Men on a Mission thread



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 248.8
    CW - 248.8
    Loss - 0.0

    Nice job Brad! Tim hope you guys feel better soon. Dale, I'm with Ya, I came in flat, but ive been fighting a gout attack since last Sunday. I've juice fasted, I'm doing every home remedy and I figured, I'd post a big number, but nada.

    Enjoy this beautiful spring weather and lets have a great week!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men,

    Terrible week on the scale for me. Also went to a 4-10 schedule starting this week with Fridays off. Now to see how much this affects my treadmill exercises time which is usually right when I would get home from work. Hint, I haven't done it yet this week :(

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Looks like it's been a month since I checked in. Probably because my weight has been going the wrong direction.

    CWW = 208.1
    Last month = 205.1
    Gain = 3.0

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited April 2018
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 248.8
    CW - 244.4
    Loss - 4.4
    Between gout and back issues I've been doing very little walking or lifting, but my diet is strong and I did make it yesterday, but I'm not sure I can move today. Have a great week and let's be losers!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good afternoon Men!

    Steve, just one word, WOW! I thought I was having a great week and you still beat me! I'm betting you will pass that 100 pound loss here within the next 2-3 weeks. Simply incredible sir!

    Dave, I feel your pain buddy! I was going in the wrong direction the last 2 weeks and was able to turn it around this week. I haven't seen the sun in what feels like forever and am in serious need of some natural vitamin D.

    LW 333.8
    CW 329.6
    Loss 4.2


  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    I've been stuck the last two weeks, coming in at the exact same weight both times. I'm still below my goal for the first month of my challenge, but I was hoping to have gained a little extra distance ahead of the curve by now.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 242.2
    CW: 242.2
    GW: 200

    Loss: 0.0

    I can't act like I don't know how this happened, though, I've been a lot less disciplined in the evenings than I was the first couple weeks, so I need to buckle back down. Thankfully I've kept just enough discipline to not let myself bounce back up!
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    edited April 2018
    Checking in.
    LWW = 208.1
    CWW = 207.1
    Loss = 1.0

    A little better. I'm like Horstbc - good during the day, but let it slip in the evenings. Need to focus on that.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thanks Tim, you had a great week too! it's been hard not getting workouts in, but I am getting after it this week. Still would like to be as close to 225 as possible for June 1st.
    Lets do this guys!
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 244.4
    CW - 242.2
    Loss - 2.2

    I was surprised by the drop as I'm trying to slow the weight loss, but I've stayed solid and the new doc, is cool with my continued fast loss.
    Taking my eating to the next level, cutting out caffeine and as much processed sugar as possible. I've warned my friends and co-workers and a few close friends have promised bail money!

    Let food be they medicine and medicine be they food.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men,

    I hope you all had a great weekend! The weather has finally begun to look like Spring and drying out a little. I'm going to try and be a little better on my food choices this week. I'm eating good enough to not gain, but want to actually lose a couple of pounds despite not having time to get on the treadmill lately.

    LW 329.6
    CW 329.6
    Total 0.0

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    My plan to eat good isn't going so well. Eating like crap this week!!!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    There's still time to turn your week back the right way! You got this!
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Tim - every day is a new day, you can turn it around.

    Checking in:
    LWW = 207.1
    CWW = 206.8
    Loss = 0.3

    It is a small loss, but at least it is going the right direction two weeks in a row.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Today was the weigh-in for the first month of my challenge, and I hit the goal: 3% of my bodyweight lost. My initial weigh-in for that at the end of March was 250.0 and I weighed in this morning as 242.2. I don't find out how much I earned from the pot until everyone else in the challenge has submitted their weights too.

    I'm putting 240.0 as my weigh-in for this week, because that's what I weighed in every morning other than today this week and I don't feel like picking the one day that was different and higher...

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 242.2
    CW: 240.0
    GW: 200

    Loss: 2.2
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Nice job guys and Dave's rightTim. Just get back on at the next meal, we don't have to kill the whole day.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Hey Brad - congrats on doing so well!

    I have been doing poorly - work stressing me out, still blowing it in the evenings. Getting enough exercise to keep the weight gain down. I *think* I'm putting on muscle too - stronger, and I feel chunkier in the chest and arms.

    SW: 234.4
    LW: 226.8
    CW: 228.8
    GW: 195

    Gain 2 (boo!)

    May is another month! If I get on track I can still beat 200 by the end of the summer (if not my birthday in July....)
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 244.4
    CW - 241
    Loss - 1.2
    I was expecting to be under 240, but guess I'm going to have to knuckle down.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited April 2018
    I don't know it happened, but I was able to drop 2 pounds this week. I work tomorrow then I'll be on vacation for a couple of weeks. The wife and I are going on a road trip. Going to visit the Grand Canyon then visit my sister in Tucson for a couple of days. Then we'll head to El Paso for a week or so. I'm going to be doing a bunch of work on my mother in law's house while we're there.

    I'm hoping that I'll work off all the bad effects of lots of driving with no steps.

    I'll get this chart up tomorrow. Not sure if I'll be able to do one the following week though.

    LW 329.6
    CW 327.6
    Loss 2 pounds
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here you go guys. Sorry for posting and running. Lots to do before I head out the door on vacation. Woo Hoo!!!

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Have fun on vacation! I’m up a pound this week but am also making it back into my workout rhythm. Still working to reestablish good eating habits, but I’ve been much better over the past month.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 240.0
    CW: 241.0
    GW: 200

    Gain: 1.0
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited May 2018
    Nice job everyone and have a safe trip Tim. Try as I might I could not will that scale to move. Started my classes early on saturday and start my second job weekend after next. I also signed up with my health coach for another 90 days to help me stay focused and on track through all the stress.

    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 241
    CW - 241
    Loss - 0
    Tim enjoy your vacation and guy's let's be losers this week.