Week 4!



  • Taratruex
    Taratruex Posts: 215 Member
    Im doing week 4 this week and did day 1 I thought I was going to have to stop but did great. Also my program has me running a ten minute segment week 5 not 20 I'm using ease into 5k it's an iPhone app. I've been so successful! Good luck everyone!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I completed Day 1 of Week 4 today and although the last 5 minutes were a killer I made it through. I too am wondering how I'm going to be able to run 20 minutes straight by next week but then again I was worried about being able to run 5 minutes straight too. Who's with me on week 4?!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    I just wanted to add that I completed W5D3's 20 minute run yesterday! It went fantastically smooth and I was very proud of myself. If anyone is stressing about it, don't! Before I started the run I had decided that even if it took me 10 tries, I was going to get through that 20 minutes! Surprisingly within the first 5 minutes I found my stride and it went well after that!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I just wanted to add that I completed W5D3's 20 minute run yesterday! It went fantastically smooth and I was very proud of myself. If anyone is stressing about it, don't! Before I started the run I had decided that even if it took me 10 tries, I was going to get through that 20 minutes! Surprisingly within the first 5 minutes I found my stride and it went well after that!

    That's AWESOME! Thanks for sharing.. I needed to hear that! :)
  • I'm staring week 4 today! I have always HATED running, but this program has really peaked my interest. I cheat (in a good way!) a little bit and always do a 5 minute jog at the end, followed by a cool down walk....so this week isnt too scary for me. I use the c25k app and i LOVE it! I pump some music and let the lady tell me what to do. It goes by so much quicker when you're not watching the clock! PS I use a treadmill because it's freaking freezing around here now.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Last year I did a half marathon by running 4 min walking 1 min. After March, though, I barely ran at all. Now I'm starting over again. I'm on week 4 day 2. When I started C25k I was doing 2 days' worth of runs at a time 3-4 x/week but yesterday I could only get through the w4d1 workout...so now I'll back off and do one at a time and carry on as scheduled. Hoping to get through a big chunk of the half marathon running but I certainly ok if I end up walking too.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just joined this group. I just did Wk 4, Day 1 - skipped Wk 3 day 3, because I felt ready. The second 5 minutes was tough, but felt great at the same time. My legs can definitely handle this no problem - I am just trying to get my cardio up to speed! I am actually starting to look forward to that 20 minute run in week 5!

    This was my coldest run so far - about 23 degrees F, but sunny and not much wind, so it wasn't bad at all. Was still sweating at the end!
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    Starting Week 4 Day 1 tomorrow--was supposed to be today, but we finally hit our traditional Alberta mercury and I of course hadn't plugged my car in, so I couldn't make it to the gym this morning. Actually felt disappointed rather than guiltily relieved, though, which is a bigger indicator of my change in outlook than anything else I've been doing!

    I'm terrified to start Week 4 tomorrow though. I've been doing okay on Week 3, but I just keep looking at those tiny refractory periods and it makes me want to weep ;) I know I'll feel awesome if I can get through it, just have to keep reminding myself of that fact.

    Going to build my Week 4 playlist tonight; I'm thinking a LOT more Hans Zimmer this go 'round, I need those rumbly bass drums to keep my feet pounding the track!
  • tseecka
    tseecka Posts: 90 Member
    I was just going to edit my previous post but I guess no dice...

    Despite the -33 degree cold outside this morning I somehow managed to drag my butt out of bed and went to the gym. First day of Week 4, I can tell you, I was actually TERRIFIED, haha! I decided to take it easy--I've been doing my run intervals at 7 mph, but I cut it down to 6.5 for the 3 minute intervals and 6 for the 5 minute ones.

    It was tough, and I had to take a couple quick breaks during the second 5 minute run, but I made it! Pretty sure I'll start feeling good about it in a little while--right now I'm still trying to not be exhausted! I'm looking forward to Day 2 with equal parts anticipation and trepidation...
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Did week 4 day 1 today. It was the first day that felt a little bit difficult, but I made it through, and then walked for a few minutes more.

    Week 4 day 2 on Thursday.

    Keep it up everyone, we will be running 5Ks in the spring!
  • pcgunter
    pcgunter Posts: 63 Member
    W4D1 was not as easy as I thought it would be. I skipped W2 after feeling like W1 did nothing for me. W3 was a good starting point for me. I did W4D2 on Sunday night (1/15) and it was the 1st time since I started the journey to 5K where I feel confident that I'll be able to do this. I still need to slow myself down. Even including the warmup and cooldown walks, my average pace is 11 min./mile. When running, i'm running anywhere from 7.5 to 9 min./mile pace. If i could slow myself down to a 9 or 10 min/mile, I might be able to do this already! lol
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Starting week 4 on Friday. I'm skurrrrrred....::sick:
  • pcgunter
    pcgunter Posts: 63 Member
    Completed W4D3 last night...completed 2.8mi. by the time I finished the workout! On to week 5! BRING IT!!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Attempted W4D1 today & I have a target speed of 6 mph. Survived the first 3 intervals but ran out of gas during that last 5-minute one. Will try again next time.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Finished week 4 on Sunday. See you all on week 5, which I hope to start Wednesday.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    Made it through day 1 today! The first runs were ok, but during the second two my legs were feeling heavy! Made it through and ran the whole time - yay!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just did day 3. Felt awesome - my pace not including the initial 5 min and the last 5 min was 11:29/mile, so I was pretty happy with that. Where I run is a little hilly too, so sometime my pace really drops going up those long rises. Looking forward to Week 5 - I might start it tomorrow. I have not run in a week and a half (bad weather and very busy), and I'm coming down with a bit of a cold, so I was really happy with how great it felt. Guess my Ripped in 30 workouts, which I have kept up on, are really helping my cardiovascular strength too!
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    Starting Week 4 today. Little scared..but I'm gonna do this!!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! New to this board but not to Couch 2 5K. I think this is my third time to work through it. I have gotten to week 6 or 7 and had to stop for one reason or another twice before. I'm determined to make it all the way through this time.

    I've been readin through the posts and have a question....I've noticed several references to the 5 min runS in week 4, as in more than one 5 min run. I did week 4 day 1 today and I had 3 runs, 3 min, 4 min and 5 min. So am I using a different version than most. I use the iPhone app put out by Felt Tip Inc. Since the times were different, I was just wondering what others were using.
  • hlsc
    hlsc Posts: 66 Member
    I've been following the coolrunning version - http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
    W4 has two 3-min runs and two 5-min runs.