2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Quick check in here...... Sorry for all the sad news. :( Good for those of you keeping up with your workouts and diet.

    We left home 7:30am last Wednesday and did not return home till around 5pm last night. I am glad to be back home and back to normalcy. It was nice to see my family and especially fun to see the kids play (22 months, 20 months, and almost 5 years old). My parents were a little overwhelmed with the mess we all made in their super nice home, but I think everyone still enjoyed themselves. I ate tons of food and drank even more wine and feel it today. Not sweating it too much. I'm going to be conscious when I can this month and try not to overdo it, but I have so much going on (7 events in the next 16 days). I did run my 5 miler Thanksgiving morning (totally hungover) and finished right over 50 minutes so was pleased. My sister and I did another 2.5 miles on Friday, I think.

    Goals this week:
    T: class
    W: run after work - it's getting up to 70 here!
    R: lift in the morning
    F: probably a rest day
    S: run
    Su: lift

    Fast till lunch.
    Eat lots of veggies and good proteins.
    Go to the grocery so I can eat well.
    Thinking about a 24 hour juice fast for next week.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies, first off - such a bummer about all the sad news on here Rogie and Jen :( You guys are in my thoughts.

    So great to hear about everyone keeping up with their workouts and such. I didn't actually overdo it too badly over Thanksgiving, but the actual weekend is what did me in. My girlfriend and I decided to take a full day to make tamales, and I literally just grazed ALL day. No bueno. I am in the mindset this month that I just need to not beat myself up if I fall off the wagon a little bit. I feel like if I am consistently working out and being mindful of what I eat most of the time, I should get out ok for the month. HOWEVER, I did put on weight over my honeymoon and it's been slowly creeping up since I started lifting weights - if my clothes fit better and I didn't feel like the marshmallow man in my work pants, the weight gain wouldn't bother me so much :grumble:

    Anyway, I am looking at December as a fresh start for me:

    1. Lift 3x/week
    2. Cardio 1-2 times/week on top of lifting (should be easy since the husband bought a treadmill last week... no excuses)
    3. WATER, seriously - I don't ever drink enough
    4. Be mindful of what I'm eating

    I hope everyone that celebrates had a great T-day. Funny that Beeps is snowed in and Better is running in 70 degree weather. It's cold in Seattle too, but no snow at least! Have a great rest of your weeks ladies, and go Seahawks!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Let's just say it is always nice to read "nice thanksgiving" reports!!

    And, it's always nice when the mfp-peeps come back and post stuff....it *was* a little lonely around here, lol!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Day 1 back a success! I ate well, I did my class, I didn't drink and I attempted to go to bed early but didn't fall asleep till 11. It's fall like in KY so Daphne and I will be running after work. I got here early so I'm leaving early so I don't have to run in the super dark dark. Happy hump day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'm 0.2" above my Venus-waist measurement! That is the CLOSEST I have ever gotten, so that means my "systems" approach does seem to be working!

    Now, I *know* I have to go BELOW my Venus-waist measurement (in order to get my hips lower and my bodyfat % lower....), but it was nice to see that tape measure nearly RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

    To celebrate, I'm going to go and get the oil changed in my car (after my noon-hour work-out). BOOM!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Beeps - I love hearing your successes with your systems, seems like a really good approach.

    Better - Nice work!

    Happy hump day ladies :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Rogie, I am sorry about your FIL, cancer sucks.
    Jen, sorry about your grandmother (after all these years it doesn't really matter that she is technically your hunsband's:) I hope for a peaceful passing for her, and peace for you and your family. It's so hard to lose loved ones!
    I have been sticking to the Drop 2 Sizes workouts pretty well but my eating has been-not great.
    I am going to try and do a better job of logging, I think it will help me to see even if I am going over 1500 everyday but maintaining, then I might know better what maintenance is. I could also up my cals so it doesn't look so bad all the time:)

    Beeps, an oil change doesn't sound like much of a reward! but it reminds me, I need one.

    It snowed here and it's like, 5 degrees so no outside running for now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Here is my 26.6" waist, following my weight-training at the gym, today:

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Holy crap Beeps! You look fantastic.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    really great abs, Beeps-where did you start with those? I have no waist....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    It's all bodyfat loss, Amy....your abs are there, just gotta skinny down to see 'em!

    And, in the last 2 weeks, I've returned to low-carbing (with a few higher-carb days thrown in!) to flatten my tummy. Some people (about 40%) respond to "low-carb" and I think I am really and truly one of those. Other people (about 40%) respond to "low fat" - and I am NOT one of them - I need fats to feel "full".

    As soon as I went back on lower-carb, my tummy flattened and now I'm just going to keep it that way.

