Ravenclaw Common Room



  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've been a bit absent this week - had some family stuff going on (mother moved from PA to TX, and this culminated with a trip to the hospital...), but I actually managed to stay somewhat on track this week with food, and with running, though I completely lost track of OWLs and such... Hoping this week will be a bit more normal. Love the challenge this week - I desperately need to work on both abs and arms - my goal is to start getting up 15 minutes early to do a core DVD, so this is extra motivation :-)

    azsuzi - good luck with your final final!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Ooh good luck Azsuzi!

    I think this week my target area will be my abs- Definitely would like some definition in that area! I have a pilates DVD called '10 minute solutions' which has a different section for each area of the body- I usually only do the buns and thighs section but this week I'm going to do the abs section. Will be right after 30DS so that area should be getting some serious attention...
    First ever race countdown.... T - 5 days, eek! I ran 5k this morning though, so I know I can do it!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    5am+ 50 degree temp + new tunes on the MP3 player + 5 mile run = lots of time to clear my head and just THINK. Although sometimes I think I need to stop thinking and just do . . . but I have way too much riding on my decisions. Why the heck did we want to be grown ups so badly when we were kids?

    I should have put off weigh in until today- lost .5 as of this morning- hopefully I can at least maintian the lost until next Sunday.
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    Hey everyone! So my air conditioner decided yesterday that it was going to stop working! This lead to my apartment being 80 degrees when I woke up this morning which is not fun! Hopefully I can get someone out to look at it today or it's going to suck when I get back from my workout tonight. I feel like I've been slacking off with my OWLs and I'm going to make it my goal for this week to keep better track of it. I think I'm going to work my abs for the challenge this week. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Helloooo Ravenclaws!!!! I hope everyone is having a good start to the week. As one of my MFP pals said... I am going to stamp my name on Monday and say "Datenshi was here!!!" I hope you can all do the same.

    I am both energized and sooooooo exhausted. The field training exercise went very well. We had about 700 cadets and staff. Mostly I helped supervise the archery range but I went around and observed all the training courses as well and had lots of physical labour I had to do. We ate MREs (Military meals - Ready to Eat) all weekend which are very high in fat, calories and sodium but I weighed the same before and after this weekend so I must have burned it off. My bruises have bruises and I got a bit of a sunburn but not as bad as it could have been. I was applying sunblock every half an hour. Despite that it was totally worth it to see the cadets interested and trying hard to master the various skills.

    I hope you all had a great weekend and have an amazing week to come! :flowerforyou:

  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    A lot of what DW and I do is walking. I get a morning break and a lunch at work and she gets two short breaks and lunch at her work, so we spend the majority of those walking. then when I get home we take our furry friends for a good sized walk, usually 30min to an hour. And then another 15-20 min walk before bed. We are also currently doing Power 90 (Not P90X) and that is 30-45 min six days a week. On the weekends, we typically go for a much longer walks with the dogs--like 2 hours+--in addition to several 15-20 min walks. It really helps that we have a walking trail that follows the Jordan River right across the street from us.

    The biggest thing that got us up and walking so much is that we bought FitBits and those have driven us to do everything we can to break 10,0000 steps every day. We normally average between 12,000-13,000.

    This last week was pretty horrible for us, though. Our Vegas trip tossed a major monkey-wrench into the works and we had our first trade show of the season on Friday & Saturday, so we had a decided lack of exercise this past week. In any event, we are going to pick ourselves up and move on.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Hellow fellow Ravenclaws!

    Just got back from survival training. I'm still here so I guess I passed. :laugh:

    It was a LOT of fun! I overate on one of the days but it was so hot and rugged that I don't think that did any damage. Got a lot of walking in. Probably won't be able to capture that exercise here because I was too busy trying to learn rather than time my activities. Luckily, FitBit did most of that for me so when I upload the data, I expect to be happy. :wink:

    I feel like I'm behind a bit, being gone for so long, but I do know what I want to work on- arms. There were so many activities that needed arm work. I work out legs everyday but I really need to start doing pushups or something. Just when you think you can skip it... :ohwell:

    Ice cold water doesn't sound appealing at all, but I'll give it a try. If it jump starts my metabolism then I'm up for it.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning All! Just had my morning iced water- great wake up for the morning! Forgot yesterday as it was a holiday- am less organised than on work mornings. Did the abs section of my pilates section last night- one word: OW! Pain today, I couldn't even do half of the moves! My aim is to do it every day, and, by the end of the week, have completed it properly at least once!

    Has anyone done any reading about the new JK Rowling book? I was listening to a Pottercast about it recently (Potter podcast, I know, I'm a geek) and it sounds really good, very different though. I love reading, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it anyway. Happy Tuesday Ravenclaws!
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws! I feel like I've been slacking since (before) I joined our house, but I am back on track! I've got a new job and now I'm going to get a new body to go with it! I love the challenges this week. I drink so much water already that it'll be no problem to wake up with another glass. And having sprained my wrist, I have even more time to spend working on my abs! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Happy Monday!

