Gryffindor Common Room



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Sorry it's so late this week. I'm slowly getting back into a routine I can stick with! Here's the challenges:

    WEEK 2:
    (Starting after check-in between 1/6-1/9
    and ending with check-in between 1/13-1/16)

    OWL (exercise): Planks! I suggest setting a goal in seconds. Even 30 seconds or a minute can be REALLY tough at first!
    Each day you reach your daily goal you earn 5 OWLs, you earn 3 OWLs for reaching half way to your goal, and 1 OWL for trying but not reaching half way.

    NEWT (food): New recipe for the new year! Find a new recipe (big or small) just to shake things up :) 5 NEWTS if you try a new recipe this week.

    SPEW: Earn 1 point every time you post something encouraging or motivating or how your day is going in the Common Room (ANYTHING BUT A CHECK-IN POST COUNTS TOWARD YOUR SPEWs).
    Up to 5 points possible per day, 35 points possible for the week.

    ***Remember to double check the dates for this challenge! Don't start early and lessen your progress for the current week!

    OH! Here's the blog link, too:
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I set my plank goal at 30 seconds. I just did 2- 1 minute planks. About died, but I did it!!!:smokin:
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Checking in! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and are ready to make this an awesome week :P

    Last Monday: 178.6 lbs

    CW: 174.6 lbs!!! :D
    Newts: 0 points
    Owls: 30 Points
    Spew: 0 Points
    House Points: 01/02 - 01/08 = 180pts
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    good morning fellow gryfs, i hope you all have a glorious day! set small goals but acheive big ones!!! i know you can do it!!!!!!!!
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    good morning fellow gryfs, i hope you all have a glorious day! set small goals but acheive big ones!!! i know you can do it!!!!!!!!

    Well said! :D I agree, make today a great day! ^_^
  • Steffinana
    Steffinana Posts: 18 Member
    heyhey everyone ;D
    i'm new, just joined today. so here's my CW: 127.6
    looking forward to some challenges ^^
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Added 20 seconds to my planks today!! I am going to try to increase each day by at least 10 seconds and try to be at 2 minutes by end of week.

    How is everyone else liking planks? Ready to lynch Bron?
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning Lions!! I want to see everyone out on the pitch today. Let's get going and kick some tail!!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    good bloody morning! has anyone seen my broom? i cant seem to find it and i dont want to be late for practice!!! HELP!!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi, I've juse seen this and would like to join Gryffindor. I'm not sure what kind of challenges and things will be part of the group but I really want to get involved. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Added 20 seconds to my planks today!! I am going to try to increase each day by at least 10 seconds and try to be at 2 minutes by end of week.

    How is everyone else liking planks? Ready to lynch Bron?

    Thanks for putting THAT in people's heads, Mindy! Lol!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi, I've juse seen this and would like to join Gryffindor. I'm not sure what kind of challenges and things will be part of the group but I really want to get involved. :)

    Welcome! The official rules are in the first thread of this group, and this week's challenges are this:

    WEEK 2:
    (Starting after check-in between 1/6-1/9
    and ending with check-in between 1/13-1/16)

    OWL (exercise): Planks! I suggest setting a goal in seconds. Even 30 seconds or a minute can be REALLY tough at first!
    Each day you reach your daily goal you earn 5 OWLs, you earn 3 OWLs for reaching half way to your goal, and 1 OWL for trying but not reaching half way.

    NEWT (food): New recipe for the new year! Find a new recipe (big or small) just to shake things up :) 5 NEWTS if you try a new recipe this week.

    SPEW: Earn 1 point every time you post something encouraging or motivating or how your day is going in the Common Room (ANYTHING BUT A CHECK-IN POST COUNTS TOWARD YOUR SPEWs).
    Up to 5 points possible per day, 35 points possible for the week.

    ***Remember to double check the dates for this challenge! Don't start early and lessen your progress for the current week!

    OH! Here's the blog link, too:

    Let me know if you have any questions!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    OWL (exercise): Planks! I suggest setting a goal in seconds. Even 30 seconds or a minute can be REALLY tough at first!
    Planks are EVIL, I have two workouts, upper and lower body, and planks are the one exercise I really really hate.

