Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    @datenshi -- Wish I had some tips to give about the daughter situation, but sadly, I have no experience there. Sounds like you have a pretty good method anyway. Blowing off steam and getting a workout all at the same time - pretty brilliant plan, if you ask me. :)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Today was the last night of my running class, so we repeated the 'magic mile' (running all out) to see how much we had improved over the 6 week class. I wasn't expecting much because of the leg pain issues I've been having (especially after not being able to run at all last night) - I almost didn;t even go, but I wasn't in pain today, so decided to try it. Shock of all shocks - I shaved 24 seconds off my mile time for a personal best of 8:21 :bigsmile: I was thinking back to 4 years ago when I started, and thought I would die running an 11:30 :tongue:

    Now, I'm planning to take a week off from running to try to heal this injury (I say that, but there's a 5K on Sunday I may enter...), and I'm excited about going back to the gym and getting back into some weight and yoga classes. And swimming. This is going to be the summer I seriously get in shape!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    So let's see. I'm already at work and it's not even 6am. Got up at 4am. Blergh.

    Starting to feel those stressors again. Perhaps I should look at tackling that problem from another angle.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Yay for all the good news that seems to be flowing around here! :flowerforyou:

    And Datenshi, I think blowing off steam is a good idea. I hit puberty at the same time that my Mum hit menopause, and the results were all kinds of messy. It was basically just five years of shouting and being horrible to each other. Now that that time is a few years behind us things are a lot calmer lol, and I appreciate her more. She appreciates me more. It's much better.

    Boot camp today was tough, two different kinds of circuit training. I can tell I'm going to be aching all over tomorrow but at the moment I'm fine. I'm glad I'm someone who gets that rush of endorphins from exercising, I know some people don't so much, but even though I struggle to get started once I'm done I feel great! :happy:

    The personal trainer running things is nice too, she has a lot of little spiels which usually I would probably roll my eyes, but hers are all very sensible like "You're not going to get fit from turning up, you're going to get fit from pushing yourself." and "Sweat and tears are both salty, but only one of them gets you fit." hahaha (that was in response to someone whining lol).
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    So let me get this straight . . . . I up my calories to 1330 and don't run for a week (only walk 40 minutes a day) and I LOSE 3 lbs in a week. . . . OBVIOUSLY i wasn't eating enough before- sheesh!!!! :slaps self on head:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    So let me get this straight . . . . I up my calories to 1330 and don't run for a week (only walk 40 minutes a day) and I LOSE 3 lbs in a week. . . . OBVIOUSLY i wasn't eating enough before- sheesh!!!! :slaps self on head:

    Great job!! At least now you know why you weren't losing!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    So I had lost 3 pounds doing South Beach phase 1 but ever since I started phase 2 I have gained 5! I'm definitely going to try something different since this obviously isn't working.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw! I can't believe I totally missed posting yesterday. I was here - but I didn't post! :noway: So happy its Friday!! **does a little happy dance** I'm going home tomorrow to visit my family on the east coast. Haven't seen them for about 2 years! I'll weigh in tomorrow before I go even though its a day early for me and then I'll weigh when I get back. Who know what my internet access will be like while I'm there, but I'll try to stop in and say hi from time to time! I'm so excited!!

    @brittlynn - when you start into phase 2 you have to be careful not to overeat. Even though you don't count calories on SBD, you do need to watch what you're putting in your mouth. I always try to remember what one of my aerobics instructors used to say - "too much of a good thing is still too much!"" Good luck!

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Went for a 1.5 hour hike in the morning and then did another 1.5 hours with my son. Had a lovely day.

    Juse wanted to pop in and say hi before I head off to bed.


  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaws! Hope everyone's got a fun weekend planned. I am trying to save money so staying in and sitting by the pool instead of going out, am a bit tomato-esque today though, was very hot out there! I will post challenges asap, just waiting to hear from one of our prefects.

