Men on a Mission thread



  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Way to keep progressing! I've still been doing well on activity but am struggling to control my eating.

    Last: 251.6
    Current: 252.6
    Gain: 1 lb

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Well, it looks like I went AWOL and so has everyone else. I have slipped too much holiday food and then two cross-country road trips where I sat in the car and ate M&M rich trail mix. I take Costco trail mix and add dark chocolate M&M's. It's really good, but very caloric.
    My CWW is 220.2, back where I started from.
    My goal is still 190.
    I'm actually down from last week when I weighed in at 223.1.

    I will start checking back here to see if anyone else shows up.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Trying to be good about logging food and exercise.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in at 220.0
    Have been stuck here for a couple months. At least I no longer seem to be gaining weight.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    219.1 this morning, down from 223.5 a week ago. The last 10 days have bee good.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Down to 214.7 today.
    LWW = 219.1
    CWW = 214.7
    Loss = 4.4
    This week has been a good week in terms of discipline and eating healthy. Keep it up!!
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Back up at 219.3

    I made a list of reasons I want to lose weight. I hope this will help with motivation to avoid snacking.
    My reasons (not in any particular order):

    1. Help with the sleep apnea I was diagnosed with a few months ago. I am working with a dentist on an oral appliance, but perhaps just losing weight would help.
    2. Help with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
    3. Glucose 1AC is technically in the pre-diabetic range, although my primary care physician said it is only one point over, so not too much to worry about, but losing some weight would help.
    4. Cholesterol - taking a low dose of Atorvastatin - might be able to get off this at a lower weight.
    5. I would be happier with how I look.
    6. I have pants that are too tight that I would like to be able to wear. They mostly fit before I gained weight this last year.
    7. I might be able to run faster. I ran a half-marathon on Sunday and would like to run faster.

    I am sharing this info so it's out there. I suppose the likelihood of anyone seeing this is slim as no one else seems to be logging in to this thread.

    If someone does read this, just know I am looking for some support in my motivation to keep at this journey.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Today's weight was 219.5
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Today was 220.8
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Today was 219.3

    I made a list of 10 daily check steps to rate each day. The original idea that was suggested to me was a list of 5 items. It's hard to cut down.
    Here they are:
    1. Daily Weigh-in
    2. Met exercise goal
    3. Logged food
    4. Stayed within daily calorie guidelines
    5. No more than one serving of chocolate candy (my own downfall)
    6. Healthy breakfast
    7. Healthy lunch with fruit (no chips)
    8. One serving (no seconds) at dinner
    9. One glass of wine (max) at dinner
    10. Snacks & dessert are fruit.

    Now I need to commit to keeping track of these, plus figure out how to reward myself for a good week/month. I figure two weeks will give me a baseline of how I'm doing, and then I will look for improvement.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Today was 220.1 so still not making progress.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    219.1 today
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Hey DBW, stick with it! The reasons you listed are good motivators!

    I got down to 235 last year around August then had a few bad ankle sprains that I let push me into a spiral instead of working through it and sticking with my progress. Jumped back up to 249 and now at 246 and going again.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    FYI I'll try to check on here monthly this year instead of weekly. Going to try to keep my trendline going down long-term but I haven't been chatting online much in recent years.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Still hovering at 247 since last month. I've been consistent on exercise but need to dial in the eating. In general, even without the weight showing it, I feel better than last month, which is encouraging.