Saturday and now I'm enjoying a much needed week off. Still have some extra bulk I'd like to trim off but man, this site has been so freaking helpful so far.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Hi my name is Erika I am originally from Los Angeles,but moved to St.Louis cause of my dad (he was a Chef) now I am in KC because of my hubby (Sous Chef, I know the irony lol) II have my degree in Baking and pastry arts so I love to bake,decorate cakes,cook and have fun! Anyway i decided to lose weight to get pregnant and have a longer life. I currently have a friend who is a nutrionist and is helping me on the nutrition front but I would like to have a walking/execise buddy -I live in a gated community that has a gym so free gym since I am allowed a guest :) anyway I wish you all success in your endeavours!
  • stormy_eyez742
    stormy_eyez742 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello, my name is Laura. I just turned 38 and became active on MFP, tracking my food, exercise, and reading/posting on the forums. I live just south of KC in the small town of Ottawa. We did live in the KC metro area (Shawnee, OP, Independence, MO) but had to move here a little over a year ago. I have 4 kids my eldest son is almost 22 yrs old and lives in another state. My other 3 kids are ages 13, 10, and 7 yrs old. I'm married to my best friend and greatest man I've ever known. He's loved me unconditionally through thick and *almost* thin. Three years ago I was 5 foot 4 1/2inches tall and 244lbs. I am now 5 foot 5 in. tall and 180lbs. The way I "grew" half an inch is a long story so I'll save that for another time.

    I have typed, deleted, typed some more, and deleted this intro several times realizing that it became way too lengthy. I'm a talker and it seems it's very difficult to curb my wordiness even in print. I don't want anyone to have to wade through all my "issues" to bring you to present day..So, I will just say this...I am looking forward to reaching my weight loss and fitness goals with so many wonderfully supportive people. I'm glad I found this group because it makes the journey feel less impersonal when you have folks within a short driving distance to help motivate you. If any of you would like to add me, please do so! I'll take all the help I can get along with trying to cheer you on from my end. :smile:
  • joeybluski
    Hello. I started getting serious in July of 2010. Through smart eating and exercise, I lost 101 pounds by October of 2011; then, mostly stress related, put 19 back on. Got serious again, of the 19, I've lost seven and am on my way again to my overall goal of 115 total. I'm 64; my exercise is walking when the weather's nice (anywhere from 4-6 miles), the treadmill when it's not; occasionally the recumbent bike, I tried strength training; but it slowed the weight loss, so I went back to mostly cardio and will get back to strength training when I get to my weight loss goal.
  • cdburger94
    cdburger94 Posts: 23 Member
    My name is Caity and I am 18 years old. I lived in Armourdale for 11 years of my life, and the rest (so far) has been in Rosedale. I am looking to lose another 70 pounds. I would like to learn more about some local walks, or running/walking buddies... etc.

    Let me know! I am DESPERATE!! I am very energetic now that I've been working out. I like it.

  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi Everyone! How cool to have found you all! I'm in Parkville (the Northland, or God's Country, as we like to call it :smile: ). I''m a wife, mother of 2 teens and step-mother to a MO Western football player, a marketing executive and a Beachbody coach.

    My fitness journey has been life-long. I was a dancer all they way into college: I was a KC Chiefs cheerleader and a fitness instructor for 15 years. I have never been obese, but I had always "felt fat". Struggled with an eating disorder throught my late teens and early adulthood. To recover from that, I had to learn to not fear food - so I had to let myself eat whatever I wanted. I did gain weight, but to my surprise, didn't balloon up as big as I had feared. I decided that that weight must be my body's "natural" weight. Fast forward to a few years ago - I was turning 40, I was not working out, I felt tired and old and frail and weak. I was watching the Biggest Loser and decided if those people could workout like that, so could I.

    Today, I feel strong, powerful - both mentally and physically! I have dropped 15 lbs from what I thought was my body's "natural weight" - I now have a new natural weight. :smile: and I really like it! And, for the first time EVER - I have muscles.

    I do the Beachbody workout programs at home - TurboFire, P90X, Insanity, etc. After having been a gym rat for so long, I had to get over my "workout DVD snobbery". But, I have never been in better shape so I'm completely sold.

    I recently took up running - did the Turkey Trot over Thanksgiving in 24:27, which I'm completely stoked about. I would like to do a 10K next, and maybe consider doing a half and then a full - frightening thought!

    I'd like to get a fit club together here in the Northland where we could come together once a week, do a workout and trade tips and stories. Any ideas?

    Super nice to meet everyone!!!

    Hi there. I live in Excelsior and would love to get a group and find more activities closer to the north area. So far everything I find is more toward downtown or the Kansas area. Its just hard for me to get up and come in to the City on a weekend for something when I do it every day for work. I'm game for something you would like to put together. I think there are probably more things up north if I just look closer. I would love to get involved in some walks/runs (I just started the couch to 5K). I belong to anytime fitness in Excelsior and can use the facilities anywhere else in the City. I was just looking at ordering one of the beachbody dvds to try as I've heard lots of good things about them. I was thinking the 10 min. workout to start with.