    Just to add to the Joss Whedon chat, I am re-watching Buffy at the moment. I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yay! Happy Saturday!! Leaving for vacation this afternoon so weighed in this morning - no change in weight but I am feeling bloated from some bad food choices yesterday. I hope that someday I will learn to control my impulse eating! I come from a heavy family - even at my largest, I was the smallest of the lot! I'm going to have to watch myself on vacation and be a model of sensible eating for them. All family activities usually revolve around food in some way - picnics, eating out, chips & dips, candy bowls, popcorn... Eat, eat, eat. I do believe that keeping my eating under control will be my personal challenge this week! :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!

    By the way - has anyone noticed we're getting ready to trip over to a new thread?? This house is amazing! I love you guys!! :heart:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    @azsuzi Have fun on your trip!!

    So I guess it was just water weight cause when I weighed this morning I was down by 2 pounds. Have a good weekend everyone!
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaws! From now on, I am counting vacuuming as exercise. 1. Because I hate it. 2. Because I swear it is harder than jumping in a pool and swimming for an hour. Unless anyone has serious objections that is...?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaws! From now on, I am counting vacuuming as exercise. 1. Because I hate it. 2. Because I swear it is harder than jumping in a pool and swimming for an hour. Unless anyone has serious objections that is...?
    I always count my housecleaning because I sweat more doing that than I do for most things! Plus, I don't do it enough to count as "normal" activity. :blushing:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member

    Exercise: 15 minutes of punching per day (three lots of five mins is probably best). legs wide, sink into a half squat, then punch! Movement should come from the waist, not just the arm. One OWL for every day you do it.

    Food: (Ooh Azsuzi this is going to be tough for you on your family trip...) Plan your snacks. organise your snacks in advance, and don't buy/find anything else. Or, if that's impossibly, resist a snacking urge you normally get, so if you normally have a four o'clock snack, resist the urge! One OWL for every day you skip a snack or plan your snacks in advance.

    Spirit: POST!

    Right, I'm off for an early morning run (I hate running, it's taking over my life!!)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Took my mom out to eat tonight for the first time since her CHF diagnosis and being put on a low sodium diet. I had checked out a few websites, and Outback Steakhouse came up as a choice where you could find low sodium option. You have to ask specifically for everything to be prepared without added salt or seasoning, but they were very accomodating, and her grilled fish was delicious. They also have steamed veggies, just request no butter or salt. I was impressed. Now, I didn't pay as much attention to what I was eating, and wound up over for the day, but I could have made very healthy chocies there, which I will next time. Spending the day with my mother was just a bit stressful, and led to some wine and dessert...

    @azsuzi - you might try chewing gum while you're with your family, when they have snacks out and about - that can help prevent mindless snacking. Have a great trip!

    @lottee - lookout, running WILL take over your life :-) I feel like I'm going through withdrawals taking a few days off to let my leg heal, LOL
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    @azsuzi, I also always count cleaning, since I don't do it very often! Hahaha :laugh:

    And weee! Lost a pound this week! :happy:. Didn't know if I would this week, thought maybe because of all the extra exercise I would retain a bit more water or something. Well that just makes me a little more keen for boot camp tomorrow. Hopefully this week I can get a bit more used to the 5:30am starts. I've been napping all weekend just trying to catch up on missed sleep from during the week. Ugh. Right now it's 4pm and I would love to lie down for a couple of hours, but then I know I won't be able to sleep tonight. Lame.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Just finished my first flight of the day. :) Traveling to Boise for work. I happen to be here in Charlotte for 3 hours, though, so I thought I would check in to see how everyone was doing. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    forgot to post yesterday- Jacob's 4th birthday party yesterday. Interestingly enough I didn't over indulge in the least. We planned it after lunch and before dinner so there were only snacks (husband wanted to save $) so there was lots of fruit and healthy options. Plus we had TONS of water and no soda so that wasn't a temptation. Did pretty well . . .

    Lost 2.5 pounds this week but sucked on exercise minutes- I'll start running again on Monday so those minutes will increase next week
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I FINISHED MY EVENT WALK!!! :glasses: :glasses: :glasses:

    Went up and over the Coronado Bridge. Very excited. I took a slow pace, took lots of pictures of the city, but I finished within my goal of 2 hours (94 min). And, for fun, I checked my weight after the walk and saw that I'm almost at my goal for the month! Yay!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou: