Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • mrs_madame
    mrs_madame Posts: 48 Member
    Sup! I'm Katie, and first off I have to say I'm not fat because I play video games all the time! I played them in high school and was relatively thin, only just recently put on the pounds because I moved in with my long time boyfriend and started eating like crap when my mom stopped cooking healthy stuff for me haha. I'm now a college student (on the 6/7 year plan... >_> ) and work part time at Victoria's Secret, which is the most awesome job ever aside from the horrendously low pay. I've lost almost 25lbs in the last year or so and still have 25 more to go!

    I don't RP or LARP, but I do play online games. I've played WoW, now inactive but still installed (80 priest and shaman horn head person :P ). I've played FFXI for the last...6? years or so and am still active but I don't play that much because the game is practically dying. Used to be Titan server, now merged to Phoenix. If you happen to be on my server my name is Talila :)

    I also love RPG games like the FF series and now Elder Scrolls. I occasionally like shooters, LOVE Halo but I don't have an xbox anymore. I also play Team Fortress 2 on Steam because it is pretty good for a free game.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I met my future husband on FFXI over 5 years ago and moved from Chicago to Ann Arbor to be with him. If that's not a total nerd, what is?! He was way cuter than I thought possible for an online gamer, and he always liked to joke that girls didn't exist on 'the intarwebz' so was quite surprised when I turned out to be cute lol. Fast forward 5 years and we are the perfect match =)
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi i'm Shay!
    Weight goal 117
    Current weight 128.8

    Learned how to play COD black ops so i would actually see my man, and now i'm addicted to it.
    Dont have my own user name, my man wont let me change his. Wishing for my own xbox so i can create my own =)
    Love kill confirmed!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hello!! I'm Laura, 28 from Southampton in the UK. I play World of Warcraft (85 Troll Shadow Priest), although I haven't had much time for it recently...probably a good thing in all honesty lol!!

    I started off at about 220 lbs and I'm now hovering around 167 lbs...planning on getting down to about 130 lbs.

    My sister has invited me to Kitacon next year, they're all going as League of Legends characters, I don't know anything about that so I'm choosing my costume purely on looks - either going as Katarina, Caitlyn or Sona.
  • lexagon
    lexagon Posts: 495 Member
    Who are you! Alix, Lex, Lexi. Lexagon (whatever!)
    Age? 31
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Nah, I'm big into FPS right now. COD, Battlefield, anything I can shoot people in, what? Sometimes I have a long day and need to let off some steam ;) I was a huge WOW nerd for a while. Stupid being unemployed and my friend introducing me to it then me telling my best friend and there you have it. This year I took a loooong break and realized I didn't miss it as much as I thought. So i picked up some FPS games and that's where I am.

    Used to love Halo 2 w/ all my friends. And a bunch of other games. I have too many systems to remember. I'm looking into trying Rift too. Seems interesting to me. I have no problem admitting I'm a nerdy gaming chick. I met my best friend online because of Halo.

    LARP? Never, but I have friends that do.
    What are your weightloss goals?! trying to get down to 150 (current 195)
    How many pounds have you lost? 10 lbs so far
    Walk on the Beach? Love walking on the beach. I live in Central Valley CA so I'm only about 1.5-2 hrs from a lot of great beaches! Then again it's also fun to ride your horse on the beach in wow. hehe!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I'm Josh, my entire life I've been told that I was not the typical gamer.

    I'm 31, own a company, have a family, am 6'1", 193#.(Started at 233) Started out on consoles when I was a kid. Started playing Everquest in college. I have more time played on my original EQ account than most MMO players will in every game combined (Not being a *kitten*, it's the sad truth.) My account is still active and Sony has compd it until the end of time.

    Switched to WoW, played hardcore up until 2 years ago. 6 Month comeback, and now done for good. All the while I played FPS (I would get in a few games of Call of Duty while we were buffing for raids). FPS is pretty much my gift. I don't play as much as I wish I could these days due to running a business, and I am sure my skills have fallen off some, but I still get in there when I can. (Horn Tooting incoming-- Went 30/5 my first game of MW3 yesterday in Team Death)

    Fitness goals. I am cutting down to single digit bodyfat, and then building my lean muscle mass up until the end of time.

