Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    That's exciting lottee! It's funny how a few maddening minutes can affect you for months. :wink:

    I, too, signed up for a race. My very first. It's only 4 miles, but I'm a bit terrified. Still don't know if I'll walk or jog it, but any advice on training would be most appreciated! I can't believe we've gotten to the point where we WANT to RUN.

    Run for fun? That makes no sense at all!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Happy Tuesday, Ravenclaws!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Yesterday I weighed in and am getting discouraged. :( I gained weight in the month and lost 0 inches.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Evening all! So, my friend and I started couch to 5k in February, and finished it just before my Easter holiday (as we missed a fair few sessions for holidays, school events etc). We then decided to carry on and train for 10k, as a general target to meet before I leave Thailand in July. It was all fun and not very real. Well today, THIS *kitten* GOT REAL!!!!! WE signed up for a 5k race next Saturday (not too bad, I've done 5k several times now, I know I can do it even though it's tough), and, a 10k in the middle of June. Whaaaaaat?! That's really soon! I agreed in a minute of madness, signed up, and now, hahaha, I've got to do them! Think I am a bit hysterical! Any race advice from your proper runners? momofJandA?!

    Very exciting! Look around online and you should be able to find a C25K-like training program for 10Ks (bridge to 10K maybe?) - start now and you'll be ready by your race - I've done 5-mile races while I'm only training for 5Ks, so over a month of training for a 10K should be plenty of time to get you ready - you may not set speed records, but it's your first 10K so you're guaranteed a PR :-)

    As for race strategies, start off slow - don't get swept up in the crowd of people who go out in a rush. Go at the pace you know is comfortable for you. If you feel good at the halfway or 2 mile point, you can pick up the pace and start picking off those runners who went out too fast and are now running out of juice :-)

    @korkster - good for you on signing up for your race too! When is it?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey Ravenclaw! I got an A on my final presentation!! One more exam next Monday and I'll be done (for a month anyway :smile: )

    Lottee - where will you be going when you leave Thailand and why did you decide to leave? (I know - nosy questions but I can't help myself :flowerforyou: )

    Ok - off to study a bit before I crawl in bed. I've been staying up way too late and its starting to catch up with me. I need a good night's sleep. See you all tomorrow!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Happy Anniversary of the Day Voldemort Kicked the Bucket! Also, RIP half the Wizarding World. Let's have a moment of Wrock for them all: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg1JfwCpjVw
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws, was unable to weigh my self this week so am sticking with my last weigh in of 100.5 Ibs and I finally reached a goal so yay for me, am looking forward to weighing in again and am thinking of what my next goal will be. :) Now if I can finish of my TAFE assessment by tomorrow night, I will be happy. :)
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    azsuzi - Congrats on your final presentation mark!!

    momofJandA - you have to love friends like that...lol

    LordBezoar - I'm jealous that you got to go to Vegas...lol I hope you had a great time!!

    CivicSista - I hope the scale surprises you and you have a loss.

    AFM - It has been a busy couple of days trying to prepare for the field training exercise this weekend and I am not even close to done. I am not sure if I will just be supervising an event, being a gopher, or participating along with the cadets but I should find out tonight.

    I had a couple of meals this week that were high in sodium so I am retaining water. Hopefully by Friday the scale will be kind to me...lol.

    I hope you are all having a great day!!!

  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Evening all! So, my friend and I started couch to 5k in February, and finished it just before my Easter holiday (as we missed a fair few sessions for holidays, school events etc). We then decided to carry on and train for 10k, as a general target to meet before I leave Thailand in July. It was all fun and not very real. Well today, THIS *kitten* GOT REAL!!!!! WE signed up for a 5k race next Saturday (not too bad, I've done 5k several times now, I know I can do it even though it's tough), and, a 10k in the middle of June. Whaaaaaat?! That's really soon! I agreed in a minute of madness, signed up, and now, hahaha, I've got to do them! Think I am a bit hysterical! Any race advice from your proper runners? momofJandA?!

    First- I can NOT tell you how happy you made me to call me out as a proper runner!!!! :blushing: I still have trouble envisioning myself as a runner- my whole day will be happy now :drinker:

    Second- If you're already a 5K runner increasing to a 10K isn't that hard- you already have the tools. I generally increase milage a mile a week (any more and chance of injury increases). So in about 3 weeks you will be at 10K distance- then I would start to add interval training (1 minute of hard a** sprint, 10 minute jog, 1 minute walk if you need it- then repeat or find the pattern that works for you) the interval training helps with time. Also I always go balls to the wall the last 100 meters or so- basically the half a block when I can see my house- helps me to increase my endurance (at least that's what I tell myself as I'm dying).

