Ravenclaw Common Room



  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    DW looked into it at one point--and I think that it might be one of the many things that we tried in the past. However, I don't remember anything about it. I know... this was a kinda useless post. So I present you with a kitten to make up for it:

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    DW looked into it at one point--and I think that it might be one of the many things that we tried in the past. However, I don't remember anything about it. I know... this was a kinda useless post. So I present you with a kitten to make up for it:


    Awwwwww.... that is so adorable!!!!!
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    That kitten sweater is my favorite picture on the internet.

    I did 20 minutes of strength today! I never realized how fast my heart goes when I do so much strength. I love it!

    Sorry if I missed this, where do we log house points this week?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    So I just started the South Beach Diet per recommendation by my doctor. The only bad thing about this is that I'm currently going through sugar withdrawals and let me tell you it sucks! I thought caffeine withdrawals were bad but this definitely tops that!

    What is the premise of the South Beach Diet? I have heard of it but not what it entails.

    Take care,
    The South Beach Diet removes the bad carbs (processed, white flour, white sugar, etc.) from your diet and teaches you to eat a mix of healthy carbs, good fats and proteins. It was developed by a cardiologist for his patients. I've dabbled with it and have taken away a lot of good information - plus several yummy recipes - but I've never done the diet full on.

    In other news, one class to go - finals in calculus on Monday :sick: I'll be glad when this one is over!! You can probably guess what I'll be doing the weekend - studying!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    @azsuzi - Thanks for the info and good luck on your finals!

    AFM - I leave tonight for the cadet field training exercise which is essentially basic survival training along with stuff like archery, canoeing and sports. I get back on Sunday night so I won't be able to post while I am away (no electronic devices allowed).

    Have a fantastic weekend everybody!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    @azsuzi- Good luck on the finals! I am glad mine are done, and I passed my Anatomy and Physiology class with a B :)

    @ Datenshi Have fun this weekend, should be some great exercise minutes to add together.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Holy crow! Is it Friday already? Where did this week go? le sigh...
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    dear Friday- I love you!

    I've done the south beach diet for awhile. The premise is lower carbs higher protein and veggies. I have PCOS so my body doesn't process carbs all that well so anything that is protein based is a good mind set for me- unfortunately I love carbs- more than chocolate or any other "bad" food- give me some chips and pasta- mmmmm - on that note let me go eat my protein bar!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Since the south beach diet topic came up, I started reading the book again last night. Think I might give it a try to see if I can get rid of some of my stubborn belly fat. I know that I get more "muffin-toppy" when I eat more carbs, so it might be just what I need. AND - this morning I was down to my pre-Christmas weight - WOOHOO!! Let's see if I can hold onto it for weigh on Sunday! The downside of it is that my clothes aren't fitting as well as they did last fall, so I know I've got more body fat even though I weigh less. Can't wait to get back in the pool and burn off that fat!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    @azsuzi- I've lost 3 pounds since Monday doing the south beach. I haven't been successful with losing weight until now.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    @azsuzi- I've lost 3 pounds since Monday doing the south beach. I haven't been successful with losing weight until now.

    Nice! As long as it's something your doctor is monitoring, it sounds like it might be a success! Sometimes just changing up what you're doing can do wonders, too. :) I've always noticed that when I make a decision to change one bad habit, it usually kickstarts me on weight loss again.

    @azsuzi - Hope the studying has gone well! :)

    @everyone - Here's to FRIDAY! I'm so excited. I love the weekends. And I love Fridays at work, so that helps quite a lot, too. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy myself over the next couple days.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member

    First of all, congrats on the Quidditch Cup! WOOT!

    Don't forget that we have started a new month, so you'll want to choose your end-of-month goal for May and enter it on the spreadsheet:


    We had a lot of success last month making progress toward our goals, so I'm really looking forward to seeing us hit our goals for May! Well done on your losses! :)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Saturday Ravenclaw! WooHoo! The Quidditch Cup - Go Ravenclaw!! :drinker:

    Getting ready to buckle down and study for my final. I'm sure I'll want a break sometime through the day today and the pool feels like its finally warm enough. A swim might have to go on my agenda for the day as well. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    So I think my body is finally catching up from the weird roller coaster it had been on for several weeks during last month. This past two weeks I have been dropping weight quickly, which is a little unusual compared to how I was doing before (although granted, I was a little frustrated then because I was being really good and the scale didn't show it at all).

    Here's to hoping it stays off! :drinker:

    Unfortunately, I'm still stuck in my usual habit of never, ever working out like I should. I am starting to go to a zumba class on Tuesday, though, and I have a friend doing it with me, so maybe that will help. And actually, now that I think about it, there is no reason I can't work out today.

    30DS, here I come!

    *edited because I just took my measurements for the first time since January, and I'm really happy to see them! I don't measure the same way everyone does, I'm sure, but I know that I do it the same each time.

    These are my losses in inches:
    Waist: 3.5
    Hips: 3.25
    Bust: .5
    Upper arm: .5
    Bicep: .75
    Thighs: 1.5
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    @LordBezoar -- I love how much time you and your wife spend getting fit and exercising during the week! Can you give me some tips or an idea of what kinds of activities you do? :)
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    I only went to the gym twice this week and I am pretty disappointed in myself. I got up early today to go like I usually do, but yesterday I volunteered at Field Day at my mom's school, so not only am I exhausted, but I am sunburned. Only my mouth! It's red and a little swollen looking, and super dry. I'm too embarrassed to go out right now so I'm going to try again on Monday. I did run around a lot yesterday (including an inflatable obstacle course and a moon bounce!) so I'll try to remember that and feel better.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Good afternoon Ravenclaws!
    Spent all morning outside- first the walkway bridge (3 miles across the river beautiful) then at the park with the kids and watching some of my students play baseball- now a little reprieve before we head out to a birthday party at a park- definately got our Vitamin D today ;)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey Raveclaws! Right, challenge time. Sorry these are later than usual- was waiting for the prefects and then was at the beach when my phone died, so no internet and had to wait until I got home. Why is technology so useless?!

    Exercise: Strength training on an area you normally neglect! I love this because you all have to be honest and set your own challenges. I am doing 30DS so I am going to do it tomorrow, choose my least favourite exercise from it (almost definitely something with planks or one of the abs sections) and then repeat that three times during the day. One OWL for every day you hit that neglected area.

    Food: I want to reintroduce an old challenge, which became a habit for me for a long time but has recently fallen by the wayside. I think it was one of Azsuzis, it's from ages ago anyway. It's very simple: first thing in the morning, drink a large glass of iced water. That's it. But when I do it, it gets my metabolism going straight away, I nearly always make my water goal because of it, and it's a great waker-upper!

    Spirit: As always... post! My personal aim for this week is to get all of these OWLS as frankly, I've been lapse this week.

    Happy long-weekend to all UK peeps (and for us here in Thailand), happy weekend for everyone else!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I actually just said to my husband lst night that I needed to start lifting heavier- so this week's challenge is right up my alley- plus the cold water first thing in the mornign is such a great idea and such an easy concept to incorporate into our daily routine.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! For some unexpected reason, I dropped 1.5 pounds this week!! I'm just a half pound away from my pre-Christmas low, so I feel like I'm really back on track now! WooHoo!

    Took my first swim of the season yesterday - the pool was a perfect temp and it felt so good to work the whole body instead of just my legs. So I think this week my exercise goal will be to work my arms. They've been neglected nearly all winter.

    So, back to studying - my final is tomorrow and then I get a whole month off school :bigsmile: . Enjoy your day everyone!