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Ravenclaw Common Room



  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    BOOOOO I gained this week! 2.5lb gain! That's what you get for not logging and saving all your exercise for one day instead of spreading it out. I AM going to lose that 2.5lb this week, and a bit more. I am I am I am!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Hmm, I think challenges should be tough but attainable- I think Azsuzi and Matchamatcha, if they want to, should be able to modify the challenge- how about trying to half your caffeine intake? Azsuzi- could you have little cups instead of your big mugs?!

    What do other people think about modifying the challenges? Lottee x

    I could go either way on that one. I totally understand that sometimes there are challenges that someone will not be able to or will not want to participate in fully (i.e. my knees won't handle any kind of lunges), but for those weeks, I usually just replace it with something else or modify it myself and do as much as I can for the challenge. I might not earn the OWL, but I still try to do something for myself.

    On the other hand, even though I wouldn't mind if we allowed modifications to earn them, I can see it feeling a little unfair for those who are actually pushing to meet the challenge fully.

    Otherwise, we could just try to make sure that the challenges are set that way to start with, too. So just as an example, instead of 'no caffeine', we could create a challenge that requires that you reduce your caffeine intake by at least 50% or even just 'reduce your daily caffeine intake.' That way each person could set their own goal to stretch for depending on where they are. It's something like the ones we've had before with hitting your personal protein or fiber goals -- they change per person rather than saying everyone has to hit a certain # of grams.

    Either option works for me, though. :) Any other thoughts?
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    I think it's a good idea to make challenges a little more tailorable to each person's goals, I could stick to one coffee and cut out my cups of tea during the day perhaps. But at the same time, I don't want to be unfair to other people who are trying really hard to meet the challenges. Either suits me.

    Phew first day of boot camp today! 5:30am was too much for me and I pressed the snooze button a couple of times... so I ended up being 15mins late and arriving halfway through the beep test. I should say that I rode my bike to the gym and halfway there I was like "Ohmygodmylegswahwahwah" along with "Who are all these freaks jogging and getting coffee and why are they awake at this ungodly hour?!!!" :grumble:. I'm a nightowl if you couldn't tell :wink:. But I felt a little cheated. Everyone else had that extra 15 mins of pushing themselves and at the end of it I was tired but not exhausted. Probably means I need to push myself harder. The trainer running it does a lot of triathlons and she is insanely fit! We were assessed on our planks and push ups as well as the beep test and she told us she could plank for 5 minutes! I was like :noway:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    I gained 2 pounds this week! However, I went home for mother's day and we ate out a lot and I didn't get a chance to exercise so I figured I would gain something. I'm not going to let this discourage me though. I like the no caffeine challenge because I try to cut it out anyways but this weekend I had a lot!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I am about 25/75 on this...

    25% thinks it should be okay to modify but have a set amount to modify by

    And 75% doesn't think it is fair to others working really hard to acheive the challenges to modify it for some. Not everyone is going to get all Owls every challenge but if for example you can go one or two days without caffeine there is an Owl or two there and a really great accomplishment.

    Take care,
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Ok guys, how about this then...

    This week, we stick with the 'no caffeine' target, which is what was given, and those of us who can't do it (me included!) just suck it up and try and get all the exercise and spirit OWLS instead.
    Then, from next week, we try to ensure that targets are more customisable- I have faith that everyone on here will set themselves targets which are tough to reach, but we try and stay along the lines of 'cut your caffeine by at least half', 'add on as many minutes extra walking as possible', and then people state their own targets in the forum at the start of the week. This always works quite well when we have a 'work on one target area' type challenge, so no reason why it shouldn't work for all of them, right?
    Shall we give this a try next week?
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I will also not be participating in the no caffiene challenge this week- the migraines are just too much to handle without it. BUT . . . I wouldn't expect anyone to change a challenge for me- I do really well some weeks (last week) and not so well others (this week). Its all about pushing ourselves to be the best we can be- so I say don't change the challenges.

    Is anyone else's MFP all screwed up today? Maybe its just my work computer but everything is all out of whack and in the wrong place- grrr
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Everything seems chill on my end. Just very tired...
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Weight stayed about the same today, which I was happy about considering the slice of cake I had at a Mother's Day buffet yesterday - hopefully I am poised for a good drop next week, because it's been hovering around the same number for awhile...

