Metabolism in Your 40's

macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
So, I was very thin during my 20's and 30's. I didn't do much exercising, but I didn't eat a whole lot either. At 37, I had a hysterectomy (sorry, guys), and all of a sudden I was in someone else's body! I gained 50 lbs after that. I exercise more now than I ever did, and I try watching what I eat, but it is soooo much harder to lose/maintain my weight now. I also found as I got older, that I cannot go without eating like I used to. I used to skip meals all the time. Now, I'll get a headache or light headed if I don't eat.

So, cheers to the 40's "new" body. Anyone else have similar stories (I hope)???


  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    Same here but I don't have a hysterectomy to blame it on! Although I have started getting hot flashes, so I think menopause is just around the corner. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, and exercise very little, and stay skinny as a rail - 26" waist! I've never been a big meal skipper. I've also noticed that when I eat out, my stomach isn't very happy with me. I think I've just gotten used to my husband's and my cooking - we rarely eat out.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Even saying this makes me feel old! I remember being told, "Your metabolism will slow down when you get older", and I always blew it off. Now, here I am!
  • Laurelje
    Laurelje Posts: 167 Member
    Even saying this makes me feel old! I remember being told, "Your metabolism will slow down when you get older", and I always blew it off. Now, here I am!

    Exactly! We never thought it would happen to us!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Even saying this makes me feel old! I remember being told, "Your metabolism will slow down when you get older", and I always blew it off. Now, here I am!

    Exactly! We never thought it would happen to us!

    So there should be a way to embrace it and keep it in mind when we have bad days....or slumps in weightloss. (Like mine now)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Oh, I'm not depressed about it at all! I'm happier than I've ever been. Just making note that it isn't as easy as it used to be!
  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    Thx so much for starting up this group. I'm turning 43 this year and since turning 40 I have definitely noticed my metabolism slowing down. Didn't help that I was overeating and consuming too much red wine with cheese and biscuits too!!!

    I've since lost just over 20kg so I think I've proven that I have been able to kick-start my metabolism again and I plan to keep it burning.

    I no longer need to lose weight but would like to monitor and lower my body fat percentage so I'm off to buy some scales that will also measure my BFP.

    Looking forward to hearing from more 40+

    Kathy :smile:
  • amybell68
    amybell68 Posts: 275 Member
    I have too noticed my metabolism slowing down now that I'm almost 44 (ugh it hurt to write that!!) anyway as I am eating better and exercising I am hoping it starts working again!! LOL
  • laura328
    laura328 Posts: 136 Member
    i'm 43 and remember being told 'wait till you turn'll be so hard to lose weight'. swear to god - the second i turned 40 and BAM it's soooo much harder. i remember being able to lose weight with minimal effort now it's like monumentally difficult and the weight loss is so slow! for what it's worth, the thing that's been working for me as of late is having smaller and more frequent meals. i have 2 or 3 100 calorie or so snacks throughout the day and that seems to help. it certainly helps me to not feel starved and deprived all the time which is the diet philosophy i've subscribed to all of my adult life. oh and just for extra fun did i mention i married a man 8 years younger who has a physical job who can drop 5 pounds in a week by leaving cheese off his burger? sigh. thanks for the support everyone! it helps so much to know there are so many out there going through the same thing!
  • smadrigal04
    i'm 43 and remember being told 'wait till you turn'll be so hard to lose weight'. swear to god - the second i turned 40 and BAM it's soooo much harder. i remember being able to lose weight with minimal effort now it's like monumentally difficult and the weight loss is so slow! for what it's worth, the thing that's been working for me as of late is having smaller and more frequent meals. i have 2 or 3 100 calorie or so snacks throughout the day and that seems to help. it certainly helps me to not feel starved and deprived all the time which is the diet philosophy i've subscribed to all of my adult life. oh and just for extra fun did i mention i married a man 8 years younger who has a physical job who can drop 5 pounds in a week by leaving cheese off his burger? sigh. thanks for the support everyone! it helps so much to know there are so many out there going through the same thing!

    I swear that happened to me too! As soon as I turned 40, my metabolism stopped! It is such a struggle to lose this extra weight now! I'm determined to get it off though!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Isn't if funny how that happens? I'm sure when I tell my younger sisters this, they just think "Uh, huh. That won't be me".
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    I turned 40 last November and decided it was time to change my life. I can't say my metabolism had slowed but my motivation had.................through my entire 30's. I've lost around 50 lbs since last November. For me it just a matter of ambition and motivation vs the lack of.
  • stubsy1968
    stubsy1968 Posts: 165 Member
    I've lost around 50 lbs since last November. For me it just a matter of ambition and motivation vs the lack of.