    If anyone is playing some FPS during the day, hit me up for a few games. (I try to play just a few games while I break from work during the day)
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    My name is Justin, I am 25, male, and am currently working as an Android Developer.

    I've been playing games for as long as I can remember and will play just about any genre or type of game out there. I love RPGs and am currently DMing a Pathfinder game with a few friends... I've never had any desire to LARP, however.

    My goals currently are to get in better shape and not have my weight dictate what I am able to do in life. I've completed Power 90, and am now doing P90 Master Series and hope to do P90X afterward. I hope to get to a healthy weight and when I start to approach that I will know for sure what that number is.

    I'm currently playing BF3 and will be playing the SW:TOR beta this weekend (just got my invite yay) and then Skyrim / BF3 after that until the release of TOR.

    Feel free to add! I love to leave comments! :smile:
  • ehsquared
    Hi I'm Ashley. I am 25 and currently a housewife.

    I have been "addicted" to gaming for as long as I can remember. I prefer RPG's but will dabble in just about anything worth a try. I prefer Sony to Microsoft...but know how to play both rather well. Most people who find out I game more than my husband are more or less shocked. But I am happy and proud to say I am a NERD.

    I am here on this site to really reach out and help support anyone who needs it. I am home all of the time and coming here is like talking with really great friends. I want to be healthier and more comfortable with my body. To me that doesn't mean losing weight necessarily, so I am unaffected if I gain to lose a pound or 2 from week to week. I am focused on being more active and toning. Starting a 12 week routine Monday and so excited for it.

    I am playing White Knight Chronicles 2 right now just biding my time for Skyrim. Then the world probably wont see me for a while. But I promise to keep doing my diary and working out. Cant sit around all day playing games (as much as I am completely capable of doing)

    I am always open to new friends. Add me!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I'm Sammi. 21 year old female.
    I'm a trainee hairdresser.
    I never used to be into games as much as I am but I met my boyfriend 3 years ago and that all changed.
    I'm into my xbox, not really played on many other platforms, used to have a nintendo64 and playstation1 back in the day but I was only a kid so I wasn't really 'into' gaming then.
    I've lost 24lbs so far... Looking to lose another 18lbs to goal. (If my maths is right, which I suck at btw... :P )
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    nearly 40lbs down and another 20 to go
    Console gaming only, since the atari 2600
    Also have a 3ds, which i will enjoy once some decent games come out...........
    Mainly in to shooters, 1st or 3rd person
    Enjoyed Fallout 3 and all the Fables, but those types of games take way more time than i have to play............

    And when the Vita Arrives I am on it like stink on a turd............

    Played DC Online a bit last night, since its now free, pretty cool concept............
  • BecTech
    BecTech Posts: 47 Member
    I am Tahru~
    Oh yes I role-play very...very often <3
    But as for actual games I LOVE RPGs and Rythem. My favourites are Kingdom Hearts (most of them <3) The World Ends With You, Pokemon, Parappa Series, oh and lots more~~~
    LARP? Eh..sometimes...very rarely if I'm in cosplay or not.
    28 more pounds and I'll be there!
    I lost 77 pounds from square on, but 30 on MFP
    I used to walk on the beach? XD
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Who are you!
    I'm Dawn/married/WAHM of 2
    Female or male?
    Rarely---I like MMORPGs but don't actually RP with my character very often.
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    when I started MFP 237 lbs. to lose..... 188.4 lbs to go as of CW
    How many pounds have you lost?
    51.6 (MFP says 52)
    Walk on the Beach?
    When I go fishing with my family yes =]

    Not much into console games (yet). Have a Wii but it's currently packed away (not much room to use it where we currently reside). Play MMORPG via PC and other pc games (i.e. etc.).
    My first experiences gaming was on the atari 2600 (I think).
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member

    Who are you! Armaretta/Stefanie

    Age? 26

    Female or male? Female

    RP? RPG's please! I'm not much for the acting out my characters though. A bit off topic, but please tell me I'm not the only nerd that still loves the old school Sierra Adventure games like King's Quest and Quest for Glory.......
    What are your weightloss goals?! 18-20% BF, whatever weight that might be

    How many pounds have you lost? 37 on MFP, about 45 total. I was a fat Asian. They do exist.

