Gryffindor Common Room



  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning Gryffs! I just read an interesting post on mfp "What is your reward for reaching your final goals?"

    I hadn't really thought about what mine would be, but I am curious to know what all of yours are :heart:

    Besides the slightly obvious 'new wardrobe,' I want to save up to have braces again. My dog ate my retainer (no joke!) after the last time and I couldn't afford to replace it then. I have my gap between my front teeth coming back, which doesn't bother me that much anymore, but my overbite is also coming back and it drives me CRAZY! I feel like my teeth are running away from me, lol.

    What do you want to do for yourself when you reach goal?

    Have you consulted your orthodontist? You may not need full braces. Sometimes relapses can be corrected with removable appliances. Just keep it away from your dog!! Yes, they love to chew them up and dentures and partials too. Something about the way they smell that attracts dogs. Possibly your overjet can be moved back into place with a Hawley retainer. As they move back into place your gap may close. If you do have to have full braces it probably won't take too long. I was about your age when I got mine off. Maybe ask your orthodontist about a fixed retainer that is bonded to the backs of your front teeth when your case is finished. It is commonly done on the lowers but can also be done on the tops too.
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Checking in :)

    CW 148.6
    HP: 30

    Just started 30DS yesterday too! Hopefully i'll see results :)

  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Checking in...
    Current weight: 219.25 \m/
    OWLs and NEWTs: none (sorry!)
    House Points: 45 (Tae Kwon Do on Saturday)

    Go go Gryffindor!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    This trip totally screwed me up. I went from reporting an awesome NSV of fitting into an old dress, to sabotaging myself.
    You do sound down, did you really eat an extra fourteen thousand calories? I bet you didn't!

    Have a nice big drink of water, get a good night's sleep and check your weight tomorrow, it's probably just from eating sodium / putting back on the water weight you lost when you started dieting. I bet you'll have lost most of it in a few days. :smile:

    I agree! All you can do is just keep going. Dwelling on the bummers doesn't help us move forward. :)

    Thanks guys! What would I do without you all!?! Sorry for being a downer yesterday, like you guys said I'll overcome this little speed bump. Today is a new day.
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Good morning Gryffs! I just read an interesting post on mfp "What is your reward for reaching your final goals?"

    I hadn't really thought about what mine would be, but I am curious to know what all of yours are :heart:

    I'm like you, I haven't really thought about rewarding myself. A new wardrobe will be in order, maybe a day at the spa would be nice. I've never had a massage before, I think that would be a nice treat.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    CW: 181
    Newts: 5
    Owls: 0
    HP: 0

    Tough week. Dog at home needing care with unknown amount of time left and I have to sleep on the couch to keep an eye on her which does not lead to a good night's sleep. New semester with crazy classes with TONS of reading, which means sitting on my butt for hours and hours. I'm hesitant to get back into c25k right now because I don't want to aggravate my back again, especially since I've been sleeping on the couch. I have a couple of Leslie Sansone walk at home videos, I think I may try to fit those in and wait on c25k for a few weeks, or maybe until my dog has passed.
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    checking in

    changing up the way i do this, not trying to lose lbs or inches but burning calories instead. (nothing has changed anyway lol)

    was aiming for between 6500 and 8000 for the week (going to change this to a monthly goal instead of a weekly goal)
    monthly goal: 36000
    so far for this month: 14797

    cals burned: 8101
    owls: 35 (planks suck!!)
    newts: 5
    spew: 6
    hp: 1615
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    CW 120.5 Put on 2lb (!) since last week, I'm sure it's a glitch, but do NOT try my Camembert "recipe" lol
    OWLS 35
    NEWTS 5
    SPEW 7
    HP 704 - Oh yeah, back on track, gym three times a week and other stuff in between!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    CW: 181
    Newts: 5
    Owls: 0
    HP: 0

    Tough week. Dog at home needing care with unknown amount of time left and I have to sleep on the couch to keep an eye on her which does not lead to a good night's sleep. New semester with crazy classes with TONS of reading, which means sitting on my butt for hours and hours. I'm hesitant to get back into c25k right now because I don't want to aggravate my back again, especially since I've been sleeping on the couch. I have a couple of Leslie Sansone walk at home videos, I think I may try to fit those in and wait on c25k for a few weeks, or maybe until my dog has passed.
    You're doing well even to be thinking about it right now.

    Maybe making a bit of time for the walk at home video would save you feeling as if it's all slipping away from you? Take care.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    This trip totally screwed me up. I went from reporting an awesome NSV of fitting into an old dress, to sabotaging myself.
    You do sound down, did you really eat an extra fourteen thousand calories? I bet you didn't!

    Have a nice big drink of water, get a good night's sleep and check your weight tomorrow, it's probably just from eating sodium / putting back on the water weight you lost when you started dieting. I bet you'll have lost most of it in a few days. :smile:

    I agree! All you can do is just keep going. Dwelling on the bummers doesn't help us move forward. :)

    Thanks guys! What would I do without you all!?! Sorry for being a downer yesterday, like you guys said I'll overcome this little speed bump. Today is a new day.
    It's okay, that's what we're here for, we all have tough days.

    Glad to hear you're sounding more positive today. :)
  • Steffinana
    Steffinana Posts: 18 Member
    Checking in =)

    Weight: 126.3
    Owls: 15
    Newts: 5
    HP: 155
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning Gryffs! I just read an interesting post on mfp "What is your reward for reaching your final goals?"

    I hadn't really thought about what mine would be, but I am curious to know what all of yours are :heart:

    I'm like you, I haven't really thought about rewarding myself. A new wardrobe will be in order, maybe a day at the spa would be nice. I've never had a massage before, I think that would be a nice treat.

    Ooooo a day at the spa is a great reward as is a massage :D and yay for a new wardrobe! :bigsmile:
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Checking in :bigsmile:

    Last Monday: 174.6 lbs
    CW: 172.4 lbs
    Owls: 0
    Newts: 5 points
    Spew: 8 points
    House Points 01/09-01/15 = 280pts (total thus far 460 pts)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Check in time!!

    CW: 136.5
    NEWTS: 5 I tried 3 new recipes this week. One I made up and 2 Hungry Girl recipes. Very tasty!
    OWLS: 25
  • j_hark1022
    j_hark1022 Posts: 43 Member
    Checking in...
    CW still 204
    HP: 60 I actually did something this week!
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning, Gryffindor!
    Last Monday: 149.2 lbs
    Today: 145.6 :D
    Newts: 0 points
    Owls: 0 Points
    Spew: 0 Points
    House Points: Monday, Jan 9th to Sunday, Jan 15th totalled 445 Minutes = 445 Points
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i never realized just how long commericals lasted until today when i did jumping jacks through a set of them. would have been a killer if i wasnt used to it.

    hope you are all kicking your goals a**
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    Sorry checking in a day late!
    cw 163!
    owls- 15
    newts- 0
    hp- 525
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    i never realized just how long commericals lasted until today when i did jumping jacks through a set of them. would have been a killer if i wasnt used to it.

    hope you are all kicking your goals a**

    Kind of like how I never realized how many times I go to the bathroom every day. I did lunges every time yesterday and my legs are feeling it, I think I'll change it up today and maybe do jumping jacks instead.
  • Mindy1124
    Mindy1124 Posts: 22 Member
    CW: 166.6 (yayyy lost weight this week!)
    Newts: 0 points
    Owls: 0 Points
    Spew: 0 Points
    House Points (Mon-Sun): 91