    Well done! I think this accurately described the old me too :laugh:

  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I didn't bother to try to lose weight until this year (at 43), so I don't know if it's harder. What I do know, is that it doesn't matter. I've just got to do whatever it takes, and I've made it work. I'm sure as we age even more, we'll have to keep trying harder and harder. Part of the metabolism loss with age, though, is directly proportional to loss of lean muscle mass, so if we can add that (or maintain it) we should be able to minimize the reduction in metabolic rate.
  • devvorian
    devvorian Posts: 7 Member
    I was the same, slim in my twenties and thirties then I got hit with hypothyroidism and gained 40 lbs. Have tried and not successfully lost some weight to gain it back again. This time, I am trying the Body By Vi and using the fitness pal to really monitor what I put into my body....I am very optimistic!

    The 40's seems to the deal breaker when it comes to women packing on weight. Must be hormonal and long-time bad habits finally catching up on us.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    Same for me too. Since I turned 35 it has been creeping on. Now that I'm in my 40's, it is so hard to budge.

    I am finding that cardio mixed with strength training - in the same workout - has been the best for creating progress. I was on a 2 lb on and off plateau for months and now that I am doing things that combine cardio and strength in one workout, I busted through it.

    Eating 6 smaller meals helps too.
  • fmbarbuto
    fmbarbuto Posts: 131 Member
    I can definately relate! In my 30's weight came off me on a weekly basis when I was losing it. Now it's more like, wait a month and see what comes off. I've lost 24lbs since mid-July and it's been brutally hard for me! I started running (well I really jog) in July too and that has really helped my loss. I'm not trying to win any races with my jogging, just wanted to do it for more exercise options. It's really changed the shape of my tree trunks, oh I mean my thighs! :laugh: The holidays have not done wonders for my loss either. I've said no to junk since July and for the past 2 weeks I've said Hello to sweets again. Next week I'm back on - no exceptions! I'm happy to report that I'm back in my size 6 clothes, which was my main goal by Christmas! YAY!!!! :happy:

    I want to lose another 18 - 23 lbs and will definately be attempting that over the next 6 months. Having groups and MFP's really helps! Always looking for more friends to give/receive support/motivation!

    Happy 2012!!
  • bozmo
    bozmo Posts: 177 Member
    I'm glad to hear others have the same problem I do. In my twenties I was skinny and could eat anything. I started gaining a bit in my 30's. Now it seems like whatever I eat goes straight to my hips! And I eat half as much as what I did when I was 20 {sigh}
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I didn't bother to try to lose weight until this year (at 43), so I don't know if it's harder. What I do know, is that it doesn't matter. I've just got to do whatever it takes, and I've made it work. I'm sure as we age even more, we'll have to keep trying harder and harder. Part of the metabolism loss with age, though, is directly proportional to loss of lean muscle mass, so if we can add that (or maintain it) we should be able to minimize the reduction in metabolic rate.

    Yes, I read that recently...I've been having a really hard time dropping pounds this year, so after hearing about the decrease in lean mass I'm working on more strength-type training so maybe that will help!
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    I was always fit until I hit the legal age of drinking and then all Hell broke loose.....I was up to 300lbs when I hit 40 and decided to lose weight....I have since lost 80+lbs by doing heavy lifting and HIIT cardio....big into kettlebells now and do this almost every day.....I am now 42 and although the scale is not moving that much, my pants and shirts are getting bigger and bigger on me.
    Since joining this site a month ago, I have increased my water intake tremendously because my food intake is right in front of my face and the pounds are starting to come off again....I have not cheated since I started this journey 2yrs ago but just a few times with a couple slices of pizza and some wine and beer but other than that, I have a solid routine down and I am determined to keep moving. Its more of a passion now than work...which feels great!! I think my issue before was the lack of water and I believe that is a huge contributing factor!!

    Feel free to add me for support....I am on here every day!!

  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    I had a hysterectomy (sorry, guys), and all of a sudden I was in someone else's body! I gained 50 lbs after that. I exercise more now than I ever did, and I try watching what I eat, but it is soooo much harder to lose/maintain my weight now.

    OY I dont want to hear that I had a hysterectomy in November....I actually lost weight during recovery - but just started back to exercising and the above scares the p*ss out of me....And yes each decade it gets worse...Thank goodness we are all in this together!!