    @momofJandA - congrats on your 5K time! it's all relative - you may not be happy with it but I would be thrilled to be that fast :-) Careful you don't overdo training while you come back from the surgery - if your calf is already hurting, take it easy - I tried to push my training after I finally broke 30 minutes (by 1 second, woohoo!), and wound up hurting myself and that injury has been slowing me down for the past month or so, and I'm going to have to take some time off running to rest it (yes, I should have already done that, but I paid for this darn speed class and I'm determined to get my money's worth :grumble: ) Plus, hot weather slows everyone's times down - work toward those fall races :-)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Hey Ravenclaw! I had a wonderful night out with my son last night. I won tickets to a comedy show with about 8 big name comedians lined up. Was out WAY past my bedtime, but it was so worth it! And we ate a Wendy's for dinner - I was so afraid I would blow my calories but since I burned so many doing yard work yesterday, I came in just under my limit!!

    I'm good with leaving the challenge as it is this week. I would give the "no caffiene" a go, but I have to function at work and can't afford the migraine I know I would get. So I applaud all of you who tough it out! I think Lottee's suggestion is a good one though. If we can set our own goals within the larger goal, that might give some of us incentive to give the more challenging challenges a try.

    Have a happy Monday all!!
  • Hey guys,

    I've come by to deliver some sad news. I need to take a break from Ravenclaw for a while. Life has become crazy with studying and work and life in general, and I need to refocus on my goals.

    This is not goodbye forever, by any means. I really hope to come back when things become a little more stable and give my all again to the house and Hogwarts.

    You all have been amazing! I love that this has survived and flourished for over a year. Hogwarts is a way of life and I love that it has thrived in this supportive environment.

    Keep it up, fellow Ravenclaws, and remember...wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure :D Cheers.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've come by to deliver some sad news. I need to take a break from Ravenclaw for a while. Life has become crazy with studying and work and life in general, and I need to refocus on my goals.

    This is not goodbye forever, by any means. I really hope to come back when things become a little more stable and give my all again to the house and Hogwarts.

    You all have been amazing! I love that this has survived and flourished for over a year. Hogwarts is a way of life and I love that it has thrived in this supportive environment.

    Keep it up, fellow Ravenclaws, and remember...wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure :D Cheers.

    Sad to see you go, definitely, but wishing you all the best! We'll be happy to have you back when things are settled more for you. :) Hope you keep it up as well -- and drop in to keep us updated any time you can!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws!!!

    Well I'm taking everyone's advice and resting a bit- no running yesterday or today, we'll see about tomorrow. My calf is definitely feeling better- but I feel like I am "cheating" by not running. I am still walking at lunch (a mile) and after dinner (another mile while pushing both kids in the stroller)- just have to keep my brain in the right place. Running really does keep me in the healthy mindset. I find myself taking more cheat bites when I don't exercise (you would think it would be opposite because I have more calories to play with when I run but its not because when I run I am conscious of feeding my body healthy whereas when I don't I just kind of say "screw it" I guess).
    Anyway I've still stayed under calories yesterday and today so not all bad- especially considering there is a HUGE bag of candy under my desk right now. We are doing a "great candy debate" in my class. Kids are in groups and have to persuade the rest of the class that thjeir candy is the best. REALLY trying to avoid the reese's peanut butter cups :grumble:
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaws! So far, so good this week. I've even got my walk planned out for today! Thank God for the beautiful weather, no dementors in sight! Sunshine is so much more motivating than gloomy clouds and rain. I've got an early appointment and then work the rest of day. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Buen dia!

    So, feeling much better today. This lends credence to my theory that I overindulged over the weekend... Shan't be doing that again. In other news, I'm still working my way through Buffy (I have only ever watched an episode here and there before) and I'm not sure where I was going with this, but... Nathan Fillion as an Evil Preacher-man == AWESOME!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    @LordBezoar Nathan Fillion in anything (especially with tight pants) = AWESOME!... :laugh:

    AFM - I slept in this morning and was late to work. I missed breakfast so I have to try and add those calories in throughout the day. After work I am either going to take my kids for a hike or take my son to see The Avengers. Haven't decided yet.

    Have an awesome day everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    My students bought my Royce's chocolate today- nom nom so good! Not good for calories though, and no exercise (too busy), and none planned for tomorrow. Will have to do more sensible food choices tomorrow!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    My co-workers took me out to eat today as a farewell party since next Friday is my last day for two and a half months. There were no good food options so I ate ham and asparagus mac and cheese. It was really yummy! I will definitely be fitting some exercise in at some point today to make up for that!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    This week is turning into another crazy one. I worked late yesterday and will work late again today. When that happens, there's no time for exercise, but I am walking the stairs and parking away from the stores so that I can earn the exercise OWLs this week!

    @Emmie - we'll miss you!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member

    Thanks to everyone who has already updated! If you haven't yet, I'll be sending in the week 2 weigh-in information tonight, so feel free to update if you get a chance.

    Here are the ones we are missing currently: