Week 4!



  • Just finished W4D1 and I must say that it was quite hard. The fact that I was feeling hungover didn't exactly help either (hey, I'm a student!). Like with most people, I found the first three runs to be doable and the fourth to be very challenging. Already 2 minutes in I started paying attention to every little thing - like my earbuds were annoying and my feet felt so warm. However, I just took it slowly, focused on my breathing, and got there in the end :-) I'm sure that by the end of day 3 I won't be sweating as much!
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Just did W4D2 earlier, I picked up the pace a tad and managed to get about 300m further than Day 1. My legs felt better too (even going up the hill wasn't that bad), maybe because yesterday was my rest day though. The last run felt the best this time, half way through I picked up the pace again because I knew there wasn't far to go - I was running along the beach path for this section and there was a beautiful sunset - it felt good! My breathing was okay, I wasn't gasping for breath towards the end of a run like I did in previous weeks.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    W4D3 done! I pushed myself a bit more and got even further than last time. I went at a pace of jogging that my body is comfortable with (instead of forcibly slowing myself down), I get virtually no leg pain that way. However by the end I was puffed out - my lungs aren't as fit as my legs! But I figure, it's by pushing yourself a bit that you increase fitness and endurance. On to week 5!
  • Done with W4D3 now as well! I'm not sure why, but today was significantly easier than W4D2. I couldn't believe that I was running at the same pace because my legs and breathing was just so much better. The feeling of accomplishment you get from this program is just amazing :)
  • DoBetterDrea
    DoBetterDrea Posts: 85 Member
    Starting week 4, day 1 today after work and I'm nervous! :noway: Then again, I was nervous about week 3 but I did it with little problem. I think I just get nervous at the thought of starting a new week :laugh:
  • srhug
    srhug Posts: 8 Member
    W4D1 was the first time this program has felt hard for me. I think it is because 5 minutes gives me enough time to start talking myself out of finishing. Somehow I managed to keep going--I know my pace really dwindled toward the end. I made it through though and got myself back to the couch with a bag of frozen peas on each knee. Here's hoping W4D2 feels like progress :ohwell:
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Yeah this definitely was the first proper challenging week, did W4R1 this morning and I don't even want to think about Week 5 yet. I made it, but found it hard! Still liking it though!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I should be starting week 4 today. I can't wait! I will edit this post later to tell you how it went. :-)
  • srhug
    srhug Posts: 8 Member
    W4D2 felt better. I'm not gonna lie, the first five-minute interval felt like dying. I was spent half-way through it, my eyes stopped focusing. By the end of the workout though, I felt great. I even kept running an extra 2 1/2 min to finish the path I was on. I think I just started way too fast. I am still learning pacing but things are looking up :)
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    I should be starting week 4 today. I can't wait! I will edit this post later to tell you how it went. :-)

    I guess I can't edit if I wait too long. :-)

    I just got back from doing Week 4. Things came up, so yesterday didn't work out as planned. This is my critique of Day 1:

    My legs hurt! I had thoughts of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred about 2/3 through...and some faint memory of Jillian saying that you just have to keep going if you want results. When it was over, I realized it was A LOT of work, but really not that bad. By the time I felt like dying, I was at the end of the last 5 min. run, so the last 5 min. walk was not too bad.

    My recommendation is not to begin Week 4 until Week 3 feels easy to you. Week 4 is a big jump, at least for me. Pace yourself slow so you don't overwhelm yourself. Bring water, or drink plenty before you go out. You WILL be thirsty.

    Ladies: I also had this thought that my bra and underwear do make a difference now. I need to make sure the seams don't chafe me. Men: You may want to double check your seams too.
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    Week 4 Day 2 done!! It was MUCH easier today & I was even able to complete the last 5 min run uphill, even though my pace was much slower. Now onto D3 on Friday :)
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    OMG I was going to write pretty much exactly the same. Was dreading this run, made up any excuse going (very strong wind, drizzling rain, period, tired...), but went anyway and I actually enjoyed it. Yes really, I enjoyed it. Despite going against the wind and uphill the second half. Smaller steps and very loud music and I was back before I knew it.

    Roll on, Friday!
  • _rebeccab
    _rebeccab Posts: 11 Member
    I finished Week 4, Day 1 yesterday. It wasn't as terrifying as I thought, but I did need an extra 30 seconds recovery time after each run. But I wasn't too out of breath and just got a small stitch in my side near the end of my final run that I was able to walk out during my cool down.

    I'm using the treadmill at the moment instead of running outside since the running path nearby is closed due snow/mud. I'm definitely enjoying the treadmill but I have slowed my pace from 5m/h to 4.5.

    I'm hoping that for tomorrow's Day 2 run I won't need the extra recovery time.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Week 4 completed, woohooo, roll on, week 5!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I did my first Week 4 run today and OMG I felt like I was dying. I was only able to do the first two runs before having to stop. My heart felt like it was going to come out of it's chest! But I did run for five minutes straight so that's now something to build on! Will try to do at least the second small run next time but I'll be repeating this week.
  • Tim249
    Tim249 Posts: 46 Member
    Did W4D1 on Sunday. It went pretty well and I'm excited for D2 tonight. Went sooooo slow on that first long interval, afraid I wouldn't make it. Next thing I knew it was over!
  • DeanneKB
    DeanneKB Posts: 4 Member
    Second day of week 4 today! Gearing up for a 5k marathon in May.. Some days are harder than others but trying my best. Hard to see myself running for 30 minutes straight..Just taking it one day at a time for now!

    Good Luck Couch to 5K people!
  • Started Week 4 yesterday. I can definately feel when people say this is more mental then anything. I was a little nervous about those 5 minute stretches, but i put one some sweet blood pumping tunes and made it through.

    I find its even getting more difficult to stop running and do the walking stretches.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Did W4D1 today and beasted the first three runs (3 minutes, 5 minutes and 3 minutes). I had to push myself much harder on the last 5 minute interval and my legs feel like jelly now, but I DID IT! I can't believe that the notion of running for 5 minutes was terrifying to me a few weeks ago and yet here I am doing it now. A couple of months ago, the only way you'd get me to run for 5 straight minutes was if you set some rabid dogs on me.
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Did W4D1 today and beasted the first three runs (3 minutes, 5 minutes and 3 minutes). I had to push myself much harder on the last 5 minute interval and my legs feel like jelly now, but I DID IT! I can't believe that the notion of running for 5 minutes was terrifying to me a few weeks ago and yet here I am doing it now. A couple of months ago, the only way you'd get me to run for 5 straight minutes was if you set some rabid dogs on me.

    That is so awesome! Look at you!

    I'm starting week 4 tomorrow and (strangely) looking forward to it. And for the record -- a couple of months ago I'm pretty sure I couldn't have run for 5 minutes straight even with rabid dogs nipping at my heels. ;)