    Walk on the Beach? I HATE sand
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Ah, the elusive fat Asian *spoken like a wildlife show host*

    sorry, it was the first thing I thought
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    I'm Jen
    38 yr
    I mostly play WoW, but I also like CoD Black Ops, spent sometime lastnight on the MW3 on Xbox. Little Big Planet. Love Pokemon
    Lost 45 lbs so far like to lose about 80 more.
    Eh the beach is ok. The Oregon coast isnt that warm.
  • radiotrash
    radiotrash Posts: 22 Member
    I'm Nicolle, 27, and female.

    I gained weight from WoW, lol. My ex and I were addicted and all we did after work was play WoW and eat junk food and drink lots and lots of soda. I finally quit, we broke up, and then eventually I lost 25 pounds. I'd like to lose about 15-20 more so here I am.

    I don't play MMOs anymore because I know I have an addictive personality and I'm worried about falling into that trap again. (Which sucks because I love Bioware and Star Wars and baw SW:TOR.) But I have a PS3, Wii, and just got a 360 yesterday. I love FPS, RPGs, etc etc. I don't have that much time to play though at the moment cause I work full time and then go to school in the evening. But I find time, like I blasted through Uncharted 3 this past weekend (and now I want more! Mmm Nathan..).

    armaretta: King's Quest VI: The Princeless Bride is like my favorite game ever.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Who are you! Samantha - Syllyra or SyllyReth around my communities usually...

    Age? 25

    Female or male? Female!

    RP? Absolutely. My favorite games are RP and I started with the crappy dinosaur Beyond the Beyond. My tabletop experience began with White Wolf's Vampire: the Masquerade and expanded from there to include Demon and Werewolf. Of course, I eventually found myself playing D&D as well.

    LARP? I have in the past, but not so much recently.

    What are your weightloss goals?! My specific number is sitting at 150, but I'll reevaluate as I see changes. In eneral, I just want to be smaller.

    How many pounds have you lost? 17

    Walk on the Beach? Yes.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Eh, why not introduce myself.

    I'm Rachel and I'm a 28 year old female.

    I was (am?) a LotRO player (Firefoot being my main server and have a couple low-levels on Riddermark). It's still installed and I'll log on every once in a while, but I don't really play anymore. It's been calling to me, I just don't have the time. I was playing pretty hardcore while I lived in Italy. So... yeah, I had the opposite problem of most people, in that I LOST weight while raiding instead of gaining it :laugh: No RPing here.

    Random fact: I can't play - or even watch - FPS games because I get SUPER motion sick!

    Weight loss goals: Started around 250 last August, lost 25 pounds living in Italy from August '10 - March '11, lost another 15 from March - August, and am down another 16ish since I started here on August 21. I'm hoping to lose 45 more to get to around 150.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Christine. age 22. Female obviously. lol finally in the 160's :D. . . video game addict(cutting back obviously) lol about 26lbs down so far(16 here). . . <3RPGs but will play jus about anything. . . still love to get out tha sega n play sonic sometimes lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    Random fact: I can't play - or even watch - FPS games because I get SUPER motion sick!

    I can watch them all right, but I can't play them to save my life. I'm always walking off ledges and stuff. I just can't get the hang of where my feet are when I can't see them.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    Random fact: I can't play - or even watch - FPS games because I get SUPER motion sick!

    I can watch them all right, but I can't play them to save my life. I'm always walking off ledges and stuff. I just can't get the hang of where my feet are when I can't see them.

    I just get sick. Like full-blown "omg I'm going to throw up" motion sick. It's horrible :sick: