Men on a Mission thread



  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Tim, hope you're having or had a great trip!

    I've not been paying enough attention to what I eat the last couple weeks and my gain shows it.

    Have a good week everyone.

    CWW = 208.9
    LWW = 206.8
    Gain = 2.1

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited May 2018
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 241
    CW - 239
    Loss - 2

    I added more fat and protein to my diet and tried to increase overall calories to get things moving.
    Dave, you got this and Tim, have a safe trip back.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    edited May 2018
    Nice work, Steve! Dave, hope you've been able to focus more on your eating this week. Good luck.

    I have until next weekend to hit 235. I hadn't been making good choices with my food after my first month's weigh-in, but I've turned it around in the past week and am getting close. Starting to believe I might win the money two months in a row.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 241.0
    CW: 237.0
    GW: 200

    Loss: 4.0

    I'm sick today (think I got strep throat from my wife) so hopefully I can power through that and stay on track. I don't want to lose my bet.

    On another note, I bought my first impact driver yesterday and am pretty excited to use it to build a swing set for my kids sometime later this summer (assuming I can convince my wife that it's more worth it than buying one)

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Back down this week. Now I need to try for two good weeks in a row. One day at a time.

    LWW = 208.9
    CWW = 206.5
    Loss = 2.4
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men!

    OK, I'm finally back and ready to try and step up my game. Been gone for a few weeks driving from the top of the country to the bottom and back. Did well at the beginning but fell of the wagon at the end. Been back to work for a while and been very sedentary.

    We have the Memorial Day weekend coming up and I will be building a large deck at my daughter's house. The ground there is nothing but packed clay and rocks. Should burn more than a few calories setting those post holes. :(

    Bruce, Steve, Dave, you guys are doing awesome. I'm ashamed of myself. Time to turn it around.

    Bruce, you are going to LOVE that impact driver! Congrats on a new toy for you and now you get to assemble a new toy for the kids. Win-win!!!

    LW 327.6
    CW 332.5
    Gain 4.9
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 236.8
    CW - 234.8
    Loss - 2

    Still hit-n-miss when I post from my phone. Hope everyone has a safe Memorial Day weekend. In celebration of 1 year WFPB ss2gre9d9q93.jpg
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Men,

    Sorry about the long hiatus. Still playing catch up on everything. Hope I got everyone's info right. Here is the chart. I'll try and be a bit better in the weeks to come.

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Steve, I love the difference in those pictures - you've got to be proud of that!

    I hit my month two goal in the DietBet but barely. I really have some dehydration from being outside in the Wisconsin heat wave to thank for my success: I lost a couple pounds of water weight right at the end to hit my mark. My body success though is that I started a running plan on Nike Run Club at the very bottom setting (starting me off at 0.5 miles and already by run #3 this morning I'm feeling much less pain and able to push myself to 2 miles with a mix of walking and running.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 237.0
    CW: 235.0
    GW: 200

    Loss: 2.0

    I leave for a 2-week trip to Norway on Saturday and will be working hard to make healthy choices so I can hopefully reach my month 3 goal of 230 lbs by the end of June.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited June 2018
    Great job Brad! Hope you have a great trip and I'm certain you'll be hitting your June goal.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Nice work Brad. Enjoy Norway!
    Checking in:
    CWW = 206.2
    LWW = 206.5
    Loss = 0.3

    Okay, not really much, at least not an increase.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Great job guys!!! Glad to see all of us in the BLUE!!

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Nice to see everyone is a loser!

    LWW = 206.2
    CWW = 205.2
    Loss = 1.0
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 233
    CW - 229
    Loss - 4lbs
    Nice job everyone!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    edited June 2018
    No idea of my current weight. It's hard to judge over here since I don't have a scale: I've been averaging over 20,000 steps a day, have been getting a number of micro-workouts in (including hiking down a mountain with a 30 lb kid on my shoulders), but have been eating a ton of junk. I feel very heavy and don't look quite as thin as when I left home, but I also am down a belt size finally which hasn't happened since i started focusing on my weight. Guess I'll find out in another week.


    Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Great job on another great week guy.

    Brad, hope you are enjoying yourself over there. Losing another notch on your belt is a fantastic NSV!

    Steve, wow! In the 220's. All I can say is Wholy Crap, Well Done buddy!!!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 229
    CW - 226.8
    Loss - 2.2lbs

    Hope you are all having a great week, Let's be losers!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Steve, you continue to rock. Way to go!!!

    LW 329.7
    CW 326.4
    Total 3.3 Loss

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    We'll, I didn't win my money for the past month. My short summary is I have more energy, look thinner, lost that notch on my belt, and went UP 1.6 lbs. Oh well, sometimes it has to be like that.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 235.0
    CW: 236.6
    GW: 200

    Gain: 1.6

    Keeping at it this month. All my other gains were encouraging and I'm hoping to combine all my progress with better calorie tracking this next month to get back on target for my 10% goal and win some money!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Nice job on the loss Tim and Brad sounds like you might be gaining muscle and losing fat, thst is a huge accomplishment!
    Keep up the good work guys.

    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 226.8
    CW - 224.6
    Loss - 2.2lbs
    This week on the eating program I'm following we eliminated sugar and grains and high carb veggies, should be in ketosis by the end of the week and hopefully burning fat at a furious pace.
    Let's do this and be losers!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy guys. My wife are in the process of moving. The last 3 weeks have been a killer. Pretty sure that is the main reason I've been losing weight. Packing 34 years of marriage and the last 22 years in the same house has been a chore especially with me taking care of all the little things that have needed repair or replacing. Totally spaced weigh in this weekend. I'll try and remember tonight or in the morning and get the chart posted up.

    Brad, losing that notch is huge. I went down one notch a few weeks ago and I think I'm a week or two away from my next notch. Fingers crossed.

    Steve, you continue to amaze. Below 225 - WOW. I'm just hoping to get below 300 right now.