Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Oh by the way! I just realized we haven't named quidditch captain for the week any time this month, and since most of us are focused on weight losses, I hope you don't mind if we start it back up again. We may have done that monthly before, but I hope nobody minds if we make it a weekly thing now to recognize the highest % of weight loss each week.

    For last week's weight loss, our quidditch captain this week........[INSERT DRUM ROLL].....

    blackhawkgirl91 with a weekly weight loss percentage of 0.95%! Great job!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw. How are my favorite people? I had the best ride in to work this morning. Along the way, I pass a protected nesting site for bald eagles and one of the adults was perched in the tree this morning taking in the sun. Not far from there, I passed 2 coyotes frolicking in the desert and then closer to work, I passed under a Canada goose flyway. There were several large flocks - in V-formation - migrating in today. Just some of the reasons I love Arizona - although I do miss the east coast. Funny thing is, I see more water fowl here (in the desert US) than I did in Virginia. I rarely saw migrating geese there, but see them all the time here! They are so amazing!!

    Penny, I agree. I wish we all lived closer together. Wouldn't it be fun to have a REAL Ravenclaw Common Room? But having us spread out all over the globe is fun too - so many different customs, yet all so similar too. It makes the world feel like a much friendlier place.

    Hope you all have/had a fantastic Friday. Good luck to you all on this weekend's weigh-in! :drinker:
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    Today somebody i care about accused me of having an eating disorder. I dont have one...but it hurt my feelings Ive been working so hard taking up running and weight training and eating veggies and meat from good sources close to home. It was her 50lb weight loss that inspired me to keep going to get healthier...I dunno...........I just need to let it roll off me. I am a strong beautiful lady and other peoples judgements are they own issues that have nothing to do with me. I know this. Why is it so hard to remember.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Today somebody i care about accused me of having an eating disorder. I dont have one...but it hurt my feelings Ive been working so hard taking up running and weight training and eating veggies and meat from good sources close to home. It was her 50lb weight loss that inspired me to keep going to get healthier...I dunno...........I just need to let it roll off me. I am a strong beautiful lady and other peoples judgements are they own issues that have nothing to do with me. I know this. Why is it so hard to remember.
    Because it hurts when other people - especially those we care about - don't share in our feelings of accomplishment. You've done great Sami - hold onto that! :heart:
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Today somebody i care about accused me of having an eating disorder. I dont have one...but it hurt my feelings Ive been working so hard taking up running and weight training and eating veggies and meat from good sources close to home. It was her 50lb weight loss that inspired me to keep going to get healthier...I dunno...........I just need to let it roll off me. I am a strong beautiful lady and other peoples judgements are they own issues that have nothing to do with me. I know this. Why is it so hard to remember.

    Sorry to hear that. You are doing everything right, don't let her squash that victory! Remember we all support you!

    Thought I was going to be over in calories today, but my roommate and I went to a bar to play pool/billiards and miraculously that counts as an exercise! Woot! Under by 18 calories!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    House Reminders!

    Today started our final January weigh-in! To keep us all on track, here is the link:


    Lottee is currently getting us set up with a February tracker, so that'll be unveiled soon (yay!)

    :flowerforyou: In the meantime, don't forget to include your February EOM goal weight!:flowerforyou:

    It might be easier to go ahead and post those here just so we can have them ready on the sheet (plus, I kinda like having that here so that others can cheer you on and celebrate when we meet those goals). :D

    For all of our new members, we each pick our own goal weight at the beginning of the month to give us something to aim for. For those of you who are just starting this week, this will be your first official weigh-in, too, so let me know if you have any questions. February should be much easier since you'll have a starting weight to work from. :)

    Terri, we'll get you added asap! You'll be starting basically with the February challenges, so you're welcome to enter your information on the January sheet for the final week so that we have your EOM January weight and your house points and all those goodies, but your weight loss % will start counting with the new sheet Lottee is rolling out soon for February.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Today somebody i care about accused me of having an eating disorder. I dont have one...but it hurt my feelings Ive been working so hard taking up running and weight training and eating veggies and meat from good sources close to home. It was her 50lb weight loss that inspired me to keep going to get healthier...I dunno...........I just need to let it roll off me. I am a strong beautiful lady and other peoples judgements are they own issues that have nothing to do with me. I know this. Why is it so hard to remember.

    :frown: I'm sorry to hear this. It's always hardest to hear hurtful things from someone you care about. :/ But you're right, sometimes will push their own issues on you for any number of reasons, but they aren't something you should have to carry around. As long as YOU know you're doing the right thing by your body and getting healthy, you're miles ahead already.

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy weekend Ravenclaws!

    Here are the challenges for next week, as chosen by last week's prefects, Craft338 and psb13.

    Food challenge: keep under your sodium level for the week, and make sure you get your eight glasses of water, with an extra glass for every 30 minutes of exercise you do. This is the best way to help muscles repair themselves, prevent bloating, and has great benefits for the heart as well.

    Exercise challenge: Ramp it up a bit! if you already walk outside every day, use ankle or hand weights or try a different route with some hills. if you use a bike or elliptical, use a higher level resistance than usual, or a higher incline on a treadmill. Anything to make the exercises that we already do a little more challenging. One OWL for each day you increase your exercise intensity.