    General Race tips:
    - don't get crazy when you start (my first race I tried keeping up with the front of the pack, who consequently run a 6 minute mile, and was DEAD by the second mile. Pace yourself.
    - Getting through traffic is hard for me, I still haven't perfected my style and I run races at least once a month
    - know is you are running a trail race or a road race before hand- a trail race is much different
    - It's ok to walk if you need to- actually walking for a minute in the middle might actually increase your time in the end because you are kind of refueling your tank for the last leg
    - Turn the music up and run your run- imagine you are alone out there on the road- just you the road and the music- screw everyone else and what everyone else is doing (unless you are racing to win then its a different story, but I'm guessing since its your first race the goal is to finish and do the best you can)

    Look at me giving running/racing tips- who the heck ever thought THAT would happen:bigsmile:
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Need to stay positive..... :) Today is going to be amazing. Just took some E&E and am going to do a nice long cardio session. Bring it on!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for all the racing tips! My race is May 20th.

    I'm glad to hear it's okay to walk in the middle. I"m planning on reaching the middle a lot. :wink:

    Getting ready for survival training this weekend. Should be a blast!
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    We made a Vegan Peaches and Cream dessert last night, it was delectable. Thought you all should know...
  • rosesquelettique
    rosesquelettique Posts: 38 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! I have some devastating news - I finally signed up on Pottermore and was placed in Slytherin :noway: AAAHHHHHHH!!!! :brokenheart: At least all of you know that I'm truly a Ravenclaw!

    I got placed in Slytherin too! I don't understand how they determine that.

    I was still a Ravenclaw! Yay me!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning all! house stuff:

    congratualtions to matchamatcha and Lady Bezoar for being prefects this week! also a big shout out to Civicsista- you were joint with Lady bezoar on OWLS but she had more exercise minutes than you which I use as a decided when it's tied- maybe increasing those would get the scales to move?!

    the spreadsheet is now up and running for May (May already?!) - there are four weeks, ending on the 28th, which then means we'll have an extra bonus week which won't count for interhouse competitions but we will still do OWLs and house stuff.

    well done to everyone who lost in April, particularly to Kelly as April was the month she made the big transition from 200s to 100s, excellent stuff!!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Now more interesting stuff! Thanks for the tips guys! I am doing a bridge to 10k program, and it's going well, 10k still seems like a huge jump though! am looking forward to the races though, and, as you say, my only goal is to finish! and try not to walk too much... good advice about not following the leaders though- I'm bad at trying to sprint past people in the park, which then means I slow right down afterwards as I'm too tired (and feel like I might die...) and thy end up passing me again, and doing the whole lap in less time. slow and steady and all that!!!

    Azsuzi- i decided to leave Thailand because I've been here three years and thats long enough to be away from family and my (kind of) boyfriend. If I was closer it wouldn't be 'kind-of'! I've also done all I can do in the school here and there's no chance of promotion due to its size. however, i'm not going home, I start a new job in September (after a blissful 9 week summer holiday!!!) in Valencia, Spain. New country, new school, new challenges... Am super excited!!!

    Happy Thursday all x
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    I agree with Lottee - congrats on a really successful April! It's really awesome to see each of you sticking to it month after month and getting healthier all the time. I know not every week has been a great one for each of us, but just the fact that we are still here and still making good choices says far more than that.

    So, so proud of all my housemates. Just wanted to say that. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    April Results are posted in the Great Hall!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
    Ravenclaw wins the Quidditch Cup for April!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    You rock Eagles!

    On another note- thinking about zig zagging my calories- I've read some interesting posts and threads about it, I just don't know if I can take that step and think "if I eat more I will lose more" we'll see what happens
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    So I just started the South Beach Diet per recommendation by my doctor. The only bad thing about this is that I'm currently going through sugar withdrawals and let me tell you it sucks! I thought caffeine withdrawals were bad but this definitely tops that!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    So I just started the South Beach Diet per recommendation by my doctor. The only bad thing about this is that I'm currently going through sugar withdrawals and let me tell you it sucks! I thought caffeine withdrawals were bad but this definitely tops that!

    What is the premise of the South Beach Diet? I have heard of it but not what it entails.

    Take care,