    I hate them because they're tough, which means it's something that's doing me good. So.. Thanks Bron (through gritted teeth! :bigsmile: )
  • bobs_god
    bobs_god Posts: 85 Member
    Hope everyone is having a positive week so far. I have been feeling really motivated this week and playing around with a lot of new recipes based on this weeks newts, my G/F has even bought into it this week and i'm cooking a really tasty home cooked low calorie meal tomorrow night, very excited. Haven't been able to do much exercise so far this week (weird hours in work) but I plan to kick some *kitten* this weekend in the gym.
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i hope all my fellow gryffindors have had a wonderful day and a glorious evening! LOVE YOU ALL TONS!!!!! XOXOXOXX
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hi Gryffindors! It's good to see so many of you in the Common Room, and doing the OWLs! Who all's tried a new recipe so far? A friend on Facebook is posting a recipe tomorrow that she says is really good. Something with spinach, so I'm sure it'll be good. I'm going to try it this weekend.

    I think I'm slowly finding my stride. When I put so many expectations on myself to do this or that in exactly that order or exactly at that time, I set myself up to fail at every mishap that I can't control. My new motto is a mix (or the sum) of 'Victory is achieved one choice at a time' and 'Find a happy medium.' Sometimes the happy medium is more than good enough, but I don't let myself see that when I try to do too much at once (which is the story of my life).

    So, in saying that, my plank goal for the rest of the week will be one minute per day. I know how hard they are, and I know this will be a struggle for me to do all at once. So I have three more days left this week, and doing AT LEAST one minute of planks per day is not so much to ask in the grand scheme. I'm going to push myself to make the time.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    AND here is Week 3's challenges (don't forget to wait until after you check in for Week 2 to start them!):

    WEEK 3:
    (Starting after check-in between 1/13-1/16
    and ending with check-in between 1/20-1/23)

    OWL (exercise): Break Exercises! Decide whether you'd like to do this while you watch TV in the evening, or maybe while you're at work or home all day: At every commercial/bathroom break, take a few minutes to do any combination of push ups, sit ups, lunges and jumping jacks. You could pick a number of breaks you'll do this for or a number of each exercise to do each time as your goal, or a combination of both.
    Each day you reach your daily goal you earn 5 OWLs, you earn 3 OWLs for reaching half way to your goal, and 1 OWL for trying but not reaching half way.

    NEWT (food): LOG EVERYTHING! Every day, bad or good. This might be easy-peasy for some of you, and really hard for some of you (including me) that have veered a bit off track. Just be honest. It's good practice :)
    5 NEWTS per day, 35 NEWTS total possible for the week.

    SPEW: Earn 1 point every time you post something encouraging or motivating or how your day is going in the Common Room (ANYTHING BUT A CHECK-IN POST COUNTS TOWARD YOUR SPEWs).
    Up to 5 points possible per day, 35 points possible for the week.

    ***Remember to double check the dates for this challenge! Don't start early and lessen your progress for the current week!

    And the link to the blog these are posted in:
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    So, in saying that, my plank goal for the rest of the week will be one minute per day. I know how hard they are, and I know this will be a struggle for me to do all at once. So I have three more days left this week, and doing AT LEAST one minute of planks per day is not so much to ask in the grand scheme. I'm going to push myself to make the time.

    i know you can do it Bron!! i have faith in you!! and what you put your mind to
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    So, in saying that, my plank goal for the rest of the week will be one minute per day. I know how hard they are, and I know this will be a struggle for me to do all at once. So I have three more days left this week, and doing AT LEAST one minute of planks per day is not so much to ask in the grand scheme. I'm going to push myself to make the time.

    i know you can do it Bron!! i have faith in you!! and what you put your mind to
    It's not the one minute of planks that takes the time, it's the half an hour it takes to persuade yourself you want to do it! :bigsmile:

    But yeah, you CAN do it, I know you can. Go GRYFFINDOR PLANKS!!!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Hello Gryffs! After taking a break for the month of December (and my honeymoon in January!) I'm back and more motivated than ever!

    CW: 163.0 lbs
    GW: 148.0 lbs