    Spirit challenge: Post in the common room. we like hearing from our common room pals, so every day you post, get one OWL.

    EDIT- new Ravenclaws, Kelly has added you to the spreadsheet, so you can complete your first official weigh-in this weekend X
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    Holy crap, guys. Like really, holy crap. Monday, I was 227.6. This morning, 223.4. Oh. My. Gosh. I tried so hard to stay within calories this week, especially since I wasn't able to work out due to my joints, so I was thinking I'd maybe lose a pound. But four? That's like icing on the cake! That's the best news ever!

    I got to move four marbles into my "Pounds Lost" vase!

    My only concern now though is that with that huge loss I will only lose a little weight if any this next week. I'll keep trying though! I want to move more marbles!

    Oh, and my goal for February is 217 pounds.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Holy crap, guys. Like really, holy crap. Monday, I was 227.6. This morning, 223.4. Oh. My. Gosh. I tried so hard to stay within calories this week, especially since I wasn't able to work out due to my joints, so I was thinking I'd maybe lose a pound. But four? That's like icing on the cake! That's the best news ever!

    Yay!! That's awesome, Bethany! So happy for you!

    The good news is, even if you don't lose anything next week, it would still average out to 2 pounds per week, so you're ahead of the game! But hopefully that's just weight you needed to drop, and you'll be right back losing weight again next week! :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    YAY! I'm weighing in at 214 today (2.4 loss for the week), which means I beat my January goal AND I hit the 60 pound mark! Feeling seriously good about everything lately, and I'm definitely glad to be past the wintery-holiday slump. I still haven't gotten myself quite into the swing of exercising regularly again, but that's my plan for February. Fitness February, or something like that :tongue:

    My goal for EOM February is going to be 208. If I can hit it, I'll be 'calculated' at only overweight for my BMI (though it's very true that it's not an official #), which will make me seriously happy. Not to mention that I'll be ooooooh so close to the 100s again. :)

    Oh, and alohashley, thank you for your comment! The good thing is that I like to use the BMI numbers as motivation, so I promise I won't let it get me down or defeated. Thank you for the encouragement, though! :flowerforyou:
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    hello guys! i'm a new member of mfp and today i accidentally bumped on this group! :D glad i did!
    i'd like to be ravenclaw if you'll take me :blushing:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome, Missklara! As January is almost over, we're weighing in and stating our goal weight for February. We'd love to have you, and more experienced people will give you more information.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    YAY! Today has been a WONDERFUL day! It's so pretty outside, and things just seem to be going my way. :)

    I *almost* reached my goal weight (0.2 pounds off), but I'm surprised I made it that far! My work schedule has been insane, and I didn't think I'd be able to lose anything.

    My goal for February is 300.00 pounds. I'm hopeful I can do it.

    I don't know who came up with the Food challenge, but they found my Achilles heel. I've been sodium's whipped child since I began this journey. Food to go, that is heat-upable and such, has so much sodium in it. Either that or potassium. Salt is salt, you know?

    That's a lot of water. That means I have to hit 10 cups by tonight. Crap.

    But that's why they call it a "challenge", right? If it were easy, everyone would do it. ;)

    Back to work, homework, and more work!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello all! I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend I'm looking forward to mine that's for sure(my weekend is tues/weds). I went a little crazy on Wednesday and bought myself a new TV and Xbox with Kinect. I'm hoping to start working out more at home now that I have the Kinect, I bought the Your Shape game too so Yay..... though I did make the mistake of buying Skyrim too. I have made a deal with myself thought that I can't play Skyrim without playing Your Shape for at least an hour.

    Ahhhh Sodium we meet again.......Like you Korkster this is going to be tough. I actually stopped looking at mine because I had so much trouble with it. I shall have to put it back on my food screen.

    I wont be able to weigh in until tomorrow morning but my EOM goal for February is going to be 229 lbs.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Today somebody i care about accused me of having an eating disorder. I dont have one...but it hurt my feelings Ive been working so hard taking up running and weight training and eating veggies and meat from good sources close to home. It was her 50lb weight loss that inspired me to keep going to get healthier...I dunno...........I just need to let it roll off me. I am a strong beautiful lady and other peoples judgements are they own issues that have nothing to do with me. I know this. Why is it so hard to remember.

    I'm sorry *hugs* sometimes people don't realize how much what they say affects us. Don't let it get you down.

    Bethany- So glad you are feeling better! Try tea instead of coffee for caffeine I find it works better waking me up and there are way less calories.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    i'm in! hi everybody! :happy:
    can't wait to start a new month and a challenge! woohoo!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    i'm in! hi everybody! :happy:
    can't wait to start a new month and a challenge! woohoo!
    Welcome Missklara! Glad you found us! :bigsmile:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi everyone, and welcome to Missklara, good to have you with us!

    Having talked it through with Kelly and Sue, have decided not to have a new spreadsheet, just to edit the old one for February- this means you don't have to save a new link or find the new document or anything like that. So all you need to do is weigh-in as normal this weekend, and then post on this forum your target weight for February. Then, by next week, you will just have to go to the new spreadsheet and you'll find the new dates for February there, with, hopefully, all your data copied over. Missklara, have added you to the spreadsheet, you can find it at:
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    ok... wait what? :embarassed: what do i do with it?