say a little about your thyroid issues



  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    I have been on synthroid for 16 years and recently had my thyroid removed (cancer). In many of your posts you state "my dr. keeps me slightly hypothyroid". Why would any doctor keep you hypothyroid? It took me almost 3 years to get to the 175 mgr synthroid where i felt sort-of normal. For me, being hypo is terrible, no matter how slightly it is. Depression seems to be a common side effect of thyroid malfunction and many people are on antidepressants (which also cause weight gain) because of it.

    I don't feel that most of the medical community really knows what it feels like to be hypothyroid.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Not sure if you are talking about me, but I didn't mean my doctor keeps me hypothyroid. What I meant was, he only treats my TSH -- he doesn't consider my symptoms. So, if my TSH is "normal" he considers I am not hypo -- which we know is crap - we can hapve proper TSH, but T3, Reverse T3, adrenals, ferritin, B12, Iron and a host of other levels are going crazy because we are hypohyroid and the doctor is not treating our symptoms.

    They make you feel like you are crazy when y ou can't lose weight, can't sleep, tired all the time, miserable and depressed -- but gosh-darn it, our TSH is "normal".

    That's why I fired my endo and my GP and hired a Naturopath who put me on natural dessicated thyroid. He is treating my symptoms - I know it will take a while to straighten out the mess of being 15 years on Synthroid caused -- but at least I am headed in the right direction.
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    They make you feel like you are crazy when you can't lose weight, can't sleep, tired all the time, miserable and depressed -- but gosh-darn it, our TSH is "normal".


    Exactly my situation. I walked out on one endocrinologist in the middle of his lecture on how it was not my thyroid that was my problem as I had "normal" readings. I sat through another lecture by a second endo and never went back. Most of them are diabetes specialists anyway as there is more money in that. Their knowledge of thyroid is basic at best.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    They make you feel like you are crazy when you can't lose weight, can't sleep, tired all the time, miserable and depressed -- but gosh-darn it, our TSH is "normal".


    Exactly my situation. I walked out on one endocrinologist in the middle of his lecture on how it was not my thyroid that was my problem as I had "normal" readings. I sat through another lecture by a second endo and never went back. Most of them are diabetes specialists anyway as there is more money in that. Their knowledge of thyroid is basic at best.

    Ask your pharmacy for a doctor that prescribes Natural Dessicated Thyroid. They are few and far between, but they do exist. It will change your life. See:
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    Glad to find this group. I have Grave's disease and gained 10 lbs after taking the medicine (methimizole). I was about 10 lbs under my "nomal" weight for about 4 years while I was undiagnosed, and I liked it! I started on the meds a year ago and all 2011 had a terrible time losing the weight but am trying once again in 2012.

    I am 42, married, have two kids, and am pretty sporty.

    Glad to find this group!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Glad to find this group. I have Grave's disease and gained 10 lbs after taking the medicine (methimizole). I was about 10 lbs under my "nomal" weight for about 4 years while I was undiagnosed, and I liked it! I started on the meds a year ago and all 2011 had a terrible time losing the weight but am trying once again in 2012.

    I am 42, married, have two kids, and am pretty sporty.

    Glad to find this group!

    Welcome! I thought Graves disease makes you hyperthyroid... so you're saying that the medicine for it is making you gain weight? That's doesn't seem fair!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was about 9 months post-partum with son#1. I felt soooo tired all the time, like I had been hit by a Mack truck - more than a new Mom with baby-getting-up-in-the-night tiredness. My levels were so low that apparently they were almost off the chart. I was also told that sometimes it can happen post-partum, and it often corrects itself, but in very few cases it becomes permanent.

    Wouldn't you know it, I was one of the few cases. I was pretty lucky, though, that I was able to find a good dose and I felt pretty good on it. The only time I have had to adjust it was when I pregnant with baby #2, it had to be increased. Was a little worried when thinking about trying for baby#2, but was lucky that it didn't seem to be a problem.

    I'm now on 0.1 synthroid every day, seems to be pretty good for me - it's been about 5 years now.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Regarding vertigo - when my vertigo flares up, it usually means I need a higher level of medication. If yours doesn't go away and your TSH numbers aren't rock bottom, I'd ask your doctor about upping your dose. One thing I've learned is that a good TSH level for one person is way too high for another - we're all different.
  • rcav123
    rcav123 Posts: 20
  • rcav123
    rcav123 Posts: 20
    and just last month, my doctor upped my dosage on armour thyroid and recommended blood sugar support supplements. Since then I finally lost 10 pounds. I'm hoping this is what will help me lose the 40 pounds I'm hoping to lose. I celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary next May and I want to look spectacular :)
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    and just last month, my doctor upped my dosage on armour thyroid and recommended blood sugar support supplements. Since then I finally lost 10 pounds. I'm hoping this is what will help me lose the 40 pounds I'm hoping to lose. I celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary next May and I want to look spectacular :)

    Hmmm... Can we assume he wants you to reduce your blood sugar? I know that Cinnamon, Chromium and Zinc are good for that. Nice that he has you on Armour and upped your dosage! You don't know how rare that it!
  • rcav123
    rcav123 Posts: 20
    hey everyone, i am 30 (31 next week) and i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after I had my 3rd son in 2009. I was put on levoxyl for a year then later was switched to armour thyroid, but i was still struggling with weight loss even with change in diet and exercise.