    My week is off to a much better start compared to last week - I managed to get up early this morning and did an ab segment before breakfast, then snuck in 10 minutes on a spin bike at lunch, and went for a run after I finished working tonight. Doing well with food and water too - yay! Hopefully this is the start of a much more normal week.

    @Datenshi - love that thought - I stamped my name on Monday too - Susan was here!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Aaaaand, welcome to Tuesday!

    As an update on my ongoing quest to release my inner-hippy, I made hair clay for the first time last night, I need to tweak my recipe a tad, but it is working really well.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Happy Tuesday All!!!

    Got a bit of a chest cold again but I am not going to let that stand in my way and it doesn't seem as bad as the last one. DD though is dehydrated from this weekend and is quite ill. I am trying to get her hydrated again but if she keeps bringing it up I'll have to take her to the hospital for an IV drip. :cry:

    I am also a Lord of the Rings geek and I found a group on MFP called 'To Mordor' which is about walking (biking, swimming) the distance from The Shire to Mordor so I have something new to motivate me to keep walking when I can and not just when I go for hikes. I am going to order a map of Middle Earth and use pins to keep track of where I am...lol.. :laugh:

    I hope you all have had a good start to your week! :flowerforyou:

    Take care,
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I love the ice cold water in the morning- wakes me up!!

    Another 5 mile run today- my legs are killing me though so tomorrow will be a 3-4 mile day. Been doing the weight training at night- abs and arms because they don't get any attention when I'm running.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    @datenshi The "To Mordor" sounds awesome. Do you know how long it is?

    I had a bit of a mood shift last night. Went from being very happy and content to being angry... and now I can't shake the anger. Family problems, of course, but I don't understand why we just can't be happy. Why do we have to keep going round and round in these awful cycles of sharing & caring about one another to not speaking or shouting at each other.

    I tried to let it go last night, and was on my way to do a good day... and then I get a phone call. :mad: I know exercising and taking care of yourself can make you content, and your outlook on life is improved, but I feel like the opposite occurs as well. The problem is, what to do when the world is taking a dump on you? Maybe I should joing kickboxing or something as an outlet for this crap.

    Thanks for letting me rant. I feel a little better. :blushing:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    @korkster It is approx 1100 miles, 1560 if you go the way Frodo and Sam went and you break it down into smaller components. The idea originated from http://home.insightbb.com/~eowynchallenge/Walk/walk.html which is a walk from Bag End to Rivendell.

    Take care,
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    So I absolutely hate cold water!! However, I have managed to drink it for the past two mornings. Maybe by the end of this week I'll like it a little more.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    @datenshi Thanks for letting us know about the To Mordor group here on MFP. I had started with the Hobbit, but didn't know that there was a group on here that I could follow with as well.

    Lonely Mountain, here I come!
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    Happy Tuesday! My prom is in two and a half weeks so I am trying to be really good. I skipped the gym today because I was exhausted (worked on prom stuff for two hours, and had no pre-gym energy boosting snack! :cry: ) but I will definitely be back in it tomorrow.

    My grandmother made this delicious "Crockpot Candy" which is peanuts coated in like three types of chocolate/almond bark, including white. I'm trying so hard not to grab a cluster every time I walk by.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Just got back from an absolutely brutal running class - 6 repeats up this mountainous hill, not to mention running up and down hills to get to "the" hill... I'm looking forward to this class being over - I think my body needs a rest...

    @korkster - I can relate to the mood shifts - I'm working really hard to stay positive and be happy with my own life, but a certain family member can push my buttons. Making sure I find time to get away and block the family stuff out each day (running, going to a movie, etc...) helps some days, but not always. Last night, I only got a few hours of sleep stewing over a situation. If you find anything that helps, please share :-)

    @LordBezoar - what is hair clay?? And what do you do with it?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ravenclaw! I aced my exam last night!! YAYAYYY :drinker: Now a month off before I start my Statistics class.

    To all who just found "To Mordor", I joined the group a few weeks ago. I'm finding it hard to track my miles and keep forgetting to log it. Maybe seeing a few familiar faces on the road will help motivate me.

    @korkster - I'm sorry you're dealing with a button-pusher. I think we all have some of them in our lives. And dealing with them is when I have the most trouble keeping my eating under control. Its like this evil side of me says "I'll show them. I'll go eat something!" Like it will hurt them :noway: I just don't get my thought processes sometimes. Oh - and kickboxing is a GREAT way to work out the aggravation! I highly recommend it.

    I'm way under calories today - sitting at about 950 calories and I've eaten all three meals plus two snacks! I think I'm going to grab a quick snack before it gets too late. Have a good night everyone!