Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • TheBabyRaider
    TheBabyRaider Posts: 13 Member
    Hello I'm :) Cute-Nerd! Who's getting into The Halloween Spirit & I just bought "Dead Rising 2- PC Game today :-D Hope its good!
  • Greetings and Salutations everyone! My name is Keith. I'm 33 and from the Hudson Valley, NY.

    2 years ago I had gastric-bypass and lost 95 lbs. Since I hit my lowest weight I've gained 35 of those lbs back. I'm currently on a high protein / low carb diet, and I stick to the Strong Lifts 5x5 routine which has been amazing.

    As for gaming - I own a PS3 and Wii, but PC games have always been my love. I had a love/hate relationship with Diablo 3 for the past year and a half since it came out. Currently I'm addicted to Guild Wars 2. I definitely prefer RPG type games. At least once a year I break out FF7 for 40-50 hours of pure enjoyment.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    26 (almost 27 eek I'm getting old) in the UK

    I love games but seem to have less and less time for them!

    A few years ago I loved Modern Warfare games, few years before that I was into Starcraft and Unreal Tournament.

    Just acquired a ps3 by moving in with my bf and am enjoying catching up on all Japanese style games/imports I couldn't have on my 360. (Just bought and on the pile to play are neptunia, gundam VS, disgea)

    I love dance games too and they will help me lose weight, Zumba on x360 is really hard though!

    I was at my slimmest as a teenager when I wasted all my money on dance machines in the arcade and on replacing my ps1 dance mat haha. So I wanna get back to that.

    At the moment though I only have time for Pokemon X - friend codes anyone :D
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member

    My name is Lisamarie and I'm 37 and proud to still be a gamer geek AND breaking the stereotype that all gamers are lazy.

    My gaming addiction started with the Atari 2600 and hasn't stopped since. I've had pretty much every system up until I lost my job and had to stop at getting a PS3 and XBOX2. (Crossing fingers my friend sells me his old PS3 cheap.)

    Favorite (most played/replayed) console games: Devil May Cry series; Final Fantasy (VII, IX, X and Dirge of Cerberus); The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind; Jade Dynasty; Fable; Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the Resident Evil series.

    Favorite PC games: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Dragon Age, Diablo III, DOOM.

    Favorite MMORPGs: SWToR, WoW

    Gameboy (Advance and DS): Fire Emblem series and some Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh games.

    I love mostly RPG and fantasy-type game...but can't say no to a good survival horror with zombies and mutant monsters.

    Been using my PS2 with the old Dance Dance Revolution games to add something different to my treadmill/elliptical cardio and having a blast with that. Jillian Michaels regularly tortures me with her 30 Day Shred and I also run the occasional 5k with my sister. Currently training for a 7k in April.
  • Hello everyone!

    My name is David and i'm 24 years old. I'm still into gaming, and enjoy a HUGE variety of games. I really don't have a preference. At the moment, i'm playing League of Legends with friends, so catch me there if you guys want.

    As a hobby, I play dancing games, In The Groove in particular. This game has honestly pushed me beyond limit, and it has help me transform the way I exercise around other activities. So far, I have gone from 210 lbs in February to 150 lbs. I feel very happy, because as an Admin assistant, I rarely get off my *kitten*. lol

    My difficulty for In The Groove(or ITG) ranges from 13-17, to perhaps 18 if i'm really feeling it. Some of you might be familiar with the concept of dancing games. Expert difficulty at that level really makes you challenge yourself.

    I currently run 7 minutes/mile, which I want to improve. Working on a 7k per week, and at the moment run 5k every other day.
  • Hey folks, Lenny here. old school gamer but I still keep up. :)

    40 years old outside of Atlanta, mostly playing Borderlands 2 on Steam now, but looking forward to Deadpool, GTA and some others. Biggest genre I am a fan of is JRPG's and old school shooters like Descent Freespace and Project Sylpheed.

    XBL Gamertag is Routerninja
    PSN ID is Corruptor0612

    Feel free to add me, looking forward to meeting some new gamers. :)
  • bbg_daryl
    bbg_daryl Posts: 150 Member
    Devlin, 30, F

    Big into MMO/RPG games, but also love side scrollers, sims, and the old "3D" games from the 90's. My most often played games include World of Warcraft, Sims, Dragon Age, Civilization, Minecraft, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Wolfenstein, Half-Life, Portal, etc. Was also really big into Rock Band/Guitar Hero for a while, but since they no longer add new music content to them, I've lost interest.

    I've been on MFP since August and have lost 30 pounds. I'm aiming to lose 30 more and if I make it, maybe another 15.
  • My name is Katie and I have been gaming for as long as I can remember!! I'm an Xbox girl. Love Call of Duty. I post gaming commentaries, they suck but it's fun for me! I'm an admin for a group called Gamer Grlz.

    I'm also a mommy, military wife, photographer and graphic artist.
  • Hey folks I'm Mike
    35, Male from the Great State of Texas

    I'm an FPS and adventure game lover.

    I'm slightly addicted to YouTube gamecasts. Had a friend recommend I sign up to MFP and join some groups here I am. I need some friends!
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Hi I'm a 28 year old PC gamer from AL. I also work in the software industry (but not on games). I mostly play MMOs these days... Lotro, GW2, Rift. Still hooked on Sims 3 as well.