    and just last month, my doctor upped my dosage on armour thyroid and recommended blood sugar support supplements. Since then I finally lost 10 pounds. I'm hoping this is what will help me lose the 40 pounds I'm hoping to lose. I celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary next May and I want to look spectacular :)

    anyways, i currently am working on my diet and staying away from fatty, fried, processed foods. I'm at the gym at least 5-6 days a week for a good hour to an hour and a half (depending on time that i have) doing cardio and some light weight training for now.

    i know it's going to take a little more hard work on my part, but i'm sure the motivation and dedication will get me to where I want to be. I don't want to give up because of a stupid thyroid issue!
  • lacharp
    lacharp Posts: 66
    I see most peopel on here have hypothyroidism. I'm the opposite. I have hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately I am in the small percent who gained instead of lost. Now that I'm on medication and my levels are getting close to normal I'm gaining like crazy. I'm on PTU and also heart meds that have also contributed to my weight gain. Anyone else hyperthyroid?

    ME! I was just diagnosed with Grave's disease last week. I had NO weight loss (I'm a little bitter about this, lol)...I've just been struggling w/losing weight. It was caught when my doctor detected a rapid heart beat when I went in for a sinus infection and she ordered additional tests. Though my bloodwork was normal, she could tell my thyroid was enlarged and I had many other Graves symptoms - anxiety, insomnia, heat intolerance, sadly all of which I kept chalking up to being overweight. So I had a thyroid ultrasound which showed a nodule, then a thyroid uptake & scan which was high and from that they diagnosed me with Graves... I have a follow-up next week and from there it's on to an endocrinologist.

    I'm scared that I'll have weight gain once they start treating my thyroid!
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    I'm scared that I'll have weight gain once they start treating my thyroid!

    Once my endo started treating mine, my weight went through the roof. Its been a three year journey for me now, but now that we're starting to get my medications optimized the weight is starting to melt away.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I'm scared that I'll have weight gain once they start treating my thyroid!

    Once my endo started treating mine, my weight went through the roof. Its been a three year journey for me now, but now that we're starting to get my medications optimized the weight is starting to melt away.

    That's great news! What meds are you taking?
  • Jessilee75
    Jessilee75 Posts: 4 Member
    I just wanted to take a minute to say how much I appreciate finding this group! I finally found other people who understand what I go through. I am new to MFP, just about a month into it. About 4 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimotos. This was about 6 months after my second child was born. After my daughter I lost most of my "baby" weight in about 3 months. Then my body did a 180 and I gained about 50 pounds in 3 months. I felt like I was going crazy and the doctors kept telling me it was because I had a baby. It took about a year to stabilize my thyroid and meds.(THough still feel the symptoms everyday!) So now I am on 125mg of levothrine a day. I had a very disappointing appt with my GP last week. I tried to talk about my symptoms now, but she wanted to talk about how bad my weight was and lecture me about not having regular physicals. So, that brought me down for a couple of days, but reading all your posts it makes me feel like I am not alone out there and I can do this. So far this month I have lost about 10 pounds. It was very difficult with a lot of sacrifices and sweat! :smile:
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    ok heres another question since i have gotten so much useful info here. I have a bad thyroid and the med they have me on seems to do nothing. have been on meds about 5 yrs now and they increase it every year because my levels are always low. Does anyone know any home rememdies I can do to help with this

    I would suggest using the notes area to keep track of your good and bad days. When you print it out at the end of 90 days you can see what food triggers your bad days.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    Once my endo started treating mine, my weight went through the roof. Its been a three year journey for me now, but now that we're starting to get my medications optimized the weight is starting to melt away.

    That's great news! What meds are you taking?

    I'm taking 150mcg Synthroid, and 25 mcg Cytomel (split & taken twice a day). Up until about a month ago, I was alternating 150 & 175 mcg of Synthroid with "normal" labs - but still felt like crap all the time, and was unable to lose weight. After speaking to my endo about my symptoms, they added in Cytomel, and I feel like a brand new woman, its wonderful!

    Thyroid diseases suck in general. And I know for me anyways, I wanted to see results immediately - but that wasn't going to happen. There's no magic pill that will make things better. It takes time to find what works best for you.
  • MmmDrop
    MmmDrop Posts: 160 Member
    ok heres another question since i have gotten so much useful info here. I have a bad thyroid and the med they have me on seems to do nothing. have been on meds about 5 yrs now and they increase it every year because my levels are always low. Does anyone know any home rememdies I can do to help with this

    Try taking Selenium supplements, or eat a couple Brazil nuts every day. Selenium is a natural supplement that helps convert T4 into T3. Chlorine in tap water also can cause issues for your thyroid - I've read that if you put a little ascorbic acid (vitamin C) into your drinking water, it clears it up. It might help a little. Also - if you've been losing weight, your dosing is going to fluctuate. And make sure you talk to your doctor!!! If they're not listening to you when you tell them how crappy you feel, get a new one!! I went through 4 doctors before I found one that would actually treat my symptoms.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    Hi. I'm 45 years old. During my 6 week post c-section appointment the doc aske me, "how long have you had that lump in your throat?" She handed me a mirror, I couldn't see anything. I lifted my chin and HOLY COW! I looked as if I swallowed a golf ball. I had a golf ball sized tumor on the right side of my thyroid. I had it, along with 1/2 my thyroid removed. It wasn't cancer and have been on meds ever since (almost 12 years). I have bloodwork done annually to make sure the levels are ok. Right now I'm on 75 mcg of Levothyroxin.