Men on a Mission thread



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy gents!

    I had another good week in watching what I ate. I also managed to get on the treadmill a few times. Unfortunately, I think a part of my loss can be attributed to a line of duty death department had this week. When a co-worker is murdered everything kind of becomes a bit surreal and you just go through the motions. It seems to be happening way to often nowadays. Enough of that!!

    LW 340.6
    CW 338
    Loss 2.6 :)
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.

    CWW = 208.1
    LWW = 205.3
    Gain = 2.8

    Not a good two weeks, mostly inconsistent eating on the weekends.

    Looks like everyone else is off to a good start for the new year. Keep it up!

  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited January 2018
    SW - 341 (2017 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 263.2
    CW - 260
    Loss- 3.2lbs

    Nice job everyone! We got this guy's, 2018 the year of the Losers! I bought 38 jeans and slacks this week, I love NSV's!! I do not know why I get such a kick out of saying loser when it has a positive connotation, but dang I want to be a Loser! :D;):pB)
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Bad week for eating, good week for exercise.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 245.4
    CW: 247.2
    GW: 200

    Gain: 1.8 lbs

    Started a new book called “No Sweat” by Michelle Segar that’s a fun read to keep me motivated. It's only $2 on Kindle if any of you enjoy reading that type of book.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Mornin' men!

    I hope you are all doing well and have a great upcoming week. I did not realize that I have not posted a chart in a couple of weeks. My apologies!

    Anyways, I had another good week and continue to go in the right direction.

    Horst, I am going to download that book. Thanks for the recommendation.

    L/W 338
    C/W 336.4
    Loss 1.6

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Nice work Steve and Tim!

    Paid more attention to my eating this weekend and it paid off.
    LWW = 208.1
    CWW = 204.6
    Loss = 3.5
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    dbw1976 wrote: »
    Nice work Steve and Tim!

    Paid more attention to my eating this weekend and it paid off.
    LWW = 208.1
    CWW = 204.6
    Loss = 3.5

    WOW!!! Awesome job!! Fingers crossed I have another good week too! :)
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Bad week of eating again:

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 247.2
    CW: 249.2
    GW: 200

    Gain: 2 lbs

    Going to try to string together two weeks of good overall eating in a row. Small goals. Also, I’m planning to enjoy myself during the Super Bowl - I’m an Eagles fan!

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I've always liked the Patriots and would love to be Tom Brady for a month. But, I'm rooting for the Eagles too. Patriots have soon enough and at least the Eagle logo looks a little like a Seahawk. :-)

    I had another decent week. I'm really hoping too keep this trend going.

    LW 336.4
    CW 335.2
    Loss 1.2
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    StevLL wrote: »
    SW - 341 (2017 371 (2011)
    GW - 210
    LW - 260
    CW - 259.4
    Loss- .6lbs

    I should be back in losing mode now, got my batch cooking down in new tiny kitchen and getting consistent at the gym.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hope you all are having a great week. Lets try and keep focused and not lose our momentum. We got this!!!!

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Halfway through my current short goal of two straight weeks of good check-ins.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 249.2
    CW: 247.4
    GW: 200

    Loss: 1.8 lbs

    Only a few days until the first-ever Eagles Super Bowl victory! Tim, I'll accept that reason for cheering. :smile: Two of my best friends out here in Madison are diehard Seahawks fans too.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    This week was a holding pattern. Slight gain but didn't give much back of the 3.5 pounds I was down last week and that makes me happy.

    LWW = 204.6
    CWW = 204.8
    Gain =0.2

    Trying to be good this weekend and continue downward next week. That will be somewhat easier because I am not a fan of either the Patriots or the Eagles. If I had to pick, I would root for Philly cuz NE has won enough titles recently.
  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Hi guys - back after traveling around the world and a rough week recovering. Generally making some progress, through the past couple of days have been not so good.

    Brad - nice to see a solid drop! Tim, you're doing great.

    SW: 234.4
    GW: 195
    LW: 228.8
    CW: 227.2
    Loss 1.6

    Out of 34 days this year, I've got in 29 exercise days so far - on track to hit 6 out of 7 again.

    I head for Hawaii in two weeks, and I want to be under 225 legit.

    Nobody snack out tomorrow - even if you are an Eagles or Patriots fan!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited February 2018
    Can't believe January is already gone. The months and years seem to go by faster and faster. Most of us had a decent week and I hope no one overdid it too much for the Superbowl. Brad gets a pass because his Eagles are now the World Champs. I didn't snack at all and was very good. I caught bits and pieces of the game but spent my time in the garage building a coffee table and some end tables for the wife.

    Anyways, here is the chart. Hope you all have a great week!

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Off-topic, but you should post some pictures of your tables! :smiley: I enjoy woodworking (not good at it yet, but I enjoy it) so I like seeing other people's projects too.

    I spent Saturday in the garage with my girls building some shelves for over the garage door. The best part was taking my table saw out in the snow to rip a few 2x4s (not easy to see in the picture, but it started coming down pretty heavy while I was out there)


    Ignore the mess on the left side of my garage - our basement flooded a while back so we're keeping a bunch of stuff out there right now.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    edited February 2018
    Uh Oh, you opened the door to woodworking talk and pictures. I love talking about and showing off projects. It is awesome that you were able to get out there with your girls.

    BTW, I love that saw. I friend of mine had one and I really liked the way the gear driven fence worked. Very smooth and precise.

    Sorry, but you asked for it :), here goes with my pics.

    There is another end table that is not in the pic. The tops are maple and the bottoms will be all white. Still also need to install drawers.


    This is a bassinet I made for my new granddaughter.

    Some Xmas gifts.

    Challenge coin display and my mallet.

    My happy place.

    And my man glitter cup.

  • daleweideman
    daleweideman Posts: 85 Member
    Love those woodworking photos! When I retire......

    I was on a business trip, Sales kickoff, all week. And you can imagine the food and drink on offer. Feel pretty good that I worked out every day and I only gained a pound.

    SW: 234.4
    GW: 195
    LW: 227.2
    CW: 228.4
    Gain 1.2

    Off to Hawaii next week, and much fatter than I'd like to be. Aiming to cut at least a couple of pounds this week.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I only had a very slight loss last week. No complaints though. A loss is a loss. Going to try and step it back up this week.

    LW 334.2
    CW 334
    Loss 0.2
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member