    I've lost and gained a lot over the past few years due to difficult life circumstances. Hoping to stay on track for the long term now with MFP and get down to a healthy weight.

    Anyone is free to add me (but please include a message). I'd also be happy to save my ingame details with anyone that asks.
  • NerwenAldarion
    NerwenAldarion Posts: 21 Member

    23 (24 in 2 days!) female in Tennessee. Became a gamer way back when Nintendo 64 was all the rage and I enjoyed whipping my brother's high school friends in Mario Kart (I was 9 hehehe)

    I'm currently a HUGE xbox fan (Nerwen37) who loves the first Mass Effect Game, Assassin's Creed, Halo series and especially the Gears of War games. I love RPGs and anything with a deep story and compelling characters.

    I lost over 50 pounds after struggling with anxiety and I'm still trying to get adequate nutrition.
  • I'm 19 years old, obviously a female.
    Does cosplay count as LARP? I don't know haha. But I am into rpg and mobas.
    My weightlossgoal is 30-40 pounds
    I havent lost any yet ;__;
    No thanks, I'd rather play videogames T_T
  • KAlderman75
    KAlderman75 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Kyle and I'm 38 from southeast AL.

    I'm an old school gamer that can still remember my Intellivision console.
    Now I play PS3 and PC games. Mass Effect, COD, Need for Speed are some of my favorites.

    I'v been struggling with my weight for years now and I'm going to take control of it this time.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend on here, I need all the support I can get.
    If you want to add me on PS3 my PSN ID is kelticdragon75
  • I'm a 30 year old PC gamer, but my love affair with gaming started way back when we first had our Commodore 64 and NES.
    I spent the longest time playing and creating stuff for the Sims and Sims 2 (loads of it is still available on The Sims Resource I think? - I was a Premium Artist on there). I met my other half through playing my first ever MMO - EVE Online. Despite a break to play WoT and Wurm Online, we are both back playing EVE again with a vengeance.
    Unfortunately Gaming and exercise do not generally go hand in hand so I'm paying the consequences now!

    Happy to hook up in EVE if anyone else plays!

    I also play a number of Facebook games including Pixel People and Candy Crush (nice and convenient for the train journey to work!)
  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    Jamie, 20 year old uni student in the UK.
    Love gaming, I play WoW, some LoL and some GW2 on PC and just got my xbox one, currently just playing ryse, forza and Ghosts on that (mainly ghosts), feel free to add anyone :)
  • 22 year old gamer/YouTuber from the USA, and I play pretty much everything. RPG, FPS, point and click adventure, you name it. I'm almost exclusively a PC gamer, although I do GB and PS as well. I want to get a Wii as well...Okami is waiting for me...

    Current all-time favorite game is either Psychonauts or Portal.

    My current favorite "play with other people" game is Smite. If you want to play a game or two with me, let me know!
  • Corpsebride81
    Corpsebride81 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi 31 year old gamer from Scotland. Currently weighing in at 217 my goal weight is 180 (to start with). Have lost over a stone already and am still working hard at it. I've been a gamer for the best part of 5 years, love shooters like battlefield and call of duty, but my passion definitely lies in rpgs. Loved skyrim would say that is the best game i have ever played and will find it hard to find something to knock that off the top. Am currently playing risen 2 and love it. It might be old but still has some awesome qualities about it. Fell free to add me for support on here or for xbox360 :)
  • MikeWanzuk
    MikeWanzuk Posts: 34 Member
    How is it going everyone?

    My name is Mike and I am 21 years old. I am a big gamer and have been all my life, I play games such as Starcraft II, Counter Strike: GO, World of Warcraft and League Of Legends.I am 6'2 in height and my current weight is 225 pounds and my goal weight is 200 but 190 would be very nice as well.

    Feel free to message and add me for support or even to play some time.
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I'm a 39 yr old gamer - been there since Atari 2400. Although, my tastes are broad I am a sucker for RPG games particularly fantasy. I'm a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls games. I also love the Thief games.

    I have a 10 yr old daughter (from my first marriage) and a 13 yr old son from my second marriage, whom I am trying to adopt.

    There's a ton of drama in my life from my ex and I tend to blow it off through exercise or video games.

    I tend to get caught up playing games with my kids and helping them on their quests. So, you might find me at one of the following games:

    Star Wars The Old Republic Online
    DC Universe Online

    And to really bring my geek out. I am a software developer. A home project I have been wporking on is to create a website for writers (Actually, I have requirements from a group of writers I know). Anyway, (here's the big geek part) I am going to introduce my kids to Dungeons & Dragons. (I think, well I know, the video games have hinder their imagination and education). So, I am going to make them test out the site and write out the D&D adventures we have all while playing the game.
  • tomspearsix
    tomspearsix Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everybody,
    I am Lee, 26, from Georgia USA. I have been a gamer as long as I can remember with my first game being X-wing for the PC. I am currently a big fan of FPS and used to play counter-strike: source competitively until I no longer had time for it anymore. My current game of choice when I have time at all is either BF4 or a random game from my huge steam library (Those sales will get you every time, am I right?).

    I own a PS3 and a 360 but my platform of choice has always been PC. Feel free to PM me or send my a friend request if you want fitness support or want to play sometime.