    Also, REMEMBER - I AM A NATURAL PEAR (trying to morph into an hourglass!). If you are an APPLE, then your waist may never quite nip in, but I bet your hips/bum look SPECTACULAR (whereas mine still look P-E-A-R).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I guess I'm an hourglass....a large one. Well a short one but with higher measurements (waiste hovers in high 20's.....) with bust and hips about 6" higher and almost equal.

    "A study of the shapes of over 6,000 women, carried out by researchers at the North Carolina State University circa 2005, found that 46% were banana (rectangular), just over 20% pear, just under 14% apple, and 8% hourglass.[18] Another study has found "that the average woman's waistline had expanded by six inches since the 1950s" and that women in 2004 were taller and had bigger busts and hips than those of the 1950s"

    I think I respond well to low carb also. Problem is, I love carbs. I could probably stand to cut them out a bit. My midsection is not looking awesome lately.....

    Got my run in last night, but ran to the liquor store for some wine. Had a frustrating day at work. Then I slept like crap; was up from about 1:30-4 so I turned my alarm off and slept till 7:30. Oops... No lifting. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight so I can lift tomorrow. I haven't lifted in a week and a half.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I believe I am also an hourglass, and am the same as you better - higher measurements :)

    I respond to low carb as well, and actually don't have a huge problem with cutting them out or down. The only thing that bothers me is not being able to eat fruit. My weakness is tortillas though... love me some mexican food!

    Got a solid workout in yesterday, and am definitely feeling it today! Planning to run one more day this week, and get another lifting session in Sunday before the Seahawks dominate the 49ers!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey ladies!

    This is probably a really naive question.. but how can you figure out what body shape you have? I have zero clue what I am!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Well, not zero, I know I'm not a pear seeing as I have no butt what so ever... never wish for a tiny rear people! It makes clothes look really weird and pants never fit! Baggy butt is not attractive!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies!

    This is probably a really naive question.. but how can you figure out what body shape you have? I have zero clue what I am!

    Straight from Wikipedia! :smile:

    Banana, straight, or I shape (rectangular): The waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than the hips and bust measurement.[18] Body fat is distributed predominantly in the abdomen, buttocks, chest, and face. This overall fat distribution creates the typical ruler (straight) shape.

    Apple or V shape (triangle downward): Apple shaped women have broad(er) shoulders compared to their (narrower) hips.[18] Apple shaped women tend to have slim legs/thighs, while the abdomen and chest look larger compared to the rest of the body. Fat is mainly distributed in the abdomen, chest, and face.

    Pear, spoon, bell, or A shape (triangle upward): The hip measurement is greater than the bust measurement.[18] The distribution of fat varies, with fat tending to deposit first in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. As body fat percentage increases, an increasing proportion of body fat is distributed around the waist and upper abdomen. The women of this body type tend to have a (relatively) larger rear, thicker thighs, and a small(er) bosom.

    Hourglass or X shape (triangles opposing, facing in): The hip and bust are almost of equal size with a narrow waist.[18] Body fat distribution tends to be around both the upper body and lower body. This body type enlarges the arms, chest, hips, and rear before other parts, such as the waist and upper abdomen
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Don't measure at the bust, though!! So, Better and ramalem, measure at the SHOULDER and then determine what "body-shape" you have....the BUST does NOT enter the equation, at all!!!

    (Many women think they are hourglass, but when they measure from the shoulder, they end up recognizing they are an apple or a ruler, perhaps....)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I had a pretty difficult day. ... personal stuff and nothing diet-fitness related

    Kept to my diet restrictions.

    Won't exercise today.

    Still nursing this cold/not-cold.

    Hope I sleep tonight!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Interesting Beeps. Not sure about my shoulders. I thought I measured them at one point, but I don't see them in my measurements. I won't be taking measurements anytime soon so I'll have to wait to see what my body type is! Also, hope you feel better today.

    I think I'm going to start logging again in January. I'm a bit squishier than I'd like right now. I do feel better today after just 4 days of eating relatively well and drinking very minimally. So I'll see how the rest of the month goes I guess and also see if I get knocked up.

    My alarm did not go off this morning (user error) so I didn't lift, but because of possible snow, day care closes at noon so I'll get to pick up Daphne, bring her home, put her down for a nap, and have about 2 hours of me time. Yay!

    I hope to run this weekend, but it will be on the treadmill which I sort of loathe..... Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Yesterday I had board meetings all day - couldn't check in!

    Today is scheduled cardio - the end.

    Also, my period is flowing freely and I'm not going to weigh today....I'll weigh on Wednesday(s) again - just back to once-per-week.